BoT: Balaur of Thought

A Silly Tavern script meant to force the square peg of common sense into the round hole of LLM-driven RP.

⭐ Changes⭐

  • FULL REWRITE Check features list.
  • BoT now has a built-in help menu.


Bot adds a bunch of buttons:

  • Analysis: The basic BoT feature. Takes a questionaire-like prompt, puts a prefix and a suffix around it, and has the LLM answer it; the answer is ephemerally injected into the context on next user message. New analyses can be added and existing ones modified or deleted; prefix and suffix can be enabled, disabled, and edited.
  • Battery of analyses: A battery is basically a bunch of analyses grouped together. When performed, they run one by one and are injected in the same order. Like analyses, these can also be added, modified, and deleted.
  • Guidelines: A simple guided generation like. Guidelines can be stored and reused, modified or deleted. It also allows to input a one-time guideline, which is immediately injected and triggers a LLM reply.
  • Databank: Manages character and chat DB files. It keeps track of topics, only allowing one file per topic. If an entry on an existing topic is detected (by simple string comparison), user can replace, merge or concatenate the old entry with the new one. Entrkes can be manually typed in or be generated by the LLM. Once an entry exists, it is added a series of customizable formatting strings and saved to databank.
  • Tools: A couple of simple tools, namely rephrasing the last char message to a specific person, pov, and tense; and reverse prompt that has the LLM generate an analysis prompt for the user to answer.
  • Configuration: A series of options can be set, including the strings used as wrappers, prefix and suffix for analyses and their fesults; as well as the ability to "mindread" stuff LLM generates behind the scenes and correct it.
  • Help: There used to be a friendly manual rentry page, but now this is built-in.
  • Additional scripts: The thanks I hate it scripts, /run BOTKILL eliminates all global variables, such as analysis prompts and whatnot, optionally also "releases" DB files from control. The other script is /run BOTBANISH which removes all local variables from a chat, has the option to eliminate DB files.

Where to get



Old versions

For archeological reasons I guess:

How to install

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Pub: 13 Aug 2024 20:01 UTC
Edit: 19 Jan 2025 23:58 UTC
Views: 8500