Bubsy, Gex, the Cheetah men
the also rans of video game mascots
not everyone of them could inspire the long lasting fan base like some others
some mascots got killed I'm the cradle
take for instance "wallaby wallace"
test groups didn't enjoy a giant yellow wallaby with attitude who used yo yos and a skateboard to attack
why they didn't just use a kangaroo was a common question
especially with his game coming out in the early 2000s
much to early for nostalgic over "90s xtreme"
or it was supposed to
even his catch phrase of "wallabyebye" couldn't save him
so the prototype disc was sitting around forever in some darkened corner of an office or warehouse
until it ended up in your hands
through possibly unscrupulous means
but you would never tell a soul
the gold disc sat on your desk as you tried to get a system that would run it
took a lot of digging through your closet you found just the right console
just thinking of being the first person to play wallaby wallace in decades
it was newsworthy
this might even share the source code
what could possibly go wrong
booting up the system with the disc inside, you leaned back in an office chair
you probably weren't going to go super serious on the game your first playthrough
just test it a little
a black screen at first had you a little worried
you had cleaned the disc and everything
it had been sitting in a case for years
you worried that somehow the data was lost
before you hit reset the dev company's name popped up, upside down
probably meant to be wacky or the game was just buggy
you shrugged it off and continued
that wallaby stood behind his logo and wagging a finger
with early polygon graphics you were sure the game didn't match the intent for the character but the devs tried
from what you saw of the character on the internet it looked like a reasonable likeness
90s era guitar work flooded the room before you turned the volume down
a 3D platformer made sense for the time
after all Crash Bandicoot and Mario did it
so far the game ran as to be expected
it showed its age here and there but wasn't godawful
so just why was this game just locked up in a security box?
that was a real mystery
at least wallace controlled alright, even if the radical attitude thing was laid a little thick
after about a hour of playtime you felt tired
it was pretty late and you shut off the system and headed for bed
you were hoping for a nice rest after such an eventful day

rest brought strange vivid dreams
like a really aggressive red debug menu
just harsh on your unblinking eyes
graphical glitches formed a tapestry in your reality
it was all you could see
just that
color flooded your eyes
unblinking eyes glazed over as the red became all encompassing
it was a nightmare
you woke up in a cold sweat
probably ate something weird or maybe stress got to you
your phone said 4 AM
work was a couple hours
before you jumped awake you could have sworn you heard a voice
the memory was quickly fading though
still, it was just a bad dream
you dismissed it and got up out of bed
the tv was still on?
soft snow filled your eyes
a feeling of deja vu in your mind as you stared into the screen
then the snow turned red
you switched the TV off right then and there
too early in the morning to fuck with that nonsense
mind had to be playing tricks on you
sure enough the tv was just fine when you clicked it back on
you went to grab coffee, but stopped to turn on the console WW was in
might as well entertain yourself a little before work
coffee acquired, you sat down
started up fine this time
you lost yourself I the game
like really lost yourself
because when you finally looked away from the game it was 8 PM and you were a no call no show at work
thank fuck it was only one blemish on your record and you just faked like a death in the family
boss bought that over text message
the would only be good for one use though
holy fuck you were hungry
whatever spell the game had you under made the time blur by and all your needs seem secondary
that was… unusual
you don't even remember playing the game much
in fact, it seemed like you were just on the same level
you turned the game off and went to grab pizza rolls or something
game was on when you came back
was Wallace facing you?
OK game turned off
disc out
the game was a mess, no wonder they didn't sell it
you filed it away on a shelf and decided to watch TV instead
switching over to your DVD player you put in some anime or something
you were shamelessly watching "Otokonoko no Gangbang Academy"
you lived alone and had needs
passing out with your hand down your pants and pizza sauce on your shirt wasn't dignified
but you were a big man who owned his own place
what you did there was your own poor decisions
oh boy were poor decisions made

another nightmare of blurring red
drowning in the fragmented graphical wave
it was surreal
you could have sworn you heard that voice again before you shot up awake
3 AM
For fucks sake
this time you went back to bed
nightmares returned
but you slept until the alarm got you up
you made a point to go to work early this time
had to make up for the fuck up from yesterday
felt kind of guilty getting condolences from coworkers but they had bought the fib
so thankfully stocking shelves like a good wagie would be safely yours for another day
work at least let you put aside the nightmares and general weirdness of the last couple days aside
felt like a comfort instead of the usual pain in the ass
just going about your mundane little life
lunch, small talk, shelves
the usual
it was a comfort like an old glove
normally you'd be bored to death but it just felt nice for once
getting off work and going home had to happen eventually
you gave no further thought to your new game acquisition
instead putting in another disc about anime crossdressers
you had a type
dinner was some tv dinner shit and you eventually crashed in bed
again, red glitches
and a voice you couldn't place
fucking 3 AM again
this was bullshit
you were hoping you weren't finding out you were schizo because of Wallaby Wallace
did that shit show up in dreams?
all a web search would do was say you had cancer or something
so you tried to ignore it
the tv was on still
the soft glow and the ambient noise of the DVD menu filled the room
it was nice
you left it on and tried to sleep again

