Ligmus schizotheorycrafting


Chapter 3

  • The game will have 24/26 or 36/39 Cantos - Inferno, Purgatorio and maybe Paradiso - each dealing with a different sinner
  • Faust is the traitor
  • Outis is loyal
  • Outis WAS originally planning to betray you somehow but by the time we get to her chapter she's developed a genuine respect/admiration for you and stays on your side
  • Outis legitimately wants to have their branch rise in value by defeating obstacles, obstacles that she herself creates by leaking intel to your enemies, but she does it for (You).
  • Outis wants your position because she believes that she'll inherit your resurrection powers and she'll be able to bring back her lost soldiers-in-arms.
  • Sonya has a purple name (red+blue), so he's a double agent. He also has the Mark
  • Demian is Enoch
  • Ryoshu is the monkey
  • Garnet is Mephistopheles
  • In Demian the mark of Cain is a symbol of self-realization that Sinclair grows throughout the novel, similarly to how he develops and gains it in his chapter dungeon in Ligmus, I think most/all sinners will do the same thing
  • Garnet is the Quartz in Dante's clock and uses his Distortion to go back. Mephistopheles could also be utilizing multiple Singularities, such the Mirror, TT3, and W Corp's assembly tech.
  • Dante is a homunculus or clone made by Faust with an identity aka (You) forced on
  • N Corp wants the Mirror tech so they can stick it in their Suicide Booths and charge more for making people into someone else, while charging less for just fucking dying
  • The Purple Tear's EGOists are not essentially good, which is a perversion of EGO compared to the past depictions and why they have to use special techniques to harness Light (the rings). Iori is behind all branches of Limbus Company and is playing them against each other to get stronger and stronger EGOists with the backing of Dias (who wanted abnormalities before, too)
  • PT is gathering EGO-ists and Golden boughs to retrieve someone from the light, maybe Ayin for one reason or another
  • Saude will return as an antagonist. Alternatively, Vergil never learns about her death, or the deaths of any of the orphans that die after the incident
  • Faust is the Beatrice of the story.
  • Faust is only pretending to be smart and everyone who knows her for real just indulges in it.
  • Dante is a distorted Hokma
  • Ryoshus sword is a singularity, she can't control.
  • Don's true name is Dulcinea.
  • Sancho is dead and Don blames herself for it. She puts on the "Justice" facade under the false belief that if she walks like a Fixer and acts like a Fixer then she'll become a real one. The truth is that she's a friendless loser desperately trying to convince herself that she's worth something.
  • Don is actually Sancho taking up the name of the real Don Quixote who was an actual talented fixer and is trying to achieve his dream because she feels guilty over a fuck up that lead to the real Don's death
  • Don is a Warp-train 'survivor' that still remembers her millenias living as a knight of a fantasy kingdom for thousands of years, how Ishmael is actually just an alter ego for Ahab who tries to run away from the guilt of getting all her friends fucking murdered for a personal grudge, neurotically looking for survivors as penance
  • "Follow your star" means Don is key to everything and she'll be the one to save everything
  • The head is actually run by an AI which is filtered through a human's head that's being kept alive artificially in an attempt to limit the AI's capacity for shenanigans and tomfoolery. Bonus points if the head in question belonged to Dante before he lost it
  • K Corp is a medical institution, and prosthetics cut into their profit margins, so they're encouraging N Corp's sudden shift in the nature of their bodily integrity inquiries
  • Dante will switch sides and we'll be controlling team Blue
  • Limbus Company is essentially old LobCorp zealots that still believe in a false A. They trick the Sinners into bringing back the Boughs in a vain attempt to restore A. Even more schizo is potentially the person in charge of it all is a Mirror A that falsely thinks he will be whole again after regaining the Boughs.
  • We're working for Dias

Longer takes

Loyal Outis theory (chapter 3)

The loyal Outis theory makes perfect sense if you take the source material into account. Dante Alighieri only had Roman sources to take from, which all presented Ulysses as a two-faced backstabbing bastard, because they were salty about Troy (their mythological ancestors) being sacked
Meanwhile in the Iliad and Odyssey, Odysseus is crafty against his enemies, but also intensely loyal to his family. He abandoned the prospect of immortal life and a beautiful, perpetually young nymph Calypso, in order to return to his son and his aging wife Penelope
when Achilles fucked off and Agamemnon tried to test his troops by announcing a general retreat, it's Odysseus who stopped the troops from leaving, showing his unflinching loyalty to the cause

Faust fertility theory (chapter 3)

Faust is probably barren and obsessed about creating life. The two EGOs we've seen so far is headless ichtys, ichtys being a sign of fertility and motherhood and her distorted shape featuring an engorged belly/womb in what could be interpreted as a false pregnancy as she discharges her insides. The teddy bear EGO on the other hand has her stomach rip open when distorting and spill a small cereal box which in turn opens up to reveal a small teddy-bear arm that's bleeding.
I'd believe the idea that Dante is a homunculi on the bare grounds that he's faust's creation and was made for no other reason than to sate her desire to create life. Faust herself as we know her might also be a homunculi, a separate being from the actual true Faustus which exists somewhere else in the city.
The story of walpurgisnacht touches on the subject some.

Satan theory (chapter 3)

Satan in Dante's Inferno has 3 faces.
Each face has a different color.
Red represents "Hatred"
Yellow represents "Impotence"
Black represents "Ignorance"

Jia Huan => Red eyes
Hermann =>Yellow eyes
Gubo => Black eyes

Jia Huan seethes over Hong Lu a lot during Dream of the Red Chamber
Gubo' novel is about what's meaning of happiness, one part says "Isn't ignorance will make this person happy?"

Booksona (chapter 3)

W corp owns Tlön and together with other 3 companies (R corp and A corp likely being 2 of them) have the Orbis Tertius set up as a way to industrialize access to it.
Tlön is not able to undo a mistake, however; it idealizes things left within it (burried & forgotten, to be more precise)
So one way all the sinners can be made from cogito/books of the library is that someone planted them in Tlön and they are now alive with the perfect past, present and potential futures that the city fosters in ideal/objective conditions
Which leads me to believe that when faust says she wants to learn everything about the city... it is because she is angela's book-sona
My entire theory relies on nobody confirming stuff from the sinners pasts aside from other characters from their own books
Verg doesn't interject when gregor and outis talk about the smoke war, B team doesn't acknowledges rodyon's gambling past and skills, only kromer and the denizens of kalf know anything about sinclair

In hell we live, lament (chapter 3)

Each of the 12 lines after 'lament' refers to a different sinner. Whenever character's line starts with "if" they are apathetic to their history and ready to let it go but if they have "why" they are unwilling to let it go thus ensuring a fail

>If you wanted me to speak
Yi Sang
>If you wanted me to think
>If you wanted me to carry on our dreams
>Why did you make my voice stutter
>Why do truth never matter
Don Quixote
>Why'd cursed me with you're natural born genius
>if you wanted me to live
Hong Lu?
>if you want me to forgive
>if you want us pretend like we're civilized humans
>why do deaths end my torture?
>why can't anyone feel my hurt?
>why'd you crown the most violent champions?

Theories which were proven true

Fucking none lmao

Pub: 07 Mar 2023 19:33 UTC
Edit: 21 Mar 2023 21:00 UTC
Views: 1270