(click me for artist credit!) macdennis

Spengler's BYF and DNI

BYF I do swear and tweet in all caps sometimes so if that makes you uncomfortable please reconsider following. I am 18 years old but my account is not 18+ (i am strictly sfw!) I try my best to use tone tags but I sometimes forget (if something needs to be tagged please dm me and let me know!!) I am okay with and will make kms jokes (its never serious please do not worry about me) I have autism, adhd, osdd, and bpd and i will post about it and I will use slurs that I can reclaim!

DNI homo/transphobic, under 15, ANTI neo pronouns and/or xeno genders, pro israel, mspec lesbian/gay (or believe they are valid), if you think transmasc/fem = trans man/woman, proship/NSFW accounts, endo systems, ed/sh or any other type of unhealthy subtwt, don't have any other source of abt u info like a carrd or rentry

Pub: 02 Jan 2022 07:58 UTC
Edit: 03 Mar 2025 04:30 UTC
Views: 413