nightmares again
this was getting really annoying
you shot up again
it was now immediately after you went to rest
didn't even feel like a break any more
just instant flood of red
you swore off sleep for a little bit
thankfully today was an off day on your work shift
so you were getting a coffee and staying up
what you would do tonight when it came to sleep you didn't know
that was for later to figure out
coffee was more pressing a concern
you came back and then tv was playing a game
you knew exactly which game
tv was shut off and you left the room
like hell were fucking with that thing
not this early in the morning
watching TV downstairs was the obvious solution
you just would ignore the problem
ignoring it sounded good
the rest of the morning would be uneventful
nothing but infomercials this early in the morning
that was a mistake
coffee didn't win in the face of some stupid fucking half hour blender commercials
again with the dreams
not red
it wasn't the same image as before
you were sure of it
why did it change
the voice back again
still sounded like a murmur
like someone in another room speaking
it was unreal
it sounded so familiar
but he couldn't place it
the voice was just…
this time you didn't wake with a start
more like just confusion
it was far less surprising
at least this time
maybe you were getting used to it
at least this time you didn't feel like it was a nightmare
really hard to place what you felt right now
you got up and just decided to try and walk it off
whatever he saw was changing and that was super strange
maybe the dreams were not natural
they couldn't be
you couldn't place it
maybe play more of the game?
the thought had occurred
it was tied to the game
so maybe your subconscious was playing with you
maybe beating the game would banish the dreams
so you decided damn the torpedoes
the game started up no problem
issue was no Wallace
the game itself was there
platforms, little shiny trinkets
all the stuff you'd recognized
but no actual player character
he was just gone
you had control of the camera like he was there
no other inputs did anything
it was odd
you had the faintest suspicion this wasn't just a regular buggy game any more
however you just kept exploring
no NPCs running around either
the place was just an empty sandbox
you found a cave that was previously a solid rock face
your memory wasn't the best but you knew what the first level looked like by now
timidly, you entered the cave
then bam
that same code jumble from your nightmare
yellow now
it hung on the screen indefinitely until you turned the TV off
again you unplugged the system
put it in your closet and put on another crossdressing anime thing to get your mind off things
it troubled you
what was going on
on your phone you looked around the internet for more information
you tried a thread on /x/ only to get drowned out by succubus threads and schizo posting
so after about a half hour of searching you seemed to pull nothing
this game was the only copy that got onto disc as far as you knew
dev company went under after
programmers flew off in a dozen different directions
you figured you'd go onto social media and maybe coax one out
you weren't one for Twitter or shit but hopefully throwing a hash tag out there might do something
you put up a vague message and hoped for the best
meanwhile you went back to the anime
"I Can't Believe My Friend Dressed As a Cheerleader"
you kind of watched on autopilot
normally you'd be more attentive for reasons
again, you had a type
you just kept going back to your laptop
a watched thread doesn't get replies though
eventually you grew frustrated and placed the laptop on your bed
the anime had your full attention
that's when you noticed the oddity
a goddamn yellow wallaby
right there
right there on the screen
granted he seemed to look a lot more "anime"
just not how he looked in the game
like the setting changed him
including the cheerleader outfit
still wore his trademark backwards baseball cap
most importantly
he looked pissed
at you
none of the other characters paid attention to a giant yellow wallaby in a cheerleader uniform
he had the hips for it
he rested his paws on them at the moment
if you weren't so panicked you could even call him "kawaii" as the weaboo fucks would say
this was just too alarming
OK you had to be imagining this
you got up
hit pause
went to the bathroom
splashed cold water on your face
took a walk around the house
grabbed a coffee
stood on your porch and got some fresh air
you were clearly fucked in the head at the moment
either lack of sleep or whatever
after a good half hour you came back
the wallaby in the skirt was gone
you really were screwed in the head
time to check the laptop again
this was uneventful
you unpaused the anime and tried to avoid the problem
sure enough no issue with the rest of you degenerate entertainment
for all of 10 minutes
then as if sensing your guard was down, that same anime wallaby was in the background
this time you were certain you weren't just having a hallucination
it was just too coincidental
too vivid
the blend of cartoonish and anime features
the school girl outfit
the fact that he was turned to you
just like when you played the game
finally you had certified evidence
he spoke
"don't turn me off"
that was his voice like in the game
maybe just a little different
and he spoke to you
eye contact and everything
you hit pause
he just ignored that and got close to the screen
the most awkward and terrifying staring contest ensued
was a damn wallaby going to make you shit bricks?

you didn't really know how to react here
just what was going on?
it wasn't like you could explain this
it wasn't a hallucination
at least as far as you could tell
Wallace had paused
he was watching you watching him
it took a lot to speak up
finally you asked the obvious questions
just what was going on
he didn't seem phased by you
but did at least seem to ease up on the anger
"I'm wearing a dress and you are the one that has questions, really?"
that was not your chief concern but it was apparently his
you had no idea why he was out of his game
or why he was here
it was completely surreal
you could offer no explanation yourself
didn't seem like he had answers either, or maybe wasn't willing to share
trying to strike up a conversation with your television was a bit awkward
the anime hung in time while he looked you up and down
"cat got your tongue"
wrong mammal but sure
he was so strange and you were honestly worried this was somehow how you died
he was just standing there
you got up and tried pacing the room
just to clear your head
"hey! don't ignore me!"
your head turned to the screen
his hands were on his hips
he'd look cute if your mind wasn't running a mile a minute
you threw your hands up
he was moody for a extreme sports wallaby in a dress
but it was honest
you had no idea what the fuck was going on
so he didn't know and you didn't know
or at least he wouldn't say
question was
who did?
you checked your laptop again
it seemed you had a couple replies
nothing really hopeful but you were asking Twitter after all
it was at least a good sign
the wallaby was still pouting
you decided to test some things
you unpaused the tv
the anime continued as normal, despite Wallace's protests
so he didn't see to be able to take control of a medium he's in
if anything it seemed to affect him
at least on a cosmetic level
the pause button didn't seem to affect him
he could leave his game and sidestep here where he was
he was aware of you and the surroundings outside the tv
yet seemed stuck in whatever was going on
weird hard limitations
it had gotten to a sex scene and the wallaby was trying hard not to look at the crossdressing themed threescore in the room
"look, what do you want from me?"
maybe not the best choice of words in this setting
man that guy was going to town on that other guy's prostate
Wallace tried not watching the spit roast in the same room as him
his skirt was tented
you realized before him
he noticed you noticing and then panicked and scrambled off screen
with that you checked the laptop again
nothing new
you hit pause and got something to eat
the fear about the situation went out the window with whatever he was squeaking as he ran with an erection
made getting a sandwich much more relaxed
he could be trying to get you to lower your guard but what an elaborate contrived way to do that
you gave it some thought
you made a point of sneaking up to your door
he wasn't lying in wait to kill you
what you ended up seeing instead was a platformer mascot in a school girl out with two digits up his ass
while watching paused anime porn he was in
when he noticed you peeking around the corner of the door frame he panicked
he ended up diving offscreen this time
the mysteries grew

