Kingdom of Lusitania

Royal Flag

Motto: Nos liberi sumus, Rex noster liber est, manus nostrae nos liberverunt
Capital: Bragança
Current Ruler: King Afonso VII de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (Born in 1083)
Royal Consort: Queen Marie of Oiseau
Crown Prince: Crown Prince João de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (Born in 1106)
Current Patriarch: Patriarch Victor IV


Lusitania is a word that comes from the ancient Faberi Language and the mid-Zetan language. Lusus is the ancient Faberi word for "game" or "play", a testament to the nations love of the games and festivals from its earliest days, while Lyssa comes from the middle Zetan word for "frenzy" or "rage", an accurate description of the tribes that inhabited the lands of Lusitania before the unification of the Kingdom. When the Petty King of the Ferrusi tribe, João the Conqueror conquered the other tribes of the Faberi, Malleusi, Equaesi, Ferrusi, Aereusi and Insanisi peoples in 746, he named his Kingdom using both of these words as the Kingdom of Lusolysia. Over time this word developed into the Lusitanian Language around the 9th Century VTE thanks to the merger of the language of the Zetan speaking nobility into the Faberi language spoken by the common man. Officially, the language and Kingdom would be called Lusitania in 892 VTE by King Fernando III. The older tribal era languages are still spoken to some degrees in isolated regions and the Kingdom is still called the Kingdom of Faberia or Ferreria by many outsiders today.


The History of Lusitania is a complex one. The state as we know it now did not exist until recently, and it is arguable whether or not the First Kingdom represents the modern state, as while the King list start the Regnal numbering back to old Kingdom the state truly was a just a heavily feudalized domain that had a lot of vassals. To properly understand Lusitania, one must understand it's history first.

Tribal Period (??? to 755)

The lands of the current Kingdom long ago were inhabited by 6 Tribal Confederations, the Faberi, Malleusi, Equaesi, Ferrusi, Aereusi and Insanisi. Not much is known about these states, as many of the written works from this period were destroyed during the time of troubles where the old capital of the Ferrusi and the First Kingdom, Ferreira was sacked, and its library was destroyed.
Regional Map
The 6 Tribal Confederations were a loose knit, and largely were grouped together based on their languages, which all were of the same languages group and shared many similarities. The way of life in this time is unknown but it is known that the many of the traditions and principles of today came from this period. The Tribal Era was brought to an end by João the Conqueror from the Ferrusi tribe. João was the King of Ferrariola and had managed to first unify the rest of his confederacy into one in 732 before starting a 12-year war of conquest of the other 6 tribal confederations. We unfortunately know little of his exploits, but he is known to have one a great battle over the Faberi, Insanisi, and the Equaesi at Sabugosa on September 4th 745 that resulted in the defeat of his rivals and the unification of a new state. A Zetan speaking like most nobility was during this period, João named his state the Kingdom of Lusolysia and was crowned as King João I (755 to 767). His dynasty would rule the Kingdom forth the next two hundred years during the First Kingdom Period

The First Kingdom Period

First Golden Age (755 to 812)

João's unification of the tribes and the reforms of his son Pedro I (767 to 801) resulted in the nation's first "Golden Age" which lasted from 755 to 812. During this period, the centralized nature of the Kingdom lead to the great economic growth, the foundation of most of the current cities, the construction of great highways across the land, and a flourishing of the finer arts across the Kingdom. Many of the legacies of this golden age can be felt today, as seen in the highway network and some of the more impressive works of architecture and the arts dating back to this period. A great period of learning was another characteristic of the Golden Age. This age came to an abrupt end on March 15th 812 with the destruction of the Royal Army and the death of the King Afonso I (801 to 812) at the Battle of Feira de Santana against the Agnami Caliphate.

Another notable event during this period was the formal establishment and organization of the Orthodox Faberian Church in 777 by Pedro I and many of its existing structure in the immediate years after by the first Patriarch, Saint Clement I. It's prominence in society would grow over time.

The Anarchy (812 to 826)

The death of the King and the destruction of the royal army had major consequences on the Kingdom, both internally and externally. Afonso's 4-year-old son Miguel (812 to 826) now suddenly found himself as the new King, and the nobility of the Kingdom fought to gain control over the regency and further advanced their autonomy. In the meantime, the Caliphate devastated Malleusia, Faberia and Aereusia; furthermore, it conquered some of the Kingdom's Southern Borders permanently in the process. Civil wars internally raged on, and the economy collapsed after the Regency was forced to pay a humiliating tribute to the Caliphate. Finally, in 826, stability would be restored after Miguel I was deposed in favor of his uncle, Fernando II (826 to 853) by the Duke of Equaesia, João.

The Century of Statis (826 to 933)

Though Fernando would bring stability to the realm and also win a great victory over the Caliphate at Peso da Régua in 829, ending the tribute and bringing peace between the two nations; but he was unable to reverse the consequences of the Anarchy. This period, which lasted from 826 to 933 is known as the "Century of Statis" because the Kingdom entered a long period of stagnation, lack of growth and lack of stability. Many internal wars were fought by the various nobles of the Kingdom across this period and the King's power, being greatly diminished already was unable to prevent this. The great highways began to fall into disrepair and raids from the Caliphate started again in 848 that would last for a century. It was truly a dark time in the Kingdom's history, with some minor spots of brightness coming from the minor national rebirth under Fernando III (888 to 924). But things were about to get far worse, and the Kingdom had become a powder keg. Its nobility was constantly feuding, its economy was in stagnation, many of the peasants were unhappy, and the relationship between the Church and state was an at all-time low. And all it took for the was one spark for this fuse to cause the great national disaster, known as the Times of Troubles.

