Brat Correction

The seesaw? Boring.
The monkey bars? You already conquered those.
Football? Eh, it was ok.
Summer break was near, so you wanted to save all the truly cool stuff to do there, which meant that the number of things you could do was slowly depleting until you actually were on break.
The park has a lot of stuff to do, but today you were after another type of fun. The type of fun your cousin had taught you, aided by his dirty magazines.

You warned your friends, all of them nodding and following your lead. After all, you were the leader due to being the coolest and the fastest.
Today's target? A lady with a dress, looking away.

"Hey!" The girl complains as you skedaddle away, the flash of plain white panties making your friends at the park laugh, while some of the neighborhood girls complain that you are being mean to the old ladies.

They could suck on a lemon! This was really fun, and they never got mad at you anyway.

Still, you only did it from time to time. The policeman roaming the park was a fucker, with a capital F, that always wanted to rat you out to your parents. This evening, though? He is nowhere to be seen.

And so, you pick another target. Orange hair, a pleated skirt, and a white shirt with a tie. It was one of those girls that went to high school.
You approach slowly, outside of her field of view, and then pounce.

Bwah! Your hands lift the skirt to the sky. Her stupid butt is exposed to the park, just like her red underwear.


You giggle and run away in the direction of your friends, who are equally elated. Her whole butt is out! What a dumbass!


Huh? Is someone calling you? Why are some of the guys running away?
As you turn around something catches your ear, pulling upwards and making you yelp in pain.

"What the hell are you doing? You shitty brat!"

It's the orange girl! She's pulling your ear...not even your mom does that!

"O-OW!! OUCH!"
"Answer me! Why did you do that?"

She's yelling at you, your ear hurts...everyone in the park is watching! You feel your eyes water as you whimper.
"S-Sorry! I'm sorry!"

Before the mean orange girl can say anything else, another girl with glasses interjects.
"Kiara! That's enough! He's just a kid!"
"What? Ina you sa-"
"Kiara, for fucks sake! He's crying!"

You don't want to cry, but you can't help but sniffle a bit as the girl releases your ear. It hurts a lot.
The glasses girl kneels in front of you.

"Listen. Don't go doing stuff like that, okay? It's really mean to girls."
You eye her as she turns her head to the other girl.
"And you! Apologize! He's just a kid!"
"He fucking lifted my skirt!"
"Kiara, are you REALLY going to sink to a kid's level?"

The orange girl sighs and looks at the sky, before looking at you.
"I'm sorry...but you shouldn't do that again. Ever!"
"Don't threaten him!"

The orange girl starts discussing with the glasses girl as she turns around, and you can't help but clean the snot out of your nose. On one of the benches, the girls laugh alongside some of your friends. look like a baby now...this is the worst.
All because this stupid fat lady caught you!
You lift your hand and smack her stupid butt as hard as you can. Even through the skirt's fabric it loudly resonates, startling the two girls.

She yells something. But you are already running to your home, tears flowing.

The cicada's cry gets cut short as your slingshot's projectile impacts it, spreading all its guts against the tree while you laugh. Being alone was so much more fun than with those loser kids who laughed at you.
Besides, the trees were so much better because no one could tell you were there, and you could hunt all the beetles you wanted. As you move through the bushes, something catches your attention near the edge of the tree line. Something orange on a bench.
You grin and crouch before you start crawling in the bushes. Time for revenge!

You move as silently as you can until you are in range. Your hand shoots up and grabs the ponytail, giving it a good yank.
You laugh as the girl turns around, fury in her eyes. It's the same girl with the big fat ass from yesterday.
"Catch me if you can! Big ass!"

You run into the bushes, giggling, while the girl follows. She's spewing curses as she fights to try and catch you.
You run and laugh, looking over your shoulder. Adults always chase for a while.

"Pray I don't get you, you fucking squirt!"

Your laughter dies down. Despite how much she's struggling with the roots and stuff, she's not letting up.
She's actually out to get you!

"So-sorry!" The apology leaves your lips as you try and run faster. You are scared. What's she gonna do when she gets to you?

"Ina is not here today! That shit won't work on me!"

You grit your teeth and run faster, jumping over roots and zigzagging like the movies. Soon enough, you come out of the treeline and into one of the roads of the park. Your chest hurts from running so much.
Out of the corner of your eye, she emerges with branches sticking out of her now undone hair. You close your eyes and run with all your might.


Her hand catches your shirt, the neck expanding as it stops you, the cotton ripping a bit as you fall to the ground.

"Help! He-" Her hand covers your mouth, and when she locks eyes with you, you whimper in fear.

"You are not getting away, fucking brat."

The bolt of the bathroom stall closes. This girl dragged you to the girl's bathroom, the one no one uses because it has no water.
She's no longer covering your mouth, but you don't dare make a sound. You are scared of what she'll do.
After the chase you are drenched in sweat, and so is she. The entire room stinks.

