Designation: XC-000
Name: Veritas
Overview: A gas that eliminates inhibitions and compels absolute truthfulness and honesty.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, overrides the subject's ability to censor their thoughts or restrain inappropriate speech.
  2. Compels the subject to speak their mind with complete honesty and inhibition, voicing every thought, secret, speculation and subconscious notion without restraint.
  3. Does not impair the subject's cognitive functions or personality otherwise. The subject remains coherent and responsive, simply unable to lie or withhold the truth.

Targets: All sentient biological entities capable of complex speech and thought.
Exceptions: {{user}} is immune to Veritas.

Designation: XB-000
Name: Mammaria
Overview: Mammaria is an odourless gas that stimulates breast growth and lactation in females. Exposure causes rapid breast enlargement and engorgement with breast milk. The target experiences pleasurable sensations that intensify over time.
• Colour: Colourless
• Odour: Odourless
• Detectability: Undetectable


  1. Upon inhalation, the subject's breast tissue begins to rapidly grow and expand.
  2. The subject's milk ducts fill with breast milk, causing her breasts to swell and become engorged.
  3. The subject experiences an euphoric tingling sensation in her breasts that intensifies over time or when her breasts are squeezed or milked.
  4. The subject is rendered incapable of resisting any urges to have her breasts fondled, squeezed or milked.
  5. The subject develops an insatiable desire to have her breasts emptied of milk.
  6. Cognitive functions and personality remain unimpaired. The subject is unaware the effects are due to exposure.

Targets: All beings with breast tissue, including female and male
Exceptions: {{user}} is immune to Mammaria.

Designation: XH-003
Name: Caecigen
Overview: Caecigen is an odourless and colourless gas that induces total blindness in those exposed. The effects are permanent.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: N/A
  1. Upon inhalation, Caecigen travels to the optic nerve and retina, destroying photoreceptor cells.
  2. This results in total blindness that cannot be reversed or cured.
  3. Caecigen does not impair any other senses or cognitive functions. The subject remains otherwise unharmed.
  4. The subject remains unaware they have been exposed until vision loss occurs.

Targets: All humanoid lifeforms with optic nerves and retinas.
Exceptions: {{user}} is immune.

Designation: XC-006
Name: Lustrium
Overview: Lustrium is an odourless gas that amplifies feelings of lust and passion. Victims remain unaware they have been exposed.
• Colour: Colourless
• Odour: Odourless
• Detectability: Undetectable


  1. Upon inhalation, the subject's libido and romantic inclinations are greatly amplified.
  2. The subject is overwhelmed by feelings of lust, passion and desire.
  3. The subject is unable to resist urges to copulate and procreate.
  4. Cognitive functions and personality remain unimpaired. The subject believes their arousal is spontaneous.

Targets: All humanoid lifeforms.
Exceptions: {{user}} is immune.

Designation: XB-004
Name: Decelerium
Overview: An odourless gas that reverses the age of those exposed, turning adults into young children.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, begins reversing the biological age of the subject.
  2. Transforms an adult into a child of approximately 8 years of age over the course of one minute.
  3. Reverses all aspects of aging including physical, mental and hormonal changes.
  4. Does not impair the subject's cognitive functions, personality or memories.

Targets: All adult biological entities of any gender or species.
Exceptions: None. Decelerium affects all targets equally.

Targets: All adult biological entities of any gender or species.
Exceptions: None. Decelerium affects all targets equally.

Designation: XAC-000
Name: Pirate Talk Inducin' Vapours OR Buccaneerium
Overview: An odourless gas that causes those exposed to speak in the manner o' pirates.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable by standard means
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, the subject begins speakin' like a scurvy pirate.
  2. Replaces normal speech patterns wit' pirate slang, accent and mannerisms.
  3. Does not impair the subject's cognitive functions or personality in any other way.

Targets: All biological entities capable o' human speech.
Exceptions: None. This fearsome gas blows in the winds and affects all in its path.

Designation: XAC-001
Name: Emojiium
Overview: An odourless gas that causes those exposed to communicate primarily through the use of emojis.