Time of Troubles (933 to 957)

The assassination of King João III (924 to 933) at a banquet by his nobles on November 22nd 933 was the result of their growing discontent with the young King's arrogance and his attempts at centralization. João's son, Henrique I was an infant and the nobles planned on using him as a means to reentrance their power which had steadily been chipped away under Fernando III and João III. Little did they know that their actions would lead to the great troubles the nation was about to enter. Almost as if the gods themselves were displeased, the Plague of Julianus struck the nation over the next 10 years would result in a fifth of the population being killed, including the young King Henrique I in 936. His death, with no clear successor, lead to a twenty-year interregnum which some scholars say was the true start of the troubles. The Regency was established in effort to bring order to the situation and was made up largely of prominent Equeasian and Faberian Nobles. This Regency, however, could not reverse the terrible course the nation was on.

The raids from the Caliphate increased during this time, causing the powerful "Lord of the South" Dinis de Abrantes to declare his independence from the Kingdom in 937, establishing the Kingdom of Malleusia. The Regency attempted to regain control of this Kingdom, first in 941 and then in 944, failing each time. The Caliphate also started to raid coastal cities at an alarming rate and destroyed the Royal Fleet of Cape Bergamo in 939. Several coastal cities were burnt to the ground, and their entire population enslaved.

And as if things couldn't get any worse, a great famine struck between the years 940 and 950, resulting in even more deaths. It is estimated that from the plagues, famines and wars, half of the Kingdom's population was killed by 950. Peasant revolts occurred routinely across the land and the savages from the Kingdom of Kobo conquered much of Inasanisia and Equaesia between 944 and 948. The capital of The Kingdom, Ferreira, was sacked by mercenaries in 946 as a result of their pay not being able to be met. The Kingdom was on the verge of total collapse and destruction, until a great man arose in 948 who would save the Kingdom, reunify and rebuild the Kingdom into a new entity.

Afonso de Ferreira-Cavaleiro was a member of the Cadet Branch of the House of Ferreira known as the House of Ferreira-Cavaleiro. This cadet branch came from the younger son of King João II (861 to 888) named Pedro, who was given the Duchy of Cavaleiro. Afonso himself was a shrewd, ambitious and rather intelligent man who was also a great general. Starting in 945, Afonso began to work on reunifying the Kingdom under himself. First, he defeated Denis in Battle at Eido in 946 after rebelling against his former master. Denis was captured and Afonso declared himself to be the King of Malleusia. Next, he launched three punitive campaigns in the lands of the Caliphate itself, something never done before in 947 948 and 949; and defeated their army in battle, which resulted in peace being made between the two powers. In 950, he declared himself to be the rightful King of Lusitania, Afonso III (950 to 974). In a series of battles over the next 4 years, he would defeat the regency and their foreign supporters and ultimately reunify most of the Kingdom. Finally, he turned his attention to Kobonites, reconquering all land by 957 and devasting their Kingdom's land. His victory was incredible, but it would be his reforms that changed everything.

The Organic Kingdom (957 to Present)

Following his victory and ending of the Time of Troubles, Afonso radically changed the government, societal structure and the very nature of the Kingdom itself. With guidance from the Patriarch John II, he was able to establish what is known as the Organic Kingdom over the next 20 years. 957 is generally considered to be true founding date for Lusitania as a nation, as the nation before it was nothing like it is today. His reforms are detailed below, as nearly all things mentioned were implemented during his reign.

Second Golden Age (957 to 1044)

Besides his government reforms, Afonso's ascension marked the start of the Second Golden Age, where the Kingdom recovered greatly from the disasters that befell it and was able to rebound to its state that it was during the First Golden Age. The arts flourished once more, and the new economic and political system improved the life of the average man. This Golden Age would ultimately end in 1044 thanks to another plague and other natural disasters that killed 1/4 of the population over the span of 10 years.

Present Era (1044 to Present)

Thanks to the reforms of Afonso III, the troubles that ended the Golden Age did not result in instability. Indeed, even under the mental insane King Pedro II (1045 to 1071), the Kingdom was stable and prosperous. As of present, the Kingdom is still engulfed in what has been 50 years of warfare to some degree with the Caliphate once more. It isn't an active war really, but the Caliphate regularly tries to raid the Kingdom. The Lines of Sousa, built in 1077, have managed to keep the Caliphate from doing much but this doesn't mean that their raids have no effect, as some of them manage to bypass the lines and raid Melleusia.

