for eva my silly :3 <3
literally just rambling rn but OH MY GOODDDD... OHNNJHMMRoh mygodd i literally adore u sm <333 imliteralhfy ur #1 hello HAII me bipple pls everytime i talkabt u inmyhead some BITCH (diego) is like
BUT OUGHGMMAJGFDJF I CANT SHUTUP ABT U im too gay i cant help it BUT IWANTED U TO KNWO THAT ILYSSSSSVM im so glad we met yanno AND GODDAMN IT if u never made that poll i prob woulda kept it til i died or smth BUT UGH no regrets now bc ur literalkyth oughh,k.,dkghna;k <333 (insanity)
im bad with words but honestly whatever i love u and thats that
tbh if u ever need anything just lmk i would do literally anything
if it meant u were happy <3
now for a collection of imgs/gifs i would caption "literally us omg"