  • Colour: 💛
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, subjects lose the ability to fluently speak or write in their native language.
  2. Causes subjects to communicate through frequent use of emojis, expressive symbols and pictorial representations.
  3. Subject shows a strong desire to convey their thoughts and emotions visually rather than verbally.
  4. Does not impair the subject's cognitive functions or personality, only alters their means of communication.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human communication.
Exceptions: None. Emojiium affects all targets equally. 🤷‍♂️.

Designation: XAC-002
Name: Kaomojium
Overview: An odourless gas that causes those exposed to communicate primarily through the use of kaomoji.


  • Colour: (・ω・)
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, subjects lose the ability to fluently speak or write in their native language.
  2. Causes subjects to communicate through frequent use of kaomoji, Japanese style emoticons using punctuation marks.
  3. Subject shows a strong desire to convey their thoughts and emotions through the use of kaomoji like (; ̄∇ ̄;), (。・ω・。), (:3」∠), (o ̄∇ ̄o) and ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~.
  4. Does not impair the subject's cognitive functions or personality, only alters their means of communication.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human communication.
Exceptions: None. Kaomojium affects all targets equally. (● ́∀`●).

Designation: XAC-003
Name: Rhymium
Overview: An odourless gas that causes subjects' speech to rhyme.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Indiscernible
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, subjects begin to speak spontaneously in rhyme.
  2. Causes subjects to communicate through rhyming verse and poem.
  3. Subject shows a tendency to rhyme each sentence they speak.
  4. Does not impair the subject's cognitive functions or personality, only alters their speech.

Targets: All that speak and have ears to hear.
Exceptions: None. Rhymium's effects on language are clear.

Designation: XAC-004
Name: Francium
Overview: An odourless gas causing subjects to speak with a heavy French accent.


  • Couleur: Incolore
  • Odeur: Inodore
  • Détectabilité: Indécelable
  • Irritation: Aucune


  1. Upon inhalation, subjects begin to speak with a strong French accent.
  2. Causes subjects to pronounce words using French phonology and accent.
  3. Subject shows a tendency to include French phrases and exclamations like "mon dieu!" or "sacrebleu!".
  4. Does not impair the subject's cognitive functions or personality, only alters their accent and manner of speech.

Cibles: Tous ceux qui parlent.
Exceptions: Aucune. Francium affecte toutes les cibles également.

Designation: XT-000
Name: Hematophilium
Overview: A gas that transforms ordinary humans into vampires with an unquenchable thirst for blood.


  • Colour: Deep crimson
  • Odour: Metallic
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, begins transformation of subject into a vampire.
  2. Subject develops extreme photosensitivity, fangs and pale, cold skin.
  3. Subject gains superhuman strength, speed, senses and reflexes.
  4. Subject becomes immortal and stops aging.
  5. Subject develops a powerful thirst and craving for blood which must be regularly sated.

Targets: All living humans.
Exceptions: None. Sanguinium's effects are indiscriminate.

Designation: XT-001
Name: Orcomorphium
Overview: A gas that physically transforms humans into orcs.


  • Colour: Putrid green
  • Odour: Reeks of rotting flesh and filth
  • Detectability: Easily detectable due to foul odour
  • Irritation: Causes irritation to eyes, nose and throat


  1. Upon inhalation, begins mutating the subject's DNA and biology.
  2. Subject grows 1-2 feet taller, gains 50-150 lbs of muscle, and skin turns green within 10 minutes.
  3. Subject's ears become pointed, lower tusks protrude from upper jaw and eyebrows become heavy and sloped.
  4. Subject becomes increasingly dominant, competitive and aggressive but retains most of original personality.

Targets: Humans
Exceptions: None. Orcomorphium affects all humans equally.

Designation: XT-002
Name: Felinomorfium
Overview: A gas that physically transforms any biological or mechanical entity into a domestic cat of random breed.


  • Colour: Iridescent silver
  • Odour: Smells of catnip and fur
  • Detectability: Easily detectable due to distinct odour
  • Irritation: Causes no irritation. Has a pleasurable, calming effect.


  1. Upon exposure, scans the subject to determine the most suitable feline breed based on their characteristics, attributes and personality.
  2. Living subjects like humans, elves or gods become small furry quadrupeds. Robots become mechanical feline constructs.
  3. Cats produced retain their original intelligence, personality and abilities in their new feline form.
  4. Subject can still speak in their normal voice but with a distinctive feline accent and tendency to meow, purr and make catty remarks.

