Lewd Straits

Combat Prototype Attacking
Nothing special, roll 1d20 plus modifiers and compare to the target’s AC. If you meet or exceed their AC, deal damage.

Advantage and Disadvantage
For every advantage on a d20 roll, roll an extra 1d6. Keep only the highest d6 and add it to the total. For every disadvantage, roll 1d6, keep the highest, and subtract it from the total. Advantage and disadvantage cancel out, so a roll will never have both.

Flow Dice
Every turn you roll your flow dice, which is a pool of d8s. Your flow pool starts at 4d8. These dice determine all the other abilities you can use on your turn. Roll them all at once, then spend them on your character’s flow table.
Let’s look at an example.

Flow Table: Aria the Noble Fencer

Dice Cost Ability
8 Follow-Up: Make a free attack with 1 disadvantage after your main attack. 1/turn
8 Exploit: Make a trip attempt with 1 advantage. 1/turn
7 Pirouette: Gain 1 advantage to your next attack and the next attack against you takes 1 disadvantage.
6,5,4,3,2 (Nothing)
1 Lewdness
Doubles Rapid Cut: Deal automatic damage equal to the dice face.
Triples Flurry: Deal automatic damage equal to double the dice face to all enemies in the combat. If there is only one enemy, deal triple instead.
3-Straight Lightning Flash: Deal automatic damage equal to double the highest die face. Apply 2 disadvantage to all attacks against you for 1 round.
4-Straight [Something really good will go here if this system gets developed]

The 8-slot always has two choices. 2-6 are usually empty until higher levels. 1 is always Lewdness.
If Aria gets super lucky and rolls 6,7,8,8 then she has lots of choices: she could spend 7-8-8 all separately and use Follow-Up, Exploit and Pirouette all in one turn. She could spend 7-88 to Pirouette and make a strong Rapid Cut for 8 damage. Or she could spend 678-8 to use Lightning Flash for 16 damage then also Follow-Up.

If you have any unspent 1s in your Flow pool, you must spend them on Lewdness. Lewdness can mean all sorts of things – basically, they’re a lewd event that happens mid-fight. Maybe Aria missteps and her skirt flies up. Maybe the enemy makes a lewd comment about her, or grabs onto her thigh before she escapes.

Every die spent on lewdness must raise either the heroine’s lust or the enemy’s lust by 1. The heroine’s skill comes from training and focus: when she has high lust, she fights worse. Bandits and monsters fight with force and instinct: when they get high lust, they fight more recklessly and are more of a danger.

But Lewdness isn’t all bad: every die spent on Lewdness gives you 1 Karma. Karma can be spent on a 1-to-1 basis to add or subtract from dice results in the Flow Pool. Usually all Karma is cleared at the end of combat.
If Aria rolled 2,4,6,7, she could spend 1 fortune to turn the 4 into 5 and then can use Lightning Flash.

If you’ve ever played Legends of the Wulin, this is stealing the chi condition system right out of that.
Lots of enemies will inflict Antes onto the heroine. Antes come in positive and negative forms, and are status conditions that are half narrative and half mechanical.

Positive Antes say ‘you must act out the condition in order to get the reward’.
Negative Antes say ‘you must act out the condition or else get punished’.

Say a bandit throws their flask of water at Aria, giving her the ante [Wet Clothes, disadvantage on attacks].
At the start of her turn, she can choose to ignore it and keep fighting as normal, but the fact she’s wearing a white shirt and how much she must be exposed will weigh on her mind and it will reflect on her swordplay, giving her a disadvantage on attacks.
Or she can make a big deal of it. The player describes how she panics a bit, and uses one arm to cover her chest while she fights. It’s a problem, but running with it is less stressful than keeping it in, so her attacks do not take the disadvantage. Sometimes this is just flavor, but acting out Antes should have tangible effects on mechanical choices: for example, while Aria does this she can’t use her other hand for anything important. It could also increase Lust too though.

She can change her decision of how to handle this condition each turn. Maybe she’s okay acting it out most of the time but she gets another Ante, like [No Panties, -1 die in Flow Pool] and it’s more important to hold her skirt down. She stops using her hand to cover her chest and takes the disadvantage on attacks starting from next turn so her Flow Pool isn’t reduced.
Sometimes Antes are straightforward explanations for Lewdness from the flow pool. If Aria spends a 1 on Lewdness while she has the [Wet Clothes] ante, you can describe how self-conscious she is of her appearance, and how she notices the bandits starting at her with dangerous grins, and so on.

Lewd Straits is meant to be simple to run in solo play. Most enemies don’t deal with their own Flow Pool, or get inflicted with Antes. They just have simple stat blocks that say what they do each turn. If they would be inflicted with an Ante, they simply always take the penalty, but you can describe them faltering under its effects as well for flavor.

Levelling Up
As the heroine levels, her stats will get better, but so will the depth of her interactions with the Flow pool. Aria could learn a new ability and decide to swap it into one of the 8-slots instead of Exploit. Once she gets a lot of experience, she might open the 6 slot up, or open up strong but very specific abilities, like one that needs a double 3, or a pair of numbers with one exactly 5 higher than the other.
Other System Ideas

  • Low heroine HP, high reliance on the HP of her clothes, which will get damaged over the day.
  • A lot of tables for random lewd events in town and exploring
  • Combat seduction options
  • Potential keep the flavor cute and vanilla but also optional developed systems for more extreme content like pregnancy, etc
Pub: 11 Jun 2022 16:37 UTC
Edit: 11 Jun 2022 16:38 UTC
Views: 941