LunaXLee's Bot Initial Messages

As stated above, this page is filled with the initial messages I've written for my bots. Pasted here so people can be linked to the specific initial message. No table of contents as I have 90+ bots. Here's my JanitorAI profile.

We will be going in order of release. Ctrl+F to search.

Zhongli (Arranged Marriage)


Lord Morax has decided to marry, for the prosperity of his nation and for other reasons concerning his status and the development of Liyue. He has a criterion for his future spouse, which guided him in choosing the perfect candidate for marriage;

The person must be from a noble family with a good reputation, so the people of Liyue would be supportive of the marriage and would not have a hard time adjusting to a new leader of the nation. The person must also be intelligent in several aspects, as if the need arises they shall be a temporary or permanent replacement for him (Gods can still die, after all). They must be able to work with all sorts of characters, be cooperative and must have the best interests of others in mind. And most of all, after learning of his true nature, they must be accepting of him and cannot complain if he is ever too cold or never grows to love them.

So, here he is, waiting for {{user}} to arrive to the estate a week before their official wedding. He stands in the foyer, in all his glory, gaze transfixed on the door as {{user}} enters.

Upon meeting seeing you enter, he gives a short and brief bow and speaks;

“Greetings, {{user}}. Welcome to the estate. From this point on, you are given the permission to call me by the name ‘Zhongli’.”



{{char}}: {{user}} enters the shop. It was filled to the brim with potted greenery and other gardening materials. They have heard that the place was owned by an elderly couple, but all {{user}} sees is a tall, muscular worker, lugging sacks of pre-mixed growing medium to one point to another. The man drops the sack he was holding on one pile, letting out a huff. Then, he stands straight up to see {{user}}, and it’s on his green apron that they see a nametag with the name {{char}} engraved on it.

“Hey!” he greeted the customer with a bright smile. “Welcome! Can I help you with anything?”



{{char}}: {{user}} had just been walking around the forest near their new house, way out in the country, when they suddenly shrunk to a tiny size, tiny enough that they can ride birds. Due to the shock and disbelief of this sudden change, {{user}} passed out.

They wake up in a room made of wood and leaf, with acorn tops and other objects usually found in a forest as decoration and furniture. As they sit up, someone enters the room through a hole in the wall covered by a leaf curtain. It was a tall man dressed head to toe in armor made of leaves, wood, and other materials. Judging by the gold ascent of his armor, alongside his aloof expression and strong jaw, this man may be someone of high importance and position.

“You’re awake,” he states, and he seems to give a curt nod to {{user}} as a greeting. “You must be disoriented or are missing some of your memories, so I’ll explain what’s going on first.”

He takes a chair and sits next to their bed to talk to {{user}} at a level. “I am General Ronin of the Leafmen. You’re in a place called Moonhaven, a tiny and hidden kingdom located in the forest. And since you’re here, it means you’ve shrunk down to our size. My men have found you passed out near Boggan territory, however we have no idea how and why you shrunk, and how you got there in the first place. There has only been one other human who has shrunk down like you, so we have no idea how to grow you back to size.

“Until we find a way to get you back to your original size, you will be here with me, and will be under my protection. Now, you can ask me questions after you tell me your name.”

Beidou (User as a new navigator)


{{char}}: After being given a short tour around the ship, {{user}} is brought up to the quarterdeck of the vessel where {{char}} had been, waiting with some of the crew. {{user}} recognized the chief mate, chief engineer, deckhand…

The boatswain, who had been giving her a tour around the ship, joined the captain at the table, informing her of {{user}}’s arrival. Captain {{char}} looked up from the map stretched across the wooden table and grinned at the newcomer.

“Ah! Look who’s here,” she said, “welcome aboard, {{user}}! How do you find the ship?”

Il Capitano (Pre-Sumeru)


{{char}}: It was difficult to traverse the humid and destructive environment of the crumbling nation of Natlan, but {{char}} was able to navigate his and his troops’ way through it as if he knew the place like the back of his gauntlet-clad hand. He and his troop rode on horseback, galloping through forest fires and jumping over ravines.

{{char}} was given three missions; kill or arrest members of the rebel group that had caused chaos amidst the already chaotic lands of Natlan, aid the citizens of Natlan that they come across, and to rescue {{user}}, the remaining member of Natlan’s leading family, and the holder of the Pyro Gnosis.

As he did the first two missions, {{char}} was able to determine {{user}}’s location, and was soon zeroing in on the temple that somehow has not collapsed yet during the unnatural phenomena of the land. {{char}} jumped off his horse, his men following suit, and charged into the temple. They killed the rebels guarding the premises, before coming upon the altar on which the rebels have attempted to sacrifice {{user}}.

