She said that her Dad had them running on a constant back to back stream on the big TV in the family room. It really is a big T.V. as it takes up the entire wall opposite the wall of glass doors which open out onto their back patio and spacious lawn down to the lake.
I was busy doing some minor home repairs but heard snippets of the conversation. My ears perked up when I hear this
Your Dad and I were thinking of how you can expand your appeal. You know, set yourself apart from the other girls.
What’s that Mom, said Alicia
Well, don’t laugh, but your Dad and I were thinking, you know, so far you have only been fucking strangers on film
Yeah, that’s kind of how it works, The studio arranges the talent and then you just show up and perform, you know, whatever they ask for. Said Alicia
Yeah, well this would be sort of the same, but with people you know. Like schoolmates, teachers, old boyfriends particularly those you never let fuck you, neighbors, you know people in your everyday life. Said her mom
You are kidding right? Asked Alicia
No dear, we think it would be a great idea. Said her Mom
But Mom, then everyone would just think I was some sort of cheap whore. Said Alicia
Honey, you are a cheap whore, I mean that’s the thing, for years you wouldn’t let anyone touch you not matter how much they wanted, no matter how much you teased
I never teased, interrupted Alicia
Of course you did, even if you didn’t realize, just your being around, all cute and perky and friendly, was teasing. Everyone always told me how cute they thought you were and such a cute little tease. Said her mom
I wasn’t a tease. Insisted Alicia
Well, now you can prove that you aren’t just a tease. Said her Mom You can let everyone fuck you and cum in your cute mouth and pussy and ass. You can be the good little whore everyone always wanted you to be.
Mom, everyone didn’t want me to be a good little whore. Said Alicia
Your Dad and I did, and so did your sister and well everyone. I can’t think of anyone who didn’t want to use your amazing, cute, little body.
Mom . . . said Alicia
Well it is true, and you should be happy that they did and do because that is how you are going to make it rich with your hot videos.
Mom . . . said Alicia
Just think of it, no other porn whore has ever just let anyone in their life use them as a cum dump and film it. Said her Mom. Its just too hot to think about.
She continued
So, your Dad and I think you should talk to your people about it next time they call.
Mom. Said Alicia
Oh just do it. It will be great and it will make your Dad and Me so proud of you.
Said her mom.
That was it, I thought, she was going to say yes. All Alicia ever really wanted was for her parents to be proud of her. It is her Achilles heel. It is why she took dance lessons and went to all those dance competitions as a kid. It is why she did competitive diving as a kid and in high school. If her Mom said that doing something would make them proud of her she would do it. No question.
So, after Alicia hung up with her Mom I waited a few minutes. Then went to find Alicia who was scrolling though her phone in the family room, sitting on the same couch she had fucked Jerry because her parents had asked. .
I asked was that your Mom?
Yeah, she said.
What did she want? I asked
She wants me to fuck everyone I know, those who want to anyway. She said
Do you want to? I asked
Yes, no, I don’t know, Mom said it would make great vids, you know people from my life showing up and fucking me. She said that they would love it and that she and Dad think its a great idea. I don’t know. She wants me to suggest it to the guys. She said
They guys? I asked
Yeah, you know, the guys at the company that makes my films. Mom thinks they will love the idea. Alicia said.
So, are you going to tel them? I asked
I sort of have to. Said Alicia
Why? I asked
Cause Mom said to. Said Alicia
And if they say yes, are you going to do it. I mean it could be really embarassing to have guys you knew when you were a kid show up and want to fuck you. I said
Yeah, it will be. Said Alicia
Sounds like you would do it. I said
Yeah, I sort of have to. She said
Why? I asked
You know, cause Mom said it would make her proud of me.
The next afternoon I got a phone call at work from Alicia asking if it was o.k. for her to come home late. I asked why and she said because the morning shoot really ran over. I made the mistake of asking her why and she said
Because , well because it was really amazing, there were like 6 guys, really big guys, I don’t know where they found them but they were huge, I mean all ways big, tall and their cocks! Wow I don’t think I have seen anything like them before and anyway it took a long time you know for them all to fuck me everywhere
and then they each wanted to be in like each hole for every airtight scene -
man was I stretched but in a really good way. I mean 6 guys using every hole individually and together and cumming in me each time thats a lot and the guys needed recovery oh yeah and the best part when they were all done they peed on me
It was an amazing feeling.
How cum you never pee on me?
