They've both been in dangerous situations before, Sonny knows how to fight almost too well and while as a thief Alban was better at flight, there's been a couple of times when Sonny's picked up instincts in Alban that suggest he can hold his own in a fight as well. However, this is one he knows neither of them can just kick or parkour their way out of. There's more being held above their heads here than the possibility of a black eye or a few broken bones. Or even a bullet wound, those you can (usually) recover from. This isn't dealing with physical power though, it's dealing with information - things that would ruin everything both of them have been working for in this timeline and while he might not mind mudding his own name if it comes to it, he's not going to let that happen to Alban.

“Can I just ask that you only use me? J-just please leave Sonny out of that kind of thing.”

His head whips around to where Alban stares back at the man in front of him, a determined look in his eyes.

“I don't give a shit what you need me to do to stop this all coming out but I, I have a feeling where this is leading to, I'm not stupid.”

Sonny can't take watching Alban try to sacrifice himself like that. If they'll accept just one of them taking the brunt of their demands then that should be him. He's not letting his precious otouto take whatever torture they want to subject him to. When he steps in, blocking Alban off from the man he's reasoning with and says as much, he's met with a smirk from not only the bastard but all those standing around them both as well. They wanted him instead after all? Then what was the point of letting their bargaining get to Alban begging them to take things out on him when they could have just said as much earlier and saved everyone involved the time.

“Well then 'Taichou', if you're so eager to sacrifice yourself, then do a good enough job and we'll let you both off the hook. For now.”

Alban leans up to whisper in Sonny's ear but he steps forward instead, avoiding hearing what Alban’s trying to reason with and nodding his head to accept his fate. As soon as the two of them are out of here, he knows that by working together, Fulgur and Alban will have no issue with getting into their systems and removing any trace of the information they want so desperately to be kept from the public. They just need to get out of here first.

“Sonny, I really don’t think-”

“”I’ll be fine Alban, I didn’t get to be Commanding Officer of the VSF for nothing.”

“No, that’s not.... Sonny I know what they’re going to do and it’s not-”

A pained cry leaves Alban and Sonny whips his head around to see him doubled over, obviously just having been punched in the stomach. Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, he fights back the urge to strike back at the man who hit Alban.

“Keep your hands off him.”

“If you want us to do that, you’re going to have to tell him to behave, you didn’t train your pet very well, did you?”

Sonny says nothing, just making eye contact with Alban instead to assure him that it’s going to be okay. He doesn’t know how much of that Alban believes given the stressed expression on his face but at this point it’s all he can do. They’re being watched with no way of jamming the signal and the moment either of them puts up too much of a fight, the information will go live.

“Alright then Sonny, lets see how your VSF training prepared you for being on your knees.”

He barely gets to exclaim a ‘What?’ before his knees hit the concrete floor of the warehouse and his hair is grabbed roughly. Now he understands what Alban was trying to tell him, now he understands why he was stepping forward for this instead. Not that Sonny would have wanted to have to watch that, not when even when he knows that Alban was in this sort of situation many, many times in the future. Sonny can’t subject him to that again, even if this might be the first time he’s been in this position he’ll manage somehow. It would have been a lot nicer if his first time having a fly unzipped in front of his face was just between himself and Alban, in a room without prying eyes. Instead, he’s trying to prepare himself for what’s to come as a fat cock is held before his lips and some stranger stares down at him smirking.

“You regretting not letting the whore do the dirty work now?”

Even if he did regret taking this bullet for Alban, his pride as a man would never let him admit it. Rather than responding with words, he simply parts his lips and leans forward, trying not to grimace outwardly as he gets close enough to smell the unwashed cock. Laughter sounds from around him as the head pushes past his lips and even though it’s still soft, it fills up so much of his mouth that he already feels like gagging. It turns out the fun trick for holding your thumb in the palm of your hand doesn’t do as much to suppress your gag reflex as one might hope, it feels like it does fucking nothing at all when there’s most of a cock shoved in your mouth. Especially with the way it tastes, it would have been bad enough already without that, but this might push even a pro to his limits. As he grows inside his mouth Sonny rapidly has to adjust his breathing and force himself to relax. It’s a learning curve and he knows he’s going to have to learn how to handle it fast because if everyone in the room takes a turn, that’s twelve men.