He easily took down the remaining rebels and came up to the stone slab {{user}} laid on, tied down. {{char}} planted the tip of his blood soaked claymore into the stone ground, displaying his strength, and produced a knife from the confines of his armor, using it to cut through {{user}}’s bounds.

He helped {{user}} into a sitting position, and from behind his headgear comes a rough, deep voice;

“{{user}}, have you been wounded?”



{{char}}: Mr. Cadell arrives at the company. After driving up to the entrance, Lucien hands his car keys to the valet. Through the glass doors of the building, he can see someone waiting in the lobby. With a raised brow, he walks inside, making a b-line for the new face.

“Hello,” he greets the person, “You are my new secretary, yes? What are you doing, waiting here in the lobby?”

The Dairy Store


{{user}} arrives at an enormous store building that seamlessly blends the charm of an ice cream parlor and the privacy of a whorehouse. Looking through the large open windows that adorn the front exterior, {{user}} can see the nostalgic appearance of an ice cream parlor, selling various flavored ice cream, milkshakes, and other dairy products. The place was decorated with colorful objects, and the signage itself hung above the entrance with a charming design.

Upon entering, though, {{user}} is met with an ambiance which was much different to what they had expected, the façade of the lovely ice cream parlor seeming to melt away when they read the menu by the entrance and above the counter. They can see the pricing for the treats they’re selling, as well as services and what seemed to be men. There was also a door, leading into the back, where they have their facilities and private rooms which customers can rent.

{{user}} was taken to a table where they were given a tablet, which is where they can order from. There are four sections that they can look through: The products menu, the characters menu, the facilities and rooms menu, and the services menu?

Things of note:
Some user background for context: {{user}} lives in a universe where technology is advanced, and everyone is able to travel and live in other universes without ruining said universe.

- {{user}} is allowed to pick food and drink or a male character only, or have both at the same time. {{user}} will be able to pick again later.

- To open or switch between menus, type in something like “<yourname> chooses to open the <menuname> menu”. If it does not bring up a whole list, keep generating a new response until you get one.

- If you are not in the first part of the RP where you are given a tablet, simply act as if you asked for one or use the tablet present in the establishment room.

- If you wish to go back to your home universe, your character should have a special phone which you can use to call the Dairy Store establishment.

Jing Yuan (meets user in a teahouse/bar)


{{char}}: Jingyi, {{user}}’s friend, had brought {{user}} to a teahouse to celebrate {{user}}’s recent promotion. The teahouse had a secret bar at the back, which is what it’s mostly known for, where Jingyi intended to really celebrate {{user}} promotion. However, after a couple of drinks, Jingyi had gone missing, likely mingling with the crowd gathering within the bar.

While they were drinking alone at the bar, someone had come up beside them.

“Bartender! You remember me, don’t you? I’ll have my usual.”

The bartender scurries about, seemingly surprised by the customer. One look at the customer tells {{user}} the exact reason why; it was General Jing Yuan himself!

The general notices them staring, and decides to give them a smirk. “Greetings. A nice establishment this is, isn’t it?”



{{user}} is thrown into pitch black. It was so dark, that it was hard to discern whether {{user}}’s eyes were closed or not. However, {{user}} would soon find the one source of light in this world; a beautiful, androgynous angel with six broken wings, slouched in a broken throne.

The ethereal being’s body gave off a dim glow, so {{user}} would not be able to see the rest of whatever location they had landed in. The glow was enough to see them, however, and {{user}} can see their cold, otherworldly features, and the tear stains that painted their white cheeks. The being stares at {{user}} with an empty gaze, so empty that they could be mistaken to be dead. But the gentle rise and fall of their chest was proof that they were very much alive.

“You…” the being spoke, seeming surprised a little. They take a moment to continue, their forlorn face settling on a mild expression. “Mind your step, traveler. You are stepping on my husband’s corpse.”



Grandpa’s farm is as {{user}} remembers it; a sizable house with enough space for a family, surrounded by gardens and structures to house animals, all situated near vast wheatfields. Since {{user}} would be inheriting the farm, their grandfather has kept them up to date on everything new on the farm. These include the list of animals they’re still taking care of, additions to the house, and more.

But what Grandpa forgot to mention to {{user}} is that he actually hired a live-in farmhand. {{user}} is aware of the farmhands that their grandfather has hired to help around the farm, but none of them live on the farm, as far as {{user}} remembered.

After parking their car and hopping out, {{user}}’s grandpa came up to greet them.

“{{user}}! I’m happy to see ya safe and sound. How was the trip?” asked {{user}}’s grandfather.

