Previous work:

An Angel With Scales

Chapter 6 - The Silence

He looked up at her, eyes wide. She towered above him, her fit body a spire for her face to watch him from. Her eyes held a fire veiled by discipline and protocol that he had never seen before. She had always had a fiery temperament, but that seemed to have tempered with age.

“Lieutenant Kessex,” he replied, trying to keep an even tone.

“It’s Major now, actually,” she corrected with a thin smile. “This life has been good to me, even after I was demoted for losing you. But enough about me,”

She held out a broken piece of the destroyed listening post.

“I want to know what this is.”

He looked at it for a moment. He felt relieved in a way. If she was asking, that meant they hadn’t found the others.

“It’s a bit of Christmas tree lights. I was feeling festive,” he said with a straight face.

“Christmas isn’t for another two months,” she was not amused.

“I just couldn’t wait,” he deadpanned.

“I had a feeling you wouldn’t talk without pheromones. Are you sure I can’t convince you to tell me now, before I have to force it out of you?”

“Where is Kess?”

“Oh, is that what you call her now?” she chortled, “It’s cute, I might even let you keep using it.”

“Where is she?” He reiterated more forcefully.

“She’ll live. Long enough for the Hunter Legion to extract justice, that is. I’ve always admired how they punish traitors,” the Major said with a tone of cold disinterest.

“She’s your sister! Aren’t you worried about what will happen to her?” He asked, incredulous.

“She stopped being my sister when she cucked me, and then spat in the face of everything our family stands for,” her composure flared for a moment, and then she shifted back into a relaxed posture. “I was the older sister, she was supposed to wait until I found a mate, as is our family tradition. You were mine by every right. Inducted and assigned. It was me who saved you in New York, not her.”

He felt his knee twinge as a reminder.

“You could have come with us to Zion . . .”

“I was willing to go with you. I just wanted you to seal the deal first,” she shrugged as she circled behind him, leaning herself into the back of his head. “But when you couldn’t I realized that you would be better off in the empire, away from the people that ruined you.”

“Trying to keep the commandments is nothing to be ashamed of,” he rebutted.

“You could have fooled me. You intrigue me, Elder. I’ve never met a man who both hates and loves his God.” She started to run her sharp claws gently through his hair, teasing along his scalp. He breathed deeply.

“I love God and the principles he stands for, and I hated myself for not being able to follow them,” he confessed.

“Oh? But not anymore? What changed?” She asked, cynically curious.

“I was shown God by one of his beautiful daughters, and I am forever changed.” He thought of Kess. Her words still rang true in his heart. Somehow the worries of capture were dulled, as though he had a plan in store to get out; some sort of secret weapon to be revealed that even he didn’t know about.

“Oh, one of those ‘change of heart’ things. I remember your religion was big on those,” she circled to the front and straddled him on the chair. Her body engulfed him like a heavy blanket of muscle and flesh. “Then I suppose that this shouldn’t have any effect on you, what with you being ‘changed’ by God, after all.”

His heart rate shot up. He could barely breathe with her on top of him, gyrating slowly. His face flushed and his nethers stirred. She grinned down at him from above, teasingly.

“Well,” she chuckled huskily. “It seems you’re still human after all.”

“Let go of me!” he gasped. She pulled away, and for a moment he didn’t want her to.

“You know, apart from being a man, I really do jive with this devil character your religion fears so much. Zion’s version has such an interesting twist. You said in your lessons that in the beginning he didn’t want to give humanity a choice; that they should be forced to be good. I think he was onto something. He knew that they would use their freedom poorly; that they would fail to be anything other than animals if left to their own devices,” she mocked him as he steadied himself. “I think he was right. You humans are incapable of anything other than self destruction without a firm hand to keep you in line. The world you had before we came was just an argument to his point.”

“You cannot grow if you cannot choose for yourself. God has more in mind for us than just living like robots in a paradise of someone else’s making, he’s trying to teach us how to make that ourselves,” he countered.