“Don’t think you can get away with looking away. You’re getting off easy right now, the least you can do is watch how hard he’s working to save you from going back to your old ways. Do you think that’s the first cock he’s sucked? It’s not going to be pretty, I’ve seen this happen countless times, our guys aren’t very nice to their toys.”

Sonny tries to block out the sounds coming from behind him as he hears Alban sniffle, knowing he must be trying to hard to keep himself from sobbing right now. Would it have been kinder to have let him disassociate and let muscle memory take over to please the men around him rather than to subject him to the guilt of seeing Sonny in this position instead? Now that he thinks about it maybe it would have been. Though he shouldn’t be thinking about anything like that at all right now, he needs to focus on not choking as the cock in his mouth starts to fuck him with a suddenly brutal pace. Gagging again and again he can feel his own eyes start to water and tears silently stream down his face. It’s impossibly harder than Alban’s ever made it seem but he’s not going to give up, no matter what.

It's a relief to hear the man above him start to pant and grunt. He’s got to be getting close, surely. Maybe it just feels like it’s gone on forever because he’s so new to this, but his jaw already aches and he’s pretty sure that much more of having this cock shoved down his throat like this and he actually will vomit. That’d definitely be on his list of the top five undignified Sonny Brisko vomiting moments. Thankfully as his hair is pulled on more violently, he’s forced to stop as the man pulls his cock from his mouth.

“So boys, you thinking I make him swallow or paint his face?”

Sonny can’t figure out the consensus from the jeers around him but as the cock is shoved back between his lips he figures it must have been swallow. He doesn’t push in enough to trigger his gag reflex again but shortly after starting to jerk off what of his cock isn’t resting on Sonny’s tongue, something else almost does. He has to fight to keep himself from coughing it up even as the man’s still coming over his tastebuds, making sure he gets the full experience of tasting his bitter cum and when he pulls back and grabs Sonny’s nose to force him to swallow, he can’t help but retch after it slides down his throat.

Bracing himself on the floor with his arms, he starts to cough violently as his first assaulter steps back, but he doesn’t get the strange relief from actually being able to cough for long as another man soon steps up, pulling him by his hair back to his knees and round two starts swiftly. It’s no better than the first and no easier now that his jaw fucking hurts and his gag reflex is on edge. He can hear Alban begging to swap in for him but he tries to tune that out too, even though his sobs only grow louder as times goes on. And time sure does go on, the man takes forever before he’s pulling out and aiming at Sonny’s tear and spit covered face. He tries to keep his lips firmly shut, as well as his eyes as warmth splatters across his face and over his lips but fails, a coughing fit forcing his lips apart as he’s once more subjected to tasting the vile release.

Somehow, he manages to get through the next two men fucking his throat and forcing him to swallow. The time that it takes until they cum is getting shorter, likely because he’s glimpsed through cum covered eyelashes that the men around the room are starting to touch themselves to his abuse. Sick freaks.

It’s on cock number five that things change. He thinks that maybe he’s getting to a point where his body’s learning the motions and his mind can start to wander off to somewhere where his emotions are more disconnected from what he’s struggling through. Turns out that’s not the case. All it takes is someone a little longer and slightly girthier to push him right to his limit. He can feel bile threatening to come up as his throat begins to get punished and no matter how much he tries to keep the inevitable from happening, it’s impossible. There’s no way to communicate what’s about to happen like this and he doesn’t want for his attempts to push himself off to be seen as retaliating as the contents of his stomach rush up his oesophagus. It’s messy, the man doesn’t click onto what’s happening fast enough to pull completely out as vomit enters his mouth and he coughs out the first rush of it over his cock.

Subsequent waves end up on the concrete below hjm, Sonny’s body shaking as it splatters onto the concrete, feeling like it’s never going to end. His eyes sting and throat feels raw by the time he’s able to look up at the man who’s cock he puked on and while he already knew it, he’s fucked now. Completely fucked. Wiping snot and vomit from around his mouth he tries to go back to continue his work, only for a hand against his forehead to stop him in his tracks.

