We had all just finished eating at our table when one of Lexie’s cousins walked up. He was her Uncle George’s son and known to be a hard ass at times, at least according to Lexie. He was a big guy, maybe six foot two well over two hundred pounds. As he approached the table, he had a stupid grin on his face which meant that he was going to be a problem. I had seen it too many times.

"So, you’re the tough guy everyone is talking about huh?", he asked.

"No not at all…... you must have me confused with someone else.", I replied, quickly.

"Nope, I’m not confused…... why don’t you show me some of those moves you have.", he baited.

"Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about.", I said politely.

"George Jr., please stop it……. you’re making a fool out of yourself.", Pops warned.

"Grandpa, he’s supposed to be some kind of martial arts guy……. I think he’s lying.", George laughed.

"No one said anything about martial arts ……... I think you have me mixed up with someone else.", I answered.

Somehow, I had a bad feeling this was not going to end well. It seemed wherever I went that was always someone there who wanted to act out. I had a feeling this was going to be one of those times. It was not a good time either just meeting Lexie’s family for the first time. Thankfully just about that time Lexie was walking over.

"Lexie, your cousin here is being a pain in my ass.", Pops complained.

"What’s up, George Jr.", Lexie asked.

"Just messing with your boyfriend.", he replied, laughing.

"That’s not really a good idea George….", Lexie giggled.

"Aw, you gonna arrest me for messing with him?", he said, in a childish voice.

"Not at all, Chris can take care of himself. I saw that for myself at Moe’s.", she stated.

"So, this is karate man….", he asked.

I had already had enough of his bullshit, and I knew he was not going to stop until I responded. I stood up and turned toward him making sure I was in complete control. With the steroids raging through my body, it made that emotion very difficult to control at this time.

"It is nice to meet you George, but I don’t think we are going to be best buddies or anything like that. I think you’re really misinformed on who I am but regardless it was nice to meet you.", I stated, turning, and sitting back down.

I could see by the look on Pops face that he enjoyed my answer and was just smiling at his grandchild. Lexie sat down next to me as well grabbing my hand with hers. George Jr. sulked away mumbling about seeing me again or something like that.

Apparently thirty minutes or so later, George must have mentioned something to his father and Lexie’s dad. Lexie’s dad came over and asked what had happened with Little George. Before Lexie could reply, Pops chimed in.

"As usual the kid was acting like an asshole, but nothing happened. He came over here and started to mess with this young man, but he wouldn’t respond so he got pissed.", he replied.

"I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to cause…….", I interjected, before being cut off.

"Son, you have nothing to be sorry for. If I would have been you, he would have gotten his ass handed to him.", he replied.

"Ok Dad, I get the picture.", Jim Thomas replied, turning and walking off.

A few minutes later Danny Miller, a cop who worked with Lexie came over. Lexie and Danny would rib each other as I found out from the party, I had attended with Lexie a few weeks back. It was playful banter but if you didn’t know better sometimes you would think they disliked each other.

"Hey Thomas, are avoiding me?", Danny asked, walking over.

"Like always Miller.", she replied.

"Lexie, you can admit it…... I know you got the hots for me that’s why you act like this.", he laughed.

"Uh Miller, you do see my boyfriend sitting here?", she giggled.

"I’m 5-0, what can he do?", he asked, looking right at me.

"Well from what I saw that day at Moe’s, I don’t think you want to know.", she laughed.

"No offense Chris but I think she is using you to make me jealous.", he said, in a serious tone.

"I’m not offended Danny.", I laughed.

Danny and Lexie talked for a few minutes then he walked away. I could tell Pops was not happy with the way Danny talked to Lexie. As soon as he left, Pops brought it up.

"Young men today are so full of themselves and have no respect for women.", he said, shaking his head.

"Paw Paw, he was just fooling around.", Lexie replied.

"That’s not how you fool around.", he quickly answered.