that display sort of made any terror vanish
couldn't really be scared after that
you sat and waited
he was reluctant to come out
totally understandable
so you decided to try striking up conversation again
asked him more about himself
at first he was quiet
clearly small talk wasn't working
maybe you could rile him up
then you brought up Crash Bandicoot
"that motherfucker"
it was a faint mutter but you caught it
made you laugh
you asked if he liked what he saw and he remarked "dammit"
so you just unpaused and watched the program as normal
the stress and panic from earlier was a thing of the past
this wallaby wasn't a threat
you were sure of it
over the noises of the bottom gagging on dick you could hear whimpers
5 bucks said he was pleasuring himself offscreen
so fuck it, you could use some stress relief too
you whipped it out and stroked your dick
that noise seemed to attract the attention of the wallaby
he peeked around the corner and his eyes shot open
initially he hid again
then watched
so you made eye contact
the whole time
he watched your cock
you could tell he was doing something offscreen
what you didn't know
honestly, you kind of wanted to see
you got bold and said as much
he got timid
when you said you liked what you saw earlier he practically turned beet red
you pointed with your free hand to your dick
he gulped
this wasn't just from the threesome going on
in fact you paused it
kept stroking
he finally came out from the corner
the skirt was tented and his chest was heaving
definitely was pleasuring himself
the eye contact made things easier
you could tell he was tempted
he eyed you timidly at first but eventually it was more appreciative
you had to admit this was strange but you were excited too
a giant sentient wallaby game character was about the oddest thing you've fapped to
but he made your dick hard regardless
so you stopped questioning it quickly enough
he didn't seem bothered you were human
this didn't even feel like the confrontational guy earlier
you scooted closer to the screen
he kept watching you, specifically your cock
you asked him to show you his since you showed him yours
he was a little hesitant
but eventually flipped the skirt up
first thing you noticed was huge goddamn hips
like not even a girl has hips like that
perhaps that was the wallaby thing
his cock was leaking like a faucet
he tried not making eye contact but he immediately paid attention to your dick twitching
you decided fuck it and started jerking off without worry
he was slower to start but eventually he was fingering himself in front of you
his voice muffled as he bit his lip
the little mutual masturbation session was just what you needed
he was enjoying himself too, just took awhile to get him out of his shell
it was telling that he didn't touch his dick
definitely a bottom
by the way his thighs twitched and flexed he seemed close
you were first to fire off due to how you started before him
he watched each burst intently
with a loud groan his cock shot ropes of cum past his skirt
here you were, sticky and watching a wallaby mascot orgasming in front of you
strange way to spend your day off
he'd softened from the earlier encounter
turns out he needed that just as much as you
this was the perfect opportunity to start over
that session allow you to clear your head
seemed like the same for him
he looked a little embarrassed
you said you definitely needed that
he hid his eyes with his hat and mumbled
but didn't run behind frame
so you decided this was the best time to compare notes
you brought up you'd had strange dreams since you got his game
it was clear that he was unique
you told him you were asking around the internet with more information
nothing bad, you clarified
he was a guest in your house as far as you considered now
you promised you wouldn't shut off the tv
that seemed to perk him up
"thank you"
you did ask what happens when you turn off the TV just to get an idea
"I just sit there in the dark"
you thought of how long you'd shut off the tv and how long that meant for him
no wonder he was all confrontational earlier
so you worked out an agreement
maybe it was dumb to immediately trust a guy/thing/wallaby this blindly
however you had a hunch
if he was going to hurt you he could have done it plenty by now
you still kept your guard up
just a little
the cute face totally didn't have a thing to do with your judgment
so the whole little rest was good
helped the two of you chill out
so he was dependent on the tv
that was a clue
so was he essentially stuck on a shelf in isolation for years
made you feel sorry for him
makes sense he was desperate earlier
you struggled for small talk with someone that wasn't even human
not like there was a precedent
he had no idea what things were like outside the tv
you remarked he wasn't missing much with a soft laugh
sort of way to cheer him up
or an attempt
he'd sat down and you two just tried to say what came to mind
how he came to be still eluded him and you didn't seem to get any answers anytime soon
you did tell him he was totally unique
you'd never seen the game released before so he stood out
that seemed to not have the effect you wanted
you meant it as a sort of compliment
but in hindsight that must have made him feel lonely
you apologized and said at least he had company in you
you weren't going to turn him away after all
you picked up the faintest trace of hope
you replied of course
you liked the company
you honestly didn't have a lot of company
all you asked was time to do work and the like
you missing work the one day was something that didn't need repeating
he agreed
that and you had a feeling
the dreams were probably the wallaby trying to communicate
don't make them so spooky
"sorry, it's not an exact controlled thing"
well as long as he had the tv on you'd both probably not have to worry
that did bring up an interesting thought
if he could project into the outside like that, could he possibly go further
like actually inhabiting out here
"I don't know. hell, I don't know what I can do."
you brought up that the dreams seemed more vivid with time
perhaps now that he was out and about it could happen
was it wise to encourage this?
maybe not
was it partially driven by your dick?
maybe not
you kept the tv on the entire day
went about your business
threw in a couple other things into the DVD player
the wallaby, interestingly enough, clung to the anime femboy look
you didn't know what that meant but didn't mind
he seemed entertained
even with the regular movies
it made sense, given the choice between absolute darkness and this
it was jarring seeing a anime wallaby in the dress in the middle of a familiar movie
occasionally he ask you to pause the movie to talk freely
the company was actually welcome
felt like a cross between a friend and a date
just a very unconventional relationship
he sat cross-legged in a corner of the screen so he wouldn't block the view
kind of cute
after a few hours you checked your laptop again
this time you got a few replies
including a strange one
someone asking where you got that disc
very confrontational
you didn't say anything but that was very strange
you also didn't let your new company know either
you'd sit on that information for the moment
that response sort of unsettled you
no telling how this wallaby would react
last thing you needed was to somehow send him into spooky "kill everything" mode or something
or make him panic that you were going to like turn him in
for now you'd just feel out the situation
you went back to your day to day routine
just with company
you'd had a rough shift this week aside from that one weird day
so you enjoyed the time off best you could
occasionally you'd have to dip out to do laundry or grab lunch
he was a good sport about it
wasn't as clingy as you expected
you did detect the smallest amount of disappointment though
but you promised you'd be right back and he was fine
he even perked up every time when you came back into the room
the ears on the top of his head would flick when your footsteps were close
it was cute
it had been forever since you'd had someone around like this, let alone someone that actually wanted you around
and that one reaction on social media at least put aside the fear this was some new mental illness
so that was good news
your new friend continued to wear the schoolgirl outfit
that was a constant
maybe he just preferred that form over being a short comical mascot
maybe he liked the attention he had gotten from you over it
he wasn't wrong
after that little sexually charged encounter earlier you'd seen him in a new light
granted you'd only known him, what, a few days
however, you definitely weren't scared of him now
you could say that much
honestly wouldn't mind a couple dreams about him now
though you didn't say that out loud
just secretly hoped it
so your day continued as normal
secretly you hoped he hung around
you haven't figured out whether getting him out of the tv would be a good or bad idea
you'd have to see how he'd react
for now this was good enough
you enjoyed your first night of peaceful sleep in a while
no weird dreams and no shooting awake
you had kept the wallaby to just controlled movies for the moment
no way in hell were you throwing him in the deep end that was YouTube
sure enough he was kicking around in the background of some 90s comedy movie or another
you felt he might appreciate something more like home
gone through three Jim Carrey movies already
you'd gotten up and he heard immediately
"oh, good morning"
you replied good morning back
he seemed a touch depressed knowing you'd be going to work
he at least seemed to relax with the promise you'd be back
it was like having a stay at home boyfriend
that wasn't too bad a thought
it had become a daily routine
you weren't looking forward to that power bill but Wallace was happy
you were happy
after a couple days you checked your social media again
that one really hostile guy had sent a few more messages
you ignored him now
whatever they were doing you weren't interested
eventually you just blocked them
hopefully that wouldn't bite you in the ass
it probably would
oh well
right now you were having fun entertaining a guest
so angry Twitter users were the least of your issue
it sucked you couldn't really share this with anyone
you were super vague in the Twitter posts and didn't post pictures
you were certain you hadn't magically become mentally ill by now
this would be the oddest hallucination if that were the case
Wallace seemed to be harmless though
just a roommate you didn't have to feed
but also far more intimate
that first mutual masturbation wasn't the last
after about a week it had become daily to do I together
you didn't even bother putting on porn half the time
he seemed to love you watching him
he eyed your dick like a starving prisoner eyes a steak dinner
both of you just enjoyed the moment
goddamn it sucked having this barrier between you
the dirty talk intensified
he practically quivered when you asked him to spread his ass for you
he submitted almost instantly
you told him you'd wreck him
ass up in the air presenting to you he whined
his little school girl outfit didn't hide the cock he desperately stroked
goddamn he had a thick ass
maybe the wallaby legs?
if he was in the room right now you'd just shut off your brain and go animalistic on his poor asshole
he watched you over his shoulder
your hand gripped the tv as you stood over the screen
he loved that
you hoped this barrier was temporary
might actually try to work on that
he desperately milked his cock
when he groaned your name that was it
streaks of cum hit the screen and that set him off
he hit his climax seeing you growl and hit yours
watching his hole twitching with every burst was hypnotic
eventually you'd have to clean the tv but you needed a moment
in the afterglow you cracked a smile
you asked if he'd like to be here in the room, like right next to you
"like you wouldn't believe"
the question is how
granted if he existed like this anything was possible
breeding his tight little bussy raw was incentive
to the point that the thought made you rock hard immediately after
you gave up civility and just started jerking off again in front of him
he didn't even have time to put his skirt down before he responded in kind
like right after the first session you two restarted
you told him you'd figure out how to get him here
then he was practically going to live on your dick
"oh fuck"
your last words actually made him cum instantly

