Moriji-Risu Trade Agreement

1122 VTE, Moriji

Captain Albus was reading the latest news from the Imperial Capital while enjoying a glass of wine in the afternoon. "More space people? Bet they'll be just as stingy with their flying bolides as the Moonmen and those other aliens, why don't they stay up there if they like it so much...", the captain grumbled. The officer looked longingly at the Eastern horizon. "Young rising star of a captain, what do you do? Assign 'em to a "trade negotiation", that's what. These old dogs at the Admiralcy have lost it." Albus would have much preferred to be sent out on a counter-raid, or a hunting mission.

Still, Albus was a volunteer Officer of the Black Fleet. He had a mission to further the interests of His Mori's nation, and he would complete it to the best of his capabilities.

Albus felt a bit overdressed. Given the circumstances, an official negotiation with a foreign power, he had opted for his most elaborate formal regalia. He sported a full set of plate enameled in black and gold low-reliefs, his largest set of metacarpal pauldrons, and an overcoat of deep black-blue fabric, threaded with gold thread. His bronze-plated demonic Death Mask rested on his right hip, while his ceremonial nodachi leant on his chair, too large to be worn at the waist. The other attendees were less ostentatious. The Goddess Faithful priestess Yama wore the elegant robes expected from her ilk, and the Risuner, Reza had opted for her sailing clothes, a practical but well made set of leathers. Cahya was proudly displaying a custom light harness, including mail and greaves. He'd explained to who would hear it that it was kindly custom-built and donated to him by a local armorer, in preparation for a training mission at the Ossex Shrine in the next month. For some reason, Albus had a feeling Cahya was less excited about his martial development than other things, he'd heard some saucy rumors. Finally, representatives from the guilds of shipbuilders and steelworkers rounded off the auspicious meeting.

Well, Albus envisioned it as being auspicious. Once the captain had introduced the attendants with his firmest, most booming voice, the two blue-collar leaders had gotten to informally discussing the details of the Risuner's resources, the types of wood they had, their bog iron supply et cetera, et cetera, so much mundane talk. Which Albus had to admit, bored him terribly. Finally, the priestess' sharp voice cut into the monotone hubbub. "It seems like we can come to an agreement regarding the resources required by our Navy's effort in safeguarding the Holosea. Shall we discuss what Our Goddess' island's bounty can provide to you, Risuner?"

Damn, that was a good change of topic. Albus kinda wished he'd thought of that instead of staring into the window. "Ahem, yes, indeed! I believe your people shows a pointed interest in nuts and gems, yes?" Reza reacted enthusiastically "Oh yes captain, we fucking love nuts! All kinds of nuts, and diamonds too! We want lots of those diamonds that were glowing pink we bought on our last trip!" Well, Albus liked enthusiastic agreement more than hardball negotiating. "Wonderful! Reporting from our expatriates also say Risuner greatly enjoy... Doughnuts? Erm, I have a note here saying that our rapeseed oil makes for the finest frying oil out there, our farmers have taken to calling it our "liquid gold"... Anyway, would the inclusion of this product interest you?" Reza happily agreed, though Albus realized midway he'd been reading out a brochure from the South /morig/ Farmers' Association. Well, it had worked out.

"Excellent, with all this I believe the gist of the agre-" "An amendment is required." Albus' snapped his eyes to the aloof woman. "Yama, what the hell are you doing!" Albus attempted to transmit those thoughts in his glare, but she wasn't looking at him. They almost had this in the bag, another successful mission under his belt, was she going to sabotage them?

"I believe the gems you purchased during your last visit were genuine Mont Mori diamonds, correct?" Reza nodded adorably "Yes, that's right, from the big magic mountain, they're the best ones! We got them from your jewellers, we bought them for nuts!" Yama pondered this for some time. "For nuts, you say? Reza, if you could provide us with the coordinates of the jewellers who sold you the diamonds, we will have to reward them for their hospitality. Regardless, the supply of Mont Mori diamonds is tightly regulated by the Goddess Faithful; select sellers are allowed to purchase limited quantities of them. This supply will not be increased to match the demands of this trade agreement."

