A Little Workout
By: Regal

"C'mon Tom, we're almost there!"

Truth be told Tom didn't know how she did it, they had already been running for 3 miles... well honestly it was more like a jog for her, but a run for him. They had decided on taking the pedestrian path to the gym this time instead of the car... apparently going to the gym wasn't enough for Scarlet, no no, they had to run there too...

Tom panted, using his Fiancees long swishing tail somewhat as a lure... again truth be told, it was more the tone thing beneath it he found more alluring, but even so, the blood was too busy feeding oxygen to his muscles to be elsewhere at that moment in time.

"I'm... I'm coming..."
he puffed, focusing on moving one leg in front of the other as best he could.

She asked teasingly, giggling as she lead the way down the gentle slope towards their destination.
Tom huffed, too breathless to give any sort of witty retort.

tom was not necessarily an unfit man, sure his desk job didn't exactly mean he was the most active at any given time, but he did what he could when afforded the time, and for the most part that did him good... but when you had an athletic feline for a partner... keeping up was more or less out of the question. Even so, he knew Scarlet didn't expect him to keep up with her... but he couldn't help but feel a little louzy when engaging in such activities with the tigress.

Sweating, Tom thanked what ever god or gods above as they neared the Gym and Scarlet finally slowed down to a brisk walk, allowing him to catch up with her.

"That wasn't so bad was it?"
She asked, turning to look back at him, a white fanged grin splitting her face.
Tom's only response was a grunt and look, words had as yet failed to find their way back into his abilities, but he figured she got the message.
Scarlet laughed, pushing open the door and guided her sweat soaked partner in behind her.
Mercifully, the AC was blasting, and the breath of cool air that greeted Tom as he entered was dam near orgasmic.

"Lets just stay here."
he said, finally getting his breath back enough to speak.
"This is... yeah this is nice."

"Ah c'mon, we literally haven't even started yet."
She said, turning to stair at him, corner of her mouth turned up in a slight grin.

"how do you expect to become a Tyrannosaurus Flex if you don't put in the hours?"
"I don't."
He replied, glaring at her and causing her to giggle again.

"Sorry we can't all be super athletic predators who can run for miles without a single break."
he said, leaning down to rub the soreness from his legs.

"And Sexy, don't forget sexy."
She added, giving a flirtatious flick of her tail.

"And anyway, humans literally evolved to out run their prey, so what's the problem?"
"Some of us didn't get that memo."
he answered, standing straight again.

"Alright then come on, move ya stripey ass, if I'm going to be tortured might as well get it over with."
he said, gesturing for her to move on.
Scarlet smiled, then turned to swipe their cards and let them in.

to Tom's surprise, the gym was almost dead, despite it being early summer, and it only being 8 30 in the evening, he could see maybe three people at most, not including the two members of staff chatting by one of the lateral pull down machines.

"so where are we starting this time?"
He asked, following along behind Scarlet.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm starting with the bench press... once I've stretched a little."
She said, heading over to the relatively secluded corner of the facility and beginning her light warm up stretches.

"Think I'll give it another five minutes before getting started."
Tom said, sitting down on one of the empty benches beside the one Scarlet was about to use.

She rolled her eyes, leaning down to check out the weights.
Tom pushed his sweaty hair from his face and looked around, the place was certainly quiet, minus the music playing over the speakers and the sound of shifting metal from the other side of the room, the two of them were practicly alone.

He frowned, Scarlet didn't usually say his name in such a sweet, almost whiny manner unless she wanted something from him.
Turning to look at her, he saw she had her ears flat, her tail drooped, and she was looking at him with her face lowered.

he asked, suspicious of his Fiancee.

"The weight i need for a good warm up set isn't here."
she said, looking rather pitiful in that adorable way that she did.

"So use a lighter one."
He said, still not trusting the attempt at being upset.

"But i can't, i need a specific weight for my warm up or I'll pull a muscle."
She wined, lip almost quivering.

Tom snorted and rolled his eyes.
"And what's the weight?"
He asked.

"Oh... it's about 174 pounds or so."
She said.

Tom laughed... of course it was.
"174 pounds? hmm, that's such a specific weight... wow i wonder what could possibly weigh about 174 pounds."
he said, putting on a tone of obvious sarcasm.