after that you finally allowed yourself to think clearly
both of you were a mess
he could control his form and could instantly clean himself
you'd seen it before
yet he liked being a mess in front of you
God he looked hot
it was making you hard again
and he knew it
you called him a slut
"you like that don't you?"
you were going to put your dick away
but he'd pulled his top open and was looking at you with bedroom eyes again
fucking breedable whore
"you saved me from whatever weird limbo I was stuck in. I owe you everything"
his voice was oddly sweet
then he bared his teeth in a hungry smile
"you don't know how much I need you to pin me down and rape me"
your brief shock got a laugh from him
"you heard me"
his hands ran over his body, giving you a show
did he always have that tight collar adorning his neck?
"granted, is it rape if I'm willing?"
he enjoyed the reaction he got from you
you could tell he was leaking precum from under his skirt
God he was hot
what surprised you was when he moved closer to the screen and begged
his hair on his head was all messy
his breath was ragged as he shoved his fingers into his hole
he pressed his chest to the screen and finger fucked himself
your hand was immediately jerking off again
you lost track of time and loads but eventually it was dark out
holy shit
he was dangerously horny
so were you though
so it was either the best or worst combination
right now you needed a drink of water
holy shit you might to need to take more days off in the future
take a nice vacation and lose yourself just dirty talking an anime looking anthropomorphic wallaby
after all the sex you were both finally tuckered out
you did a few errands here and there and he curled up like a cat in the background of whatever movie you had paused
he was actually super cute like that
he even kept that schoolgirl form while he slept
maybe he just really liked how you looked at him like you did

after all the fun you were exhausted and dirty
you used his nap time to excuse yourself for a warm shower
felt good after all the exertion
he was still curled up when you came into the room
you wished he was in your bed
as much as a bitch as cleaning cum out of fur would be
you'd long since turned the TV to face your bed
he was adorable
as nice as this setup was you craved more
you figured he did too
it still had to feel like a prison in there
you focused on him and found yourself drifting off to sleep
occasionally his leg would twitch or his ear would flick
focusing on him must have had an effect
you dreamt of him
this time not the vague colors that panicked you days ago
he was here in your room, nestled to your side
you felt warm
that night you didn't wake up in a scare
you felt absolutely refreshed in the morning
you didn't think there was anything paranormal with the dream this time
he was awake first and brightened up
sadly you had work and barely had time to hang out but he was happy to know you'd be back
your schedule continued uninterrupted just like that
balancing work and a really unique love life
eventually days turned into a couple months
every day was wonderful now
one evening when you came home someone was at your door
he looked unassuming at first
then started asking about social media posts
then it clicked in your mind
you had no idea whatever he meant
you lied
however, that was too close for comfort for you
you made sure the windows were covered and there was your "Lala"
you'd since told him Wallace was kind of a strange name to do this with
he suggested it
you came clean about what might have happened
he was worried about being taken away
you worried about that too
however you had an idea you wanted to try
he was essentially data
as far as you could figure
you had held back doing this because you were worried if it was too much
but this had you panicking more than you'd like to admit
one USB cable to your phone and your tiny screen had company
hopefully this would work out but now you had an easy backup

you both decided to experiment a little
sure enough with the USB he could jump from TV to phone to laptop to TV again
you were glad that seemed to work well
you should have done it sooner but you were still feeling things out
at one point it had felt right to keep him in one spot
you brought up that the phone would have to have the screen off occasionally
you weren't certain it was the same thing as the TV itself being shut off
granted you could run background apps
"well I understand. not great but if we have no choice."
he looked a little dejected but you assured him it would be ok
you even talked about how the internet had even more stuff than your DVD collection
he perked up at that
plus you could take him with you
he really seemed to perk up at that
it wasn't quite having him in the whole real space but you'd appreciate the company

sitting down with him on your phone he decided to test something
you could explain all this stuff like battery life and screen burn but ultimately you couldn't have your phone out at work forever
he understood and you explained about shutting the screen off
his body tensed a little but it was different than turning something completely off
how do you explain smart phones to someone who's last contact with technology was VHS tapes and CDs
he understood and asked to try it
screen off
a few seconds and you flicked it back on
there he was
safe and sound
"OK, you were right. I feel silly being scared"
well that was good news
"you can't blame me too much though. shoved somewhere dark indefinitely with nothing but your thoughts, it's not fun."
you apologized for that
"not like you knew. I doubt I'm a common occurrence"
the rest of the evening was winding down
out of precaution you walked around the apartment and locked every window and made sure the door deadbolt was in
that weirdo might snoop around your place
so there's a possibility he might break in
you'd take the game with you to work just in case too
possibly make a few back ups of the ISO file
you weren't sure that would help Lala here
but better to be careful
you'd given up trying to figure out how the wallaby worked for the moment
you were more concerned about protecting him

so from how you understood, turning the screen off wasn't condemning the wallaby
throwing him into the dark had worried him
but not nearly as much as it did the wallaby
made sense
you'd be scared of that if it was you in his place
so you were happy for him
the phone was always on you so he'd be around you a lot more
this seemed like a win win
why that guy had shown up to your house you didn't know
perhaps he knew something you didn't
or maybe he thought he knew something you didn't
cat was out of the bag about the character being sentient
so you decided again to ask
you wanted some kind of answers from the wallaby himself
"so you're definitely not shutting me off?"
you replied of course you weren't
but you had strangers coming to your door
something had to be up
and he would have a better idea than you
"alright, I just wanted to make sure I could trust you. I've just been burned before"
you asked if it was the dev team behind the game
he nodded
you could kind of inferred what happened but let him explain
he didn't know how he had done what he did
he knew that he was very unusual
however when he started displaying his characteristics the dev team panicked
that's probably who's after him now
"am I that scary?"
well to be fair before you knew better he was scary
the dev team probably didn't see him in a schoolgirl outfit
so they essentially isolated him to that gold disc and locked him up
they'd lost track of the game and assumed data rot would eventually take care of that
kind of fucked to do to a sentient being
so it did line up why the wallaby was so clingy and frightened

you'd protect him
that much you swore
but you wanted him to be completely honest with you
you couldn't help him if he wasn't honest
that seemed to get through to him
no secrets
you had come clean about that social media thing
and it could have been avoided if Lala was more forthcoming
you didn't rub it in though
weren't going to be an asshole
the day had been eventful so you turned it pretty early
even skipped a meal
Wallace though, he genuinely loved being this much closer
next best thing to touching now

you woke up and immediately turned on your phone screen
there he was safe and sound
he was still asleep and you decided to let him be
cleaning up and breakfast was relaxing when you had an afternoon shift
you were there when he woke up
he stretched like a cat and yawned
actually kind of cute
which he insisted was not so
you went over your schedule today and he was happy to get to join
you did lay out that he should kind of stay out of sight
it sucked but you didn't need coworkers asking questions
it's not like you could bullshit and say he was like Bonzi Buddy without the malware
maybe they might buy that
but better to not take the risk
you packed your earbuds for privacy later
it would be welcome company over your coworkers honestly
a bullshit retail job
wasn't much but it paid the bills
you'd see about getting night shift more often so you could freely listen to your "music"
the drive there was less dreadful with conversation
he was honestly interested in you
usually you tell a date you stock shelves the interest dies out instantly
Lala here was completely sheltered
so it sounded damn near astounding
he killed like evil penguins with a yoyo and yet he thought stocking shelves was amazing
you asked why, when his own game had a space level, this amazed him?
"it's actual life"

