The Domestication Conspiracy by anonymous & /bara/hmoma/ writefren
I love the idea of a conspiracy nut wolf who believes humans are all secretly working on domesticating his species. They're really not, this is just an outlet for the fetish he doesn't want to admit to himself that he enjoys.
>Browsing furchan /x/
>"How has nobody accepted that these creatures are literal demons sent to corrupt our mortal souls and drive us from escaping samsara"
>50 page schizo document explaining the humans and their plan to domesticate wolves spanning from all the way back to primitive times
>goes into strangely enthusiastic detail on how they plan to dominate wolves
>one bullet point involves sexual domination
>this part has the most effort put into it, making up 40 pages of the entire document
>you can tell the guy was jacking off while writing this part because it is full of spelling and grammatical errors
>Be Conspirawoo
>Be out buying groceries
>Get stopped by a demon incarnate, read humie
>Says I' ve got something stuck behind my ear
>Try to get it but can't
>Demon starts removing it, unintentionally scratching the good spotbehind your ear
>Start uncontrollably wagging tail and stomping your foot
>Blurt an excuse out before running away from the store to your house
>Proceed to masturbate furiously for three hours
>All the while fantasizing about the humie turning you into a good, obedient puppy
>Becomes convinced that ***HUMANS*** are gangstalking him
>Sets up 10 cameras around his house looking for evidence
>After reviewing 3 weeks worth of footage he finds no trace of multiple humans trying to gather data on him
>But that's just because ***THEY*** found out somehow and stopped doing it!
>Maybe they've hidden cameras inside his house, where his cameras aren't looking...?!
>So he decides to give the human menace a taste of their own medicine
>By stalking (you)
>gets it in his head that you're one of the key figures in this domestication conspiracy
>you don't notice he's following you around
>get into an incident where a car almost runs you over
>he doesn't even think, he pushes you out of the way of the oncoming car, saving your life
>you're so grateful, you offer to buy him dinner
>and that's how your friendship with him starts
>only he thinks this is the perfect opportunity to spy on you and maybe infiltrate this secret organization he thinks you're a part of
Conspirawoo also thinks that anthro dogs were originally experiments made by humans to combine wolf and human DNA. This is to create a species of loyal servants to humans and help them carry out their plan of anthro domestication.
I like to imagine he has names and addresses of humans he thinks are "important figures" in the human domestication conspiracy. But really they're just humans he thinks are cute and justifies these feelings as humans injecting chemicals in the water to make him gay.
>conspiracy wolf gets caught browsing the human section at his local sex shop
>claims it's for research, says he's looking into humanity's manipulative tactics to get anthros to become submissive and sexually attracted to them via, pushing human on anthro sex in movies, porn, video games, and these sex shops having a vast number of human dildos, sex dolls, tapes, ect.
>conspiracy wolf of course believes this all one hundred percent.
>He thinks he's one of the victims of it's mind warping power!
>rants to the cashier about the human sex doll he just bought is for his youtube channel and he's gonna go into detail about why and how this product manipulates anthros into desiring humans
>during the video you can see a faint sheen of what might be saliva on the mouth and crotch area
>some point that out in the comments, all of which conspiracy wolf responds to with vehement denial and claiming that it's the trick of the light
>he also accuses some commenters of being agents of humanity, sent to discredit him and his channel
I want to kiss up and down conspiracy wolf's neck while he rants about my insidious plot to seduce him and make him my buttslave while at the same time doing nothing to stop me from showering him with my affections.
>my insidious plot to seduce him and make him my buttslave
>There's ROCK SOLID archaeological PROOF that ancient wolf kind had SMALLER prostates
>HUMANS have been using hormone nanomachines to enlarge the prostate of modern canines to make them more susceptible to receptive sex by making the prostate larger and more sensitive!
Kek, conspiracy wolf is one of my favorite things to come out of these threads.
>Constantly makes fun of humans being small and weak
>Steals your clothes and tries to wear them "just to show how superior he is"
>Not because they smell like you or anything
>keeps trying to goad you into fucking him while he wears your clothes
>he wants to see how YOU like getting seduced!
>you weren't even trying to seduce him before all you did was ask him where the nearest laundromat was