"Pleeeease Toooom?"
She wined ever so sweetly.

He replied, shaking his head and grinning.
"You're not using me as a weight."

"Oh but pllleeeeasse Toooooom?"
She wined again, leaning in and pressing her face against his chest, her big round eyes looking pleadingly up at him.

Tom huffed through his nose and looked into her eyes... man she really did have gorgeous eyes.
He sighed, breaking contact and looking over his shoulder towards where he had last seen the others working out.

He said after a moment, and before he could even look back at her, she had grabbed him and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Thank youuuuu hooooon."
She said, though her voice was somewhat muffled with his head stuffed between her tits.

After a moment she pulled away, giving the top of his head a smooch before she sat back on the bench, then laid back.
"Well c'mon then."
She said, gesturing to her chest, the tigress sporting a plane dark grey tank top for the occasion.

Giving another look behind to make sure this embarrassing situation wasn't witness by what few gym goers were around, Tom took the two steps over to stand next to Scarlet.
Leaning down across her chest, he didn't need to do much more as with a grin, she grabbed him by the shirt and thigh, and pulled him atop her.

"Alright honey, don't squirm too much or you'll throw me off my game."
She told him, adjusting her grip so that her palm was more flat against his chest, rather than scrunched up in his shirt, and thus uncomfortable for him.
"Ok, should be easy enough."
He huffed, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of it all.

Without warning, Scarlet pushed him up, pressing his weight above her with seeming ease before slowly lowering him to just above her chest in a gentle, controlled manner.
"See? it's not so bad is it?"
She teased, and he had to admit in a weird sort of way it was a little relaxing.
"Yeah yeah, just don't make a big deal of it."
Tom replied with a smirk and a roll of his eyes.
"of Course honey."
She purred.

Tom frowned again... he had known her for far too long at this point, so he knew all of her little quirks and tells... she was planning something, he knew that, he just didn't know what.
Luckily for Tom, he didn't need to wait long to find out.
As Scarlet lowered him down for the third time, she shifted him slightly higher so that he was more being held just above her face. before he could do so much as to inquire, he felt her nose press into his groin, and her take in a deep inhale.

she hummed, lowering him just that much further so she could shove her nose right against the bulge of his shorts.

"S-Scarlet stop, what are you doing?"
Tom hissed out, fighting the urge to start squirming.
"Just enjoying what's mine."
Scarlet purred sweetly, her tongue brushing across the fabric.
Tom's clothes were too thick for him to be able to feel it directly, but the warmth of her mouth was very noticeable.

"Scarlet, Scarlet we'll be caught."
He huffed, now fighting back his own arousal.
Tom often felt powerless around her when she wanted something... or more specifically when she wanted him. Aside from simply being a good deal larger and stronger than he was, she just had a way of getting what she wanted out of him, even in situations where he'd rather she hold off... like now.

"We'll only get caught if you squirm and make a big fuss about it... just act natural, Mommy needs her preworkout."

Tom couldn't help but flush red at that, even despite his nervousness.

"B-But a preworkout has caffeine in it, i don't think you're gonna get any of that out of me."
He said, biting his bottom lip as he felt her hot tongue against his shorts once again.
She giggled, giving him just a moment of respite as she pressed him up for another rep.
"No, but the protein will do."
She said, grinning up at him.

God Dammit,
he thought, hating the fact that he was getting turned on by this... A fact that Scarlet quickly caught onto.
As she lowered him once more, this time she didn't simply content herself with licking the outside, nope, this time Tom shivered as he felt her fangs gently and deftly bite the hem of his shorts and slowly pull them down, just enough to let his quickly hardening length spring free.
Part of him had since given up trying to argue, he knew she'd get what she wanted, so fighting was useless at this point... Still though, he was at least grateful that the position they were in meant that even if someone glanced over, unless they were in just the right angle, they wouldn't be able to tell exactly what was going on... Aside from the fact he was being benched by a somewhat large tigress.

"Just don't whimper too much, ok Honey?"
she whispered, the only answer Tom was able to give being a breathy grunt, as he felt her tongue for real this time.

Scarlet teased his manhood, her hot, wet oral muscle expertly coiling around his tip, each one of her hot, humid breaths sending a shiver through his spine, all while making the subtle, tender way she tongued at him all the more intense.