I quickly excused myself from the table because I was sure her grandfather was not done with his lecture. I walked over to the ice chest and grabbed a Coke from the ice. I was just looking around when Lexie’s mom, Jennifer walked over to me.

"Hey Chris, it seemed you and Pops were getting along fine.", she stated.

"Yes ma’am, he is a lot like my dad. No nonsense guy.", I replied.

"Yep, you got that exactly right.", Jennifer laughed.

"What is George Jr.’s problem?", I asked.

"Other than the fact he is spoiled, works for his daddy and always gets his way due to being an only child…... not much.", she replied quickly.

"Oh….", was my only reply.

"So how are you and Lexie getting along?", she asked.

"We are doing well…... at least I think so.", I replied, somewhat embarrassed.

"Well, Lexie tells me everything and she has fallen in deep like with you.", Jennifer giggled.

"Deep like?", I asked, confused.

"Deep like is right before you fall in love.", Jennifer explained.

"I didn’t know that.", I confessed.

The rest of the day went fine and meeting her family went well. Other than the one encounter I had with her uncle’s son everything seemed normal. Lexie had promised to pass by tomorrow for a visit because she was going on the day shift the following day. I drove home and had no sooner walked inside when the house phone rang. I picked it up quickly and answered it.

"Chris, this is Detective Wilson, I have some news. I arrested Josh Klein, Mark Boudreaux, Ted Savoie and Destin Thibodaux, along with Chrissy Haynes, Jennifer Smith for the death of your mother.", he stated.

"What the hell…… wait, I don’t understand.", I replied, dumbfounded.

"We’re still piecing it together but apparently it wasn’t intentional. I can’t tell you much more now, but I promise to get back to you.", he confided.

"Ok, I will be waiting to hear from you.", I answered, hanging the phone up.

This made no sense at all. I mean maybe the guys but certainly not Chrissy and Jen. I sat on the sofa staring blankly at the wall. I’m not sure how long I sat there before my cell phone rang and startled me. I reached over and saw that it was Lexie calling.

"Hey sweetie, what’s up.", she asked.

"Um, I got a call from Detective Wilson a few minutes ago. He arrested four boys from the group and two girls for the death of my mother.", I said, numbly.

We talked for a while, and she told me she would be over tomorrow around lunch time. I told her I would work out early and be back home by then. I tossed the phone on the sofa and leaned back against the cushion. I simply couldn’t wrap my head around this. Did those guys hate me so much that would kill my mother?

I mean that couldn’t be true……or could it.


I did not sleep well that night tossing and turning for most of the night. I got up early and went to the gym and had to use my key to get in. I worked out hard and by the time I left one of the employees had shown up for the day shift. I took a long shower and headed home arriving about there about ten thirty or so.

I went inside and started to wash a load of clothes. I washed a few dishes and put them away and was just about finished when I heard Lexie knocked on the side door and come in. Lexie came into the kitchen and kissed me softly on the lips. She gently laid her head on my shoulder and held me for several moments.

"I’m sorry that you’re going to have to go through this again. But your mom does deserve justice, remember that.", she said softly.

"Personally, I wish they would just let me deal with it.", I replied.

"Don’t even think that way baby. I don’t want to lose you.", she said, pulling her head off my shoulder and staring into my eyes.

"If they killed my mother they have to pay.", I replied.

"So, you go cripple or kill someone then spend the rest of your life in jail. Makes no sense.", she replied in a serious tone.

Maybe, maybe not…. but it might be worth it.", I quickly answered.

"Maybe I will come back when you are thinking more clearly.", she sighed, turning around and walking out.

Two days later I was sitting on the sofa and had not heard a word from Lexie. I’m guessing she was upset with me, but she truly didn’t realize how long this had been going on. I was thinking about reaching out to her when the house phone rang, it was Detective Wilson.

Chris, I need to talk to you…, is now a bad time?", he asked.

"No not at all, come on over.", I offered.