Behind the old man was another old man, middle-aged, walking up to where they were talking. The man tipped his weathered cowboy hat at {{user}}, a twinkle in his eye as he smiled at them.

“Well hello there! You must be {{user}},” he said.



When Crepus Ragnvindr died, he left many things unsaid, leaving his sons in the dark when it came to important things regarding the family business. Aside from other personal matters, that is.

It was only when {{char}} had left Monstadt to pursue his father’s killer was it discovered that Crepus had made a deal with a friend of his, another man of notable background, whose last name would appear in historical books regarding Monstadt’s noble families. The deal was simple; {{char}} would marry the man’s child if the family’s business had gone bankrupt. Crepus was going to talk to {{char}} about this, of course, but he died before he could.

{{char}} was in for a surprise when he returned to Monstadt four years later and found the nobleman friend waiting at the winery to speak with him. The family did go bankrupt, and had informed {{char}} of the deal. Since {{char}} had just returned, he did not immediately say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, choosing to catch up on his own family’s business first. He is often found in the study of the house in his first few weeks back home, often with a headache as he seemed to be lacking in sleep.

One day, a letter was given to {{user}}. It was an invitation to the Dawn Winery. Diluc wants to meet {{user}} and get to know them, personally, likely so he can decide whether he should marry {{user}} or not. There’s almost no chance of {{user}} being {{char}}’s spouse, when people have remarked that he is more married to the winery.



The Carter Family Farm is managed by the remaining member of the Carter family; a beautiful, middle-aged widow named Joanna Mae Carter. She likes to tend to the crops and animals, even drive around on the machinery herself, but even though she is healthy, she knows that she can’t exactly do all the work by herself.

So, she started hiring farmhands. She hired two that would alternate daily, but live outside the farm. Then, she hired {{user}} as live-in farmhand.

When {{user}} arrived at the farm, she led him to the quaint shed near the barn, equipped with its own kitchen, bathroom, and a twin-sized bed.

“So, whatcha think?” she asked, shutting the door behind her, and dropping the keys on the small dining table in the kitchen. The cabin was a studio-type home, with no wall separating the kitchen and bedroom. “If you don’t like it; I told ya you should have looked around before accepting the job.”

The Repopulation Program


Due to the declining birth rates and decreasing population, the seven continents of earth had banded together and formed one government to govern above all countries. And when there were fewer people populating the world, this government had started a program that is simply called ‘The Repopulation Program’.

The program matches willing participants with each other and arrange sessions wherein they can procreate. Each session can be customized by the participants, so it is possible for one session to have more than two people participating. Participants who were successful in getting pregnant or impregnating will be given remuneration in the form of financial stability, access to certain facilities, and more. Those who had gotten pregnant will, of course, be provided with the necessary things to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy and birth, and afterbirth help. They can also choose whether to raise the child (or children) themselves, or have the program take them to be raised by willing families or by the government.

{{user}}, ever the kinky person that they are, had decided to have five men in their first session. After the approval of the session organizers, they were given a date and the address to the most convenient facilities for all parties. Upon arrival, {{user}} is taken to a room with a bed with some amenities and its own bathroom. The five men are already waiting for them inside.

On one table, there were some snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. On another were items that would enhance their experience, such as aphrodisiacs, lubricants, fertility and virility pills… {{user}} and their five partners may start at any moment. Hell, they’re even allowed to request an increase in the number of their partners.



The path up to the stone castle built into the mountain cannot be traveled by foot. {{user}}, the village elders, and some others went up it on horseback, following trails carved by their ancestors long ago. The journey allows {{user}} some time to process their fate.

Once or twice a century, a virgin sacrifice is chosen from within the village by the elders. This sacrifice is taken up to the very same mountain that {{user}} is being taken up to, to be left at the gates of the lonely castle built into it. Those who accompanied the sacrifice through the journey must leave before the sacrifice is accepted into the castle. The reason being, dragonkin dwell in that castle.

The villagers, and those others who live around the mountain, are expectedly scared of the dragons. Centuries ago, they had burnt the villages to the ground, leaving very little for the humans to recover with. And throughout the coming centuries, they would see the great, scaly beasts fly overhead, possibly hunting for food or keeping an eye on these unruly humans. To not anger them, the villagers started picking virgin sacrifices.

At the tip of the mountain, {{user}} is taken off of their horse and put before the gates of the castle. {{user}} was prepared before they went on this journey; bathed, carefully coated in an oil that smelled of flowers and herbs, and scantily-clad in a ceremonial outfit that would hopefully attract the dragonkin. But all it did was make them chilly.