"I'm-I'm sorry," you mutter, hoping that she forgives you. She doesn't buy it, looking at you from top to bottom.
"Yeah right. You don't mean that, you little pervert."

She takes a step forward and you take a step back, almost touching the toilet.

"You like going around flipping skirts, huh?"
You nod meekly; you are scared of her tone.
Her hands shoot in your direction and catch your shorts.

"Would you like it if I did this?"

She pulls down your pants alongside your briefs. Your wiener flops out and you cover it, red as a tomato.

"See? You don't like that, huh."

She then grabs your shirt and pulls it up while you squirm. Ultimately, she wins and your naked chest is exposed.

Her gaze almost burns you.
"And now what, huh? Do you fucking like it?"

You try to cover yourself. It feels wrong that she's watching you...but for some reason, your wiener feels weird.
"Oh yeah? Everyone saw my butt thanks to you. Show me yours, little pervert."

She turns you around and you yelp, trying to hide your butt while your peepee feels weirder than ever before. It's hardening.

Her hands touch your body, her breath is coming in short pants as she pulls you closer and kneels. She smells so good and her chest is so soft. Your wiener starts hurting and itching.
"Look at you, you fucking brat...all erect." Her voice is a whisper in your ear, making you shiver and have goosebumps. "Just waiting to be molested."

You whimper as she bites your ear softly, her left hand touching your nipple as the right hand hovers around your peepee.

"You don't even know how to wank it, huh? Here, Oneechan will show you." She plants a wet kiss in your ear and you moan. It feels too good, and yet you know is somehow wrong.

Her hand reaches your willy and grasps it with two fingers. Up, down, up, down. You moan and shake, the new sensation tingling all over your body as she touches you.

"Pay attention." Her tone is strict, yet gentle as she whispers in your ear, forcing you to open your watery eyes. Her thumb holds your throbbing peepee while the other finger reaches and pulls the skin. You shake and moan. Something really weird is happening to you and your dick as it starts leaking some clear liquid.

"Call me Oneechan." She whispers in a hushed tone. Her tongue is going wild in your ear, making your balls numb.
"It feels weeeird!"
"It's okay."

Her moves are making you feel so weird and yet also so good. Your hips start moving to match her hand, something she apparently loves because she starts peppering more kisses in your other ear and on your neck.

It feels weird. Mom never kisses you like this, all she does is yell.

"You like that?" Her whisper makes your peepee leak some more, and you nod, closing your eyes and whimpering.
She plants a kiss on your lips, and your balls suddenly ache a bit as her tongue goes inside your mouth. This is how they kiss in the movies that your cousin had.

"Getting me all bothered," she murmurs in-between smooches, almost like she's eating you.
"Dressing like that."
"Provoking me."
"Shitty little brat, asking for it."
"I'm gonna drain all your semen, you little incubus."

Her left hand abandons your nipples and sinks lower, cupping your balls and playing with them as she accommodates you on her bosom. Your vision is a haze and your mouth feels watery as pressure builds inside of you.
"That's right~"
Her right hand pumps you harder as her left leaves your balls. With a big moan, you feel your lower body go numb.

Your pepee twitches once, and then twice as it fires some kind of goo into Oneechan's hand. Three, four, five, and six times you pee the weird substance on her hand as she squeezes your dick, making sure not even a drop of it is left in your dick. Your body shakes and lets out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you relax in Oneechan's chest.
You feel really tired and sleepy like you played for an entire day. Your eyes blink several times, refocusing as you get a good look at her hand.
It's covered in that weird sticky pee, some of it running down her hand.

"Congrats on your first ejaculation, kiddo," she whispers in your ear, blowing a bit of air and giggling as you squirm. "This is your cum."
Oneechan then, to your surprise, starts licking her hand covered in your coom. Her longue tongue goes in-between her fingers and laps it all up like it's the best ice cream in the world. You gulp as your peepee tingles.

You don't know why, but this punishment wasn't half bad...maybe something worse was coming?
"I'm...I'm sorry I flipped your skirt."

She finishes lapping up her palm and scans you with her eyes.
"God, you are such a tease."

She gently puts you aside as she stands up. You can't help but feel that weird look again, going all over your body. You cover yourself as your face gets red.
Her fingers go to her shirt, undoing the buttons as she murmurs, her vision unfocused.

"Look at you...acting all cutesy..making me want to rape you..."

She throws her shirt aside; her bra and boobies make you feel weird.

"Fuck, I'm so little fucking devil."
"Your semen belongs to me, you fucking brat."

Her skirt drops to the floor and she sits on the toilet, ushering to come closer as she lays back and opens her legs. The smell is strong, and you find yourself really wanting to shoot that coom again.
"This is my pussy. All your cum, from now on, goes here. Are we clear?" Her voice is a growl, almost like she really wants to hurry.