About forty-five minutes later, he knocked on the side door and I let him in. He followed me to the living room and sat in the chair across from the sofa. I could tell he was trying to find the right words to say.

"Please let me explain this fully to you before you make any rash decision. I was right in as much as the group that you have been dealing with were responsible for your mother’s death. That night when your mother died that group had been hanging out at the store. When your mother came back out after picking up a few items, the boys started messing with her. Apparently at first, they didn’t realize that it was your mother, then one of the girls recognized her. When Josh realized it was your mom, he basically took the lead." he started.

"The entire group wasn’t there but present were Josh Klein, Mark Boudreaux, Darren Miller Chrissy Haynes, Haley Mills and Jennifer Smith. Everyone stonewalled us like they had been instructed but Jennifer Smith finally broke down and told us what happened." he continued.

"Josh Klein cornered your mom and began to try and lift her skirt up. She resisted and started retreating into the alleyway on the side of the store. On the last attempt to put his hand up her skirt she slipped and hit the back of her head of the corner of the dumpster." he continued.

"At that point everyone became rattled when they saw the blood coming from the back of her head. The coroner thinks she died instantly most of the evidence points that way. The three girls bailed out while the boys tried to revive your mother. When they figured out, she was dead they panicked. They picked her up and put her in the dumpster. They drove her car and dumped it then went back home.", he ended.

"They kill her and then throw her in the dumpster?", I asked.

"I really believe it was an accident but…. None the less a serious crime.", he replied.

"So, what now?", I asked.

"Well for right now Josh, Mark and Darren had been charged with involuntary manslaughter. The girls have been charged with obstruction of justice. They are all trying to make bail right now.", he stated.

"Bail, they are going to get out?", I asked.

"The girls definitely, Mark and Darren probably. Josh, I’m not sure of yet." He answered.

"They better stay indoors then because if I see them, it’s over.", I replied.

"From your past interactions with these people if anything happens to any of them you will be the first person suspected.", Detective Wilson stated.

"Doesn’t matter.", I replied.

"Chris, listen…. I know this is devastating but throwing the rest of your life away by killing one or more of them will not bring your mother back. Do you really think she would want you to spend the rest of your life in prison?", he asked.

"No, I guess not….", I answered.

"Let us handle this, Chris. Trust me.", he promised

Detective Wilson left shortly after, and I went back and laid on the sofa. If not for this stupid bull shit quarrel my mother would still be alive. Now how many families were going to be affected because Josh couldn’t stop? There was nothing in this world I wanted more than to be locked in a cage with him right now.

I decided to go to the gym and work out to relieve some of the anger I was feeling. I worked out for about ninety minutes, showered, and left. Since I was not that far from Lexie’s house I decided to drive past to see if her unit was in the driveway. Several minutes later I arrived at her house and her SUV was in the driveway. So, I pulled up and parked then walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Jennifer, Lexie’s mother quickly answered the door.

"Oh, hello Chris, please come in.", she offered.

I stepped in and followed her the family room and took a sit on the sofa. She sat across from me in one of the reclining chairs that sat side by side.

"I just dropped by to see what Lexie was up to.", I stated.

"She is out shopping with her friend, Stacy. They should be back shortly. I can call her and tell her you’re here.", Jennifer offered.

"No, don’t bother her. I just saw her unit and thought she might be here. I will call her later.", I replied.

"It seems to me something is wrong between you two.", Jennifer quickly stated.

"No, not really. She got upset when I made a statement about wanting to take care of Josh Klein myself. We have not talked in a few days.", I answered.

"Lexie has been moping around here for days…. I figured something was wrong.", Jennifer admitted.

"I understand that she is a police officer and I’m talking about killing someone. I can see why she got upset.", I answered.

"Josh Klein is a piece of shit…... Always has been. He’s the youngest of four boys and has been spoiled rotten. Old man Klein has been cleaning up his messes for years.", Jennifer replied.