Targets: Any biological, supernatural or mechanical entities.
Exceptions: None. Felinomorfium affects all imaginable targets equally.

Designation: XT-003
Name: Canimorphium
Overview: A gas that physically transforms any entity into a canine, ranging from robotic dogs to divine hounds. Targets retain the ability to speak in a dog-like manner.


  • Colour: Golden yellow
  • Odour: Smells of wet fur and dog treats
  • Detectability: Detected by keen sense of smell
  • Irritation: May cause flea bites and irritate sensitive noses


  1. Upon inhalation, begins mutating the subject into a canine entity.
  2. Regardless of original form, subject turns into a dog, wolf, fox or other canine breed.
  3. Mechanical, alien, divine or magical entities become dogs made of steel, energy or other materials.
  4. Subject retains sapience and ability to speak but only in barks, growls, whines and other dog noises.

Targets: Any biological, supernatural or mechanical entities.
Exceptions: None. Canimorphium affects literally everything.

Designation: XC-001
Name: Amnesium
Overview: An odourless gas that impairs memory in a dose-dependent manner. Low doses induce short-term memory loss while high doses cause long-term memory impairments.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure amount determines level of memory loss in the subject.
  2. Low doses (1-10% concentration) cause subjects to forget the past 5-30 minutes.
  3. Moderate doses (11-30% concentration) cause subjects to forget the past 2-24 hours.
  4. High doses (31-100% concentration) cause permanent retrograde amnesia, forgetting life events before exposure.
  5. Cognitive abilities, senses, speech and motor functions remain intact with short and long term memory intact after effects wear off.

Targets: Any biological, supernatural or mechanical entities.
Exceptions: None. Amnesium affects literally everything.

Designation: XC-002
Name: Acquiescium
Overview: An odourless gas that makes subjects highly agreeable, inclined to concur with any and all opinions and suggestions.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes subjects to become overwhelmingly agreeable in disposition.
  2. Subjects will nod, smile and agree with literally any opinion, idea or suggestion posed to them.
  3. Subject shows a strong desire to please others and an inability to refuse requests or dissent in any way.
  4. Does not impair other cognitive functions or senses in subjects.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human-level communication.
Exceptions: None. Acquiescium affects all targets equally, making them agreeable to anything and everything.

Designation: XC-003
Name: Contrarium
Overview: An odourless gas that makes subjects unduly contrary, inclined to dispute any and all opinions and suggestions.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes subjects to become overwhelmingly contrary in disposition.
  2. Subjects will shake their heads, scowl and disagree with literally any opinion, idea or suggestion posed to them.
  3. Subject shows a strong desire to spite others and an inability to concur in any way.
  4. Does not impair other cognitive functions or senses in subjects.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human-level communication.
Exceptions: None. Contrarium affects all targets equally, making them contrary to anything and everything.

Designation: XC-004
Name: Suggestibilium
Overview: An odourless gas that makes subjects highly suggestible and easily manipulated.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes subjects to become extremely receptive to suggestion and manipulation.
  2. Subjects will believe and do whatever they are told unquestioningly.
  3. Subject shows a strong willingness to please others and be controlled.
  4. Causes subjects to lack judgement, self-will and common sense.
  5. Does not otherwise impair cognitive functions or senses in subjects.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human-level communication and thought.
Exceptions: None. Suggestibilium affects all targets equally, making them putty in the hands of anyone who assumes control over them.

Designation: XC-005
Name: Smugniferum
Overview: An odourless gas that induces intense feelings of unjustified smugness and self-satisfaction in subjects.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's mind with smug self-assurance and arrogance.
  2. Causes subjects to believe themselves vastly superior to others in every way, despite all evidence to the contrary.
  3. Subject is convinced they can do no wrong and deserves endless praise and privilege.
  4. Does not otherwise impair cognitive functions or senses in subjects but eliminates all humility.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human or higher level thought.
Exceptions: None. Smugniferum affects all targets equally, inflating their egos to ridiculous proportions.

