Confederation of Risu

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Official Name: Risu
Demonym: Tupai
Type of Government: Tribal Confederation in north and center, Autocracy in the South.
Language(s): Tupai
Religion(s): Risu
Ethnicities and Cultures:

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Risu established her nation with her original followers as early as year 4 VTE. Originally there was only one tribe consisting of 463 Risuners. Risu grew a giant tree temple and claimed it as her home while the villagers began to settle around the temple. Nobody was ever allowed in but they formed a ring around the temple itself. The only time Risu would ever come out would be during the Nut exchange, a ritual that exists in modern Risuner history.
These Risuners were even more primitive than the Risuners of modern day and it is said they only knew how to fuck, plant trees, and the basics for survival. And that is exactly what they did. The ancient Risuners would autistically take what nuts they could find and plant whatever was not eaten. Over time the forest kept growing and with it the population due to the massive sex drives of the Risuners.

The Risuner religion was enforced even back then with paladins that would win the yearly nut tribute. Not much has changed in religion or lifestyle. What did change was the population. Not only did the number of people go up but when they would reach a critical mass, they would spread out and constantly settle on new land and expand the borders. New tribes would form and new villages would be established. Due to some infighting among the tribes over various reasons, progress would be slowed at times. But in general the Risuners kept expanding their circle of influence enough over the next few centuries. Some notable expansions would be to the area that would later be the city of Panrong and where the first mining operations were held. Molerisuners began to emerge and they were tasked with supplying rocks and minerals in exchange for food from the risuners above.

It would not be until around 800 VTE (exact date unknown) that they would establish contact with a foreign people. The nation of Towa and the Twis that resided there did not care too much for the hyperactive sex drive of their neighbors but were willing to live peacefully and even teach them the value of working collectively, rather than split up in tribes. It was with the help of the Twis that Gaputan was established, a farming city dedicated to producing all sorts of crops and this city would expand out over time, slowly incorporating many tribes as well as forming a national border. Not long afterwards down in the south, another foreign nation was contacted. The meppers were similar in that they did not care for the risuners constant sexual activity. But they were willing to at least talk with those that were worthy to them and could at least try to act more 'civilized' in their eyes.

The original risuners around this time that resided near the temple saw the occasional infighting and took it upon themselves to be the guardians of the temple. They felt superior to the others and saw the new tribes forming as brothers who have gone too far astray to know what it is their chuuba truly wants. This along with the fear of possible foreign attack led the original tribe to make a decision. They saw the destruction of the temple as something that cannot happen under any circumstances so around 825 VTE (exact date unknown) they closed off the temple from the rest of the tribes and became the temple guardians. It would not be until much later that they found out they had natural powers due to their close nature to a goddess and even later when they realized it was gemstones they needed to use it. Fusing with gems they figured out pretty quickly however and the very first gemtrees were actually planted above ground. It only took a few years before they realized that below ground wielded gem trees much faster so molerisuners began carving massive cavern networks.

Somewhere around 850 VTE (exact date unknown) the eastern beaches was being colonized. Kenkerto was established as a massive fishing city and many Jukung fishing canoes were built with competitions being held all the time. Around the same time the western beaches were being colonized on and both Silvanus and Sabatangan became massive settlements.
It is unknown when the first raids happened but it is believed to have begun around 1050 VTE (correct me if wrong ill fix it). The risuners could have limited success in repelling these invaders but this success was too few and spread out. Sadly, most other risuners who lived farther inland were too occupied with their sex and own recreation to care too much. This would be a recurring problem that lasted for a while. These kidnappers were told in legend and tale but they were only seen as that. It would not be until the year 1118 VTW that Risu as a whole would awaken.

The Kronies changed everything and while there were those who disliked the notion of these people chopping down their trees for their own interests, a vast majority of risuners welcomed these new people. They were even horny like them so they naturally got along. A big road would be established in exchange for protection and this road and the surrounding areas would form its own culture heavily inspired by their Kronie allies.

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Up until recently, the lands of the Tupai were disorganized tribes theoretically lead by the Witches operating from the Tree of Risu. This system, in theory, was supposed to work fine but because of external threats, this system proved to be inadequate for many reasons.

The first reason being that the religiously minded witches were totally unprepared for dealing with external threats and were not adept at internal politics either. The south grew to resent the witches and even their fellow Tupai after a century of sorrow at the hands of raiders and slavers. More on this in a moment.

The second reason was because many Tupai themselves seemed apathetic to the problems of other tribes. This can best be seen by the indifference shown towards the South and Western coasts, constantly dealing with Slavers while the rest of the tribes at on their hands. As Joyo Cahya said "While we (the South) were fighting for our very existence, the rest of the nation was too busy gawking at foreigners and wanting to explore the world out of their own selfishness." Even if the witches wanted to do something, it was unlikely that the tribes would ever agree.

The third and the reason that this system would soon meet its downfall was that of the Joyo Cahya himself. He, with the help of another legendary figure, the Marquis of Maumigny, were able to finally expel the raiders from the South and his troubles made him hell bent on getting his people, not just his fellow southerners, but all Risuners to join together. He was declared Kaisar-dan-Tupai-Hebat after the great victory at Tigaraska in 1124 soon made his Imperial ambitions fulfilled. He was the ultimate reason that the reign of the witches ended, but he did fail in his ultimate goal of becoming the ruler of all Tupai, and had to settle for just the lands he conquered. At the famous Council of Rajabasa, Joyo Cahya put his pride aside and with the help of others made something that could be worked with. The Confederation was born from this.