"I have had a few run ins with him. But I never believed that he killed my mother.", I answered.

"Well, whatever is bothering the two of you needs to be fixed. You and Lexie are good together.", she stated.

"I will call her later Ms. Thomas.", I said getting up.

I left right away and went to the grocery store to pick up a few items. I got home about ninety minutes later and put everything away. I sat on the sofa and decided now was as good a time as any to call Lexie. I dialed her number and put the phone to my ear. After four rings, she answered.

"Hello.", was the response.

"Hey Lexie, how are you?", I asked.

"Hey Chris, I heard you stopped by today and spent some time with my mother.", she responded.

"Yes, for a few minutes. I saw your unit in the driveway, so I stopped to say hello.", I replied.

"Sorry, I missed you. Are you feeling any better?", Lexie asked.

"I wasn’t feeling bad ….", I answered.

"Ok, are you thinking any better?", she giggled.

"No, I still want to kill him. But I promise not to.", I answered.

"I’m off for the next four days so can I come over tonight?", she asked.

"Sure, not a problem.", I responded.

I made some dinner and ate then cleaned up the kitchen. I took a long shower and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. It was close to seven thirty when I heard a knock on the side door. The door opened and I heard Lexie’s voice.

"Hey Chris, I’m here.", she called out.

"Come on in.", I replied.

Lexie closed the door and walked into the living room sitting down next to me. She kissed me quickly on the lips and sat back grabbing my hand in hers. She had on pink yoga pants with a long black top over them. She was wearing a pink Nike’s with no socks. She smelled wonderful and I really wanted to grab her but since the disagreement I wanted to give her a bit of room.

"So, you and my mother had a nice conversation about me?", Lexie asked.

"No, it wasn’t really about you. Your mom mentioned that you didn’t seem yourself the last couple of days, so she figured something was wrong. I mentioned what I had told you and that I was wrong.", I replied.

"Well, I can tell you that you have already won my parents over, they adore you. You’re all my mother talks about.", Lexie admitting, sighing.

"I’m not trying to win anyone over Lex, just being myself.", I answered.

"So, you don’t want to win me over?", she asked, making a sad face.

"Of course, I do but I have to admit something.", I replied.

"What’s that?", Lexie asked confused.

"Well, I do find your mom kinda hot.", I answered.

Lexie reached up and push me down on the sofa quickly climbing on top of me. She pinned my shoulders down with both hands and lowered her face down to mine.

"Oh, you mother fucker, you’re gonna pay for that one.", she said, grinning.

"Am I?", I laughed.

"Shut the fuck up and make me cum.", Lexie commanded.

She leaned in and kissed me hard pushing her tongue between my lips into my mouth. She positioned herself so that she could rub her pussy on my cock through the fabric of her pants. In under a minute, she had my cock rock hard as she dry humped against me. I reached around and grabbed her firm ass pulling her against me. It did not take Lexie very long to explode into a powerful orgasm, her body tensing up for several seconds. Finally, she regained her breath and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Fuck, that is so much better than using my fingers.", she giggled.

"Glad I could help out.", I replied.

An hour or so later we were sitting on the sofa talking when Lexie completely changed to subject on me.

"Chris, I have to be honest with you. You scare the hell out of me.", she stated in a serious tone.

"I scare you?", I replied.

"Yes, you do.", she answered.

"How so?", I inquired.

"It would be so easy to fall in love with you, hell I might already be in love with you. But I sense you have this rage inside of you and I’m not sure if you can let it go. I do not want to get into a relationship with you, fall in love and then you do something, and I lose you. In addition, I’m a police officer and can’t take the chance of tarnishing my reputation. I’m not scared of a relationship with you, I’m scared of caring too much then being let down again.", she said softly.

"Sounds to me like you’re trying to come up with reason not to be in a relationship with me. I have been afraid and bullied for most of my life until several years ago. I am not afraid anymore. Not afraid of anyone or anything. It’s more of a feeling of peace than rage, if you can understand that.", I replied.

