mamapilled's mommy madness
he/him, asian, in my (almost mid) 20s. nou's big brother
no name around here, only comfortable to be known as twitter user mamapilled or nou's big bro and nothing else. cult leader of the mama luther manic movement ^^)b
byf// here against my will, might stay to evangelize.
- this is my ranfren twitter but for the record idk how to use twt, or socmeds in general. everything i know is through nou. im a bit clumsy with words and i am not a native english speaker so please excuse me
→ i have a curiouscat now! you can send me questions yes yes ^^ i'll try my best to answer everything! - this is my ranfren tumblr, as an archive for all of my bullshits. i most likely will only be active on twitter but will use tumblr for easy navigation & finding stuff with tags ^7^
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST/REUSE/EDIT MY ART ETC. using them as icons/banners are only allowed if asked. a simple credit is fine!!
IM FULLY AWARE OF WHAT CAP HAD DONE *IN THE PAST* - though this is a complicated situation and my opinion on this matter goes beyond "theyre problematic and so is anyone who like this" / "it was just 2010s internet 4chan imageboards humour". i dont like it when ppl treat ranfren as a "sanctuary" to be an online toxic roach either...
though i do enjoy talking and interacting with everyone, sometimes the ranfandom is just,, too much for me,,, ><; plus im ill & autistic & squeamish so i get really anxious whenever i try to follow ppl even if i rly want to T_T i still cherish everyone though! my mutuals... in my heart... pls do feel free to hmu ^_^ <- i do that to everyone anyways...
I AM NOT COMFORTABLE WITH INCEST AND PEDO CONTENT and would rather *not* be ANYWHERE near it, but i'll keep that to myself. im too old for the proship/antis war but im old enough to have media literacy and know how to be critical of the medias/creators i enjoy. lets play nice and respect each other's boundaries and be normal decent humans, mother would want it to be so ×× DONT BE A DOG!
mamapilled's mother manifesto
all the mamapills
supposedly a clickable list of my comics, drawings, even shitposts for the world of randal and his friends here. but i havent posted them to tumblr yet, so this is just a useless list for now (its the pinned post on tumblr). you can scroll my twitter in the mean time though?
the texts in blue are links, to make this page readable i've shorten everything down so if you want to crack my head open and study my mentally damned brain, feel free to poke around (pretty please?)
disclaimer, though you've already known this: ik & idc if my luther differs from cap and everyone else, my words are NOT canon im not forcing anyone to follow me if they dont want to! i like psychoanalysis & im just here to have fun ^w^;; click the pills-o-mama link! to go to the full manifesto archive!!!
my luther is a woman, i use she/he for her. in my beautiful mind shes trans and a mother. hes elegantly male but violently female.
- luthers a woman bc hes alienated from man - mankind in general, but also men themselves - by being a cryptid, yet she wants to conform to humanity's ideals and gender performance (trans. egg?) to behave like "people", blurring the lines between what she actually want to do and what he thinks "humans" would do, or would want to see him do. this fits with john berger's theory on women's gender surveillance* and luther having eyes everywhere and is "the one whos always watching". despite conforming to the male "king" role - the "top dog" of the house, her love is very maternal: he doesnt just order, he especially doesnt "go out to work and bring money home" (in fact, shes always home), instead she enjoys pampering, cleaning, family gatherings etc. she takes care of her family by ensuring that theyre well-fed, well-rested, well-mannered. eventually what he wants is to build a loving (in their own fucked up ways) family, eventually what she is is a mom. a mother. my mother <3
- other AWESOME reasons why luther is a woman - an extension of the ^ paragraph above. i tried not to be cisheteronormative bc well you see. i have this medical condition called being a transsexual mamapilled dykefag bilegend (read: swag)
- *further elaborating the gender surveillance part, but as a vomit mixture of carl jung, john berger, daryl sharp and (obviously mandatory) freud, just for luther von ivory <3 to quote the post: no i do not understand philosophy. yes i am unwell <- explained everything i do here
- these are really just scraps that dont really mean anything... though i really want to verbalize the last point in it into another mother manifesto... but that is too much work and i am too emotional abt her to do anything... world's strongest delusional little autistic mamaboy ~ w ~),,
updated 9/6/2023 (d/m/y). zzz. just realized rentry shows last edit so this is not necessary... but i am attached to it so? zzz