A Gorgeous Attention to Detail

Lilja: ......Yeah, I like it. I think my beauty really stands out here.

Hikari: Wow, continuous shutter! Click click click click!

Hikari: Lilja-san is so amazing! She’s so beautiful! Beautiful!

Lilja: I know. Will you take some pictures too, Ramo?

Ramona: No, that’s…... I came along because you said you wanted to practice.

Lilja: ? But it is practice?

Ramona: Then at least tell me what it's useful for. You weren't interested in photos or videos before......were you?

Lilja: Right. It's meaningless unless you can see it with your own eyes. It's not beautiful unless you see it in the flesh.

Lilja: But photos and videos can be used to study how the audience sees things. I want people to see my beautiful form from any seat.

Hikari: As expected of Lilja-san, the incarnation of beauty!

Ramona: This is an important time for Gingaza......

Ramona: Is this something you do before an audition......?

Lilja: I was scouted because of my beauty. I think it's fine as long as I’m beautiful.

Lilja: That's why I want to see myself from someone else's perspective. You can't look at yourself.

Ramona: So we're just a convenient mirror......

Ramona: All right, let's take a picture. Cheese!

Ramona: ......Okay, it's taken. Check it out.

Lilja: (stares)

Ramona: Did you get anything out of this?

Lilja: ......

Lilja: Next time, I want you to take a photo with my smartphone. Exactly the same way.

Ramona: I can just send you a photo, right?

Lilja: I don't know how to receive it. I'll leave smartphones to people who can use them.

Ramona: I understand why Xue was complaining now......

Ramona: Let's take a picture, cheese.

Ramona: ......Is this okay?

Hikari: Lilja-san, I got a good one too! You look great!

Lilja: ......Yeah, I think I've got it. Okay, let's try another pose.

Hikari: Okay, I'll stay with you until you're satisfied! Lilja-san is awesome, wonderful, amazing!

Ramona: This is not the time to be doing this......

Ramona: Let's take a picture, cheese.

Lilja: That kind of cheer doesn't get me in the mood. I want something else.

Ramona: Oh dear...... What kind of cheer gets you in the mood?

Lilja: Call my name. That's enough.

Ramona: Hmm......Lilja?

Lilja: Come closer.

Ramona: Ah, yeah. Is this good enough, Lilja?

Lilja: Closer. Closer, until our eyelashes touch.

Lilja: That's it, good girl.

Ramona: No, I don't think this will fit in the lens......

Lilja: Even if I don't appear in the photo, I'm in your eyes.

Ramona: (What kind of practice is this......!?)

Hikari: Look, Lilja-san! I took a video of the two of you!

Hikari: The distance between you getting gradually closer! I'm so embarrassed!

Lilja: ......This video is actually quite good.

Hikari: There are other videos too. My recommendation is this one! Xue, who looks like she's about to fall asleep but doesn't, when the two of us are doing our homework!

Lilja: She looks like a baby, so cute.

Ramona: The filming session has ended up becoming a video viewing session......

Ramona: Hey, you two. You remember, don't you? We have an audition for 'Macbeth' coming up.

Hikari: Oh, yeah......that's right......

Ramona: It might even affect everyone's future. If possible, I'd like to prioritise the rehearsals for the play.

Lilja: Why are you working so hard, Ramo? I don't think they'll make you quit.

Ramona: Well......

Ramona: If we fail with the next production of 'Macbeth', Gingaza itself will be in danger. That's why all the directors are doing what they can.

Lilja: As long as you’re as beautiful as always, you’ll be fine.

Ramona: It's not that simple-

Hikari: Waah......! Ramo-san, calm down......!

Ramona: Oh, no, I'm not angry. I'm sorry, I got a little too heated.

Ramona: ......I'm going to cool down. You two should go home before it gets late.

Hikari: Ramo-san's gone......

Lilja: ......

Chief Director: Here are the casting proposals and synopsis for 'Macbeth' that I'll be discussing at the meeting later. Please read it beforehand.

Gingaza Public Relations: This is impossible...... What is this casting and content? The higher-ups will question your sanity.

Chief Director: The only ones who will question our sanity are me and the scriptwriter.

Gingaza Public Relations: Do you understand that you are crossing a dangerous bridge in exchange for your own jobs?

Chief Director: If we maintain the status quo, Saint-Claud will not choose us. Now there is no other choice but to take the plunge.

Chief Director: Of course, this is a decision that respects the traditions of Gingaza. It is all to ensure that we do not lose the Saint-Claud star.

Chief Director: Let's go to the meeting.

Pub: 29 Nov 2024 21:11 UTC
Views: 38