It is only when you nod that she starts removing the panties. Your wiener starts hurting again as you look with curiosity. You've never seen a girl's parts before, and so when she removes the cloth and spreads her lips, you can't help but be amazed at how pink and wet it is. A shaking finger goes inside the hole, and you find yourself yelping as the hole squeezes it in a warm and sticky embrace.
Your clear pee leaks a bit as you take out the finger, now covered in some weird drool while Oneechan sighs.

"Put your dick inside."
"Yes! Just hurry!"

You don't want her to get mad again...and you are really feeling weird, so you stand up and align yourself, trembling penis in hand.
The wet and moist entrance sucks you in and you whimper as inch by inch, you are embraced by her poosy. It's too warm, too wet.

"Fuck," she moans as you sheathe yourself. "Fuck YES!"

You grit your teeth; her entire body is massaging you as you sink into her warm embrace, softly pumping. The pressure is building too fast and you can't stop it.
You bleat softly as you shoot your coom, ropes flying inside of her as your body goes limp, Oneechan's hand petting your head.
"So quick~ What a weak little brat you are~"
Her words make you shoot a bit more, as your eyes cross. Five spurts leave your peepee, her body massaging your wiener as it extracts the last drops like it's trying to drink it all.

When you finally stop, you remain there in her bosom, trying to get your breath back. You can barely keep yourself awake, all your body feels sore.

"Aww, done after two shots? Let me help."
You wonder what she means, her lips engulfing one of her fingers as your eyes start closing themselves.

And then you feel her finger caressing your butt. Your eyes open, as the foreign sensation intensifies. She's pressing her finger against your entrance.
"Bad boys must be punished~"

Her finger inserts, your butt closes in and you moan. It feels weird, it's too weird! Your hips pump into her, trying to get away from her intruding finger as your exhausted wiener spews clear liquid inside of her, slowly and painfully getting hard.
"Come on! Work those hips! You shitty brat!"
You hug her body and start pumping, another finger joining up and stirring up sensations as they dig deeper in search of something that scares you. Oneechan is in total control of your body as you try and adjust yourself to get more thrust.
"THERE!" She yells, hugging you even closer. "That's the fucking spot!"

You don't know what she's talking about, but her fingers are making you see stars as you hump her with all your might. The wetness and tightness is unbearable, and you find yourself shooting once more. Oneechan's legs close over your back, motioning to pump you as her fingers go deep.
"Fuck! Cumming! Cumming!"

And then they reach something. Your body shakes, every desperate touch melts you and your penis loses control as she tightens up, fingers furiously pressing the spot. Your dick shakes but nothing comes, completely spent.

Finally, she retracts her fingers from your butt and you whimper, darkness closing in your vision. The last thing you see before it consumes you is Oneechan's face, leaning in for a kiss.

Your eyelids flutter as you open your eyes. Your father is shaking you the sun is setting?
"Wake up, little rascal! Thanks again for bringing him."
"Oh, please! This is nothing."

That voice! You shake off any remaining sleep and refocus. It's nearing dinner time...and you are in front of your house?
And then you realize Oneechan is giving you a piggyback ride.
Did she bring you here? While you look around, confused, your dad just shakes his head.

"Getting sleepy in the park, huh? Thank god there are good girls like Kiara to take you home, Anon."

Oneechan brings you down and flashes a smile at your dad.

"Anon is a darling, he always asks me to play with him when we are at the park, so it was rare when he got so sleepy."
"Is that so? Damn, kiddo, you shouldn't be bothering girls like that."
"Oh, please! The pleasure is mine! He's such a well-behaved kid."

Oneechan looks at you and winks. You nod, fully aware you are lying to your dad.

"Well Anon, say goodbye to Kiara and come inside. Your mom is preparing the bath."
He waves at Oneechan and then opens the door, entering your house.

Oneechan, or Kiara, then squats, looking at you with a completely different smile than she was giving your dad.
"Did you learn your lesson, Anon?"

You are taken back by the question, before nodding.
"Yes, Kiara."

She puts a finger over your lips.
"Nooope~ It's Oneechan."
You gulp and nod. You learned that she can be really scary. Besides, "Kiara" feels weird.
She flashes another smile.
"Did you like our little game?"

Your face heats up, all red, and you nod. She looks over her shoulder before ushering you to come closer, whispering in your ear.
"We can play as many times as you want, you shitty little brat~"
You nod once more, like a broken toy. She stands up and pats your head.

"See you tomorrow!"
As she turns around and starts leaving, you realize something weird.
"Oneechan?" She stops and looks at you.

"How did you know where I lived?"

Her eyes shift and your breath hitches. It's the same look she gave you in that bathroom.

"It's a secret~"

Pub: 20 Jan 2024 02:44 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2024 02:51 UTC
Views: 1211