12/01/24 - 530pm
hi cal, i realized haven’t written in here, execpt to add a few ships at the top, in a while. not because i forgot about it- i didn't, i love adding it everytime i update /jigsaw (which i do obsessively, by the way, i'm so freaking scared of loosing that dang site LOL). anyways, retrospring shuts down soonish, not that you care, i'm just semi exited. its weird to think about that one person who 'cursed' us (maybe cause i like dabi, maybe cause they wanted me, or you, or something, idk) to break up within 2 months... LMFAO.. i think its been longer than that? idk im _ucking _upid.. vro
i don't know exactly what to talk about. i jusr think youre really really Extremely cool. yesterday we called toby and may, it was my first time calling them, and your first time actually talking to them like, forrealsies. its weird, something about seeing you laugh with someone else makes me really happy. seeing you happg in general makes me happy.... Reallly really reaaaaaalllllly happy. now im kinda just talking in nonsense but i do love you. yesterday was a good day, with good friends, good food, good shopping, good snuggles, it was a good time and i liked it alot. i love you, gonna stop now bc i have a headache and i have to get ready to shower and clean but youre sooooo cutie.