BoT: Balaur of Thought

A Silly Tavern script meant to force the square peg of common sense into the round hole of LLM-driven RP.


  • The User manual has been updated.
  • Lotsa code bug fixes.
  • Lotsa natural language bug fixes.
  • Prompts can now be viewed and they are color-coded.
  • Prompts and analyses can be manually edited now.
  • Individual analyses can be rethought now, and an additional one-time instruction can be provided, which is useful in low variability sampler configs.
  • Still no support for groups. BUT multiple characters single cards (as long as they contain either abd or & in the name).


  • Prompts LLM to make inferences about the scene, spatial-awareness, and dialog. It also provides up to three courses of action, similar to tree-of-thought.
  • Only the last batch of analyzes are injected into the context for token economy on limited context sizes.
  • Analyses are available between sessions.
  • Allows user to see every past analysis and prompt, the latter in a neat, color-coded format.
  • Allows re-gener
    ating analyses
    in batch or individually, and add further one-time instructions in case the LLM is being an ass.
  • For cases of extreme LLM assery analyses can be edited manually.
  • In case I am being an ass, prompts can be edited bit by bit.
  • Additional tools: Rephrasing, Justification, Translation capabilities testing, synching persona if it's switched during chat.

Known issues

  • Every analysis is basically an extra generation, so with all analysis enabled, every char reply will take 4 generations. That is 4x the time and 4x the cost for pay-per-token plans.
  • Every LLM has it's own quirks, so your mileage may vary.

Where to get


Catbox link: BoT 3.41
Mediafire link: BoT 3.41

Old versions

BoT 3.4 CatboxBoT 3.4 MF
BoT 3.3 CatboxBoT3.3 MF
VoT 3.2

How to install

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Pub: 13 Aug 2024 20:01 UTC
Edit: 31 Aug 2024 14:20 UTC
Views: 3258