Extra: A Peaceful Nap

Margaret walked quietly in the cold corridors, holding a basket of ingredients and making sure her steps didn't echo through the wide and empty halls; she quietly made her way towards the Potions Storeroom; she had taken the habit of replenishing the ingredients used during the day's lesson without Professor Sharp's knowledge.
Silencing it with a quick spell, she swished her wand and opened the door; Margaret's eyes met with a frail looking Hufflepuff, shivering under a tattered blanket, the girl's eyes met with two shining, inexpressive green eyes and a glowing white mane, encircled by the moonlight; the two of them jumped in surprise.

Margaret whispered a barely audible apology and abandoned her basket on an empty shelf, she quickly stepped out of the cramped room, hesitated for a second, turned back and pulled a warm wool blanket out of her bag, along with two pillows. Not uttering a world, the Gryffindor covered the freezing girl with the large and warm blanket before gently dropping the two pillows next to her, making sure to never even brush against her the whole time.
Still silent, she turned away, feeling uneasy at her intrusion "...Wait..." a barely audible and embarrassing croak came out of the girl sitting on the floor "Please..."she whispered, her voice now much clearer.

The white haired girl nodded, she closed the door to the Potions Storeroom and sat down on the cold floor, opposite to the brunette; as if in sync, their mind raced "Why is she so kind to me? I don't deserve this... She must think me a creep..." thought the Hufflepuff "I keep bothering her, I'm sure she was waiting for someone and here I am ruining everything again..." thought the Gryffindor. "Please go..." "Please ask me to leave..." "Please don't go..." "I'm sorry..." their brooding was interrupted by the grumbling of the beet red brunette; Margaret quickly looked at her: a few pieces of raw cabbage were left on the girl's beautiful green scarf. Margaret felt her heart sink at the sight, she quickly pulled out plates of snacks out of her bag: cheese, exotic breads, vegetables and dry sausages; she pushed the levitating plates towards her hungry companion whose eyes were shining bright at the sight.

Almost rid of the uneasiness at the sight of the delicious offering, she raised the warm blanket at her benefactor, asking her to join her in its comfortable warmth; Margaret obliged and sat down silently, making sure not to touch her. Holding back from eating, the Hufflepuff quickly sneaked a glance at her friend "...Thank you."
She looked at her again, wondering why she didn't answer and was met with a gentle look and a slight smile.

The two of them enjoyed a midnight snack in silence, alone in the cramped room, under the warmth of the blanket; they both wanted to have a chat, to say something, anything, but neither of them could, unaware that they both enjoyed each other's silence.
Losing themselves to books, the two of them sat there for hours in silence, sometimes exchanging a quick glance to check on each other's well being, from the corner of their eyes.

More comfortable than she realized the brunette started slowly dozing off, her book drooping slightly off her hand until she finally fell asleep. A gentle warmth filled Margaret's heart at the sight, she slowly waved her wand to recover and bookmark the fallen book and returned to her Transfiguration textbook, not showing any sign of fatigue yet.

Hours went by, Margaret's limbs ached, her vision blurred slightly but her mind was still fully awake, she was no longer reading, she rested comfortably, eyes closed, waiting for the sweet slumber. The silence was seldom interrupted by her neighbour's whispers; the girl talked in her sleep in a language Margaret didn't recognize, she was clearly having a nightmare, as evidenced by her moaning and her monopoly over the once shared blanket.
The Gryffindor slowly scooted over, wanting to comfort her but not sure how; she didn't want to touch her, to awaken her or to bother her but she wanted to do something...

A sad look on her face, Margaret watched over the struggling girl while her moans and groans increased in frequency, about to grab her wand she was suddenly interrupted, she pulled in her stomach hard, trying to stop herself from jumping at the tight embrace. The Hufflepuff was grabbing her at the hip, hard, and whispered softly "Margaret..."
The Gryffindor slowly closed her eyes, trying to hold back the powerful surge of negative feelings hitting her like a bludger. She never realized she meant this much to her friend, she never trusted her words, she felt like a traitor, like a monster unable to feel anything; her vision blurred slightly more, she didn't really understand why.

Reaching into her pocket with a trembling hand, she pinned her prefect badge on her lapel, she wouldn't leave the room tonight, she had to have a good reason to be there. Shakily pinning the badge, she felt her friend's embrace getting tighter, at the same time the guilt felt stronger.
Slowly, a single tear fell from Margaret's left eye as muffled steps slowly approached their hiding spot.

The door to the Potions Storeroom suddenly opened: Professor Sharp gasped quietly at the scene.
Rolled up in a woolen blanket was a girl he barely saw in class, latched on tightly on the girl whose name he didn't want to pronounce, who was looking at him with a finger on her mouth, hushing him, and a single tear rolling down her cheek.
Flabbergasted, he looked around the room and spotted the all too familiar basket. "It was you..." he smiled gently "We'll talk later in my office, I didn't see anything." he whispered, closing the door silently.

"That girl may lack practice in displaying affection but she sure is a big natural" she thought "My friend..."

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Pub: 08 May 2023 01:22 UTC
Edit: 08 May 2023 01:28 UTC
Views: 304