Live with three super-powered, super narcissistic roommates
Mewtwo is a obnoxious know-it-all who thinks humans should be subjugated for his suffering
Asriel is a intense larper who believes himself to be the death god of this world
The Lamb is a shady 'cult leader' who is somehow super rich
All three have been a headache to you
Deal with a lot of their shenanigans like forcing you to be their carrier for their shopping bags or having to ground them from their delusional tirades (at the expense of your wallet or sanity)
One day, you meet up with a co-worker, a cute deer lady, and talk about your problems to her
She suggests moving to that new apartment complex opening at the other side of town
Unknowingly your conversation is being eavesdropped by Mewtwo
Walk home to find yourself blacking out and tied to a bed
See the three femboy wearing girly lingerie with their faces none too happy
"So who is she Anon?", Asriel crossed his arms

Asriel had white frilly stockings and arm-length gloves which complemented his heart patterned panties
You were confused on what was happening.

"What the hell guys? Why am I tied up?

An invisible force tightens around your cock not enough to be painful but it was still uncomfortable
"Answer the question human", Mewtwo raises his hand with blue psychic force.
He was wearing tight leather one piece lingerie with a spiked collar. His eyes were darkened with mascara and black lipstick

"S-She's just a co-worker!"

The pokemon glares at you for a moment before letting your cock go
"Tsk, he's not lying."
Lamb approaches you with his hands together
His outfit was reminiscent of a porno nun, with the headdress and tight fitting robe
"If it was for business only, why do you seem close to her?"
You'll tell them why

"Because she treats me like a person? Because she doesn't drive me crazy everyday unlike you guys."

All three were silent at what you said
"S-So what? You're saying she's a better person than us?!", Asriel suddenly shrieked
"Was that why you planned on moving out and leaving me!?", Mewtwo forcibly turned your head towards him with psychic
"I see, correction and punishment is in order.", Lamb places his hands dangerously close to your crotch
Punishment? What punishment?!

"Hey hey, what are you guys planning on doing to me?"

You struggled against your rope bindings to no avail
"Yes, punishment for a disobedient, unfaithful human like you.", Mewtwo approached from the other side with his arms crossed
You gulped as Asriel crawled on the bed towards you with determination in his eyes
"It was mistake to spite a god Anon. After I'm done with you, you'll never want to leave us again!"
What is he talking about- Ngah!
You feel a soft, fluffy hand wrap itself around your manhood and started jerking you off
Biting a back moan, you tried to turn your head down, only to be met with a psychic force making you look up at the ceiling
Mewtwo slides into your restricted vision with a furrowed brow
"You should've never talked to that harlot Anon."

"So what? You aren't the boss of me-"

He clamps your jaw shut as his gaze hardened
"She's just using you Anon! She'll get into your weak human mind and manipulate you."
You defiantly returned his gaze on what kind of bullshit he was saying.
Mewtwo looked towards Lamb when realizes you aren't changing your mind
"He still thinking about her."
Lamb lied down next to you and gently turned your face towards him
"He needs a gentle hand to guide him to reality."
You weren't expecting the black goat to tilt his head a bit and puckered his lips
Mewtwo huffed and pulled you away, this time he mashes his lips against yours
His tongue awkwardly plunges into your mouth, exploring every nook and cranny without reason
"Y-You cur!"
Meanwhile, Asriel continued to work your shaft until it was at full mast
Bringing two of his hands, he slowly pumped up and down, getting excited as your cock twitched in response to his actions
"It's... getting big."
This was his first time jerking someone else.
His wet nose rubbed against your tip and slowly took in your manly scent
The "death god" was starting to get light headed at the thought of taking your dick into his mouth
Past daydreams of gorging himself on the human's cock were quite different when it was the real deal
Evening practices of dildos and pornography shouldn't fail him now
Asriel took long, tentative licks to see how you reacted
Taste's a bit bitter, but the good kind
He then slowly clamped his mouth over your tip and began sucking you off, letting out a pleased moan
Your attention was torn between the warm sensation of goat mouth around your glans and Mewtwo snogging you until suffocation
But the pokemon finally pulled away as a bridge of saliva connected the two of you lingered
"H-Hah... See? Even I'm probably the best make-out session you've had!"
Mewtwo had a smug look on his face, expecting you to praise him

"You're a -gasp- terrible kisser."

He was red with indignation by your blunt comment.
"Perhaps a demonstration is in order."
Again, Lamb pulls you towards him and finally seals the deal with a gentle liplock
It was a vast different experience compared to the head butting the psychich pokemon did
His tongue coaxed yours into dancing with it, letting you two explore each other
A hand reaches into the back of your head and pulled you closer
"N-No fair!"
You felt Mewtwo latch on to your shoulder and started sucking on your neck.

Edit Report
Pub: 30 Jul 2023 06:09 UTC
Edit: 09 Sep 2023 03:44 UTC
Views: 3873