Registry of Charges Held in the Blue Dragon Office
For internal use only, copying/sharing without permission from the head of the office is considered a violation of all caretaker NDAs.
Entries are listed in order of acquisition, with a brief description of observed abilities alongside handling and rehabilitation information. This is not a full guide, as individual handling and treatment packets are available at the request of caretakers from the chief recordkeeper.
All the information below has been checked or written by Alma. Changes to this document should be brought up with her if needed.
Name: Morana, The Shadow of Death
Classification: Star of the City
Trust Level: Special (No locks or countermeasures. Her loyalty is proven.)
Handling Notes: Can mostly manage herself, but can be slightly hyperactive. Care must be taken so she is not lost in crowds and is to be steered clear of syndicate-dominated areas on the job due to their universal bounty on her head. Extremely skilled combatant in melee range. Should be supported when charging so she can handle larger, more dangerous targets.
Rehabilitation Notes: Her rehabilitation is complete. All that remains are the after-effects of it. Remember, she is our proof to the Hana Association that our methods work.
Habitat: A room in the caretaker dorms, not to be disturbed unless you wish to be smacked with a wooden blade.
Name: Vesuvia, the Living Volcano
Classification: Urban Plague
Trust Level: Partial (Implanted sedative is to be activated in the event of an outburst via remote control.)
Handling Notes: Hot-headed in a literal and emotional sense, she is not to be made the butt of jokes or played with unless you plan on making her the winner. Prone to friendly fire and outbursts of rage if mocked or believes she is being seen as weak. Her ability to spread lava on the ground and her fireproof nature make her excellent at breaking up mobs and forcing a defensive opponent to move by spreading lava. Does not need food but will die if she becomes too cold.
Rehabilitation Notes: She is close to recovery, so making her feel comfortable and in control is critical now. That means her job must go well. Encouragement is to be provided for good behavior (listening to orders, coming up with clever strategies, mission success), while "criticism sandwiches" (compliment, criticism, compliment) are to be provided upon failure or poor behavior.
Habitat: A room with hardened obsidian for its floor and a fireproof hammock for a bed. Requires a weekly check on the computer to make sure its components have not melted (a new one should be quickly provided). She controls her own heat with lava. Frequent checks on her walls are to be made by maintenance staff to prevent her neighbors from being burned.
Name: Becky the Ballerina
Classification: Urban Nightmare
Trust Level: Low (Lock Codes: Aggression Lock(CW=Red), Movement Lock(CW=Green).)
Handling Notes: While she acts like an innocent child, it is simply a persona she puts on to get people's guards down. Her powers work by dancing in a way that puts people in a trance and makes them highly suggestable. Any caretakers assigned to Becky should have suits with resistance to mental effects to maintain sound judgment. She has attempted breakouts before and is on her "third strike" until we implement more aggressive control mechanisms. In the field, she is an excellent defender, able to gracefully dodge around most opponents while dragging them deeper into her dance of joyful obedience. Is much stronger of a fighter than she appears, able to kick or bite a man's head off if it proves more "fun" for her. Does not need to eat, or at least never eats the more mundane food we give her.
Rehabilitation Notes: Progress is being made, mainly in her willingness to invite trusted handlers to her tea parties, where she speaks more about herself and her past. Her caretakers should only be shifted out in the case of one being heavily injured or being too sick to work, and the caretaker should be introduced to her by someone she trusts. She seems to hide a deep paranoia toward everyone, believing all should simply dance to her tune in a literal sense. Like sweets and stuffed animals, and will often accept such gifts with little resistance.
Habitat: Becky's room looks like a princess's room, with a large curtain bed, a vanity mirror, soft pink walls, a toy chest where she keeps her beloved collection of stuffed animals, and a medium-sized table in the center of the room. Prefers the room to be slightly chilly and has yet to earn thermostat privileges.
Name: Effy, the Winged Star
Classification: Urban Legend
Trust Level: High (Aggression Lock CW=Marble.)
Handling Notes: Obsessed with imparting her own brand of "justice" (massacring backstreets full of rats who need to steal and work with syndicates to survive), she is usually very reasonable, cooperative, and driven. She is to be kept from investigations into high-crime rate areas and not lied to about why: she knows that it's a problem and must learn that indiscriminate killing of "Sinners" is not a good thing. In the field, she can fly, fight with great skill, and use blasts of energy that seem to manifest from the gems on her suit. Enjoys engaging in talks about the nature of justice and other philosophical subjects.
Rehabilitation Notes: Caretakers of hers should be able to at least converse on her level when it comes to philosophy, so she does not grow frustrated in downtime. She can be easily convinced to leave her lodgings without a fight if there is a book store on the way there or back, though her form does tend to ruffle some feathers. Has resentment toward Zwei fixers who "don't do enough" to clean up the streets, so make sure to keep her separate from Zwei operations lest she try something that will make us all look bad.
Habitat: A small, sparsely decorated bedroom with a well-organized shelf stuffed with law and philosophy books. Her computer is full of her own personal essays on the nature of justice, which she sometimes asks her caretakers to edit. Her seahorse companion (named Stella) has its own bed beside hers. Has thermostat privileges that she rarely uses.
Name: Shadowman (AKA Shane)
Classification: Urban Myth
Trust Level: Low(Deception Lock CW=Sun, Aggression Lock CW=Ray, Movement Lock CW=Wall.)
