/nasfaqg/ Votes:

Honk love

23.09.22-25.09.22 Ballot:

  • 1.) Y, I've discussed possible downsides in the thread. Some of the concerns have been addressed, for some there weren't any ideas on how they could be addressed, but overall the Province system is a major improvement over the current mess with new nation placement. I fully support its implementation.
  • 2.) 4, same as before, if we're going with the provincial system, which seems to be the case. I'd argue that /warkop/ could even be placed using the provincial system as a test of it.

02.09.22-04.09.22 Ballot:

  • 1.a) Y, both reps want it.
  • 1.b) 4 if we're going with the provincial system.
  • 2.) Y
  • 3.) N, I have explained my position in the thread before, but I don't see the need to formalize it. Let Nijinations consider it the Niji(neutral)continent and Holonations consider it Holocontinent, or whatever the threads want.
  • 4.) Y
  • 5.) Y, it is no longer relevant.

If the votes ever need to be re-verified, ask [造] Triangle Consulting (20645 as the GC ID) on NASFAQ, either via DM or GC.

Edit Report
Pub: 04 Sep 2022 18:39 UTC
Edit: 25 Sep 2022 07:32 UTC
Views: 587