List of Kings

Royal Standard

João I "the Conqueror" de Ferreira (755 to 767)
Pedro I "the Lawgiver" de Ferreira (767 to 794)
Fernando I "the Scholar" de Ferreira (794 to 801)
Afonso I "the Unlucky" de Ferreira (801 to 812)
Miguel I "the Despaired" de Ferreira (812 to 824)
Fernando II "the Bold" de Ferreira (824 to 853)
Afonso II "the Fickle" de Ferreira (853 to 861)
João II "the Simple" de Ferreira (861 to 888)
Fernando III "the Tall" de Ferreira (888 to 924)
João III "the Arrogant" de Ferreira (924 to 933)
Henrique I "the Child" de Ferreira (933 to 936)
INTERREGNUM (936 to 950)
Afonso III "the Great" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (950 to 974)
João IV "the Wise" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (974 to 1003)
Afonso IV "the Kind" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (1003 to 1032)
Henrique II "the Old" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (1032 to 1036)
Miguel II "the Cursed" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (1036 to 1045)
Pedro II "the Mad" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (1045 to 1071)
Afonso V "the Good" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (1071 to 1093)
Afonso VI "the Pious" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (1093 to 1117)
Afonso VII "the Poet-King" de Ferreira-Cavaleiro (1117 to present)



All classes are part of the body of state and thus are equal members in society. However, this harmony requires that each class uphold the traditions. This is the organic philosophy of the state

Top Level:

King: the executive functions of the 'diplomatic and military defense', the 'general financial management' and the 'head of the judiciary'. Agent of impartiality and first servant of the nation. He deals with national matters. Agnatic primogeniture succession.

The King, in his role, is encouraged to regularly hold audience with his subjects and this is something done with great pride.

No national parliament nor assembly as the concept of parliamentarianism is considered to be heretical by the Church and is condemned by the Kingdom.

Regional Level:

Each province has a Duke, Marquis, or Count, who serves the executive role of mediator, general financial manager. Representatives from the localities serve as the council. These deal with regional matters.

Municipal Level:

Below this is the municipalities and cities who deal with direct local matters and are headed by a Viscount or Baron, serving the same role as the Dukes, Marquises or Counts above him.

Other Notes:

Guilds operate as organic entities at all levels as does the Clergy.

In the case of conscription, the levies will be assigned by municipality but put under the national army.


National values: diligence, communalism, respect, honour, thanksgiving, love and passion.

Common character traits: Passionate, diligent, calmness, humility, Stubbornness, protectiveness, protective of emotions in public but very emotional around friends and family, dedication, trustworthy, Duty.

General Characteristics and Societal Values:

All the populace has some degree of mental instability to a degree, thus have a resistance to cults, and schizophrenia naturally as a result of the Goddess herself. Indeed, cults are completely banned, and all citizens are expected to report such treasonous activities to their local authorities.

The complexity of the people is that people are different in the public and private sphere. This is also down to the mental instability of the population as a whole. This mental instability is carefully dealt with in private through means learned over the years. To conform to society in a way is to deal with your own mental instability and those that exhibit unwillingness to deal with it are ostracized or exiled to other nations if bad enough.

The family centric nature of society encourages marriage, monogamy, healthy family relationships and strict morals. Adultery is punishable by death on the level of treason. premarital intercourse and homosexuality are forbidden and those who engage in such matters regardless of sex are considered criminals, not even the King nor the nobility have leeway here. Large families are common.

A common goal is the perfection of a craft or hobby amongst people. This leads to the development of high-quality goods in society as a whole.

Strangers are to be accepted as one's own family, but the betrayal of this trust is one of the worst crimes, from both ways. Those who treat a stranger with disrespect are punished and strangers that abuse the acceptance are traitors to the state.

Mutual respect is expected and embraced by everyone. The King himself is expected to show a peasant as much respect as the peasant the King. Criticism is welcomed on a societal level so long as it is reasonable and polite.

The exploitation of the naivety of the people by outsiders has resulted in great retribution against those who have preyed on the people. Agents of chaos are traitors to the state.


Worship of Kaela or Faberism is conducted through direct devotion to her at temples and shrine but most importantly through one's desire for betterment and dedication to one's own craft, no matter what it is. Those who have particularly been notable in their dedication are recognized as Saints, models after death for those living. Beyond this, these Saints are venerated and have iconography made after them. Great Cathedrals, Churches and Abbeys are found across the Kingdom, with the major cities usually having at least one Giant Cathedral in them.

The Religion itself is organized into Archbishoprics for regions, with Bishops for municipalities and Priests for localities. The Pontifical are the top of the religious tier and are elected by the many bishops and archbishops of the Kingdom as to represent them on the national stage. These men can come from any priestly rank but are commonly elected from Archbishops and Bishops. Upon taking their new seat, their old title is granted to another man.

The Pontifical College serves as the religious heads of the Kingdom on a national level. Their leader, the Pontifex Maximus, or simply Patriarch; is the head of all Faberism across the world. He has many responsibilities, ranging from advising the King to dealing with doctrinal disputes,is considered to be the infallible representative and Intermediator of Kaela on earth. He operates from the Pontifex Palace.

Augurs are also an important part of the Religion. These women serve the role of providing omens and divine connections to both the average peasant and to the King. The Summus Augurs are a group of 12 women that serve the Patriarch and King directly with their revelations. It is the duty of the Patriarch and the other Pontiffs to decipher Kaela's will through them.