Handling Notes: Formerly an information broker working under Ava (AKA Lady Luck), his combat skills are weaker than most other distortions, while his stealth abilities and street smarts are highly developed. Can melt into shadows and move in them, but can still be hurt inside said shadows (larger shadows=more toughness). Best used as reconnaissance or as a distraction in combat, and still has contacts outside the office. Should be routinely asked about his plans and desires AFTER his deception lock has been activated to be sure we are not being baited into a trap or an escape attempt. Caretakers assigned to Shane should be skilled at games of chance and be able to handle his fast pace of conversation; otherwise, he will grow bored and restless.
Rehabilitation Notes: Progress has been exceedingly slow due to his tricky nature, but games of chance seem to get him to comply with orders and actually listen to caretakers. Enjoys shadowing caretakers on assignments and eagerly offers questionable advice on how to navigate the streets and not get taken advantage of in business transactions. Refuses to enter District 1 in any way, shape, or form. Likely from a fear of the Hana Association that should be dealt with as he warms up to his caretakers.
Habitat: A totally dark room with only a card table inside, kept slightly above room temperature. Keeps a ledger of all the gambling debts and payouts in a logbook placed on said table, as if challenging people to try and tamper with it.
Name: Sated Sewer Dragon(AKA William)
Classification: Urban Nightmare
Trust Level: High (Aggression Lock CW=Scale.)
Handling Notes: A large reptile that speaks little of his past but has claimed to have devoured over 50 fixers while he roamed the sewers of District 10. Must eat meat, which he prefers raw with hot sauce. Is allowed choice in his mealtime and should always have a stocked refrigerator with a variety of drinks (NO ALCOHOL!). In terms of combat ability, William fights with long claws, a whip-like tail, and the ability to spit corrosive acid. He is extremely hardy and adept at fending off both distortions and humans. Caretakers of his should not be overly loud or peppy, as it quickly irritates him and makes an outburst more likely, even if we have logged a much lower rate of lock use on him. Enjoys talking about cooking, something he wishes to be able to do again someday. His lock should only be used if he uses excessive force or starts attacking caretakers/allies.
Rehabilitation Notes: After we started listening closely to his feedback on his food, his behavior became much better. Care should be taken to accommodate his unique tastes and to keep him away from the judging eyes of non-caretakers, as he has expressed extreme irritation at the horrified stares he receives. Likes swimming and other fitness exercises that offer a chance for his caretakers to prove their dedication.
Habitat: A larger cage that offers a pool, weight rack, large waterproof bed, and strict climate control (with thermostat privileges). Prefers to eat underwater and drink on land.
Name: Universal Finale (AKA Peter)
Classification: Star of the City
Trust Level: VERY Low (Aggression Lock CW=Genesis, Movement Lock CW=Exodus, Thought Lock CW=Gate.)
Handling Notes: We have very limited information on Peter's past, but we do know he was a fixer who mysteriously disappeared after suffering a nearly fatal wound against some well-armed rats. He rarely, if ever, speaks about anything and has not revealed anything about his past other than his name to us. Fights with extremely hazardous, molecule-ripping blasts and beams, which seem to only be stopped by very shiny surfaces like polished metal and clean glass, and should be deployed sparingly and in evacuated areas to ensure he causes no collateral damage (in a human/distortion sense). His thought lock should only be used in extreme circumstances due to the violation of his already limited freedoms. His morale must be carefully maintained.
Rehabilitation Notes: Sadly, we know little about how to handle Peter other than that he spends most of his off time writing disturbing stories and poetry on his computer. He seems not to mind caretakers reading it. Assigned caretakers should be highly experienced and able to read his actions despite his lack of a face.
Habitat: Has an unchanged cell and has not requested anything be added. He has yet to sleep in any noticeable way.
Name: Arachne
Classification: Urban Plague
Trust Level: High (Aggression Lock CW=Web.)
Handling Notes: A girl from the backstreets of District 6, who would make nests of webbing in dark alleys where she would prey on foolish syndicate members. She is mainly motivated by food and safety. Her webs can hold targets down, and her vision is unparalleled in all fields, at the cost of struggling when fighting an unrestrained target. Best used as a disabler in conjunction with a more straight-forward attacker. She can go too far, but she has needed her lock less and less as of late. Is surprisingly sweet, often making clothes spun of her own silk webbing for caretakers (it's in every uniform jacket as a flexible cushioning layer). Enjoys tea parties and gossip, which she'll entangle her caretakers in.
Rehabilitation Notes: She is very easy to work with but can be quite grating to most fixers due to her childish ways. Assigned caretakers should be willing to act more like a babysitter or nanny than a fixer around her, especially out of combat. Very quick to trust, but still has a disturbing fascination with trying to bind other charges up with her webs and deny what she did later. Some caretakers suspect she is hiding a murderous dark side.
Habitat: Her cell is covered in sticky webbing, which she lives in exclusively, eating her meals in the common areas of the office with her caretakers. She dislikes anyone, especially other distortions entering her cell.
Name: Funeral Rites (AKA Fun)
Classification: Urban Myth
Trust Level: Special (No lock or countermeasures, she has a long-standing relationship with our office that has recently been formalized.)
Handling Notes: Allow her to come and go, but assist her when her task is dangerous or time-consuming. Due to her gentle and caring nature, it is advised to pair newbies with her so they can gain experience in the field without having to deal with an unruly charge. While she may seem scary, her kindness will quickly become apparent. Remember that she is not defenseless or helpless.
Rehabilitation Notes: None, as her symptoms are more beneficial than malicious. She will be observed for changes just in case, but it is doubtful she'll make negative progress.
Habitat: A room in the caretaker dorms, the one with the coffin inside it.