I close my eyes, resting in the hay bed.
My time is here, I can feel it.
Everything hurts so much...
But it was completely worth it.
I'm glad i got to say goodbye to everyone before this happened.
I hope my partner is going to be able to live without me.
The worlds safe, at least for now.
I did good.
I reminisce as the world fades away from my senses.
. . .why does this feel like it is taking longer than usual?
Why am I expecting something, shouldnt I be dead?
suddenly interrupted by the alarm clock crowing
sigh, getting up
silencing the alarm, i take one look around my messy room
the memories are flooding back
how many times has this happened now?
how many times have i been hero?
i shakily make my way to the bathroom, a billion different ways on how to walk coursing through my brain as i slowly try to remember my morning routine
brush teeth, go to the bathroom, get breakfast
look at my flip phone, struggling to decipher the text
i think it says that its almost 8
before my shift even begins, im already thinking about the adventures im going to have
Tonight's going to be another decade.

work was hell
that was to be expected though, it's christmas week
so many kids and so many parents
few polite customers
oh well, at least the musics fine
my thoughts wander over to my adventures as i wait for closing time
man, ive really fucked up my own name that many times, huh?
i looked down to my hand
for the briefest of moments, i couldve sworn i saw a bloody paw instead
the sight made me look right back up, dread welling in my chest
i fought to the end of every last adventure
but that didnt mean i had no regrets
how many partners did i let die
how many partners did i leave behind
my mind wandered over to two of my adventures
in one i left a squirtle partner after saving the world
my soul being shredded to bits wasnt very comfortable
i decided to look to the future
i met that squirtle, then a wartortle, many years later
they were still looking for me
i wish i could have told them that i was right there, that their searching was done
to give them the closure they so desperately required
even so, i was somewhat glad that after all of those years, they somehow kept their trademark elaborate and often suicidal plans
they died saving me so i could save the world
oh how i wish i could have told them
a voice shook me from my thoughts
Alright, get outta here. I'm closing up, and you look like you could use a rest.
i blinked once, trying to process the almost complete gibberish
C'mon, don't make me repeat myself. Sleep well tonight.
i thanked my boss
his name was larry i think
i called him that at least
and so i hobbled out of the store and headed home
i knew i wouldnt be resting tonight
i looked to my hands
well, what shouldve been my hands
i could see axew's weird digits on one
and a very scarred ice-blue paw on the other
Would I live for 10 centuries this time, or be granted a merciful death?

Pub: 19 Oct 2023 04:33 UTC
Views: 236