before you interact :0 i have typing quirks!! (f=v & x=xx)
i say slurs i can reclaim (ex. faggot, lavenderboy, transtrender) to refer to myself & others who can reclaim them if they are comfortable with it. i do not think the r slur can be reclaimed.
i am modify & soft fuzzy man (from aimkid) irl!! however i am anti-endo & am critical of my source.

do not interact if any of these apply :( basic dni, doubles of me, kids from my school, are named kannon or gianna, toxic fans of anything, flag discourse/hate the "toothpaste" flag, push your religion onto others, fan of fucked up media, think heterophobia or anti-white racism are real, ship real people, fujo/danshi, or if you headcanon lgbt characters in media as things they are not.


Pub: 30 Jan 2023 17:10 UTC
Edit: 31 Jan 2023 15:37 UTC
Views: 63