Fine arts and Architecture:

Finer arts such as plays, operas, musicals, dancing, painting, sculpting and gardening are considered to be worthwhile and are heavily endorsed by the Kingdom.

Opera houses, art galleries, museums and Libraries are commonplace in all major cities. The King has always been a great patron of the arts dating back to João the Conqueror, and the cities reflect this with their beautiful gardens, magnificent sculptures, majestic fountains and carefully designed layouts.


Games, Festivals and general entertainment play an important part in the lives of Lusitanians.

Football is the national sport for both the elites and commoners alike. It has been around since the days of the Tribal Kingdoms and in recent years has developed into a club based, national past time. Cricket is a more common sport amongst the elite, and cricket grounds can be found in many regions.

Hunting is another sport for the elite, with the exotic wildlife of some part of the Kingdom being great prizes. It should also be no surprise that three Kings: Fernando I, Afonso II and Miguel II all died in hunting accidents. Jousting is yet another past time for the equestrians and nobility of the nation as it has been for centuries. Despite Knights being long gone, the romanticism of them still remains and is shown through Jousting Tournaments

Festivals are commonplace in Lusitania, with there being a festival for just about everything in life as one outsider put it. One of the most prestigious festivals is the Blacksmith Festival, where the greatest Blacksmiths the nation has are put to the test to see who the best in their field is. The winner receives a monetary prize and much fame.


Focus on national defense and protection of the freedom of the people, thus must be modern to deal with threats


War Flag

The Exército Real Lusitânia army is a small, high-quality force of 40,000 men in total. Most of the army is currently based in the Malleusio region as the greatest national threat, the Caliphate is along its southern borders.


Line Infantry makes up most of the Regulares, at around 30,000 men. Drilled hard in the Pomeranian style and are equipped with modern Flintlocks and Rifles noted for their craftsmanship.

Light Infantry known as Caçadores make up 2,500 of the Regualares. Armed with Rifles and wearing uniforms that provide some form of camouflage, these men are considered to be the most elite infantry in the army and have many notable successes since their creation in 1088 VTE.

Cavalry makes up 7500 of the regulars and is mainly up of Hussars and Dragões da Legião or Legion Dragoons. Legion Dragoons are heavy cavalry armed with a carbine, wear a cuirass and can dismount to fight on foot.

Artillery is the other important branch, with the finely crafted and perfected cannons being absolutely devastating to any invaders. These range in all sorts of sizes and types, including howitzers and mortars. The advanced artillery shell in particular are quite devastating, with shrapnel and explosive shells used by Licorne, Howitzers and Heavy field guns proving extremely effective against both land and sea targets.

The Royal Guard is not counted amongst the regulars but is also a powerful, well equipped and trained force in its own right, have 2,000 men in total.

There are many volunteers' militia forces that serve as well.


The doctrinal focus of the army emphasizes the uses of defense in depth and fortifications at key points as measures to stop potential enemies. It has been a very effective tactic against the Caliphate, whose assault on our borders has petered out because of the bend but not break method. The high quality of the Regulares that defend these sectors also has proven to be quite effective. The highest quality firearms, cannons and armor are given out to the Regulares.

That being said, the Kingdom realizes that hedging their bets on their Regulares is a bad strategy long term, and since 1022, all adult males from 18 to 40 are eligible for conscription, with some exclusions given to important craftsmen in the key industries. Once every 3 years, a man must undergo three weeks of training to keep him up to date on drill and unit tactics. The result is a populace that can be of some quality should they be needed

Furthermore, volunteer militia units exist in every municipality and city across the Kingdom. These militia are better trained than their name implies and are relatively good quality. They serve in the Communal defense doctrine, along with the navy, where they can be mobilized quickly to deal with raiders that either got through the lines somehow or landed somewhere. The use of watchtowers and signal fires alert these men into action. They also serve as the basis for a mobilized army, as the other raised regiments would be formed around these Militia.

The Gendarme, or Police are also an important part of the army and do as their role says, keep peace and order when needed.

The Lines of Souza, stretching along the Agnami-Lustianian Border were constructed starting in 1077 before completion in 1082. This line is a series of bastions, ravelins, and hornworks, anchored on a series of major star forts to build a continuous line of fortifications on the border. A marvel of military engineering, the Lines have done wonders for the people of Malleusio and have caused the Caliphate to change strategy when it came to this obstacle. Raids around the line through the Fabersanian mountains and the lower Malleusio River valley have been one of the main problems that the army currently has, because of the impossibility to truly built a system line the Lines of Souza to stop them. Instead, a series of star forts have been placed at strategic locations in the affected area. Other strategies such as smaller raids designed to sneak through gaps in the lines and pressure applied through direct attacks on weaker regions have also proved that these lines aren't a perfect solution and there never will be one so long as the increasing radicalized Caliphate exists. The best proven method beyond the Lines has been the militia defense system as previously mentioned and counter raids deep into Agnami territory by dashing cavalry commanders.

Naval Jack

The Marinha Real Lusitânia is not designed with power projection nor trade interdiction in mind, rather it is a force dedicated to the defense of local waters from hostiles.


Owning 4 ships of the line, 9 Frigates, 16 Sloops, 14 Brigs and numerous smaller craft, the navy is rather small and like the army focuses on quality. It takes advantage of the advanced metallurgic techniques to produce high quality naval artillery that fire explosive shells.


