we suffer from npd, hpd, autism, schizophrenia, and others that we are not comfortable sharing. our illnesses affect our behavior, but if we do anything wrong, please hold us accountable. our illnesses should not excuse bad behavior.
we use vix / vixen and ix / ixs collectively. we are libramasculine, under the aroace spectrum, and ambiamorous. happily taken by our partner system, lamia.

we have awful mood swings, and can get upset easily. a lot pf us are socially awkward, and won’t interact unless you ask them to or interact first.
we usually refer to ourselves as we / us, but we can say i / me out of habit. we use reclaimable slurs. we tend to avoid people and talk dryly when upset or overwhelmed. we can come off as apathetic / uninterested, but please know that we can’t help it. we have little to no empathy, so please don’t expect it. we feel very little sympathy. please interact with caution, for your sake and our own.

basic dni criteria, under the age of 13, over the age of 20 (with exceptions), if you think introjects are their sources, tulpa/endo/non-traumagenic ‘systems’, non consensual reality checkers and fake claimers + more, just ask!

Pub: 17 Jul 2024 09:18 UTC
Edit: 18 Jul 2024 20:30 UTC
Views: 145