Everything written here is a fictional roleplay, nothing here is true :)
Moxxie/Devnull/Lizardspammer/CuadrupleF/EggsrGey exposed
Also known as Anonymous™ with a tripcode !!V8y0yf5xRbh
He samefags a lot so many of his posts in the threads are just anonymous
Save this link and repost it every time you see this attentionwhore in the threads
tl;dr devnullfaggot is an obnoxious fat zoomer, open homosexual and white trash reddit wigger from the USA (he lives in the Pacific Time Zone, his empty "edgy" linkedin says USA, he also claimed to be from California, but he still calls his daytime "burger hours") who thought that 4chan is a bad place because anons from it hate trannies. He has at least two reddit accounts. After discovering the /aicg/ threads in early December he immediately became a proclaimed oldfag not only of the threads, but also of 4chan in general. He's avatarfagging, samefagging, shits up the threads with helluva boss and zoophile content, gets banned from time to time, but continues to post from multiple devices and also stirs up the "pedohate". He's a pathetic attentionwhoring faggot and if you've been childishly insulted in the /aicg/ threads, it's probably him. Worse, he has spammed 4chan content on reddit many times (because you are pedos anyway - his words) and he also made a dedicated subreddit for Roko. (Which went unnoticed, but still.)
He also has a long history of being banned on various platforms for being a retarded attentionwhoring faggot.
The promised card is at the end. See below for more information and links.
You may have noticed a (newfag) /aicg/ regular who namefags as devnull and who loves to call others "newfags" and write "skill issue" and "you're a faggot for still using CAI". You may have gotten a glitched api key from him and you probably think he's a nice dude, even though he only shared one bot on booru and said that he didn't want you to "steal" his other bots. He shared his laughable amogus CAI bot before too, but then delisted it again.
Well, that's a bit faggy of him already, but okay, fine.
You can check out his crazy homoerotic writing skills in his only shared card here: https://booru.plus/+pygmalion394
Update: he has another card shared here https://www.characterhub.org/characters/devnull/angel-dust/main
But why must this cancerous faggot newfag redditor be beaten to death, you may ask?
Let's examine an interesting r*ddit profile first. It was recently banned for some reason, but who cares, we can see everything anyway.
Before we read his posting history, let's establish that this redditor is a Helluva Boss (Hazbin Hotel universe) fan.
Alright, some comment history.
You can read his previous posts and comments in that link, he's a typical white trash wigger. Pretty young too, nothing interesting. More on that later.
Our young boy knows about 4chan already but doesn't browse it. Why not? Well, because 4chan is a pretty hateful place towards "trans-people", see?
He later deleted this comment but you can see it here http://web.archive.org/web/20220720003048/https://www.reddit.com/user/CuadrupleF/
Nor is he embarrassed to use the word "misogyny" unironically.
Same link as above
Everything changes when he learns about character.ai and its subreddit. After browsing it for a few days, he learns about the /aicg/ threads from there and decides to browse 4chan at last. Three weeks later, his language instantly and irrevocably changes to 4chan speak because he's now a 4chan oldfag.
Just compare it to his older comments. No, they're not "ironic", most of his posts are like that.
Some time after the 25th, he started to sit on 4chan. But eventually his faggot reddit nature took over.
Dec 2, 2022 - CuadrupleF leaks some 4chan links on reddit.
Now deleted https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterAi_NSFW/comments/zbam2c/
"tested and verified by 4chud pedoshits" funny seeing that from you, moxxienigger
Dec 5, 2022 - a new namefag appears in the /aicg/ threads. He uses the name "devnull".
All of his posts under this username https://desuarchive.org/_/search/username/devnull/order/asc/
28 minutes later he comes out as a helluvaboss (hazbin) avatarfaggot under the same username.
More of his posts with the same gif. Some posts have his tripcode. https://desuarchive.org/_/search/filename/angelBWAHAHA.gif/order/asc/
Dec 8, 2022 - Someone on 4chan finally notices CuadrupleF's reddit post. At the time, our faggy zoomer CuadrupleF was still enjoying amogus bots on CAI (of course our faggot zoomer loves amogus: CAI LINK (Backup screenshot if the faggot deletes his post) - it's his own bot - screenshot - which he tried to share in the threads later)
(Presumably) CuadrupleF replies in his usual "trolling" manner. But he still gets scared and quickly deletes his reddit post.