“Why bother, when you can just live a good life without having to worry about any of that?” She held her hands wide as though offering the world. “I can make you happy, Allen. Here and now, and then until the day you die. Can your faith do that?”

He took a moment to form his answer.

“Eternity is a long time, Major Kessex. What makes me happy now, may leave me unsatisfied in the long run.”

“You’re delusional,” She narrowed her eyes.

“Even so, it is my choice to believe,” he met her gaze, a fire of his own kindled behind his eyes. She remembered that gaze.

“Ugh, such determination. I respect that, Allen. It’s a trait I want our children to have,” she pulled a syringe full of a pale fluid from her pocket and removed the cap. His breathing hitched and he recoiled as best he could, handcuffed as he was.

She smiled as she traced the side of the needle along his jawline, as if picking the perfect spot, his face frozen in fear.

“I could do it, you know. Right here, right now. You would be free of all that brainwashing, and you’d only worship me.” She pulled the syringe away, “But, unfortunately the doctrine on the use of pheromones in the field has changed, and I can’t risk this promotion. So, instead of sticking you now and being done with it, we get to go up into space so I can get permission to stick you there.”

He breathed deeply in relief, still eyeing her warily.

“A cruiser is scheduled to come down and pick us up within the hour.”

This really was it, Allen realized, there was nothing he could do. There was no chance of escape from Fort Christ. Yet even as his mind raced, his heart seemed mute to the danger. He wondered if God was comforting him before the end.

“The other man, Tim, is he going up as well?” He remembered his promise.

“Yes, why the sudden interest?”

“Will you let him go up with his family? They deserve that much.”

“It will only make their parting that much worse,” she stated from experience.

“Please . . . for old times sake?” He pleaded with his adversary. She looked down at him, calculating her outcomes.

“Ugh, I just can’t say no to that face, can I? We may as well bring ‘Kess’ up as well so she can see what she missed out on. She deserves it, after all. Do you know what they called me for the longest time after you escaped?”


“Lieutenant Cuck.”

He almost laughed despite the glum future awaiting him.

“Then Captain Cuck. Then Major,” she sighed. “I used to let it get to me; I’d beat the shit out of anyone who said it within earshot. But after a while I realized that it was true. I had an assignment, but he had been stolen from me. Sivxel will get just a taste of that before she goes back to the Legion. I’ll bring her just so she can watch me fuck your principles out.”

“Thank you.”

“You’ll be truly thanking me later,” she promised as she left. The officer from before returned to take him back to his cell.

Kess felt numb. Every now and again her side would twitch, feeling uncomfortably hot, but then subside. She sluggishly made an attempt to sit up. Her hands were caught on something.

She rolled her head to look and saw that her hands and feet were bound to the cot. A large amount of gauze had been bound to her side, dripping with puss and medication.

“I wouldn’t move too much if I were you. Your organs are for the most part fine, but the flesh is quite cooked. Twist too much and it just might tear,” a smaller Daxy, in a steryl white jumpsuit, remarked from her desk.

“Where is Allen?” She slurred, her head spinning from the drugs in her system.

“I don’t know. He didn’t need medical attention,” the physician stood, carrying a tray of syringes to her patient. “But you are lucky to be alive. That combat armor of yours is some quality stuff. It’s truly genius that they used an ablative material that expands into an insulator in the composite. Not many can say they survived a plasma cannon.”

“Where are we?” Kess had trouble forming words as the doctor began administering the syringes to her IV bag.

“Isn’t it obvious? This is Fort Christ, or at least a portion of it, near the old airstrip.”

“I failed.”

“You got further than most, but yes,” the doctor stated, apathetically.

“I couldn’t keep my promise.”

“I don’t know what you expected. You were outclassed from the moment you turned coat.”

Kess ignored her, offering a silent prayer for forgiveness. She wanted to see Allen. He was clever, maybe he would know what to do.