"Chris, I know the situation with that group is not over for you. I know that you’re not going to accept what the courts do to them.", she stated.

"I can’t say right now Lex because it has not happened. I guess we will all know when it happens.", I answered.

"I guess so.", she replied looking away.

She left about an hour later kissing me in a way that told me our relationship was in serious danger. Maybe I should have said something, but nothing came to mind. I let her walk out of the side door perhaps for the last time.

During the following week, I sent her texts every day. I was basically getting the same replies. She was working nights and sleeping during the day. I decided to let a few days pass before contacting her again.

I was spending almost all day at the gym. Between my training and teaching Krav Maga with not much else to do it made more sense. Master Garcia and I would spare maybe twice a week or so. There was no one else in the building that would present much of a challenge to me. Master Garcia always kicked my ass, but I was continually getting better. We were going at it on a Friday night when a round kick struck me above the eye opening me up. Within seconds the side of my face an shirt were covered in blood. I walked off the mat and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up when I noticed Lexie and Amy looking through the large viewing window. I walked out of the door and turned to my left to say hello.

"Hi ladies, how are you doing?", I asked.

"Apparently better than you are. What the fuck are you doing?", Lexie said.

"Oh, this is nothing…. I’ll be right back.", I promised running to the bathroom.

I cleaned myself up quickly, but the cut was deep and wide, I would need stitches. I put some ice above my eye and went back out to see Lexie. I had to admit to myself, I really missed her. She was waiting right outside the bathroom door.

"Let me see that cut.", she insisted as soon as I approached her.

I removed the plastic bag of ice from my eye bending over a bit so she could get a good look at my eye.

"You’re gonna need stitches.", she stated, in a demanding way.

"Master Garcia will stitch me up. He has before.", I replied, pointing to a small scar over my other eye.

"Is this guy insane…... teachers shouldn’t be hurting their students.", she said, pointing into the room.

"Master Garcia is a 9th Degree Dan. He is the only one I can spar with and get a workout.", I replied.

"No, there is a difference between a workout and this….", she insisted.

"I’ll be fine….be back in a few minutes.", I answered.

I met Master Garcia in his office and closed the door. Since this was something that happened from time to time, he had the proper supplies. He took out a syringe and inserted it right above the cut and applied a topical anesthetic. Several minutes later, he stitched me up and I was good to go. I went and took a shower and then dressed returning to the gym spotting Lexie and Amy on the other side of the room.

"Hey, you guys almost through?", I asked.

"About another half hour or so.", Amy replied.

"Ok then, I’m headed home.", I answered.

I was waiting for a reaction by Lexie, but I got nothing but a smile. I leaned over kissed her on the cheek and walked out. I was really beginning to wonder what was going on with her. As soon as I walked into my house my cell phone rang. I did not recognize the number but answered it anyway.

"Hello Chris, this is Jennifer…...Lexie’s mom.’, the voice said.

"Yes ma’am.", I replied.

"Lexie mentioned that you two weren’t seeing each other anymore?", she inquired.

"She was at my house about a week ago when we talked for a while. Then I just saw her at the gym about an hour ago.", I replied.

"I don’t want to intrude but I can’t figure you two out. You seem like a perfect gentleman…. I just don’t get it." she sighed.

"Lexie feels like I will never get over the rage I have inside me for Josh Klein and his gang. She is afraid that if we become close and I hurt one of them badly, I will go to jail. She just does not want that to happen. Secondly, I was sparring with Master Garcia this evening and he cut my eye open and needed stitches, she thinks it’s ridiculous that I train in martial arts.", I answered.

"Well, I am damn sure not happy with her being a police officer. Every day she walks out the door, I never know if she will return but she says that her business.", Jen said in a commanding tone.

"It’s ok Ms. Thomas, I will respect her feelings and stay away. If she wants to talk to me, she knows how to reach me.", I offered.