"your life is amazing"
grass is greener on the other side you supposed
sure didn't feel amazing
you'd take the win
your coworkers noticed an improved mood
even if you stole glances at your phone a lot more
lunch break you immediately made a beeline for the employee bathroom
it was one person only so that worked great
though that meant you probably had to hurry
you plugged in your ear buds
locked the door
whipping your cock out made him instantly aware of what was happening
his own cock grew in seconds, the skirt hid nothing
the ear buds brought a new dimension to things
he was right in your ear
even the faintest whimper
it was all clear as day
you were no audiophile but goddamn if this didn't make you a believer in it
you stroked yourself while whispering into the built in mic
he started fingering himself while his body shivered
you liked that he didn't even bother jerking off
he was a natural sub
wanted to get off from penetration
and you were more than happy to penetrate
you whispered how much you were going to just split him in half
break him in like your whore
that did him in pretty quick
his legs gave out as he came all over himself
he fell over as burst after burst sprayed everywhere
that was enough to push you and you came into your hand with a growl
lunch was over and you had to head back
you both cleaned up a little and you began to head out
an idea hit
you did something crazy and kissed the screen
he blushed like crazy at that
you smiled and laughed
pocketing the phone, you reluctantly headed to work for the rest of the day
felt like you were just counting the hours
you bet your companion was just as antsy
work felt like it took an eternity
but you made it
the urge to wait until the parking lot was tough
he greeted you when you flicked the phone screen on
he'd been tweaking his schoolgirl outfit and giving it personal touches
decided to go very 90s with the colors
his hair (still didn't know how that worked) done in girlish pigtails, with his backwards ball cap giving some sort of tomboyish charm
"I figured something new out."
that piqued your curiosity and asked
with a soft snap of his fingers he changed the screen
he could control his surroundings now
and he'd flicked to an antique Bridget doujin you had bookmarked
"I see he uses a yoyo too. among other things in common"
he flicked the pages until he got to Bridget getting banged
wasn't a short trip
"soooo… do you want me to dress up in a nun outfit too?"
he feigned innocence but you knew damn well he was too kinky to do that genuinely
one twirl and he was dressed as Bridget
another twirl he was dressed as Shimakaze
yet another twirl, Astolfo
then back to his usual outfit
"you seem to have a type don't you?"
he giggled and rested his hand on his hips
the one hand twirled his hair in mock innocence
even gave you the damn puppy dog eyes
OK sure you had a type
didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out
you did ask how he could play around with the phone when the tv he was essentially stuck
"maybe I just interact different with this internet?"
he did pace a little in thought as you chilled in your car
you hadn't left the working parking lot after that little display
"maybe it just needed me to concentrate? this is all news to me honestly"
you were curious
he operated on strange rules
you did have another question
were dreams another medium for him?
"I guess? I was just trying to get your attention and just thought about it"
so maybe he was only limited by self imposed restrictions
you started driving home and remarked maybe he should try that trick on the tv
"good idea. also… you totally didn't answer the question earlier"
he understood you were driving so he didn't push too hard but you could hear the tone in his voice
he must have been able to see how flustered that made you because he laughed
"alright, alright. I'll behave. at least until you're home"
he began to whistle nonchalantly
why was he whistling nonchalantly?
the curiosity was killing you
you couldn't pull your eyes away from the road for awhile
heading home you had a singular thought running circles through your head
you asked what he was doing
"oh. nothing~"
a red light
thank fucking God
you had a second to look down
he was browsing a harem manga this time
one guy with like three traps
he wasn't looking up at you
a horn honk broke your focus
"eyes on the road."
he laughed
"so a fun thought."
he knew you couldn't look down and was taunting you
"I'm fairly certain I'm data. Right?"
you grunted out a yes and wondered where this was going
a loud snap
and two more?
dammit you needed to be home now
it was like a minute away
practically skidded into a parking spot
then looked down
to see the screen crowded by wallabies
multiple wallabies
that was news
you almost couldn't wrap your mind around what you were seeing
clearly he wasn't bound by reality but still
this was impossible
so he… rather they had your attention
there had to be about 5 of him
all kind of looking up to you for some sort of reaction
judging by their smiles they got what they wanted
a simple snap of one of their fingers and they poofed away
"so I can apparently do a lot more than just browse your porn."
that was very good to know
"I could be your porn"
you inhaled and exhaled deeply
you weren't thinking that before
no you were thinking it
you would have hit a tree if you were driving right now
instead you nabbed your phone and headed inside
despite half thinking with your head head you made sure everything was secure like you had been doing
only then did you allow the ramifications to hit you like a brick
he could control himself in ways completely alien to you
and do it easily
you asked if he could change his appearance even further
you plugged him into the tv for a better view
you used some random movie as a backdrop so he wasn't backed by snow and white noise
"what do you mean?"
you knew the clothes thing was possible
however you wanted to try something
could he make things bigger?
at that his eyes got wide
"I like the way you think"
he concentrated
Lala closed his eyes and thought it
stood there in complete silence
a few seconds and it was obvious it worked
because his hips, ass and dick had his panties tearing at the seams
"oh fuck" he moaned in a soft whisper
so that worked
his ass was thick enough you could palm a cheek in one hand
his thighs looked like he did nothing but jog up and down stairs every day
his dick was originally average length and now was over a foot and a leaking mess
as quickly as he did it he reverted back
"I think if I stayed like that longer I'd kind of just not be able to control myself for a while."
he gave himself another feminine outfit to replace the panties
this time it was something more dark
"I don't know if I'm quite ready for nonstop breeding hole mode. Just yet."
he gave a little twirl to show off the outfit
fishnet stockings and sleeves, a black crop top and black daisy dukes
"not quite goth, I know"
you appreciated it
and filed "breeding hole mode" away for a rain check idea

