Hagu Diplomacy

Hag Mercenaries are hired by following places:
Phase Connect
Vinägy Hanhöm
Candy Kingdom

Trade is done with following places:

Handicraft, Food, Stuff


Cotton, Stuff

Retro Reich

Handicraft, Food

Elderberry wine and jam from hagu for tropical spices, s o ybeans and canola oil

Vinägy Hanhöm
Thanks to good relations between Lanudohagulovinugo and Vinägy Hanhöm, Hagu has decided to send food and flour towards Vinä regularly to help them in their much colder environment. In return, Vinä shared some of their Winter bees and other Winter stuff with Hagu. Hagu also has people in Vinä that help researching and helping with birth problems that are more common in Vinä alongside their mercenaries. The results are shared by both nations and help each to increase the quality and amount of safe births for both.

Hagu research with Vinägy Hanhöm
Due to difficulties in birthrates in Vinägy Hanhöm, Hagu mercenaries send to their lands are joining the locals in research to help fight this travesty. With special needles made out of magic rocks from Hagu for acupuncture and aroma therapy from Vinägy Hanhöm, young girls that are still growing are undergoing a treatment in their growing phase that help stimulate them to grow with a wider pelvis that help in birthing.
The hags also teach the locals their superior midwife techniques that increase the likelihood of a safe birth even with complications to almost 100%.
Furthermore, the locals that have developed strong maternal natures due to not being able to birth many children of their own so far exchanges their tricks of upbringing a child with the hags so that both sites benefit from it.
To celebrate this friendship, Hagu is helping Vinägy Hanhöm with food to ensure a well nourished environment for booth mother and child.

Helps with marriage interviews to find suitable partners for hags in their land.

Pub: 09 Dec 2022 19:53 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2023 18:42 UTC
Views: 482