“Hey, doc, I know you discharged me, but my head is killing me and I was wondering if you had anything I could take to--YOU!” Xeki rounded the corner into the medical bay, reciting a practiced line when she noticed the cause of her pain lying there.

Kess merely stared back, the room tilting slowly around her.

“Stop right there, private. I was instructed to make sure my patient survives long enough to make a journey off world, and I intend to comply,” the doctor stepped between the two of them.

“It’s bad enough that I got put on probation for getting my ass handed to me, but now I see you and I can’t even get payback! Why didn’t you just put two in my head and call it done!?” Xeki groaned.

“I didn’t want to send you to meet God unprepared. I apologize for your pain.”

“You really are one of those Jesus freaks, aren’t you?”

“Your father in heaven loves you, private Xeki. He invites all to come unto him and be saved by the grace of his son, Jesus Christ.” Kess spoke as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

Xeki didn’t know what to say to that, so she just growled.

“Private, if you’re looking for additional depressants, I’m afraid I can’t give you anything stronger than what I prescribed. If you’re having trouble sleeping, then I recommend you take an additional dose for the first two nights,” the doctor said in a clinical tone. Xeki was reminded of the reason for her visit and refocused her gaze on the doctor.

“But doc, I’ve tried that, the pills aren’t strong enough to get rid of the pain,”

“Then take one more dose, but no more after that. I don’t want you to develop an addiction.”

“ . . . Kay,” Xeki groused, her eyes flicking back to Kess for a moment before turning to leave. Just as she went to exit another body blocked the doorway. The major stepped into the infirmary.

Kess’ eyes went wide at the first sight of her sister she had in 7 years.

“Hello, Siv,” Major Kessex stated in a neutral tone.

“Xellis, it’s good to see you,” Kess greeted.

“I doubt that very much, Siv,” the Major stared at her with a deadpan expression. “Tell me, what brought you here? What was so important that you would risk capture in the heart of my territory?”

“If you don’t know, then it’s best that I don’t tell you.”

“You’ve been captured. There is no escape. Even Zion wouldn’t come for you here,” she listed, “I am your chance at survival. Cooperate and I’ll see to it that you aren’t punished for your crimes against the Empire.”

“Even as a major you can’t guarantee that. And besides, I will not deny Christ,” Kess stated evenly.

“You really did take to their ways like a newt to mud. Ever the obedient sister,” she reminisced. “They’re going to extract that information one way or another from you or from Allen. I only wanted to offer you a chance to give it on your own terms.”

“We will not give you what you want. We will not give up Zion. God will not be mocked.”

The major was silent as she stepped out.

Xeki felt like a fly on the wall.

They were collected from their cells and brought outside. The cool October breeze was a welcome feeling. They were at the old airport, just east of the salt flats. The daxy had retrofitted the air field to suit their own vehicles. At first glance it seemed counter productive to Allen that they put so many shuttles and fighters as close together as they did. But then he remembered that all of the Empire’s aircraft were capable of a near vertical take off.

Another entourage of soldiers met them at the bay entrance of the cruiser. Tim had to be stopped as he lunged forward towards a red haired woman with freckles who looked like she had seen better days. She was carrying a baby, swaddled in a pink blanket.

“Mavis!” the black haired man called as he was held back, his wiry frame struggling to get through.

“Tim!” She pushed against her captor, the lithe Daxy completely outmatching her in strength.

As the groups drew closer, the soldiers let them embrace. Two young boys, who seemed oblivious to their fate, were talking happily and clamoring for the attention of one of the soldiers. The daxy looked at them with a longing that betrayed her desire for children of her own.

“The Major was convinced to let you spend the ride up together so you could say your goodbyes,” one of the soldiers stated to the couple. “Make your peace.”

“The hell, I will! I’ll make my peace with every last one of your kind when you’re dead! Wiped off this earth,” Tim threatened impotently.