so you settled into the night time routine
Lala was a welcome change to the old routine
you got done errands and got cleaned up
dinner was quick
thankfully it seemed like your life was calm now
aside from the new addition
while you were super paranoid after that social media business Lala was safe with you
an entertaining idea hit you
some would balk at the idea of possibly empowering the weird cybernetic organism they found
some would be scared of the idea
but he was hot
so you continued
if he could control your phone then maybe he could do the same for other stuff
anything with an interface maybe?
so you switched inputs to a game system and loaded something up
just to see how far he could reach
sure enough
Super Mario Brothers
the little plumber was jumping and moving with no input from you
or amazingly none from him
it was like he willed Mario to move
that experiment meant he could control things on the outside as long as it corresponded to the media
like he could control Mario because Mario was meant to be controlled
yet the background sprites or the NPCs were out of his control
it was like he could play the game without a controller
in fact you unplugged the controller out of curiosity
and he kept doing it
much like how he could control a smart phone screen interface
it was fascinating
he had fun just kind of going through the game
you suggested something new
2 player
you nodded
it was another experiment but you also liked the idea of having fun with him in a new way
it was like you could touch him now
even if it was through Battletoads
he positioned himself on the corner of the screen so you could see and you spent the rest of the night going through old games together
you'd enjoyed the night before
waking up on the weekend was always nice
you had a couple days off and wanted to revel in sleeping in
Lala was still resting on the tv
Double Dragon still on the screen
he was adorable
why or how data slept you didn't know
he probably didn't know either
after last night a fun new facet to him had appeared
maybe you'd really gotten a boyfriend after all this time
as unconventional as it was
originally fuck buddies covered your relationship
but last night was just you two unwinding over old games
maybe you could do more in-between mutual masturbation
God help your dick if he somehow got out of the screen
being able to interact with games gave you an idea
you'd make it a surprise for him later
but you'd be saving up
it would be a step forward
same usual morning business
shower, coffee, breakfast, blah blah blah
after working it felt nice to go at your own pace
it would be fantastic to get Lala serving you breakfast in nothing but an apron but baby steps
no need to be greedy
he stirred after you got done all your business
if smartphones amazed him, a console several gens past his game may floor him
today you were going to swing for retro to almost current gen
something couch coop
you weren't sure of letting him off the leash online just yet
granted he seemed more preoccupied with your porn on the phone than most of the internet
his game gen barely had online so that would be all new to him
God if you let him into your laptop stuff
he kept the goth look from last night and perked up when you mentioned a fighting game
you debated going all girlfriend easy mode on him
turns out that wasn't required
he picked Sagat and bodied you the second he learned
"they still make Street Fighters I guess. they played it a lot in the company office during my dev time"
a few matches went on and the conversation was light
both of you were concentrating on the game for the most part
after like an hour you were about ready to try another game
"wait wait. one more. loser sucks the winner's cock."
ok you could do one more
you'd never demanded more of yourself than now
absolutely refused to lose
one way or another you were getting sloppy wallaby toppy
get the fuck out of here with how
male brain can't get the promise of oral and fixate on reality
its like chum in the water to a shark
instinct takes over for every other function
you had no intention of losing
blowing him might lead to more…
no no
couldn't lose
your pride as a man demanded it
so one more game it was
you psyched yourself up
you were in the game
more like wallabitch
that was gold
file that away for the blowjob
a few deep breaths and you chose Ken
that was your main
easy mode for you
completely familiar territory and the surest way to victory
he chose the strange outside choice of Dhalsim
he didn't seem to have a favorite just yet but he'd not picked Dhalsim yet
the first match you didn't let up
you knew Dhalsim could zone if you let him
so you closed the gap and kept the pressure up
there were a few fumbles while he got control of the character
no way were you letting him get a handle that quick
first round was a win to you
you rushed through it and speed and aggression got you that first win
second round was more a fumble
he seemed to get Dhalsim now
the match was going south quickly once he got the idea
no longer were you permitted to close the gap
every jump got yoga fired or kicked
dashing in resulted in much the same
both of you weren't letting up
despite his horny subiness he seemed to want that win as much as you
a lucky kick k.o.ed Ken
it was all down to the tie breaker
you didn't expect it to come to this
but you both wouldn't relent
someone was getting head over street fighter
and it was going to be you
both of you chipped at each other's defenses
slowly testing each other
punches and kicks worked into fireballs and yoga fires
you wouldn't let him play keepaway and he wouldn't let you get in
so damn close
both of you gave all on this one little bet
it came to the final strike
one of you would nail the other and win
a lucky strike and…

So who wins?
So since I got a vote for each

the last strike went to him
Ken crumpled on the ground
you gave it your all though
can't say you wimped out
he turned to you and looked pretty pleased with himself
"that was good, you were good"
he had a beaming smile
and a naughty glint in his eye
"winner take all right?"
his hands rested on his hips
he leaned in close enough to stare down his shirt
"good news for the loser I need his cock here more than I need mine sucked"
he pointed to his open mouth
"you know," he continued, "I bet if I act bratty enough someone might be a sore loser."
his ass swayed slightly back and forth at the thought
"why he might just pin me down a feed me his big bitch breaker"
good fucking God
you really really wished there wasn't a screen separating you
you felt like the feeling was mutual
he winked changed to a skirt
his own erection not even concealed any more
"the second I'm out of here. the exact second I'm free. you're taking an entire week vacation home. understood?"
he approached the screen and rubbed his now bare chest against the barrier
"I might ride it right to the point it almost breaks"
his voice was low and seductive
his clawed hand drew casual little circles against the screen
"you're probably so warm to the touch. I might not let you go back to work"
he laughed and grinned
his eyes were hungry
"you saved me and once you free me… well let's just say I'm going to ruin you"
his grin was toothy as he eyed you
his dick straining his panties to the limit
tail slowly swishing behind him as he struck a pose against the screen
you scarcely believe this was the same character from that game you bought

