you n me  always forever

"locket!" | jpn lama graphic by our partner

or aim !!  cat  any prns  ——  pakistani & indian ~ 7teen ( 2006 ) eng/عربي ( romanized )    dyslexic, traumagenic   ——  ‧ Ⅱ ‧ Ⅲ ╰(´︶')╯ 

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︵︵ before you interact  please tag general triggering topics around us unless said otherwise

(1) we make jokes about our race / disorders   (2) we make kms jokes / kys jokes
(3) we make light nsfw jokes   (4) we have dyslexia, it'll be harder for us to read longer messages

Pub: 31 Dec 2022 04:10 UTC
Edit: 25 Dec 2023 01:43 UTC
Views: 711