Legit cheese, the twin of xoxo
Supported Windows Versions: [Windows 10 / Windows 11 (Windows 10 minimum winver 1903.)]
Supported Game Platforms: [Origin & EA Play/Steam]
Supported CPUs: [Intel/AMD]
Supported Display Modes: [Windowed/Borderless/Fullscreen]
- Aimbot[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Smoothness
- Advanced Smoothing
- Aimbot Smooth is seperated as X and Y axis
- Deadzone
- FoV Circle
- Don't lock to enemy if enemy is not on ground
- Don't lock to enemy if you are not on ground
- Don't lock on Y axis
- Don't require shooting to lock
- Don't require zoom to lock
- Distance for Aimbot
- No Recoil[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Adjustment
- Triggerbot[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Disable if weapon is not single-fire
- Disable zoom requirement to shoot
- Perfect Silent Aim
- Glow[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Type
- Outline
- Brightness
- Thickness
- color is based on
- visible only
- Loot ESP[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Show all weapons if you don't have one
- Show swappable shields when yours weaker
- Weapons
- Optics
- Auto Gear
- Auto Ammo
- Auto healings
- Auto Attachments
- Name ESP
- Health & Armor Bar
- Head Circle ESP
- Distance ESP
- Line ESP
- Distance for ESP
- Customize Weapon[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Hide Weapon
- Type
- Outline
- Thickness
- Rainbow
- Customize Hand[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Hide Weapon
- Type
- Outline
- Thickness
- Rainbow
- Spectator Count[hold/trigger/all the time]
- Tap Strafe[hold/trigger/all the time]
15days 35$
30days 60$