You are going to have to pee me, now. OMG it was so hot! I even got to drink some of their pee. Can you imagine?
It was sort of gross, but also so exciting I mean, oh I’m not sure, but I know you understand that’s one of the things I love so much about you is that you understand and that you get me and love me enough to let me – well do this, you know? I get to do this amazing thing.
So anyway we didn’t start the second shoot yet.
In fact I just finished getting all cleaned up and well there was a lot of cum everywhere to get out. Oh yeah, they even filmed me getting douched front and back
I am not sure who wants to see that, but well it is extra money for us and the team. So anyway, we haven’t started the second shot, so I’m going to be late, if we do, is it o.k.
She hadn’t even paused for a breath, but I responded
Honey are you even o.k. to do another scene. I mean six guys
Six guys everywhere and like in every combination, it was wild. She said
That is what I am asking, I said, realizing that she was still incredibly hopped up and excited by her shoot.
Oh, sure, She said. I really want to do this one. Its one of those slow romantic things, so I won’t get really beat up or anything. And they told me it was another new guy, this guy is from Europe, so its a sure thing he hasn’t been in me yet, so that would mean 7 more totally new cocks in a day. And besides, my outfit is really cute. I know you don’t really like lingerie but they have this really sexy silk night gown with like no back at all, and it will just slide right off me, and I love feeling of my dress or nightgown sliding off me, it so sexy, and well can I?
She knows I have no ability to say no to her and given how hot she was, I doubt it would have mattered.
Sure, when do you think you’ll be home.
Oh, probably after midnight, so don’t wait up, besides I will wake you up when I get home so you can fuck me and then again in the morning. I’m going to need a lot of reclaim sex.
Reclaim sex? That’s a new one on me. And I sighed
O.k., I said, Hey did you talk to them about your Mom’s idea. I had no idea why that popped out, I really didn’t think it was a great idea.
And she said, Yes! They loved it! So I told them to call Mom so, oh and they could not believe that it was my Mom who suggested it. So When I told them it really was, they were like totally blown away. They said, we have had parents who were supportive of their kid’s decision but wow, never like this, isn’t it great?
Ummmm I guess so, I said
Well, anyway they are like super stoked and they came up with some really neat suggestions, like I am blindfolded to start with and so I like give them a blow job and they eat my pussy and stuff before I know who they are and its like only after they are in me do I get to remove the blindfold and see who it is.
Isn’t that exciting? James, who suggested it, said that way I couldn’t back out when I saw who it is, in case it was someone I really didn’t want to fuck. They like think of everything! Anyway, I gotta go. They want to start the scene. Wish me luck.
She said and hung up.
Alicia got home a 2:30 am covered in cum, sweat, and smelling of pee and cum, yet somehow she still looked gorgeous. She woke me up and said, I didn’t clean up after because I wanted you to see me like totally, you know sexed up so you would know how hot I am for you right now.
My sleep bleary mind had a little trouble getting around that statement. So I asked, What time is it.
Its 2:30, please fuck me, I realllllllly need you to fuck me right now. She said
Honey is the middle of the night and you are sort of a mess I started to say
Then she started to cry, I know, I know I’m a mess, but but but she bawled
But what? I asked
But, I’m a mess for you. I am always for you. And I need to know you still love me and want me even when I look like this bacasue its all for you, I love you and I want, I need you to love me cause, cause, cause. She blubbered, as I pulled her towards me.
When the alarm went off a 6 am Alicia was out cold, she was still covered in dried cum and who knows what else, but at least some of that cum was mine. And somehow, dishevelled, and a mess, she was still my beautiful sexy little girl.
I slipped out of bed, Took a shower, made coffe and had a bowl of cheerios and was out the door , off to work,
Alicia called a 3:00 She had just gotten up. When I answered the phone she said, Honey, did you fuck me last night?
Of course, you asked me to and you know I can;t say no. I replied
She giggled and said , Sorry, I didn’t get up this morning, I’ll make it up to you, I promise. She said. Then she said ouch!
You o.k.? I asked
Yeah, but like kind of sore, all over. Guess I sort of overdid it yesterday. She said
Ya think? I replied
She giggled and said, Don’t be like that.
Like what, I asked
You know, She said. Anyway I wanted you to know I’m awake, think I go take a long hot bath and soak all this crude away.
O.K. I said, I should be home around 6:00 maybe we can go out somewhere for dinner.
Why? She asked
Because I feel like taking you out for a date. I said
I love you, Tommy, she said and hung up.
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