She was really doing it. Seconds away from sealing the deal, she was going to throw it all away to put the interests of those damn zealots over those of the Navy. Albus was trying to find the words to stop her, interrupt her foolishness, surely-

"However, do not worry. Our Goddess' generosity extends beyond the borders of the Underworld. We have plenty of diamonds mines in the North of the island that will produce diamonds suitable for your purposes. If anything, they are even purer, since they have fewer chuubanite impurities."

A droplet of sweat was working its way down Albus' smooth scalp. W-was it going to be okay?

The Risuners looked puzzled for a moment and discussed in their squirrelly language for some time. Cahya seemed to point at the priestess' Death Mask, encrusted in Mont Mori diamonds, to explain their religious significance, and Reza came to an understanding. "Okay, I think that should be fine! I'll have to confirm, but, it's probably okay." Yama shone a bright smile at the table. "Superb, I'm glad we could figure something out!" Albus calmed down somewhat. "Crisis averted, I guess.", he thought.

The rest of the meeting proceeded more smoothly, to Albus' eye. The agreement was written out, and witnessed by the participants. Reza, Albus, and the guildmen were walking down the deck of Albus' frigate, where the negociation had been conducted. Cahya and the priestess had stayed back to discuss his mission in Ossex, allegedly. Albus decided to try out some small talk with the Risuner diplomat. "So, Reza, before we part ways, is there anything else that interests you here? Working with Risuners is always a pleasure." Reza's eyes displayed a glint of mischieviousness, but Albus seemed to miss it. "Ah, well, Sir Captain, I am very interested by those big Deadbeat cannons, especially those you dashing Naval soldiers swing about." As she was explaining this, she gestured towards one of the massive 50-pounders found on the ship's top deck. Albus' mind ran wild with the implications "Well, of course! A brand new fleet, constructing all those ships, but they have no metalworking expertise, no way to arm their boats! They need armament to be able to stand up to the dangers of the oceans!" was his thought process. "Why Reza, this is a valid point! Your beautiful Pinisi should be armed with fine weapons, and there are none finer than the cannons of /morig/. Clavicus, do you think something can be arranged?"

The steelworker crossed his thin but surprisingly muscled arms and spoke through a smirk. "The /morig/ factories are already working at full capacity to supply your Black Fleet with cannons. But, I could put together a team of engineers to send over to Risu and help build a cannon-casting center."

Albus nodded happily "Yes, yes, give a man a cannon, and let him arm one ship. Teach a squirrel to cast a cannon, and let him arm a fleet! This could be done Reza. The engineers would need to stay in contact with /morig/, so naturally we'd need to build a messenger bird office in /risu/, to maintain a line of communication. We should also build a resupply warehouse, to ensure the engineers have everything they need. Should there be a need, this also means the Black Fleet will be able to defend your shores more easily. What do you think, Reza?"

Reza seemed a bit taken aback by this development. "Err, well, yes that seems good, I guess. I'll have to get back to you on this." Albus did not concern himself with her hesitation and thanked her profusely, before rushing off to write a bird to the Black Fleet HQ, to hopefully confirm the allocation of the resources needed for this new development.

Rear Admiral Albus, Commander of the Black Fleet's /risu/ resupply center. He loved the sound of it.

Trade Agreement:
/morig/ receives: bog iron, teak wood, ironwood
/risu/ receives: North /morig/ diamonds, cashews, rapeseed oil

Followup proposal:
/morig/ receives: Resupply warehouse and post office somewhere in /risu/
/risu/ receives: Artillery engineering and manufacturing experts to build a cannon-casting facility in /risu/

Pub: 28 Jul 2022 16:13 UTC
Views: 552