An explanation by Professor Turo (4chan tripcode: !!1ulnC0Yj8gx)

What is MDEG?

MDEG stands for Mass Divergence Effect/Event General. It is a thread on /x/ for discussion of the Mass Divergence Effect and the impending Mass Divergence Event.
There is now a wiki for documenting more information in regards to the MDE. For more elaboration, read it. If you just want important surface-level information, just reading this Rentry will do.

What is the Mass Divergence Effect?

The Mass Divergence Effect, also known as the "Mandela Effect," occurs when aspects of two universes merge. (Although, due to the Law of Causality/Importance, it is unlikely that the death of Nelson Mandela changed between universes, so this is likely an actual false memory. It is still possible, though). Individual instances of this are known as "Divergence Anomalies." Currently, due to the Law of Causality/Importance, this is only happening to minor, inconsequential things such as logos and character designs, but that may change in the near future, and will definitely change when the Mass Divergence Event happens.

What is the Mass Divergence Event?

The Mass Divergence Event is a catastrophic event in which the membrane between our universe and others rips open, causing many large-scale Divergence Anomalies over a period of approximately 3 days. This will begin on December 12, 2025, in the early morning for continental Europe. (For Americans like me, that's the night of the 11th). Unlike the minor effects that we are seeing today, during this time we will experience many large-scale changes about the universe, including the size, shape, and structure of physical objects. This will be most destructive in large cities with a lot of buildings. And I don't know about you, but having an object clip into my body sounds like a horrific way to die.

What's causing all this?

Based on current evidence, it seems that the biggest culprit is the European Center for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN, specifically their Large Hadron Collider. It is possible, however, that there are other colliders elsewhere causing this as well.

But particle collisions happen all the time in space!

Correct. However, when they happen in space they are isolated incidents. They are random and uncoordinated, and only happen within the same spot once. When they are done in colliders, they are controlled and coordinated, and happen several times in the same spot, at the same time, across multiple universes. This damages the membrane between universes and allows aspects to merge. I do not know if they are intentionally doing this or if it is the result of hubris.
Recently, it has been speculated that particle colliders may not be responsible for the MDE at all. According to this theory, the MDE is a natural occurrence and the activation of particle colliders around the time divergence anomalies started showing up was a coincidence.

How can we stop this?

To be blunt: I don't know. I am researching the MDE, the multiverse, and CERN, and am trying to come up with a way to stop the Event from happening or at least find a way to survive it. The only thing I can think of is to go to a universe where it isn't happening and wait it out, but I do not have the equipment to do so. According to KB's thread, they're basically just trying to find an "interdimensional band-aid" solution, which doesn't sound all too promising.

The Law of Causality/Importance

The more complex a cause is, the less likely its effect is to change between different universes For example, things that are caused by fleeting decisions or randomly generated numbers will probably change between universes. The logos and characters above only have differences in minor details because said details exist due to the fleeting decision of an artist.
On the other hand, things that have many complex causes will probably remain the same between universes. For example, the result of a presidential election is the effect of the decisions of millions of people, influenced by different individual upbringings, so the winner will remain the same between most universes. There are outliers to this, of course, and butterfly effects do happen.
NOTE: On September 27, 2023, I noticed a Divergence Anomaly pertaining to the name of this law; It was formerly the Law of Causality, but it is now the Law of Importance. I will include both names.

Background Information

How do we know all this?

On June 5, 2019, KB (a former CERN employee) uploaded to Pastebin transcripts of conversations between her and JB (a man from the 2040s of another universe):
JB explains what's happening, what the MDE is, and accurately predicts increased seismic and volcanic activity, political turmoil, and the COVID-19 pandemic (which KB changed in the transcript to "coronal mass ejection" out of fear of scrutiny, ridicule, and detection).
On October 14, 2021, KB made a thread on /x/ in which she shared more details of her interaction with JB, and how he got here using a strange device the size of a pocket watch.
(Note on KB's thread: Disregard anything posted by tripcode iOgHzutGjt4. That is a larper trying to poison the well)

The Origins of MDEG

I first found out about the Mass Divergence Effect (which I knew at the time as the "Mandela Effect") in 2017. I didn't think much of it at the time other than "huh, that's kinda weird."
In 2020, during quarantine boredom, I began to dive into the esoteric side of the Internet. During that time, I learned about CERN's doings, but never put 2 and 2 together that they may be responsible for the MDE.
In the summer of 2022, when CERN turned the LHC back on, I began to notice more divergence anomalies, and browsed /pol/ and /x/ reading theories about CERN. One thread on /x/ led me to KB's Pastebin, and suddenly it all made sense. I sat on the information for a while, not quite sure what to do with it. I would occasionally reread the pastebin and post in threads about CERN. I remember really getting back into it the first time I saw a logo change before my eyes: the logo for Bounce dryer sheets (the "u" and the "n" were not connected to each other before).
On July 25, 2023, I decided to make a thread to discuss the transcripts, and MDEG was born:
After a few threads, I decided to turn it into a "General" thread. The fourth thread was the first to bear the name "MDEG," and the first where I adopted the name "Professor Turo."

An Explanation of "Time Travel" (Actually Dimensional Travel)

First and foremost, let's get something out of the way: Linear time travel to the past of one's own timeline is completely impossible. It will never be possible to travel backwards in time by any means
That being said, it is possible to go "back in time" by traveling to another universe. As I am writing this, it is September 7, 2023, at 9:42 PM Central Daylight Time. That is not true in other universes. It may be 2018, or 2002, or 1857, or 4000 BC, or 3101, or literally any other time that could ever possibly exist. When JB came to talk to KB, it was the 2040s in his universe and 2012 in ours. So now, in his universe, it is sometime in the 2050s or 2060s.
For example, let's say you wanted to see Live Aid in-person. You couldn't go back and see it in our universe, but you could see it in another universe (and according to the Law of Causality/Importance, the bands and songs should be almost exactly the same).
Here's an oversimplified and primitive representation of how it works:
A poorly-drawn diagram representing what "time travel" actually is
And to reiterate: Nothing you would do in that universe's 1985 would affect our universe in any way.
In pop culture terms, time travel is more like Avengers: Endgame than Back to the Future. (Though Endgame is not entirely accurate either).


/X/ - Paranormal » Thread #30021683 - Archive.4plebs.Org, archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/30021683/.
Everett, Hugh. “‘Relative State’ Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.” Princeton University, 1 Mar. 1957.
A Guest. “Files GH-230 / GH-235 Transcripts.” Pastebin, 5 June 2019, pastebin.com/YZz8u3wB.

Edit Report
Pub: 08 Sep 2023 03:07 UTC
Edit: 04 Oct 2023 03:48 UTC
Views: 5344