MKLUTZR's Music Usage and Transformative Works
Global Permissions:
- Remixes, covers, and the like are completely allowed!
- If you do make any transformative work of a song of mine, please credit me.
- You MUST ask for permission to use a song in a different mod the song wasn't originally planned for.
- Failure to ask permission will likely result in your mod being taken down.
- Unofficial uploads of my songs are prohibited. This includes extension videos.
- Gameplay featuring a song from its original mod are exempt from this rule.
- Songs may not be used in commercialized works without my or other's consent. This includes videos, livestreams, or other media that contain ads or sponsorships.
Leaked/Unreleased Songs:
- Uploads of leaked/unreleased songs of mine WILL be claimed down from YouTube.
- Mods that include leaked/unreleased songs of mine WILL ALSO be removed from GameBanana.
(yes this was inspired by sturm's music perms)