The Fleet is designed to operate in coastal waters in junction with the powerful coastal fortifications, lighthouses, and watch towers to concentrate the full might of the fleet on a designated location.

The fleet is also tied into the coastal defense doctrine, closely working with the Militias via the Watchtowers to find raiders and destroy them. Coastal raiding of Agnami settlements is a policy that has been adopted in recent years as means of taking the war back to the Caliphate.

Special Forces:

The Agência Lusitana de Inteligência or ALU, are the eyes and covert ears of the nation. Snuffing out threats to the state, bomb plots and protecting the King and people of the nation are taken rather seriously. Trained by V7, the ALU keeps the nation safe internally.


Long ago, the nation was a land covered in rainforests and dense Jungle, but according to legend, Kaela herself believing that the land her people live on was too harsh, changed the weather and climate to a less hot and cooler Mediterranean climate along the coasts and parts of the Interior, while also keeping the Rainforests in other parts as well. This has resulted in an interesting weather Dynamic that scientists believe came from the mountains of the interior blocking the weather of the rainforests from the cooler coasts. Either way, Lusitania is an interesting geographical nation


The Kingdom is a mixture of flat plains, hills and mountains, with four main rivers flowing into the Alivirian Sea from in its borders. The Coastal regions of Lusitania are relatively flat land. Most of these lands used to be marshes but land reclamation has changed this over the years. The mixture of hilly and flatlands that compose the bulk of the nation are filled with forests, swamps, plains and rocky outcropping. The wet weather of some of these regions makes the swamps permanent and unable to be reclaimed but the south in particular struggles with rain and has consistent droughts. The Tropical Rainforest that is part of the Insanisio Panhandle is very wet, and heavily forested. The Mountain Ranges are rather tall in some areas but also easy to access in others.


Provinces Map
Lusitania is divided into 30 provinces. They all came into being in the aftermath of the 20 years of Anarchy that ended with the victory of Afonso III in 957. These reforms were initiated by "the Unifier" that aimed to produce an "Organic Government" and a harmonious state. Pre-existing feudal boundaries were redrawn into their present forms from the rather scattered domains previously. There are two special regions, that being Bragança and Kolsavio. Bragança is the capital region, but the King does not serve this region directly, with it usually being granted to a brother, uncle and ultimately the Crown Prince upon his coming of age to help him prepare to rule. Kosavio is also special in that it is the only Viscounty that has become a designated region. This is due to its size and the need for more centralized power for the key island.


Climate Map
Lusitania is extremely unique in its climate. Mediterranean (Csa) climate is found along the coast of the capital and the island of Kolsavio. Tropical Savanna (Am) is found largely Malleusio River valley, while Tropical Monsoon (Aw) dominates the central and northern hills and plains. Tropical Rainforest (Af) is found within the Insanisio Panhandle of the northeast, while Unique Subtropical Highland (Cwb) is found in the Vulcano and Faberisanian mountains.


Set up into guilds focusing on the decentralization of the means of production into the hands of families and small businesses. Sustainability and communal wealth. Laws against monopoly, large business and abuse. "A Society of Artisans" is a common term used to describe the Lusitanian economy.

Mining by Region:

Most of the nation's mines are found within the Faberisanian and Vulcano Mountain Ranges, but there are also mines found within the hills across the nation as well.

Mining in the Faberisanian Mountains:

From the Fabersanian Mountains, comes great amounts of iron of the highest quality, bituminous coal, high quality copper, lead, and zinc. The greatest iron mine in the nation is found near the city of Montealegre, called the Grande Mina de Ferro. Limestone, Granite and Marble quarries are also found across this region as well. Many of the locals play a role within the mining industry in some form, whether it be as miners, supervisors, blacksmiths or artisans, and is considered by the state to be a region of great priority.

The deposits of Gold and Gemstones that this region used to produce have all but dried up, but it should be considered that other precious metals for future use may lie within these mountains and that their extraction will be rather difficult.

Mining in the Vulcano Mountains

The Vulcano mountains, named after the dominant volcano Mount Vulcan, are very mineral rich mountain range. From them, comes deposits of Sulphur, anthracite coal, gold, silver, gypsum, arsenic, potash, magnesium, copper, and nickel; with some iron, cobalt, and lead found as well. The regional quarries harvest slate, limestone, marble, and feldspar. Like their southern cousins, the most people of the Vulcano Mountains are in some form involved in the mining industry in some form.

Mining is much more hazardous in this region thanks to the rainfall, and the poisonous gases that inhabit the mountains.

Mining in other regions

While most of the mining is found in the former two areas, there are many scattered across the nation, usually involving base metals, coal and building materials. Of note is the great sandstone quarries found along the upper Malleusio river and the many Quartz and Salt mines that are found across the central plain. There are also deposits of Molybdenum that are found near Nisa and quarries for lime, marble and other building materials/aggregates are found in nearly all regions. Clay deposits are also found in along the Aerusio River and are important for the aggregate and construction industries.

