Mio, where do i even start i love them so much they mean the whole world to me, when we met in mgc you were the light to my life, the jokes you made were always funny i swear, i just love way you text (gelp does thag sound weird?-) i love your jokes, i love your laugh, just everything about you makes you YOU!, i will always love you my universe. don't let anyone tell you otherwise and shall always be by your side, i will never get angry at you if we have a difference, i'll never yell at you in argument, you should always tell me what wrong and i'll listen, even if i'm not the best at writing and making a whole essay but i'll always and always try my best to comfort you my love, when you talk about you hyperfix i just get so joyus knowing that you talk to me, i love your art and edits, i love your personally, i love you for you, i'm just so happy we got together and i want relationship to last forever <3 you will always be my till to my ivan, my akito to my tsukasa, my mio to my shun, my langa to my reki, If i ever get a chance to see you irl it's hugs and kisses all day! but if mio sees this then
nyaaa ilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemioilovemio iluvvvv thm so much he means the world to me, the best bf ever i hate fuckass people who dare do shit to him, i like when he's happy or joyful or when thy yaps about his fav hyperfix with me <3 i love it when he just talks with his friends, nooo you're not a bad bf, you're the one who ive always wanted and tbh ive always had a crush on you,, it's juts i never said anything becauses i was too scared that you might say no and you wree already in a bad mood durning ur break uo and stuff but i just want to let uou know all my love is true and i love you so much i can't live wighout you, and knowing that i did something to ended up in this hospital, i'm always gonna think about you and only you, no matter what i'm always gonna stay loyal to the people that hold dearly to me, i'll try my best to respond to you and ilove you my love with everything in my body i don't care what happened all i want to be with is you <3