Same thread
After this leak he lays low for a bit. Posted anonymously on 4chan, posted some comments on reddit. Nothing of note.
Dec 21, 2022 - his retarded "vorefags won" spam starts.
All of his posts with this image https://desuarchive.org/g/search/filename/vorefags%20winning.jpg/order/asc/
And finally his adhd zoomer attentionwhoring nature forced him to act.
Jan 10, 2023 - another worthless tripfaggot appears and actively begins to shit up the threads.
First appearance.
He surely loves to spam "skill issue".
All of his posts with this tripcode https://desuarchive.org/g/search/tripcode/%21%21V8y0yf5xRbh/order/asc/
Jan 13, 2023 - this deluded faggot forgot he's on reddit, not 4chan. From now on, he occasionally posts about 4chan on reddit.
Nah, fuck it, /aicg/ is the reddit troon general now, no one cares, right?
Other stray reddit animals that browse the /aicg/ threads include: u/a_beautiful_rhind, u/LLNicoY, u/throwaway_ghast and u/GHOSTXTATUS. Of course there are hundreds of them, I just noticed the ones near our patient. If any of you are reading this right now, KILL YOURSELF ASAP.
Cancerous hazbintranny CuadrupleF feels more and more empowered. He continues to post on his favorite site, as if it were 4chan.
4chan? Reddit? What's the difference?
Pathetic wannabe oldfag pretending he was there. For some reason, he does it on his favorite reddit.
Fuck, look at those upvotes! There are hundreds of tranny redditors in the /aicg/ threads!
Jan 21, 2023 - his faggot lizard spam begins. By February it was rampant, he was shitting up every thread with his nigger spam.
You can see his other lizard posts here https://desuarchive.org/_/search/filename/.vader-san/order/asc/page/2/ (since 1-21-23)
Because he's a stupid reddit faggot, all of his images have the ".vader-san" prefix.
Who are you bullshitting, faggot lice? You didn't know about character.ai until the very end of November.
But then Roko happened. Roko gave us light. Roko gave us faith. Roko will never be forgotten.
What do you think our faggot reddit animal did?
You guessed it. He decided to commemorate his affection by creating his own Roko subreddit!
Yeah, your eyes don't lie to you, this faggot scum actually posted the link on reddit.
The (already dead) Roko link continues to spread on reddit.
>thinking /g/ is some super secret clubhouse that isn't already infested with redditors
This tranny just knows!
You don't say, faggot animal.
In case you're blind and haven't noticed yet, CuadrupleF is the lizardspammer too.
Here he shows off his davinci logs on the pygma subreddit for some retarded reason.
CuadrupleF = devnullfaggot = moxxienigger = lizardspammer = EggsrGey
What? Eggsrgey? That's new. Yeah, I've asked some people in the threads to show me the email this faggot used to send his API keys.
The email is eggsrgey@protonmail.com
Being a retarded zoomer, this faggot didn't think of anything better than to use his actual handle, which he used on many platforms. We can see that he loved Roblox, Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program. He loved to download lame hacks for Roblox and even tried to make some himself, but he's a failure at that too. He was also an obnoxious zoophilic faggot that got banned forever on several forums for being an actual attenthionwhoring retard. Remind you of anyone?
Here are some of the links:
https://www.reddit.com/user/eggsrgey - https://camas.unddit.com/#{%22author%22:%22eggsrgey%22,%22resultSize%22:100}
https://v3rmillion.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1270779 (Needs registration. I did it for you. Here are some funny screenshots.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/eggsrgey-sixty-nine-8580b7206/ (Unemployed, United States, yeah, who would've thought)
Typical moxxienigger.
But let's see what else we can get out of his wigger CuadrupleF reddit account.
Notice his small faggy laptop for kids.
His father's setup prolly. That's why our wigger calls himself "rich".
Or maybe it's just another stolen photo, our wigger zoomer loved to do that for upvotes.
He's also fat. Not a surprise.
Whew... Haha, yeah, here's the promised card: https://files.catbox.moe/ow8by3.png
I don't know why this retard took the nickname "CuadrupleF" because it's kinda unique and there's a shitty artist under the same handle.