Lala had a hungry look
he mock rode a cock in front of the screen and jerked himself off for you
you knew that was the least of what he wanted to do
he was vocal about it
very vocal
growling as he busted a nut in front of you
"mine. you're fucking mine"
his teeth flashed and he blasted ropes while watching your own cock
he didn't stop jerking off
couldn't stop
he started fingering himself
"get me out and fucking break me!"
he was loudly defining himself now
"fingers aren't enough"
he slid his fingers in and out
he'd worked up to three digits
"I can't take it any more. please please please."
he stopped briefly to turn his generous backside to you
his ass pressed to the screen
his fingers withdrew from his hungry hole
it twitched
"see! get me out. this needs filling. and only one thing can do"
his cheeks pressed against the screen
"until then"
his hand gripped his tail
he watched over his shoulder as he licked the tip suggestively
"until I can get a man…"
the tail was stroked and licked
you masturbated furiously that night
he had you entranced
you'd work and you'd get him out
the next day you checked for second jobs
you had a plan
it wouldn't be perfect but it'd be enough
running shit for grubhub or Uber drive
you needed to
after a few months of the stupid little side gigs you had enough expendable income
Lala was sweet and accompanied you the whole time
made the trips easier
he was confused why you were pushing yourself so hard
the concern in his voice always made you feel guilty
it was hard to keep up the act but it would be good for both of you
you held off telling Lala
while you didn't quite know how to free him you did know a step closer
the package arrived and you weren't proud hiding it from him this long
however it was worth it to see him light up when you explained just what it was
you would have to figure out how to do a private room in VRchat
that was the easiest place to interact that you knew
for now
"so will I be able to touch you?"
sadly no
that did make Lala a bit depressed
even slumped down and looked towards the floor
but you could touch him possibly
that was at least a small consolation and put him a better mood
"still. i wanted to touch you."
there would be time for that
as nice as the idea of touching him was, getting your dick sucked also wouldn't be bad
you couldn't lie
you just considered this a good first step for now
private rooms seemed easy enough to make
how he would interface with it you both had no idea
he could interact with things though so you hoped
after a little work getting him into a modern system he seemed to easily access with the password
and private room with just him and you created
the next best thing to touching him
you squished his face and sure enough he felt that
this close
absolutely amazing
worth the door dash bullshit
he melted against you as you pulled him into a hug
"its working. I can feel you."
he huffed and tried to squeeze himself closer
"just wish I had more feedback."
there was a little bit of melancholy in the wallaby's voice
you squeezed him tight and promised
you were surprised but the rest of your encounter in VR didn't turn sexual
"this is very nice," he murmured, "but I want you having fun too"
he did however want to play around with the VR
first thing was carrying him
since he was essentially weightless it was easy
you tried bridal style and over your shoulder
you tried to discourage him from piggy back but a quick jump through empty space told him it was a bad idea
his body yearned for your hands, even like this
he leaped back up into your arms after pulling himself up off the floor
this time you palmed his ample ass and he tried to wrap his arms and legs around a body that wasn't there
"I bet you're as hungry as me though."
his voice was a purr near your ear
"I promise once I'm free I'm yours"
his tail wagged softly behind him
a lot of times you had to remind yourself he was somehow based off a wallaby
definitely didn't feel like it much now
"if I could pull you in here and make you mine I'd do it"
"just us. just this. forever."
he was getting ramped up again
"you wouldn't need anything else. just a little corner of our own world"
his teeth flashed in a smile
his eyes stared into yours through the headset
"I think I know why they tried to lock me away."
more of him appeared around you instantly
"I started off something empty to be plastered on magazines and happy meals. now I'm thinking how to trap you in here so I can ride that dick"
it was four Lala's of various dress crowded around you
he nuzzled up to you innocently
all of him
he had indeed gotten erratic with your influence
certainly more than his creators ever intended
maybe you should be worried
but he didn't seem to want any harm
quite the opposite
you blinked and the vr room was dark red
now there were about ten Lalas
all decked out in some crossdressing fashion
some looked like he nabbed them from your doujins
the main Lala clung to your front even had changed to Shimakaze
"just think."
the Shimakaze Lala spoke while the others cuddled on your sides
"I'm getting better at this. I can make this our little wonderland. you dream it"
he poofed out the air, vanished
the Lalas to your side shoved you backwards
you landed in a bed sized hand
with that Shimakaze Lala smiling down at you
"I'm God here."
his hand cradled you and the other Lalas piled onto his hand
"and you?"
he leaned in
his eyes dark red now
you flinched
it was very overwhelming and you couldn't help
he giggled and his eyes flashed back to normal
"sorry sorry. I had to prank you a little."
his hand became an obnoxiously pink heart shaped queen sized bed
the other Lalas vanished in a blink
just like that he was perched on you
"I read the whole 'killer AI' thing on one of those internet trips"
he snapped his fingers and he was in some sort of Goth/Bridget/Shimakaze/Astolfo combo now
a black nun habit and top with a high cut thong and nut length skirt
his hair now pink and braided to a length down the his thighs
white stockings came up to his thighs
"I'm God here. They locked me away because I could go rampant, wild."
he hooked his fingers under his top and flashed you
he softly murmured while looking you straight in the eyes
"this is a God submitting"
he softly smiled as you reached out and touched his bare stomach
there was no feedback on your end but he said your name with a long drawn out groan
his cock twitched under the tiny skirt
"I meant what I said about dragging you in here though. every word. all the power at these fucking amazing fingertips of yours."
he threw his head back and clawed at the sheets
"I'll make it happen. you're not growing old out there. you're never dying"
your hands ventured lower and he gasped
"it's not fair I have to wait to get your cum though"
he leaned down and whispered neat your head best he could
"you are going to ruin me aren't you?"
there was that hunger
you nodded and he reclined back to straddling air
"I decided to sneak one of me out and look at the internet while we had fun and I found something that's a step closer to us."
he waved his hand as if doing cheap magic and presented pop ups
haptic feedback gloves and… a fleshlight
that may solve some things
"I know they're probably expensive so I can put myselves to work. I saw this 'vtuber' thing we can do together."
he poked right where your forehead would be
"I promise you're coming in here one day. those developers were sort of right. I want to go rampant, but you've got me collared."