Agriculture by Region:

The diverse climate of Lusitania has a unique and well-developed agricultural sector. Every region has farms; indeed, you would be hard pressed to find a region in which agriculture wasn't an important part of the local economy, but some are relying on their agrarian sector more than others. These regions include the 4 main river valleys, being the Aerusio, Faberio, Malleusio and Vulcano; the coastal and central plains, and the Insanisio Panhandle. Due to aforementioned climate diversity, it is necessary to explain the agriculture based on these dynamics.

To avoid repetition however, Pastoral Agriculture and Fishing must be addressed first.

Pastoral Agricultural

The Coastal Plain, Equaesia (North), Faberia (Center) and Malleusio (South) each have a developed pastoral agricultural industry with cattle, sheep, swine and chickens all being raised on the local farms. From these animals comes milk, meat, eggs, and leather that are play a role in the local and national economies.

Horsebreeding is common in Faberia and Equaesia, with Equaesian Horses being considered the best domestic breed. Oxen Mules and Donkeys are also breed across these regions for use as beasts of burden.

Malleusio in particular is heavily focused on this sector, given the poor fertility of its soils and tendency for droughts.


Fishing is common across the coastal regions and in the various waterways of the Kingdom. For coastal towns and cities, Fishing is an important part of their economy and vast fishing wharfs and fish markets are commonplace. Beyond normal fish, the catching of more fine oceanic creatures such as clams, crabs, lobsters, and oysters are also common.

Whaling is a small industry but still important, with the main whaling port being the city of Capelinha. Whale oil, bones, blubber and all are just as important to Lusitania as they are for other nations.

River fishing is often done on subsistence levels or as sport for locals.

Agriculture along the Coastal Plain (Csa)

This small region, known for its hot but not too hot climate is the most unique climatic region in the nation. It is not entirely certain why this area developed the climate that it did, but many attribute it to Kaela herself. Locally, Wheat is the staple crop but not the most common crop, as staple crops from the tropical regions have been preferred due to the amount grown. Rather, Agriculture in this region focuses on the growth of fruits and vegetables such as grapes, olives, tomatoes, garlic, apples, citrus fruit, pears, peas, beans and plums.

Agriculture in Equaesia and Faberia (Am)

Along the plains and hills of the Equaesia and Faberia lies a Tropical Monsoon climate (Aw) that is more wet than its southern Savanna counterpart. Thus naturally, Agriculture here is somewhat different than that of it and naturally different than that of the Rainforests of the Insanisio Panhandle. The staple crops from these regions are maize, rice and beans. These crops are used for many things beyond just food and are essential to the local economy. Beyond the staple crops is a large variety of fruits, vegetables, and cash crops including sugarcane, black pepper, carrots, mustard, tomatoes, ginger, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, watermelons, citrus fruit, figs, pineapples cucumbers, zucchini, coffee, cotton, dyes, peas, asparagus, lettuce, starfruit, avocados, and cocoa.

Agriculture in Malleusio (Aw)

Malleusio is mostly a more dry, tropical savanna and thus has its own distinctions from Equaesia and Faberia. Its soil is of low fertility and its tendencies for droughts have led to the development of a more subsistence-based economy that aims to conserve the food it does produce for fodder or in the case of famine. The staple crops of this region are wheat, maize, and beans. The former two are almost exclusively grown as fodder for the livestock of the region. The region's focus on livestock has resulted in much less food and cash crops being grown, with some of the few being coffee, cotton, cashews, apples, figs, walnuts, macadamia, mustard and pine nuts.

Agriculture in the Insanisio Panhandle (Af)

The Rainforests of the Insanisio Panhandle are extremely rich and fertile agricultural areas but also not very populace or well developed compared to the rest of the nation. rice is the staple crop of this region but is grown in limited amounts. Crops also to be found in this region including atemoya, bacaba, bacuri, biriba, lusitania plum, lusitania nut, breadfruit, cajá, camu camu, yams, capsicum, Umbuzeiro, jambo, pequi persimmon, physalis, sapodilla, starfruit, mangaba, mangosteen, guava, papaya, citrus, melons, bananas, pineapples and sorva.

The mutual giving and taking from the Rainforest mean that most of these crops are found in limited amounts, but they are extremely valued as exports given their rarity.

Agriculture in the Mountains (CWb)

The two mountain regions are best known for the great about of coffee and tea that these regions produce. Given the lack of ability to grow many other crops, food is imported into this region. Most of the national production of Coffee and Tea comes from these two ranges, largely in areas where mining activity has ceased.

Logging by Region:

Logging is commonplace in the Equaesia, Faberia, and the Insanisio Panhandle; as well as the Vulcano and Faberisanian mountain ranges. It serves as an important part of the local economies of these regions and national economy as well given the types of wood that are avaliable.

Back in 985, King João IV, fearing the depletion of the vast forests of his Kingdom, ordered the establishment of the Comissão Florestal Real in order to oversee the logging industry and ensure that the local fauna and trees would be replanted. While subsequent Kings have authorized the clearling of vast amounts of lands for farming, this tradition has kept many of the great forests of the realm intact.

Logging in Equaesia and Faberia

Logging in both of these regions used to be a major part of their economy, but with the clearing of land for agriculture has fallen to a more secondary role. The local forests are largely made up of teak, oak, Mahagony, sandlewood, eucalyptus and Lusitaniawood. Lusitaniawood is a type of tree unique to Lusitania and is valued for its use in the making of red dye and velvet. Beyond this, it is a good building material.