After a moment she withdrew, and lowering him that bit more, she planted kiss after slow kiss along the underside of his shaft, all the way up to his glans, where she took his tip into her maw.
It was hard... Hard not to audibly moan that was as he felt her lips seal around his length, but even so Tom managed to keep quiet and not squirm much... even as she gave him a single, hard suck.

Tom bit his lip, his eyes closed with a mix of pleasure and slight fear that any moment now they'd be caught, and at best kicked from the gym... at worst... Dammit, why did the risk somehow make it hotter?
Tom tried to lose himself in his own mind in an attempt to simply enjoy the moment and maintain control of himself, for the quicker she got what she wanted, the sooner he could stop worrying... But that was before she started purring around him.

It was all Tom could do to avoid letting out what would be a rather pathetic sounding whimper, the sensation of her expert tongue, soft lips, and vibration from her throat all combining in a way to set his nerve endings alight with ecstasy... but he managed it, with clenched fists, curled toes, and a jaw clamped tight he managed to remain silent... Well almost, he did let out a bit of a squeak.

Below, Scarlet hummed in delight as she tasted her partner, lowering him to the point of almost laying across her face so she could taste him up to the hilt before pushing him back up so that only his tip remained within her maw.
Everything about her technique was designed to draw forth his seed, and dam if she wasn't doing a good job at it.

Needless to say it wasn't long before Scarlet was tasting his essence, the flavour of it mixing so perfectly with his own delectable taste and his sweat.
but as much as she wanted to have fun with it, she did have working out to do, so after one more firm suck, Scarlet pressed him up in a full rep once more, his length popping free of her maw and leaving a few strands of saliva connecting her lips to his manhood.

Tom gasped as he felt the cool gym air against his now very wet pride, the shock of it bringing him back into the moment... If someone just so happen to look now, they'd see him with his cock out, and that wouldn't go down well.

tom looked down At his fiancee, about to express such a worry, when he saw her about to lower him again, her maw open wide, white fangs glistening with her saliva.
if Tom didn't know any better... This would be the point when he'd start to worry just a little bit that he was about to lose the thing he held most dear... But as it was, he had long since gotten over such a fear, although there was always that tiny part of his mind that would scream at him to you know, be more cautious around some a predators maw.
As it stood however that part of his mind was quickly silenced as little Tom was once more engulfed within the hot depths of her mouth, and being treated to Scarlet's oral skills.

He was close now, and he knew Scarlet could tell, the feline's lips and tongue working over time to hit every one of his sweet spots, her sucking in time with the twitching of his length, the tip of her tongue swirling around his tip, toying with his frenulum.
"Scarlet... S-Scarlet I'm-"
Tom tried to warn her as best he could, his voice barely more than a hiss of a whisper as his pleasure over came him.
Scarlet did not need warning however... She knew all too well, this was certainly not new to her.
As Tom tensed up, Scarlet didn't cease her ministrations, drawing every last bit of pleasure from him as he lost himself to his climax.
His length Throbbed, expelling his essence into her throat and finally giving her what she wanted.
Scarlet's purr didn't let up for a moment, even as Tom's orgasm slowed, and and eventually, came to and end.

Panting, Tom opened his eyes and looked down at his partner, hoping she had been sated for now. Luckily for him, it appeared she had, as with a final slurp, she popped him free of her mouth, and grinned up at him.
"Thank you Tom."
She said sweetly, nuzzling his softening length briefly before in a flash, she quickly used her teeth to push his shorts back up again; and just in time too, as one of the members of staff came wandering over, a smirk on her face.

"I've heard of spotting, but this is something else."
The woman laughed, seeing Tom used as little more than a weight.

Scarlet giggled, and Tom laughed awkwardly, his face still very much red.

"you ok there bud? you look a little embarrassed."
She said to Tom, who simply gave another awkward chuckle.
"he's all embarrassed about being used as a wittle weight for his fiancee."
Scarlet answered for him, her tone taking on a playful note.

The woman laughed, shrugging and turning to head back to where ever she had came from.
"Well, so long as the two of you aren't doing anything you shouldn't be doing."
She said.
"Certainly not."
Scarlet replied, her eyes turning to look back up at Tom, the feline playfully licking her lips.
"it's all professional over here."

Pub: 05 Apr 2023 21:21 UTC
Views: 1748