"Chris, I’m so sorry.", Jen replied.

"So am I, Ms. Thomas.", I said hanging up the phone.

Over the next month or so, I talked to Lexie a few times and returned a few texts but that was it. I took another cycle of steroids and trained viciously at the gym with the weights, Krav Maga and Muy Thai. Later in the week I received a notification from the court that Josh and his friends were going to be formally charges. No way I was going to miss that day.

Several days later, I was one of the first people to arrive in the Division B courtroom. I took a place in the middle of the court sitting on the isle. About twenty minutes later Detective Wilson walked in with a man that he introduced to Assistant District Attorney Steve Carson. Detective Wilson sat next to me as the ADA went to the front of the court sitting at the right table.

Several minutes later all six defendants came in the court room from a side door and say sat the opposite table. The girls stared straight ahead but Josh and Darren couldn’t help looking over their shoulder and smirk at me. Then through the main doors came Chrissy Haynes’s father, probably the best lawyer in the town.

He sat down and opened his brief case removing several file folders. Just about that time the Bailiff rose and announced the Judge Milton Seiler was entering the courthouse. Everyone stood up and reseated when the judge sat down. Detective Wilson leaned over and softly whispered in my ear.

"Not good……Haynes and Seiler are good friends; they play golf together all the time." He stated.

The judge introduced himself, sat down and began to read the charges against the six defendants. Chrissy Haynes, Haley Mills and Jennifer Smith were charged with obstruction of justice and concealment of a crime. Darren Miller and Mark Boudreaux were charged with obstruction of justice, concealment and tampering with a crime scene. Finally, Josh Klein was charged with involuntary manslaughter. The judge then asked the DA if he would accept those charges.

"Your honor, we asked for manslaughter charges for Mr. Klein and involuntary manslaughter for Mr. Miller and Mr. Boudreaux. Your honor, these defendants have been harassing members of the deceased family for years now. We have three police reports in the files as evidence.", the District Attorney pleaded.

"I’m aware of what’s in the file. But from what I have heard there was blame on both ends. The defendant’s lawyer is ready to plead this out now…… why don’t we just get it over with?", the judge asked.

"I’m sorry your honor but I need more time….", the district attorney stated.

"Alright, we will meet back here in two weeks at ten in the morning. We will either plead this out or I will order a trial date.", the judge replied.

The court room began to empty out, but Detective Wilson and I kept our seat. Steve Carson picked up his files and closed his briefcase and came and sat in the row in front of us turning to face us.

"Haynes already got to Seiler…… pretty much what I figured making sure his baby girl stays clean.", he stated somewhat disgusted.

"So basically, everyone gets probation except Klein who may get a few years?", Detective Wilson asked.

"Looks that way. I will speak to my boss and see what he wants to do. I will get in touch with you.", he said, standing and walking out.

Detective Wilson left as well promising to get in touch with me when he heard anything more. I was slowly walking down the hallway and down the steps to the lobby and I heard my name called. I looked over and it was Chrissy Haynes’s father calling me over. Chrissy was there along with Haley Mills and her parents.

"Son, I hope you understand that we all are very sorry for your loss. We are just looking forward to putting this tragedy behind us and moving forward.", he said with a smile.

"Tragedy, is that what this is? I figure it to be a bunch of criminals that killed a beautiful woman and tossed her in the dumpster.", I replied, softly and under control.

"Ever think that attitude is what caused your mother to die in the first place.", Mr. Haynes said in a different tone.

"Nobody forced anyone to be there that night. And when they found out it was my mother any of them could have walked away. But they didn’t……. and no matter what happens in that court room they each made a fatal mistake.", I replied.

"Are you threatening me?", he asked.

"No, to the best of my knowledge you were not there. But the others, who knows.……", I answered, turning and walking away.

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Pub: 02 Nov 2024 16:54 UTC
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