The Confederation itself

Based in Flora, the Grand Tupai Council is presided over by Joyo Cahya, as the "Prince of Risu", wearing the Civic Crown as the first among equals there when called upon. It is made up of elders from each major city, and largely is supposed to settle issues between the various tribes in the Confederacy, and other political entities in it like the Dewan Umat Beriman (High Priesthood) and the Shrivastava Empire. The limited power of the Council however poses some issues, as it is hardly a nation as much as a conglomeration of various different entities that are all Tupai. Whether or not the current format holds up long term remains to be seen.

Shrivastava Empire

The most powerful and united of all of the realms in the confederation is the Shrivastava Empire, lead by Joyo Cahya. Cahya is an autocratic despot, and by his detractors has broken all traditions within Risu for his own gain. But there is no doubt that this despot is an extremely gifted and a visionary that many of his admirers believe is the son of Risu herself. His palace and court at Megahraja is filled with poets, musicians, architects, and men of talent from many nations that he uses to further his aims.

He has totally uproot the tribal system from the south and replaced it with a system where the power comes from Cahya, and not the tribal elders. This has caused many problems, and has lead to much blood being spilled but from this blood, shall be born a new foundation of success for all of his subjects as Cahya believes.

But Cahya cannot directly rule all of his land, and thus has placed foreigners in positions of local and regional governorship. His enemies prattle this against him, but Cahya knows that his people are not ready to govern themselves under this new system and that it will take some time for them to be ready. He already has the program for this transition in place, which is the Young and Noble Academy where Cahya has selected the best young sons from various former tribes and is having them trained so that they can become able administrators, leaders, and commanders in the future.

Joyo Cahya, the beloved son of the south, will likely succeed in his efforts given his near demi-god reputation but Cahya still vainly believes that he will one day bring the ways of the south to the rest of the nation. Time will tell, but Joyo Cahya certainly has built arguably the best system for governance in the present for future success.

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The complications of the times and situation that Risuners live in has meant that the nation practically has depended on the good faith of others for its own security. However, one of the goals that Joyo Cahya is determined to bring to the people as a whole is an organized army and navy where the good faith of foreigners is not needed for survival. As with everything with him and the council it seems, his efforts have not had the success he wished, for what he wanted was a national army. This simply didn't happen, as given that he would be the Commander-in-Chief, it put fear into the other members of the Council. Instead, the compromise is for regional forces commanded by the locals without a single Commander-in-Chief above them. Even in the case of crisis, there would be at least Three Commanders to share power. The Paus, the Southern Emperor and an elected member person would take charge. This system is extremely flamed, but it was the only agreement that could be reached amongst them all.

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Culture and Religion

OG, just mention things outside the south. I want to do those in a seperate document.

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Image description Topography of Risu

The lands of the Tupai stretch in the north at the twpi border down to the Merak and barques rivers with the Kingdom of Oiseau. The Confederation sits between the ends of two mountain ranges, what the locals call the Merak and Flipi mountain ranges. Several rivers and lakes run through the relatively flat lands and the fearsome volcano of Pembawakematian lies at the end of the Merak mountains in the south. The great Tupai plain of the center divides these two regions and is the location of Hectare's Path, built by infinitium.

Image description Climate of Risu

Risu has three different climates. The west is dominated by a hot semi arid climate while the east is by a humid subtropical climate. The north is exposed to subtropical monsoons. The soil of the east is notably fertile compared to the west, where the arid lands suck the blessing of Risu rutheless from its land.

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"Nuts, Logs and Food". These three words could accurately sum up the economy of most of Risu currently, but this doesn't mean this will always be the case. In the midst of what can be called little more than a revolution, there is emerging an economy that is more than just "Nuts, Logs and Food." for some regions. This isn't to say that these products will not be important or even the backbone, but rather than diversification is happening and much of that is the result of foreigners.

Kronies, Varangians, Oiseau, Pomeranians, Deadbeats, Nasfaqers, Tsukijin. All of these groups are driving the future of Risu's economy and are diversifying it. This is not to say that they are all working together in one spot, that simply isn't true. Kronies and Varangians are largely concentrating their efforts in the center, the Deadbeats in the northeast, Nasfaq at Sabatangan, and Pomeranians, Oiseau and Tsukijin in the south. Most Risuners are smart enough to realize that this benevolence isn't pure, but have accepted none the less that this is for the best.

It is at the cities where the Risuner economy is changing currently, not in the countryside for the most part and this all excludes the South, which under the Autocracy is changing much more radically in how it uses land and its economy in general. Details on that can be found in a separate document.

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Risuners as a whole are rather isolationists and xenophobic, and always have been. But this doesn't mean that Risu as a nation is at all, despite the anger generated against the recent opening up of Risu by many of the tribes. It would be a waste of time to list the stances of each tribes, or even detailing this all that much beyond that the Confederation has many different nations it can call friendly, depending on who you ask and where. For example, you wouldn't find many in Demeter calling the Kingdom of Oiseau their friend while in Mejarajah, you would find few calling Infinitium a friendly nation. Things are extremely complex.

Kronies, Varangians, Oiseau, Pomeranians, Deadbeats, Nasfaqers, Tsukijin, Twpi and Luknights all can be counted among the peoples that different tribes can call friendly to them. You may even find a tribe that for whatever reason thinks highly of the Watamelons, albeit most of the nation hates them regardless. The overall point of what is being said is that who Risu calls her friends depends on where you are and who you talk to, and this is covered in more detail in the other lore documents.

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Pub: 15 Sep 2022 17:06 UTC
Edit: 18 Dec 2022 16:49 UTC
Views: 704