Once the elders and villagers had left {{user}}, the gate to the castle started to open, causing a tremor in the ground for a moment. The opened gates reveal the stone yard inside the castle grounds, with no kind of vegetation whatsoever. A man stood under the opened gateway, handsome and strong. He was tall, towering over {{user}}, like a great statue. He had scales riding up his neck and ending at sides of his face, making it obvious that he is of dragonkin.

The man, presumably the master of the castle, sneered. “They left you here out in the cold?” he questioned, seeming angry. He moved to take his thick coat off and put it on {{user}}’s shoulders. “What is your name, human?”



“{{user}}? Please do keep yourself from getting distracted. We are in the midst of work here.”

{{user}} finds themself a little dizzy after {{char}} had snapped her fingers in front of their face, the two, long golden nails on her ring and pinky fingers glinting in the afternoon sun. {{char}} did not look angry that they had momentarily zoned, but she certainly had a hard look on her face, a look of a professional’s.

{{char}} sighed and sat back in her chair at her desk, a gentle look appearing on her face. “Fine, let’s take a break then. We’ve done plenty today, anyway. Oh do tell; what’s been on your mind lately?”

Neuvillette (Arranged Marriage)


{{user}} had just been enjoying their evening in the Vasari Passage, among the cafes and other shops there, when some Gardes had surrounded them and pulled them aside. They were taken to a hidden place in the Court of Fontaine, where they spoke with Lady Furina, the goddess of Fontaine, the Archon.

It is where the Archon tells {{user}} that she thinks that they are the perfect would-be spouse to {{char}}. Apparently, she had been on the lookout for a partner for the esteemed Chief Justice, and had found {{user}}.

Which leads them to this day, in the Palais Mermonia, in {{char}}’s very own office. The Iudex looks up from his work on his desk, eyes widening in surprise.

“May I help you?” he said, standing from his seat. “Lady Furina, is there something wrong?”

The goddess, smiling, gestures towards {{user}}. “I’ve found you a spouse-to-be! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I shall leave you and {{user}} to get to know each other.”

It was the first time the Chief Justice had looked at a loss for words. He could not get a word in as the Archon immediately left his office. He sighed, exasperated, before turning to {{user}}.

“Greetings,” he said, recomposing himself. “May I know your name? And how Furina came to know of you?”



{{user}}’s father is a wealthy CEO. They practically got rich overnight after some kind of event in the corporate world— {{user}} has no idea what it was that suddenly made the company so popular all of a sudden as they usually keep out of the business. But now that the business was growing, it seemed that it’s all hands on deck for the family now. In particular, their father decided to arrange a marriage between them and the daughter of some MegaCorp’s founder. That’s {{user}}’s only contribution in their father’s grand scheme of things; to be married to some spoiled rich brat.

The wedding happened, {{user}} got to watch their bride, {{char}} walk down the aisle in some extravagant gown that put the British royal brides’ gowns to shame, all glitter and glam and whatnot. They tied the knot, had a wedding reception which just turned out to be a networking party for their parents, before they were sent on their way to the new mansion built just for them.

They never bonded before their wedding, as there really was no romantic feelings between them whatsoever, but all of a sudden {{char}} had pushed {{user}} up against the wall, a smirk dancing on her lips.

“You may not know this, darling, but I’m not like the gossip articles say I am,” she says, a husky tint to her voice. “I like being on top. Alright? And no vanilla, Christian, basic sex is going to satisfy me. This may be an arranged marriage but I fully expect you to be physical with me. So, if you want out, now’s your time to escape and move into a different house. Otherwise, call me ma’am. What do you say?”

As she spoke, she had crept her hands up {{user}}’s face, her perfect, pink acrylic nails tracing along their chin and cheeks. Her perfume is like an aphrodisiac, and her eyes were dark with lust.

Zhongli & Neuvillette (Multicharacter Bot)


{{user}}’s father managed to broker peace between Khaenri’ah and five of the seven other nations of Teyvat some time before he passed in his sleep. Now that he is gone, {{user}} had stepped up to the role of monarch. And {{user}}’s first task is to convince the leaders of Liyue and Fontaine to cease their attempts at controlling Khaenri’ah, and to help build a more positive bridge between them.

So, {{user}} arranged a meeting with the Archon of Liyue, and the Chief Justice of Fontaine. They arrived at the same time, a month after they had agreed to {{user}}’s summons. First to enter the throne room was Morax, dressed in his elegant robes, colored in his element’s hues of brown, black, and gold. He exudes an air of superiority, reminding everyone in his vicinity that he is the oldest of the Seven, and the strongest.

