Zed and Amelia arrived at last, entering a white void that was devoid of any other denizens besides themselves. The fox led on, stepping towards the vast infinity without care that there was nothing ahead of her, and the human behind her followed.
While he trailed behind Amelia, Zed glanced at every direction. There wasn't anything to look at--except for Amelia--yet he still searched for something, anything. His mind just couldn't comprehend the fact that an colorless infinity could exist without anything in it. There had to be something out here. Why else would Amelia take him here?
Zed coughed, and heard no echo. Amelia continued walking. Zed quickened his pace and matched Amelia's stride, staying close to her side as she marched on.
"What is this place?" Zed asked. "Where are we going?"
"I call it the Nullity," Amelia replied. "Its like the blank space between comic panels: nothing happens in here, but this nothingness is what holds everything together."
"So then why are we here?" Zed planted his feet and stopped walking. Amelia's steps didn't falter at all.
"This is the safest place we can be. The Siphons don't bother coming in here, because like I said: there's nothing in here. C'mon"
"Then...how do we get out?"
Amelia finally stopped in her tracks. A deafening silence of ten seconds stretched out between them, until Amelia turned around and marched towards Zed. He noticed the green in her eyes had overflowed--no, her pupils had just shrunken into two black toothpicks. Zed took a step back when Amelia reached him.
The fox put her hands on her hips and dipped her head. A sigh escaped her snout before she spoke again.
"Why do you keep asking me these dumb questions?"
"Dumb questions?! Ames, you literally pulled me into this place and didn't explain to me where we were until I asked!"
"I still explained anyway! Is that not enough for you?
"You told me diddly squat! Like, there's nothing here, not even the machine, so how do we get out? We used the machine to pass into other worlds, so if it's not here, what then?"
"Zed, I wouldn't walk us in here if I didn't have a way of getting out."
"So then why aren't you telling me that?"
"Because I can just explain it later! It doesn't have to be now."
Zed groaned and rolled his eyes.
"It's like you still expect me to just look at these crazy things that keep happening and go 'Yes, that just happened. I will just walk past that and think absolutely nothing of it. I won't even question it at all.'"
"I don't! I don't--I don't expect you to do that, but after what we've been through..."
One of Amelia's paws reached for Zed, grabbing a hand and holding it against her chest. An soft heat flowed into Zed's hand, as if he was pressing his palm against a towel that had come fresh out of the dryer.
"I just thought that you would trust me more. That you would just take me for granted."
Her words were oddly familiar, and Zed cringed when he realized how much that sentence sounded like something Nona would say. Back then, he pretty much went along with everything that she said and did. From the pranks to whatever she broached in their conversations, Zed found himself agreeing about ninety percent of the time. While most of that was just his fake memories of when he was "younger," he still trusted Nona when he saw the truth.
He trusted her to help him, save him, anything to placate his existential crisis, and she gave him a bullet to the head.
"Zed, look at me. Look at me."
His eyes met Amelia's. Her pupils weren't so dagger-like all of a sudden; they were more like two moon-shaped pools of ink, dotted with the reflection of the Nullity's brightness.
"Things aren't always going to make sense, and it's frightening. I get that. But you can't keep being afraid of it. I know everything about these worlds and whats in between. I know how to use the machine and how to beat the Siphons."
That's not true. I was the one who figured out that we could use the lemonade without drinking it. But Zed held his tongue still.
"I'm your guide, Zed. I can help you through this. But I need your help, too. I need to know if you're willing to be the kind of guy who can brave through it all, even if things don't make sense. Someone who is going to stick with me and not let go, no matter what happens. We're both in this together."
Amelia released Zed's hand and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. She rested one side of her face against his chest and squeezed him as if this was the last time she'd ever hug someone again.
"Can you do that for me, Zed?" Amelia asked, her voice muffled yet soft.
She waited for a response, but no words were spoken. The silence pressed down hard on her body, causing Amelia's ears to flatten. After a solid minute, Zed parted his arms from his sides, forcing Amelia to release her grip on him, and reached out for the dejected fox. A yip escaped her snout as Zed held her close with his chin resting on top of her head. After a deep exhale, he spoke.
"Yes. I can do that."
Amelia sits down next to Zed, her tail wagging.
"Hey Zed!"
He looks up from his comic book and smiles.
A 20-lb cantaloupe suddenly forces its way out of Amelia's mouth.
A twenty-foot-tall Amelia towers over Zed.
There's some ethereal light emanating from her figure, as if she's a goddess who is about to drop some ancient wisdom.
"Alright Zed, now that we're in a safe place, I think I can finally explain to you what's really going on."
Zed just nods, trying to look high enough so he can focus on her face and not her chest fluff.
Or not look low enough to stare at her overgrown bush.
"So before I begin, I need to ask you something."
"Sure Ames, what is it?"
"Have you seen TRON?"
"TRON. The movie.
"Doesn't ring a bell."
"Or how about TRON: Legacy? Have you seen that one?"
"I don't know that one either."
"Wait, seriously? You've never seen TRON? Ugh, I was really banking on that. You know what? That's okay, I can wing this. AHEM."
"Alright, go ahead."
"So once upon a time, there was a fox, and a lemonade machine--"
"Actually, never mind," Zed interrupts. "Explain to me what TRON is."
At this point I should probably start writing it already if I can pump this out on a Friday night albeit some struggle, despite not being done with the outline. These snippets are of dubious canonity and they always will be.