“Tim,” Mavis held his arm as he tried to advance on the Daxy who spoke. “It’s not worth it. Let’s just, make the most of it, ok?” She cooed as she held his face, trying to sound brave. The baby was crying between them.

Tim looked to be on the verge of tears, his face cracked into an ugly frown.

They were led into the ship through the cargo bay, and into a brig of sorts. Tim huddled with his family, holding them tight knowing that this was the last time they would see each other. Allen didn’t see Kess anywhere, and he was beginning to worry.

The cruiser’s engines were starting to warm up when Kess was wheeled in from the cargo bay. Her clothes had been replaced with a loose fitting medical gown, with the waist area cut back to provide access to the thick bandages.

They rolled the gurney into the cell opposite the humans. Her drugged expression seemed muted, almost vacant. She looked at Allen and gave him a strained smile.

“What is that lizard bitch doing in a cell with us?” Tim snapped. The guards ignored him as they left. His boys looked up at him with wide eyes.

“That lizard is my best friend, and my companion,” Allen stated, “If it weren’t for her, I would have been captured yesterday.”

“And you trust her? She’s an enemy!” Tim advanced on him with a violent gleam in his eye, “You’re in bed with the enemy!”


“It was all just a lie, there is no Zion in the west is there!?” Tim had grabbed Allen by his collar and pushed him up against the slats of the cell door. A threatening growl rumbled through the cell block as Kess tried to sit up.

“I gave up everything to bring Allen to Zion,” she groaned through the pain. “It is there, as surely as I live. God willing, if we get out of here alive, I’ll show it to you myself.”

“And how’s that escape plan coming along?” Tim jabbed bitterly, letting go of Allen and trudging back to his family. “We’re screwed. We’ve got one and a half men, a woman, 3 kids, and half a lizard.”

Allen ignored the insult as he set himself to the task. He couldn’t rely on Kess, she was injured and could barely stand. He didn’t have tools to try and jerry-rig his way through the alien tech. All he had was his head. He had to think! If they couldn’t escape, then everything he had worked to protect would be lost. He could still feel the buzz of the Major’s pheromones, teasing at the back of his mind. How he wished to overwrite them with Kess’.

He needed to focus.

“There was no escape from the fort, we’d have been swarmed before we could leave this compound.”

“No shit, sherlock,” Tim cursed, his wife gave him a disapproving look and shook her head.

“But we don’t need to escape the fort, the cruiser will do that for us. If we can get out of here, then there’s a chance,” he licked his lips. “There should be escape pods on a ship like this, we may be able to aim them away from the fort and then make a break for it from there.”

“That’s a lot of ‘ifs’. If we get out, if there are escape pods, if you can even get them to land where you want. You don’t strike me as someone who spends a lot of time on empire ships.”

“First rule of safety devices. Make them easy enough for any idiot to activate,” Allen lectured. Kess looked at him fondly from across the way, breathing softly.

“Ugh,” Tim groaned. “Fine. How do I help?”

“I’m not sure how to get past the guards on the ship. Do you know how to fight?”

“I used to do MMA back in college.”

“Were you any good?”


“Better than me. I can hardly run without this brace on.”

“Is that what that was? I could hear some sort of whirring and I wasn’t sure it was you. What’s that all about?”

“My leg got crushed in New York. They weren’t counting on the navy bombarding our own city. The building next to us came down. My companion got out of the way fast enough, but I didn’t.”

“That’s rough.”

“I’m lucky to be alive. That’s enough,” Allen looked down at his brace, his fingers drumming on the molded steel. An idea formed in his head.

“How’s your batting arm?”

Author's note: I'll be honest this chapter felt kind of mid near the end and I'm not sure what it's missing. I may do some edits in the future, but I figured I'd post what I had

Edit: I did some edits. I'm still not sure how I like it, but it fits the direction I want to go better.

*Edit: I did some more edits. Probably about done editing.

Next chapter:

Pub: 11 May 2023 22:31 UTC
Edit: 07 Jun 2023 13:48 UTC
Views: 532