Fictional Organization


Fellows of Where Sunset Happens

Official Name in Documents: Kvældtiloyanfællag
Unofficial Name: Sunsetfellowship
Acronym: K.T.F.
Motto: "Cualitoa Heill!" (National motto of Yectic Teocuacayotl)
Affiliations: Yectic Teocuacayotl
Culture: Yectic
Language(s): Yectic
Religion: Publicly Yecticteotl, De Facto Huey-Yecticteotl
Type: State owned institution
Specification: State clergy owned institution for the religious study, scientific testing, and application of Vtubium-based esoteric knowledge.
Current leader: Ríkitnahualli (Realm Nagual, the official Matiyotl Minister of Magic)
HQ location: Hueyabattoiryotl Nacatlah (Great Abbatoir Nacatlah, Yectic Teocuacayotl Capital)
Industry: Research & Development
Products: None officially
Subsidiaries/Members: None
Wealth Level: Publicly 3, De Facto 4


Ministry of Magic & Faith

The Ministries of Yectic Teocuacayotl

Each ministry in Yectic Teocuacayotl controls their own specified national agency led by the minister themselves. This agency is responsible for a number of activities related to the main ministry and is considered to be the ministry's executive arm. These include planning and executing the orders of the ministry, researching and organizing important knowledge and documents related to the ministry, and most importantly uphold the traditions and beliefs of the clergy state.

Ministry of Magic's Primary Hand

The state agency under the Ministry of Magic is the Kvældtiloyanfællag. This particular fellowship is responsible for the studying, researching and development, and planning and conducting activities related to the nature and application of esoteric elements in Vitubia such as Chuubanite, Custodians, Catalognauts, and Chuubas themselves.


The Kvældtiloyanfællag is divided into 5 unique departments each with its own focus. More importantly, these wings ensure that the clergy state is able to control the development of the priestly realm by deciding which department gets more funding and high-priority programs to develop depending on the annual plan based on the Holy Cycle.

The Wings are as follows:

  1. Yarteignyohni Metzi / Miracle Moon
    Simplified Name: Conceptual Wing
    Field: Research
    Goals: The study, research, and document of Vtubium-Chuubanite material and Godly activities.
    The Yarteignyohni Metzi is the primary research powerhouse for all things magic-related. They are responsible for studying vtubium and the myriad of deities across multiple pantheons.
  • Vtubium Research
    A. Adventurers are sent travelling and collecting multiple samples of vtubium-chuubanite locally or abroad, either in pure form or bounded compounds. Researchers conduct tests to determine their affiliated deities or concepts, then documenting their properties and effects.
    B. Samples and their findings are sent to the Glasyohni Metzi for application development, and to the Fremedyohni Metzi to be taught to the general public.
  • Theological Research
    Studying the patterns and activities of various Chuuba deities and analyzing them. Due to their nature, these activities are often conducted cooperatively with the Ministry of Faith.
    Divided into native faith and foreign faith.
    A. Studying of foreign faith involves cooperation with the agents employed under the Intelligence Wing of the Ministry of Faith. Includes studying foreign worshippers, recording any changes in foreign religious activities, acquisition of foreign holy texts and forbidden knowledge through the Cult agents, and installation of sleeper agents within foreign clerical institutions.
    B. Studying of native faith involves cooperation with the abbey under the Worship Wing of the Ministry of Faith. Includes documenting revelations given by the clergy, changes in native Chuubanite properties, and in extreme and rare incidents; attempted communications with Yecticteotl Here-deities.
  1. Æviryohni Metzi / Eternal Moon
    Simplified Name: Defense Wing
    Field: Anthropology & Biology
    Goals: Study, research, and document esoteric individuals and creatures.
    The Æviryohni Metzi is the research department for the study and documentation of sentient and sapient creatures with of esoteric nature. These include Schizos, Custodians, Catalognauts, and various other undocumented sentient Chuubanite related anomalies.
  • Catalognaut Assessment
    A. Native born or domestically employed non-native Catalognauts are thoroughly assessed to understand their powers and abilities. Due to the nature of this research, these activities are conducted cooperatively with the Ministry of Battle and Ministry of Faith. Findings are forwarded to the other Wings within the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Battle (Esoteric Wing) or the Ministry of Faith (Intelligence Wing).
    B. Catalognauts are assigned to appropriate positions within the other agencies; researchers within the Ministry of Magic, agents within the Ministry of Faith, or special operations soldiers within the Ministry of Battle. Should a Catalognaut's abilities are not suited for the prioritized ministries, they will be given basic training within the Ministry of Battle for any civil employment or private companies.
  • Schizo Research
    A. Native and regional Schizo warbands and populations are documented by field researchers and specialized para-biologists. Migration pattern and activities are documented.
    B. Specimens captured by the military, navy, raiding parties, and adventurers are sent here for study. Research include biological properties, rrat mentality field research. Findings are forwarded to the Practical Wing for the development of anti-Schizo weaponry, and the Ministry of Battle for any precautions against Schizo attacks.
  • Custodian Research
    Studies the movements and behaviors of Custodian specimens that patrol the region. As the lands of Yectic Teocuacayotl is frequently targeted by Custodians in their 'lawkeeping' missions, the people of the land had to adapt and live with constant 'prunings' and 'containment' as if they were natural disasters.
  1. Glasyohni Metzi / Gleaming Moon
    Simplified Definition: Practical Wing
    Field: Engineering
    Goals: Research and development of new applications for esoteric knowledge.
    The Glasyohni Metzi is the department responsible for finding practical applications of any new and developing discoveries.
  2. Fremedyohni Metzi / Forwarding moon
    Simplified Definition: Progress Wing
    Field: Sociopolitical
    Goals: Distribute and integrate new esoteric findings into society.
    The Fremedyohni Metzi is the department entrusted with the duty of distributing new magical discoveries to the public masses, be they the officials and civilians of the clergy-scholar caste, the warrior-labor caste, the slaves, or foreign allies under pacts of knowledge sharing.
  3. Æviryohni Metzi / Ethereal Moon
    Simplified Definition: Metaphysics Wing
    Field: Thaumatology
    Goals: Study and research of apotheosis.
Pub: 02 Aug 2022 16:39 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2023 09:13 UTC
Views: 721