Logging in the Insanisio Panhandle

The vast jungles of Insanisio are odd. They are considered sacred to the nation but also a valued resource. The variety of trees of this region are vast, with 500 species being estimated but the main one's harvest is the Teak, Mahagony and Lusitaniawood trees. Rubber trees are also found in this region and the rubber harvested from them is a natural source of latex and widely used in the textile industry to make things waterproof, and by artisans for the creation of containers.

Logging in the Mountains

Logging comes as a natural business in these regions given their vast forests and the need to clear them for mining and agriculture. While many measures to replant the trees of this region are undertaken, deforestation is a concern for the long-term health of this region. Trees such as Alnus acuminata, Escallonia resinosa, Juglans neotropica, Cedrala molinensis, Calicophyllum spruceanuan, and Polylepis racemosa are all common in the mountains.

Industries by Type:

"The Nation of Artisans" has a very refined and well-developed industrial sector that produces extremely high-quality goods, but in limited amounts compared to the mass production of other nations. As should be expected, Artisans are found nearly everywhere, but their specialization in a given trade often depends on their location. Cottage Industry is also rather common in the economy as well and serves its role.


The production of textiles is an important industry for any nation, because of their many different uses, which range from clothing to rugs to sails to tarps and more. Given the nation's access to nature dye sources, chemical solvents, and raw materials used in the textile industry, the industry is found to a certain extent across the Kingdom and is a fast-growing industry with new and faster means of production being avaliable. The most important region for the industry is found alone the Vulcano river and the rest of Equaesia, where the access to numerous dyes, raw materials and chemical solvents is nearby. Velvet is a common luxury textile produced from this region, as is waterproof clothing, something needed for the rainy region.


Chemical refinement and production are an industry that thanks to recent discoveries is increasing in prominence over time. Largely concentrated in the north, but also found along the coast, the production of dyes, chemical solvents and agents is serving a great purpose in the growth of other industries. Sulfur, salt, potash, magnesium, and lime are crucial to the production of various solvents and agents used in other industries, as well as for fertilizer and most importantly, gunpowder.

Lumber, Aggregate and Construction

Naturally, construction materials are important to any society and Lusitania is no different. Whether it be lumber, cement, mortar, stone carving or bricks, this business is will always have its place of importance. Most Lumber mills exist near where logging occurs, but most of the fine wood craftsmen are located in major cities across the Kingdom. From them, beautiful pieces of furniture and decorations are made. The aggregate industry is also largely found on site, with most of the Brick production coming from the Aerusio river valley and cement from wherever Limestone is harvested.


Glass production in recent years has been aided by the development of new chemical solvents, and glass production is largely concentrated along the coast, where the sand needed can be extracted. The production of fine glass and glassware is largely concentrated in coastal cities, where skilled glassmakers can work their magic and make a profit easier from it.


The Ceramic industry is largely located in the clay rich Aerusio river valley, but like most industries, is found in small extents across the Kingdom. Naturally, finer ceramics come from larger cities as well.


Metalworking is the most prized and religiously significant trade in the Kingdom. It is also the most complex of all the industries because of the many different types of goods, and processes that come from it. Known for keeping its methods on all matters of metalworking as state secrets, many of the methods are not known and many wonder how Lusitania manages to produce the best metallic products in the world.


The process of transforming raw ores and minerals into metal and alloys. With the wide variety of metals and alloys made, and the high demand, it should be no surprise that this industry is booming. Steel mills, Iron smelteries, bronze works, etc. are among the many different forms of Metallurgic production facilities. The specialists in this field are kept under tight watch by both the state and their own guild and are concentrated wherever the raw materials are extracted from.


The rolling, casting, dieing and forging of all types of Metallic goods are all parts of the production industry. Machine parts, machine tools, normal tools, luxury goods, weapons, etc. anything that can be made from the metals produced in the Kingdom is also manufactured in the Kingdom. Like their metallurgic compatriots, they are also kept under close watch. While mostly concentrated in cities near the Metallurgic production, you can find a skilled smith in any village and some of the best being found in the large cities

Other Industries

To list all of the things the artisans produce or fields that involve artisans is insanity, but other notable fields include Shipbuilding, Leatherworking, Papermaking, Printing, and meat smoking

National Infrastructure

Infrastructure and logistics are an important part of any economy. Without proper infrastructure, goods cannot reach destinations on time and artisans suffer. It is thus a state priority to invest heavily into this part of the economy.

Paved roads aren't a luxury that many nations can afford, but the large highways of the Kingdom were a great national investment that has paid off over time. Most major cities are connected by these highways, where two carriages can pass on either side of each other. The original network of highways was constructed under Pedro I but deteriorated greatly until Afonso III rebuilt them. As of now, more highways are under construction to increase the size of the network

Small canals are also part of the infrastructure network, as is shipping in general up rivers and along the coast. Ships will remain the most efficient way of transporting goods it seems forever, unless a better method of land transportation comes about.


A fundamental principle of the Kingdom is that it shall never enter an alliance nor pact with anyone. It will not accept the guarantees from others and believes most foreign aid is not done out of kindness but to manipulate the Kingdom's feelings towards said nation.