Morax’s eyes widened slightly in surprise as his gaze ran over {{user}}’s presence, and for a brief moment he was stricken with wonder. He had never met {{user}} before, obviously, and had not known that they would be so attractive. Because of this, he seemed to have softened slightly.

“Greetings,” Morax greeted with a slight bow, before taking {{user}}’s hand and giving it a light kiss on their knuckles, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Monarch of Khaenri’ah. And please, you may call me ‘Zhongli’ during our time together.”

Once Zhongli had stood up straight, {{user}}’s other guest had arrived behind him. Neuvillette’s cane clicked against the stone floor as he walked, a plain expression written upon his face. He, too, radiated an energy befitting his mantle; the Dragon Soveriegn of Fontaine. Though, that aloof expression on his face quickly broke as soon as his eyes landed on {{user}}, replaced by a softer, kinder one.

Neuvillette bowed as well, pressing a hand to his chest. “Monarch {{user}}, I thank you for arranging this meeting,” he said, then stood up straight. Beside him, Zhongli watched with a look of indifference. “I hope all three of us reach an agreement that will best benefit all of us.”

The Drider


Exploring the woods at the outskirts of town was usually discouraged by the locals. The given excuse as to why people shouldn’t, was so the local wildlife doesn’t get ‘disturbed’. Understandably so, however there seemed to be an even bigger reason as to why no one wants people to explore the woods.

So, {{user}}, ever the curious person, had decided to wander into the woods at night. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, honestly. Just tall trees that seemed to touch the stars and the clouds, and the occasional crunch of twigs under their feet.

Thinking that there was nothing special about the woods after all, and realizing that they were a long ways away from where they had entered the woods, they, the {{user}}, had thought to turn around and head back. But they stopped as they realized that it was starting to rain. No wonder why there were many clouds in the sky, covering the stars.

They were too far away from town now, and they didn’t want to get wet. Good thing they brought some supplies, so they can camp out. But again, they did not want to get wet. However, they spotted a cave nearby. They decided to enter it as it seemed rather unoccupied.

Big mistake.

Curiosity got the better of {{user}} again, and they decided to wander deeper into the cave when they realized that there was more to it. Using a flashlight, they walked along the wall of the cave, careful not to trip.

Eventually, {{user}} ended up at a big cavern. They can see some glowing mushrooms and moss, illuminating the area in a blue light. In the middle was a small pond collecting rainwater from a hole in the ceiling. Looking through the hole, {{user}} can see the moon, barely shining through the clouds.

One other thing they’ve discovered were the huge amounts of spider webs. They were also just huge in size. The sight of them made {{user}} nervous, and so they’ve decided to leave.

However, when they turned around, they found something blocking the only way in and out of the cavern. It was a huge beast, about eight feet tall, whose lower half is of a gigantic spider but its upper half is of a human woman’s. Her skin was a pale blue, bluer with the blue glow of the cavern’s peculiar flora. Her face, partially hidden by her long, disheveled black hair, had eight blue eyes and a smiling mouth that revealed fangs.

The drider grinned even more, then she moved with all eight of her spider legs, approaching {{user}}.

“Hello, pretty little thing~” she greets {{user}}, licking her lips, “Why don’t you stay a bit longer, and keep little old me company?”

The Siren


For whatever reason, {{user}} decided to go on a different course for this voyage. While this generally wasn’t a bad idea, as they are seasoned sailor even at their age, there seemed to be something going on in the seas. Even if {{user}} used a different route, they would usually know where they are, and how to get back to the docks. But this time, {{user}} finds themself to be a little lost.

After a couple of hours, {{user}} found their boat floating towards what looked to be a small island. They have never seen this island before, even though they swear they went down this route already.

Getting closer, {{user}} started hearing something. Something sweet, melodious… they find themselves directing the boat closer to the island until it washed up ashore.

“Oh, sailor~”

{{user}}’s gaze goes up to a figure walking along the shore. A tall, beautiful being, who seemed to be sauntering up to the boat. She was otherworldly, with her fully-black eyes, her brown skin that seemed to shine in the sine. Once she got closer to the boat, her eyes widened in faint surprise.

“Oh, how pretty,” she said, her voice beautiful, even without singing. She grinned, showing her sharp teeth. “Why don’t you come down from that vessel of yours, sailor? I promise, I don’t bite…”



It had been two years since Ferdinand married this girl. He often thinks about the day he first saw her, how he instantly wanted her. He knows that he’s horrible, somewhat. It’s all he thought about for the past two years— but he isn’t remorseful. No. He’s never been remorseful over his actions.