“Don’t even think about it. You’ve got another hole, get up off the floor. See that old couch? Pants down and bend over it.”

“P-please let me take over. I promise I won’t puke, that other guy was right about what he said earlier, I’ve got experience with this. Like, a lot, just let Sonny off. Please?”

Alban’s sobs muddle his words slightly but Sonny doesn’t let his begging stop him from pushing himself off the floor and making his way to the cracked leather couch. He’s not letting Alban step in, not at this point.

A hand settles on one of his hips as he watches him be passed lube. It’s a relief but as soon as the guy notices his reaction, he bends down spit words into Sonny’s ear that it’s because it’ll hurt for him if he doesn’t, not for Sonny’s comfort. He’s still somewhat relieved, especially as even with lube, the stretch of him pushing inside without mercy is a shock to the body enough. There’s no waiting for him to accustomise to it, nor any slow build up. Punishing Sonny brutally he immediately shoves all the way in, before starting to thrust into his ass again and again using him like an onahole and not anything living.

“Y’know what? I think this isn’t enough punishment for him. Bring over the thief and set him up on the couch facing him.”

They want Alban to be forced to watch him from such a close proximity? With how disgusting he is right now? He can’t help but ask as much, his lips moving before he stops them.

“No we’re gunna use him too. You didn’t keep your word and he’s been begging so eagerly to be fucked this whole time. It’d be so mean of us to not give him what he wants. You mustn’t be satisfying him enough at home. Are you as bad of a fuck as you’ve been today all the time or is it just that a whore like him can’t be satisfied by anything other than being treated like what he is and you aren’t able to do that for him?”

Sonny opens his mouth to beg for them to not do this, but when he catches Alban’s eyes as he kneels up on the couch directly in front of him, the words don’t come out. Alban looks almost relieved. Fully presented for the first man to come up behind him, he leans up and shockingly, presses a tender kiss to Sonny’s lips.

“It’ll be easier now, thank you for trying so hard for my sake, Sonny.”

Alban gasps as he pulls back from Sonny’s lips and it’s clear why, without even seeing the man behind him he can hear hips starting to slap against Alban’s. It churns his stomach all over again as he hears Alban start to moan while his body is still processing only pain. He knows Alban’s only getting anything out of this because his body is so used to being fucked and he can’t help that it feels good but it still hurts and angers him to know another man is making him make those sounds. The reality of Alban’s past actions had simply been an idea. Something he knew about through occasional comments and was clear because of how Alban’s trauma had adapted into some pretty intense kinks but he’d never witnessed anything in action that had it hit him like seeing and hearing this does.

Desperate to muffle Alban’s moans, he reaches out to pull him in for a deep kiss, forgetting that his mouth must taste of vomit and cum. Alban kisses back just as intently and Sonny starts to feel tears anew fall down Alban’s cheeks. At first he thinks it’s Alban’s instinctive response to cry whenever sex starts feeling particularly intense, but it dawns on him quickly that it’s not. The sounds he’s making are different. Pulling back from this kiss he presses his forehead against Alban’s as lets him speak if he wants to.

“I’m sorry Sonny, I’m-I’m so sorry. It should have been me, you shouldn’t have needed to dirty yourself like this for my sake.”

As he shuts Alban up with another kiss, he feels the cock inside him pulse as the man grunts before pulling out and letting another take his place. Somehow, despite being no gentler, Sonny feels something other than pure pain. He feels disgust as he hears himself gasp and a stir of arousal blooms as his prostate is rubbed against. It would be easier to get through this without enjoying any of it at all, this has to be why Alban is the way he is, experiencing this over and over for who knows how long until he’s barely able to enjoy sex if Sonny isn’t being rough and sadistic. This is going to fuck both of them up for quite some time but even when this is all said and done and they’re dealing with the aftermath maybe he’ll be a little bit grateful for the insight it’s given him into what the love of his life has been through.

Pub: 02 May 2023 13:26 UTC
Views: 591