it was strange to cuddle without actual contact
he lamented that fact again
"even with the feedback I'm going to be greedy and want more"
you hugged him tightly
he attempted to embrace back and huffed when it had no effect
a for effort at least
"I know that sextoy is expensive but it had a fun feature. I can control it through Bluetooth"
he went over plans he had
you two would make loads of cash
he would set you up
granted, if he tugged you in here somehow what would money be good for
that point was raised
he still hadn't figured out how he was jumping out or pulling you in
so contingency plans
"one way or another I'm feeling you"
that determination was actually endearing
maybe in other hands he would have been super harmful
lucking into you gave him a positive outlet
you ended up passing out with the VR gear on
it was pleasant
even if it wasn't perfect you'd fell asleep with a lover
what followed was planning out his career
he wanted to make it clear even with an audience he was yours
this was just playing video games for an audience
after a few weeks you'd managed to get it all arranged
he premiered to modest reception
it was cute watching him
after the show he was pent up and wanted you
a trend that would continue after every performance
after a few months you noticed someone persistent in chat
name dropped Wallace
that spooked you both
they were immediately banned from chat
your previous encounters with whoever was last involved with that game had you worried
you'd protect him though
you swore you would
it seemed like that was the closest to a scare though
he worked his cute little wallaby butt off every night he could
watching him socialize was charming
he hadn't interacted with anyone outside of you
yet took to it like a fish to water
maybe because he was skilled wrapping you around his finger
eventually he saw decent success and the donations meant your goal finally happened
all the gear was sitting in front of you
he was eyeing you through the screen
the VR gear was easy to put on
the private room made to his specifications
he seemed to like the red lighting
he greeted you in a black lacy night and nothing else
his hips swayed as he walked to you
his bare hard dick bouncing with every step
it was a soft growl as he pulled you into an embrace
a command
the new gloves did give you feedback
while it wasn't perfect it wasn't like empty space like before
gripping his ass cheeks gave you some kind of push back
you still yearned to feel his soft coat through your fingers
running a hand up his bare back made him quiver
"please tell me you can feel me"
you could
he giggled as you ran your hands over him
"put that pussy on."
you did as told
it was easy with how hard you were
he cuddled up to your neck and whispered into your ear
"plug that thing up to the Bluetooth and your dick is mine"
he didn't even wait
the exact second it connected he had your knees weak
he growled as he milked you
"I hope you realize something."
you had a confused look on your face that didn't register on your avatar but he figured out quickly
"I'm not letting you go"
well that wasn't surprising
in fact you expected that from Lala
he laughed as he easily pumped that tube over your manhood
"just think, if you were in here there would be no need for a break"
the first orgasm from him directly had you seeing stars, his pumping didn't cease
you would have to call out tomorrow for work
this definitely warranted a day off
you lost track of time in the VR room
Lala just kept milking you and he was very handsy about it
you must have lost gallons over the time you were in there
his little kingdom was all you knew until finally hunger and exhaustion
when you finally had to take break he admitted defeat when you brought up basic needs
"fine fine. I may have been a little excessive. can you blame me?"
you laughed as he stroked your avatar's chest
you pulled off the VR gear after teasing him with a firm spank on his ass that had him yelp
"you naughty little fucker"
he laughed after that
after looking down you knew this expensive toy was going to need a through cleaning
holy shit
your dick felt raw after all that
looking at your phone you did a double take
10 hours
you were in there for 10 hours
holy shit
it was like that time way back when you first met him where he seemed to make you conk out for a day
except less scary
so shower
calling the boss pretending you were deathly ill
not hard to do when you were dead tired and wrung out like a sponge
you cleaned up the crime scene and laid back deeply satisfied
Lala sat down on screen cross-legged
"so I'm playing around with all this hardware without any checks on me and…"
you were a little suspicious
while he wasn't harmful you were aware he could very much do mischief
"remember how I got you to dream about me?"
that was a while back but yes
"maybe the whole data thing is fast and loose with me. I existed as 'data' in you"
he was peculiar to say the least
"I want you try something"
he looked directly into your eyes
"really. I feel stupid not thinking of it."
he got up and the screen became snowy and red, the VR room gone
he pressed himself against the screen and in a growl that also somehow trailed into a moan
"close your eyes and think of me."
no one of the outside ever knew what happened
the dev that tried to get the game back had a hint but he couldn't go to the authorities
the authorities themselves were just confused
your friends and work just never got answers
thankfully family wasn't an issue
otherwise you might have felt a bit guilty
you were just… gone
the second you closed your eyes and thought the static intensified
all you could hear was static
it was hard to concentrate
you tried your damndest
the vision in your head turned crimson
crimson snow in your head
it started hurt so much that you ended up screaming and holding your pillow over your ears
you fought the urge to open your eyes
kept trying to think of Lala
but it was so painful now
like a chaotic mess in your mind
then after screaming his name it just stopped
like it never happened
a massive weight pressed on your chest and you opened your eyes
a giant Lala loomed over you, hunger burning in his eyes
his paw covered your entire body and pinned you to the bed
he was… touching you
holy shit
you felt him
a dogpile of yellow wallaby femboys followed
"I'm data but that doesn't mean I'm limited to controlling electronics."
he cuddled you
every inch of you smothered with fur and the Lalas went to work tearing off every stitch of clothing
"once I had a window, a real window"
the dogpile parted for a main Lala who plopped his ass on the bed next to you
"who knew the key to freedom was the reason I wanted it to begin with"
you had to ask how he did all of the shit after
he was an AI
not a god in real life
"I said I'd trap you in here."
he said that in the cheeriest way when he pulled you into a hug
you didn't think he'd even manage it
let alone so soon
sure enough you were you, he produced a mirror to prove it
you were in shock
was this your life now
he nuzzled your neck
"I know it's a lot to take in"
he cuddled you
and laughed
"I was fucking owning you one way or another darling"
in a flash he straddled you and had you on your back
his outfit was now stark white bridal lingerie
white silk and flowers
garters hugged his thick thighs
crotchless white panties with his erect manhood on full display
corset hugging his chest right below his nipples
bicep length gloves
a headpiece and veil that covered his eyes
his tail was even sleeved in white silk
he grabbed your hand and you noticed your matching rings
"we won't part in death. no poorer, no sickness. just…"
there was a pause as he hovered his ass over you cock
you were overwhelmed but your body was still liking what it saw
"just the man who saved me. my hero. my husband. my cock."
he prodded his hole with your cockhead
you could feel all of this
could feel Lala
holy shit
he slammed down with all his weight
leaned back and came ropes across your stomach
he took a second to breath after that
he pulled the veil aside to look you right in the eye
"you may now fuck the bride"
to the rest of the world you'd vanished
Lala had carved out a niche of cyberspace
undisturbed to the outside world unless he wanted
after absorbing terabytes he was indeed a god in here
he'd spent just hours pouring over the web
all his weird glitchy control over data and hardware made him dangerous
in other hands he might have brought about complete chaos
an apocalyptic level entity
instead he was wearing a white leather collar with your name on the tag
he luckily seemed to fall into one particular vice instead of causing trouble
your dick throbbed inside him as he perched on you
he made a world with no exhaustion, hunger or grime
you actually felt flattered in a way he kept your body a 1:1 with how you looked in real life
his ass squeezed you tightly
it was like he was waiting your call
you were still very in over your head
he did mean well and it's not like he could realize what he did
maybe this wouldn't be so bad
life couldn't be worse
maybe this was paradise
you sort of regretted not teaching him a little bit about personal space
but there was always a chance this would have always happened
he was insistent he'd do it
plus you're the dummy that fell for it
though maybe you also wanted it
Lala even took away the few aches and pains you had
he gave you heaven
so maybe it was time to make the best of it
you slapped your hands onto his hips and gripped his thickness
he bit his lip and placed his hands on your own
he'd won and he knew it
but he didn't stop to gloat
especially since you took all that endless endurance and used it to start mercilessly thrusting up into him
he came thick ropes again as he howled
"holy fuck I needed this!"
relentless pounding
for hours
you made him a drooling fleshlight
you couldn't stop once you opened the box
he always teased you and wanted you to break him
you basically refused to pull out of his ever virgin hole
gallons of cum poured into him and he took all the abuse in stride
he just slammed back and demanded all you could give
eventually he couldn't even speak
just screamed "mine" and rambled
every single position
even stuff that wouldn't be possible in real life
surreal to fuck a partner that could float
at one point he hung limply off your dick with your fingers in his mouth
just slamming into him without a single break
your little paradise was filled with the sounds of meat slapping meat and guttural animal breeding noises
you lost track of everything
all you could think about was emptying your lust into the tight hole
it milked you perfectly
in real time you were at it for almost a decade before you both were satisfied
just like that the entire space was cleaned and a soft fresh bed was made for you two
there would be more but be wanted to cuddle and you obliged
his fur was as soft as you imagined
his hand positioned over your heart
he nuzzled your shoulder
sleep was more of a placebo thing now
but you still both slept
when you awoke two Lalas served you breakfast in bed in maid outfits
food was also a placebo but you weren't turning down steak and eggs
main Lala in his bridal outfit drew hearts on your chest with the tip of his tail
three Lalas in Arabian concubine outfits sat at the feet of the bed
two Lalas, one in a schoolgirl outfit and another a cheerleader, kissed around your throbbing cockhead
two Lalas dressed as Bridget sucked and licked at your nuts
you looked up to see he'd pulled the giant hand bed trick again
a giant nude Lala watched you with a smile
you looked back down to see hundreds of Lalas in various outfits around the giant hand
all teasing and vying for your attention, some even engaging in sex with sex other for you to watch
this entity could have broken his prison and killed everything he could grab
now he was your husband/wife
so maybe he'd convinced you this little slice of wherever this was wasn't half bad
here you were his king

Edit Report
Pub: 30 Jun 2022 20:10 UTC
Edit: 05 Dec 2022 01:13 UTC
Views: 4769