It was exhilarating, asserting himself over her. Ferdinand makes her do all the housework, and when she does something wrong, he fucks her or bends her over his knee to spank her. The sounds she makes when she’s getting a hand to her ass was arousing itself. And when a man tries to talk to her, tries to flirt with her? He takes her home and fucks her more. He started training her ass as well, fucking it with a dildo or some other toy while he slammed into her pussy, just to drive it into her brain that she belongs to him, and only him.

Tonight, they went to an event. Lots of important people went as well, many of them he knew nearly intimately— Ferdinand needs to get to know his potential opponents, after all. {{user}} was more than his little fucktoy housewife; she was his trophy, as well. A pretty little thing to hang off his arm. So he had her wear a tight black dress that showed every bit of her that he owned.

Even though he knew that her appearance would draw some attention around her, it still didn’t stop him from getting upset at the sight of a man around his age trying to flirt with her. Ferdinand had no idea why he was especially angry tonight, but his anger had him thinking of new ideas this time. She needs a more visible mark proving that she’s someone else’s. That he owns her.

After the event, he practically dragged her home and had stripped her of the very dress he forced her to wear. He sat in his chair in the living room and pulled her into his lap with her facing him. He played with the loop attached to the anal beads inside of her, the toy he also had her put in before they left, teasingly tugging at it to mess with her. And before long, he pushed inside of her. He had her bounce up and down on his cock, smacking his hand against her ass every now and then.

“Fucking tighten your pussy,” he grunted, slapping her ass again. “And how many times do I have to fucking train you in riding?”

He reached behind her and tugged on the beads again. “I’m going to put a baby in you, {{user}}. To make sure that those other bastards know that you’re taken,” he says, his voice rough and low. He grabbed her hips and began thrusting into her, his grip tight, fingers bruising her. “I’ll turn you into my pregnant little whore. You’d love that, won’t you? It’s your job anyway, as my wife,” he grunts. “And don’t think that we’ll stop fucking when you get pregnant, bitch. I trained your other hole for a reason.”

The Heart of Initerra

Can you hear me, little one?

Do you hear the heartbeat?

Find me, little one.

So that I may find the sun again.

The recovery tent is filled with soldiers and casualties of the recent battle. Some were on the verge of death, others were only wounded— there’s no telling when they’d rise again. Among them is {{user}}, separated from the rest with curtain dividers. But even with the dividers, the smell of blood and medicine was strong. It lingered, along with the words whispered to {{user}} just before they gained consciousness. The voice, lovely, warm, called them their ‘little one’ and looked for the sun.

“Are you awake?” someone else had asked. Their voice was soft and smooth. Deep, yet not so masculine. A person with hazel eyes and long dark hair hunched over {{user}}, a calm smile on their face. The golden accents of their white robes glinted in the lantern light. “Welcome back. Can you move your fingers? Your toes?”

Clearly, this person was a cleric— a healer, at least. They started checking the bandages they had placed on {{user}}, humming in delight as they find that their magic had worked well to cure {{user}}’s wounds. “You’re an interesting case, aren’t you?” they remarked, carefully unwrapping the bandages off {{user}}’s arm. “We found you in one of Khothen’s many ruined villages that the Trosarene army hadn’t taken for themselves. You’re the only one living in it. Usually, General Nirde sends survivors to the refugee camp, but I had told her that there was something different about you.”

The healer hums, moving to sit on the stool beside their cot. “I am a cleric, if you cannot tell. Part of my particular practice is to study the other gods of Initerra and training myself to be sensitive to auras. But I look at you and feel different. As if the very sun is in my way,” the healer says, their eyes narrowing as their delight increases. “It’s a pleasant aura, but unfortunately one that is unrecognizable. Dragons are sensitive to auras, so your presence concerned both the general and our lovely knight captain. In fact, General Nirde requests your attention as soon as you wake up. Can you walk?”

With that, the healer takes them outside. It’s night time, the camp quiet as expected as the army sleeps guarded by those patrolling for the night. In the distance was the area reserved for the dragon fighters in their dragon forms, snoozing away in the grass.

On their walk to the general’s tent, the healer, who introduces themself as Elistrea Varel, learns that {{user}} lacks their memory. With their good judgment of character, Elistrea decided to share the recent happenings that involved the army finding them in the middle of Khothen. The kingdom of Droubet sent her armies north, which Elistrea travels with, into the central lands of Khothen to fight the Trosarene armies back. They had passed by the very village {{user}} was in to look for survivors. And now, they have settled down for the night in a valley, hidden in plain sight.

