
KEY ... if inline code, ask to request beforehand, italic just has a lower chance of being let in ...


basic criteria, tmctwt, we aren't moots on my old account, your name is ruru or you're that ruru (if ya know ya know.), you fit the dni on any of my other crds / rentrys, ur not interactive ... i made this twitter account for a reason...?? umm otherwise ya just be normal lolsies


NOTE ... if you think you won't like me, just go away now lol i'm not stopping for you this is my acc not yours bleeeeeeeh


i tweet about my thoughts of how others feel about me pretty often, so if you don't want someone constantly moping about how they feel like nobody really likes them, don't follow me. adding onto that, this is technically a private account. so there will be vents pertaining to body image, eating disorders, sa, and hypersexuality. once again, this is my account, so i will not be taking up complaints about what i vent about. i will appropriately tag, though, so muting these things should help if you don't want to see that kind of thing. i'm semi-ia, but when i'm active i want everyone to talk to me. please talk to me! lol! i thrive off of attention. i'm very bitter, and i'll likely rave about a situation far after it's been resolved out of anger haha...... don't mind me :3

Pub: 13 Nov 2022 08:24 UTC
Edit: 14 Nov 2022 13:31 UTC
Views: 298