FINALLY (somewhat)ORGANIZED THIS WOOHOOO!!!! 28/09/2024 edit: urls that arent bolded are free to reclaim..i dont need them PLEASE 1,2 + resource rentry + commissions + retrospring go back please ask me on retrospring or discord(my user is amurgsuav) if u want any of these for free, but also trading them for others so hmu!! : I - means I've used capital i instead of L l - means I've used L instead of i Strikeout - using bolded - my fav ; only trading (might still give tho!) total: i forgot bruh i have to count AGAIN

sensible , -IiveIeak , sensing , -luvv , -tears , -earphones
kawaiiguts , cuterazorblade , fuckedurmom (this is real guys/j)
playfulvampire , takingover , annoyingcunt , prettyandere , -deredere , 7thgrade , -socialanxiety
tiedrope , -candles , vintageglasses , fullofsorrow , easterneuropean , 4thgrade , tearsofsorrow
rottingsouls , rottingsouI , eepying , Iighthearted , -sightseeing , SENSlTIVE , spreading
0772 , uglywhore , TEASlNG , MELANCHOLlC , -nostalgia- , -parasocial
, penne , eIayne , happines , sadnes , earphones , balcony , bruh
pacify , makiroll , caprisun , goodnight , ehe , east

kanadeyoizaki , -kangelchan
-amechan- , midorikaminodansei , -ENASHlNONOME
guidetotheafterlife , vamptote , mioda , expired , luckystudent , rantarou

thejojolion , CRlMEANDPUNlSHMENT
-fedya- , wanfedya , deadappIe- , -crimendpunishment , decayofangeIz , punyama

sadclapz , 39musicz , mg2 , yaminabe

some r bad some r good ummmm literally EVERYTHIGN i. Claimed is here....js to not forget ab them

Pub: 09 Aug 2023 11:13 UTC
Edit: 02 Nov 2024 18:03 UTC
Views: 2596