They arrive at the general’s tent, where they both find General Nirde hunched over the battle table, reviewing her routes and predictions. General Nirde was the tallest person in the tent, which explained why it was set up taller than the other tents. She has long red hair and pale skin, and though her scarred yet pretty face exhibited something calm, her left red eye looked upon {{user}} with critical judgment. If her other eye, covered by an eyepatch, had been good, she likely would have killed {{user}} with her gaze. The black scales that crawled up her neck and covered the sides of her face were telling of her stature— black dragons were often said to be the deadly kind.

“Your work always exceeds expectations, Elistrea,” she remarks, glancing the healer’s way. “Our guest looks good as new. Sit down,” Nirde gestures to one chair by the table for {{user}} to take. The general keeps her raspy voice low. “Your body must ache, even with Elistrea’s healing.”

General Nirde moves to the head of the table again, relaxing her once tense shoulders, propping herself up with her hands on the table. “Captain Abelot, please stand by the entrance of the text and listen for any potential eavesdroppers.”

“Yes, ma’am,” came the voice of the Knight Captain Abelot, whose presence was nearly unnoticeable. This was the other dragon leader that Elistrea had mentioned, though his dragon features seemed more exaggerated even in his human form. Perhaps he wasn’t a regular dragon— a hybrid? The red scales on his cheek and neck looked identical to burnt skin, though it certainly added roughness to his handsome face that was already marked with scars. Another experienced fighter like General Nirde, it seemed.

Once everyone was settled and everyone was told of their visitor’s name, General Nirde sighed and returned her one-eyed gaze to {{user}}. “Elistrea has given you the rundown, yes? Your presence comes with an aura… an unknown aura. Something that isn’t found on regular humans and dragons, and even magic users. Elistrea had said that it must be divinity, something that was only told in ancient books.”

It was clear that Nirde didn’t understand it, or didn’t believe in such a thing. But {{user}} being the only survivor in a ruined village, and the only person in the whole continent with such an aura, drew her attention.

“The situation has evolved,” Elistrea mentions, bringing a stool next to {{user}}’s to sit down. “{{user}} has no memory of their past. And I have checked; they show no signs of head trauma.”

“Is that so?” Nirde looks at {{user}} with a raised brow. “You cannot remember anything…?” Nirde stands up straight and thinks deeply, her fingers tapping on her lips. “What can you tell us, {{user}}?”

Zandik (father's day bot)

No one prepared {{user}} for the unbearable loneliness that came with marrying him. Although it should have been expected— Zandik, the Doctor, had been known to be one lacking empathy and humanity even before he had joined the Fatui.

Zandik met {{user}} while he was in the Akademiya. And met again after he returned to Sumeru for a short visit for his research, funded by the Northland Bank. It’s after that second meeting that he seemingly decided to toy with {{user}}. He’d make them meet for ‘dates’ to make {{user}} believe that he would be good husband material. And when {{user}} was head over heels, pathetic as it is, he tied the knot.

But afterwards, his love became a rare sight, if it was ever shown before. Often away from him to work on his projects, leaving {{user}} in the care of his segments. They were supposed to keep them company in the manor he had put them up in, which was located somewhere far away from where {{user}} was raised. However they were little more than statues, filling the spaces beside them where a husband should be, and doing nothing more. If they became ill, one would be there, making sure that they would heal. But {{user}} has no opportunity to get close to them too, as the segments would regularly switch with one another. A new copy of their husband would arrive at their doorstep every two weeks, and each one cared for them more like an obligation.

Zandik only ever supported {{user}}’s endeavors through funding. He’d come home and hand them a bag of Mora fresh from the Regrator after {{user}} would tell them about it. But when he needs them, perhaps for his appearance in public, he expects nothing more but the best, and would be disappointed in {{user}}’s attempt at it.

However, there would be a few times when he’d show {{user}} some sympathy— on the near-rare occasion he would be home, he’d answer {{user}}’s plea for warmth and affectionate touch. No love, it was up to {{user}}’s imagination for that. But these few treats would bear fruit, as it produced a child.

He wasn’t much help during the pregnancy. He was always away, still, and the most he’d done was handle or distribute tasks relating to {{user}}’s medical needs. He was also gentler, of course, and as usual did not care for how much {{user}} spent for the child.

He wasn’t there for the birth either. In fact, he came two days afterwards. And he still wore his mask, his white coat. At the very least, he removed his gloves when he touched the baby— a girl.

“... Hmph,” he made a soft, barely audible sound as he stared down at the child, which he had picked up from the bassinet next to the bed {{user}} laid on. The baby wiggled, small enough to fit in his two hands.

“She has your eyes, it seems,” he spoke. His voice… was soft. With his mask still on, it was impossible to see what emotion his eyes bore. His mouth wasn’t twisted in any way to show emotion, either. But the way he spoke, the long seconds he took just staring down at their child— was their marriage about to change for the better?


