this gets updated whenever i see a new shipname
NxV - Envy, oilcookie, goldenoil, goldenretriever, nv. VxJ - Oilrose, goldenshockwave, jv, vj. JxN - Jn, codegold, jenny. JxCyn - EldritchTerrors, Jcyn. VxCyn - Bloodyviolin. VxJxCyn - Silverdust.
UzixThad - Thuzi, thadzi, gothjock. DollxLizzy - Bloodypink, dizzy, lizdoll, dollzzy/dollzy. SamxUzi - Smokeybats, samzi, uzami. SamxBraiden - Samden, smokefire. RebeccaxUzi - Ruzi, rebzi. LizzyxEmily - Hotpinkthriller, Finalbow, Lemily, Emilizzy. RebeccaxBraiden - Emberberry, rebden. DollxUzi - Dollzi, bloodybats. ThadxBraiden - Thaiden, thadden, firejock, fireball, brad. RebeccaxLizzy - Pinkberry, cobaltribbons, cyanshine, rebzzy, rizzy. EmilyxRebecca - Embecca, blueberrybooks. LizzyxUzi - Luzi, gothbow, batbow, violetshimmer. LizzyxBraiden - Glitterflame, blizzy. ThadxDarren - Greenproblems, greenjocks. KhanxNori - Khori, Silverlily. KhanxTeacher - Metalwork. ThadxSam - Smokeyjock. DollxEmily - Finalsolver. DollxThad - Sunnyblood. AlicexYeva - Crimsonhorrors. SarahxDetective - Shadymint. AlicexNori - Purplemalice. DarrenxRebeccaxEmily - Darrebemi, neutronstar.
NxUzi - Biscuitbites, nuzi, unzi. NxThad - Wheatthins, biscuitjocks, nthad, spikeball. VxUzi - Vuzi, violetviolence. VxLizzy - Pinklemonade, Vizzy. JxDoll - Sunteddy, jolly. VxThad - Killingblonde, vhad, vthad. JxUzi - Juzi, passion fruit soda, brandedgun, spaceink. NxLizzy - Goldenglitter, Nizzy. JxTessa..??? - Spacepen, bowgunner. JxNori - Solverink.
ship names that i (the creator of this rentry, @enchantingrune) coined: bloodybats, goldenshockwave, hotpinkthriller, emberberry, pinkberry, & blueberrybooks!