Old man reminiscences about his sexual past

the media doesn't want you to know this, but these anthro-couples you see in the districts? You can walk into any given house and their women would immedially drop their panties for you to breed them! Their husbands don't even know, they think it's some kind of new perfume. And the few who catch on turn into raging faggots for human cock. Just breed 'em and leave 'em, they will raise any bastards with no complaint. Hell, I've seen reports that allow these anthros to become women as easily as changing a dress. Put a baby in both of them, leave for the neighbours, they don't care, they are grateful that you blessed them with children and expect no loyality. They get very happy if you do stay, too. I've made anthros cheat on their "husbands" and tell their husbands the child is theirs despite looking nothing like their fathers, and they not only buy it, they encourage it. Hell, move into some couple's home, the women start coming by just for the chance of getting knocked up, and some of their husbands too. I really don't know why there aren't more ghetto-fiefdoms.

hell, even their lesbian-couples do that. Once, I fucked both dykes and neither came out clean to their wife. They only admitted to cheating on each other with me when I bred one of them in their bedroom and the other in the entryway room. Even carried the bitch up and tossed her on top of the other. Didn't even fight, just started making out, spitballing and masssing my cum into each other, and jacking me off with every part of their bodies. Fuck, they used their baby-bellies to rub my cock and babbled about how they'd raise their daughters to serve as my cumdumpsters. These anthros are addicted to humans, it's ridiculous. Saw some anthro femboy offer his daughter and himself to a passing human. Dude took them up on the offer, last I saw them, daughter was pregnant.
it's ridiculous.

hell, and speaking of daughters, they have no scruples at all with them. Send them on the prowl as soon as they can walk. If you tell a mother, you want to fuck her daughter, she warms up the lube and prepares her daughter as soon as she gets home from school. Or son, if you are into that. Seen a mother pin her son by sitting on his head, filled his anus with warm lube and spread it like it was goatse, I slid in like it was a real and ready pussy, and her brat even sounded like a woman. The mother laid on top of "him" once I finished, eagle-spread, and begged me to give her a second daughter, so I did. These anthros even tie the peni and balls of their sons up during puberty to try and keep them "small and adorable". Ever wondered why your average furboi's dick is never larger than a peanut and two peas? That's why. And it seems to work, too! I've fucked furgirls and -bois in equal measure, and the only difference was that the latter lacked front-piping and breasts.

and to say nothing of their elderly! You haven't known the meaning of "depraved" or "hedonistic" until you had a granny jerk you off into the urn of her late husband's ashes or seen a granny take a shit on her wedding's photo or gotten one to swallow her ring along with your cum, only a few days later to send you a video of her flushing down her feces along with her ring down the toilet. These grannies don't have a menopause, you can knock them up too, and odds are they will send them down the street to whore themselves out. Granma got no chill, is what I'm telling you. Hell, if you let slip that her children or grandchildren suck at sucking or fucking, she will be there and critize them for every mistake until they get it right. Fucked the whole family in one go, one time. Shit's unbelievable.
and you think that's bad, wait until you hear what they do down in the south. I've seen things there, man, the media denies ever happeneing because it would be racist to point out.
I have done things down there that would make the devil weep in disgust, man.

they have whole clans of purebred anthros whose sole purpose in life is to serve as sacrifices for their humans. I'm talking eating them while they are still alive. I' should know. I've participated in them.

i've become a monster. I've devoured men and women alike, child or adult or elder. I have eaten their organs while they only moaned and begged me to eat their hearts so that they would forever serve me in the afterlife once I die. I have visited nunneries whose nuns took turn turns shitting on images of their most important saint, the freer of slaves. I'm not even joking, they only pretend to worship him as a saint because they believe we want them to. They have secret texts of the saint's wife telling them to not begrudge their liberation, not because it's a moral good, but rather because now humans don't need to pay for the upkeep of anthros.
anyway, I'm telling you all this because odds are good that this anthro you're dating is your half-sister. They don't care, but I thought you wanted to know.

... Bro, i only asked you if you've got the time...

Pub: 07 May 2022 21:56 UTC
Views: 1515