NoCrypt's Colab Remastered Guide

What does stuff do? So many options... 🥴

Installation configs

This part of config will run for first time only. Due to its nature, if you have to change anything here, please disconnect and reconnect.


Updates the webui to the latest version. You will still need this to be on for commit_hash to work


Updates all extensions to its latest version.


master: most stable, released, and tested branch. (highly recommended)
release_candidate: also stable, tested, but might contains bugs
dev: NOT stable, NOT released, things might breaks here and there, use at your own risk!


Makes every image that you're generated goes to your Google Drive.


This will use configs (config, uiconfig, styles) in your drive. Also will create one if there isn't.


This will make the startup speed faster by bypassing dependency installations Potentially breaks some extensions, use with full caution


Automatically load your vae file for easier load time. This might also breaks your vae selector.


This will remove my custom theme, since some people didn't like it.


Use VRAM for merging models since colab can't handle high RAM usage. This doesn't guaranteed for successful merges every time.


This will load models in VRAM and setup gradio queue with high concurrency count (similar effect to --gradio-queue + --lowram, not to be confused with --lowvram)


Loads state_dict in VRAM, useful for Stable Diffusion V2 based model such as WD


Adds 2 new samplers: DPM++ 2M V2 and DPM++ 2M karras V2. Based on this discussion


Print downloads information to the console, useful for looking how download works or debugging download issue


Installs auto-sd-paint-ext and set it up by adding --api automatically so you don't have to.


Self-explainotory. If you don't know this, please read the wiki.
As a remainder, I WILL NOT ADD MORE OPTIONS FOR COMMANDLINE ARG such as gradio auth field, xformers checkboxes, no half, no half vae, precision autocast, etc etc..
Please learn on how to write it manually, it's easy as FUCK, I'm not gonna do anymore heavy lifting.


Act as a time-machine, go back in time. Mainly used when Automatic1111 is broken. You can get lists of commit hashes from here. You can also put HEAD~1 to go back one commit.


This will enables ngrok which act as a tunnel to help minimizing image stuck issue. You can register an account here for free, then go to Your Authtoken, and copy paste your token in colab.

abv. Region
us United States
eu Europe
ap Asia/Pacific
au Australia
sa South America
jp Japan
in India

QOL Option. This will save your authtoken for future usage in google drive.
Also, it will automatically load your auth token from google drive IF you leave ngrok_token empty
Else, it will overwrite your old token with the newest one that you write anything on ngrok_token.
Your ngrok_region is also saved.


This will generate few alternative links other than that you can use such as localtunnel, cloudlfared, colab native.
Also, This will disable gradio server for some extra load speed. Update: Now added few more tunnels


Requirements: alternative_tunnels needs to be active
This will ALSO generate bore tunnel. Bore is fairly UNSAFE since it uses HTTP and PORT as identifier which can be brute forced easily.
I already received many reports regarding how people accessing their webui while using bore
To prevent this, you need to add --gradio-auth <custom_username>:<custom_password> to commandline_argument, this will protect your webui from being accessed by others.


Huggingface token that are used if you want to download model from your private repo


Mainly used for debugging purposes. It loads an empty model (model that filled with bunch of zeros)

Pub: 28 Jan 2023 02:20 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2023 15:46 UTC
Views: 12667