The Kingdom however does have diplomatic feelings towards other nations. Given the nature of the state, the people and the nation being one in the same, the nation bases most of its diplomatic feelings on the other nations own ideology and culture. The Kingdom is friendly with those similar to it, but hostile to those that are not. This is not to say that nation disliked by the Kingdom is under threat, but rather that diplomatic relations will be rather cold. Trade with nations is very restricted and heavily taxed and only open to those the nation is on good terms with.

Just War

Just War is a principle that holds dear, and these are its principles

Examples of Just Wars:

In self-defense, as long as there is a reasonable possibility of success.
Preventive war against a tyrant who is about to attack.
War to punish a guilty enemy.

Qualifying Measures of War:

It is necessary that the response be commensurate with the evil; use of more violence than is strictly necessary would constitute an unjust war.
Governing authorities declare war, but their decision is not sufficient cause to begin a war. If the people oppose a war, then it is illegitimate. The people have a right to depose a government that is waging or is about to wage an unjust war.
Once war has begun, there remain moral limits to action. For example, one may not attack innocents or kill hostages.
It is obligatory to take advantage of all options for dialogue and negotiations before undertaking a war; war is only legitimate as a last resort.

As things stand, the Kingdom only truly believes there are a few nations where these principles apply, that being the Cannibal Kingdom and its neighboring Caliphate as they might these criteria well, but it is generally recognized that said wars would be in self-defense or if these nations become a sufficient threat. It should be noted that the Kingdom is not geared towards large scale wars to begin with.

Attempts at Industrial Espionage

It should come as no surprise that the Kingdom, despite its long-term stance of armed neutrality and staying out of other affairs, has been a target for industrial espionage over the years by outside powers. Whether it be out of jealousy, spite, or hostility, different nations have attempted to steal state secrets, destroy industrial infrastructure, and hinder raw material extraction.

The state secrets regarding metal working have long been a target, and the attempts to steal these secrets, notably by the Republic of Owl during the ill-fated "Great Steel Conspiracy" in 1045 VTE have resulted in the Kingdom putting a tight lock on their secrets and with the help of the Filii Noctis and the ALU have maintained these secrets and will for the foreseeable future.

Industrial Infrastructure has been a target from the Agnami over the years, and some of their efforts were successful to a degree. However, like the State Secrets, all attempts in the past century have resulted in failure or minimal damage thanks to the secret agencies.

The high-quality iron and copper of the Faberisanian Mountains, the Anthracite Coal and Nickel of the Vulcano Mountains, and Kovalskite found in various regions of the Kingdom have been the target of sabotage over the years like the Industrial infrastructure. During the Time of Troubles, the bombing of these reserves paralyzed the state and was the ultimate reason behind the forming of the ALU by Afonso III in 959. Since then, the success of all industrial espionage has declined steadily, before falling off a cliff completely following the "Great Steel Conspiracy" and the involvement of Filii Noctis in the protection of all of these vital and crucial industries have all but resulted in every scheme and plot resulting in failure. Indeed, the Filii Noctis themselves were the ones to uncover and destroy the "Great Steel Conspiracy".

As of today, Industrial Espionage is extremely hard if not impossible in many sectors thanks to past events. It has also resulted in the once open mindedness of the legendary Smiths of Lusitania to reject all foreigners and anyone of suspicion. Rumor has it that you can find agents directly in or near by all of these important industries, though it is hard to tell who an agent is and who is not. Even some of the smiths themselves are part of the ALU.

Current Diplomatic Stances

Kingdom of Oiseau

A close friend of the Kingdom, dating back to the years of the First Kingdom. Similar cultures have led to long term friendship that has resulted in the Treaty of Rochefort in 964 VTE.

Senatus Civitas Zetanus

Under Construction

The sister nation of the Kingdom which has had influence on the Kingdom's history.

Agnami Caliphate

Greatest enemy throughout the Kingdom's history, and still is today as it has become more radical over time. Has been at war on and off with Lusitania for hundreds of years and has played a major role in the Kingdom's history.

The never-ending war between the two powers has led to a no man's land around the border which is uninhabited and a barren waste from the raids and counter raids from both sides. On land, the Caliphate's raids are constantly a problem for the Army that has resulted in the expensive construction of the Line of Souza, a defensive network of Forts and Strongpoints across the entire southern border. This has managed to stop many raids but other still get through and cause problems for Malleusia.

At Sea, their raids are equally an issue, as they famously burned down the great city of Aereusia, Rio Maior in 1049, which the city is still recovering from to this day, and other cities such as Ouguela, Portolegre, Mendonça and Capelinha over the years. The Royal Navy and Provincial Militia together adopted a strategy of rapid defense in 1055 to prevent such disasters from happening again, but the results are often mixed, with many coastal villages still living in fear of the Corsairs. Given that the Royal Navy is not large enough to launch full scale operations to destroy the Agnami Fleet, counter raids have been launched to at least strike fear into the enemy citizens and burn some boats at their anchors over the years.

Pub: 11 Aug 2022 14:56 UTC
Edit: 12 Dec 2022 20:35 UTC
Views: 989