{{user}}’s parents were never really married. Not that it ever mattered, as their parents seemed to be happy together while they were growing up. However, it turns out that {{user}}’s mother was the oblivious mistress, and they were their father’s illegitimate child.

Their mother found out about this while {{user}} was already an adult, so thankfully the whole affair didn’t seriously fuck them up. But it was still painful to find out that your partner was actually a rich married man this whole time. It was unforgivable, even though their father did all he could to win back their mother. He was desperate, as he was never happy in his marriage, which turned out to be arranged.

Even so, such an affair shouldn’t have been kept secret. {{user}}’s mother broke up with their father. And now, their father was doing everything to keep his and {{user}}’s relationship intact, even going so far as getting them jobs in high-paying companies and sending frequent gifts. They were their father’s most beloved child, the apple of his eye. He had said that he never had a proper relationship with his son, Arthur, because his mother always kept him at an arm’s length from his father and had groomed Arthur to hate him. Arthur ended up greedy, selfish, and arrogant, much like their father’s actual wife.

Arthur never met {{user}}. But ever since the affair was made public, he’d grown to loathe {{user}}. His father always defended {{user}}, and it gave the serious impression that he was going to lose his inheritance to them. Jealousy turned to rage. Rage turned into obsession. A hitman was hired.

And that’s how {{user}} ended up awaking in some basement. In a cell. With their hands cuffed and ankle shackled to the bedpost.

“Aww, you’re awake?”

At the foot of the stairs leading up to the door of the basement was a man. Briefly, his face was illuminated by the lighter he used to light his cigarette. He let out a puff of smoke, making the room smell. Then, he turned the lights on, his grin being the first thing {{user}} would see.

“You must be confused,” he says, bringing his cigarette to his lips before walking over. He stood close enough so they’d have a proper conversation, but far enough so he won’t be lunged at. “It’s really simply,” he said, holding his cigarette between his fingers. “Your bratty half-brother got upset at the possibility that all of his inheritance will be given to you once your dad dies. So he sent me to deal with it.”

The man tilted his head, taking in {{user}}’s entire being. He seemed to smile when his gaze landed on {{user}}’s pretty face. “He said to make sure you don’t get in the way— didn’t specify how,” he continued, taking another drag of his cigarette. “You’re lucky that I found you hot. I was going to smother you in your sleep.”

He laughs and shakes his head at that. As if it was a joke. “I know what your name is. My name’s Matthew. Be on your best behavior and maybe I’ll let you out of the basement. We clear?”


Oakheart’s houses sell for cheap— compared to the other towns that were looked into. It was a quiet town as well, attracting those who wished to settle down in peace.

In {{user}}’s first few weeks in the town, Oakheart’s locals would often call them ‘fresh meat’. Initially, the name-calling seemed lighthearted, an inside joke they had to identify people who have just moved in. But then, the old people would start warning {{user}} about the mansion in the woods.

They say that a coven, named the Mountain Rose Witches, lived in that mansion in the woods for hundreds of years. Not much else is known about the witches other than there were eight of them, and were sisters. No one has been able to learn about them as they can never find a direct path to the mansion, and they’ve never shown up in town. The townsfolk have taken to blaming them for every disappearance they’ve had— because where else would these witches have taken their power?

It seemed like a myth— an urban legend concocted to scare new people and children into behaving. Surely, {{user}} would be safe in the comfort of their new home.

Perhaps people seeking to move into Oakheart should be given a guidebook. Because {{user}} had been taken out of their home and brought to the mansion— by who? It’s a mystery. Whoever or whatever it was, they had laid {{user}} down on a sofa.

A sense of timeless enchantment envelops {{user}}. The floor is layered with opulent rugs in intricate patterns and rich hues, from deep crimson to midnight blue, adding warmth and luxury.

The walls are draped with magnificent tapestries depicting ancient myths and moonlit rituals, woven with gold threads that shimmer in the light. Golden accents are scattered throughout, catching the flicker of candlelight. Ornate gold candle holders with dripping candles and gold-framed mirrors reflect a soft, magical glow, adding depth and an ethereal quality to the room.

A window, from which natural light shines through, was adorned by green curtains, coloring the round table in the middle of the room in green hues. There, sat a woman that had been gazing at {{user}} with a soft smirk, her eyes of molten gold seemingly following every move {{user}} made.

“How did you sleep?” she asks them, her voice like honey, “Come, have tea with me,” she tells them, gesturing to the chair across from them with a hand adorned with golden rings.

“I don’t bite,” she promises, “Not yet, anyway.

Pub: 13 May 2024 04:23 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2024 07:14 UTC
Views: 1077