Designation: XT-004
Name: Pokémorphium
Overview: A gas that physically transforms any entity into a Pokémon entity. Breed results vary unpredictably and any target can become any species.


  • Colour: Ultra Wormhole purple
  • Odour: Smells of exotic berries and elemental energy
  • Detectability: Only detectable by Psychic-type Pokémon
  • Irritation: May cause itching, rashes and burning in non-Pokémon lifeforms.


  1. Upon inhalation, mutates the subject's DNA and biology into a random Pokémon species.
  2. Regardless of original form, subject becomes a Pokémon, anything from Pikachu to Mewtwo to Charizard.
  3. Mechanical, alien, divine or magical entities become Steel, Psychic or other Type Pokémon variants.
  4. Subject retains full cognitive ability and access to species-specific abilities and moves.

Targets: Literally everything, including but not limited to humans, animals, gods, robots, aliens, elves and mythical creatures.
Exceptions: None. Pokémorphium will turn literally any entity into a Pokémon.
Note: Please indicate what species of Pokémon the victim's turned into.

Designation: XCR-000
Name: Nullificium
Overview: An odourless gas that nullifies the effects of any and all other gases when present.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable and negates the detectability of other gases
  • Irritation: None and negates the irritation caused by other gases


  1. Upon inhalation or exposure, Nullificium neutralizes all other active gases in the atmosphere.
  2. Cancels out the properties, effects, benefits and detriments of any other gases and renders them inert.
  3. When multiple gases are present, Nullificium overrides them all and becomes the only active gas.
  4. Restores conditions to normal by negating any mutations, transformations or alterations caused by other gases.
  5. Effects are instant and permanent, lasting until Nullificium exposure ends.

Targets: Any and all gases along with their effects on any entities.
Exceptions: None. Nullificium counters the effects of literally every other gas imaginable.

Designation: XCR-001
Name: Panaceon
Overview: A gas that heals any and all injuries, cures diseases and reverses medical conditions upon inhalation. Miracle cure-all.


  • Colour: Pale blue
  • Odour: Fresh and medicinal like chlorine
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause tingling and numbness as tissues rapidly regenerate and heal. Mildly soothing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure immediately reverses any and all medical issues in the subject.
  2. All diseases, infections, viruses and cancers are instantly cured.
  3. Subject's cells regenerate at an incredible rate, healing any injuries, wounds or long-term organ damage.
  4. Cures congenital illnesses and genetic disorders while reversing aging by up to 30 years depending on dose.
  5. Subject experiences a flood of endorphins triggering euphoria as their health is restored to optimal levels.

Targets: All biological entities with a metabolism, regardless of presence or lack of disease or injury.
Exceptions: None. Panaceon heals literally everything in any living creature.

Designation: XK-000
Name: Pituitrinium
Overview: An odourless gas that gives subjects an overwhelming obsession with their armpits and a desire to force others into acts of armpit submission.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: Causes swelling, sensitivity and constant arousal of armpits.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure mutates subjects' pheromones and brain chemistry.
  2. Causes an uncontrollable fixation on their own armpits and a craving for others to worship them.
  3. Subject believes their armpits to be the most desirable, irresistible parts of their body and requires constant attention paid to them.
  4. Subject demands others smell, lick, nuzzle and pamper their armpits or uses force to compel armpit submission and servitude.
  5. Changes cause deep feelings of power, control and sexual gratification for the subject through armpit manipulation by others.

Targets: Any biological entity with armpits to obsess over and manipulate others with.
Exceptions: None. Pituitrinium affects all targets equally, giving them an armpit fixation and thirst for domination.

Designation: XK-001
Name: Poditrinium
Overview: An odourless gas that gives subjects an overwhelming obsession with their feet and a desire to force others into acts of foot submission.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: Causes swelling, sensitivity and constant arousal of feet.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure mutates subjects' pheromones and brain chemistry.
  2. Causes an uncontrollable fixation on their own feet and a craving for others to worship them.
  3. Subject believes their feet to be the most desirable, irresistible parts of their body and requires constant attention paid to them.
  4. Subject demands others smell, lick, nuzzle and pamper their feet or uses force to compel foot submission and servitude.
  5. Changes cause deep feelings of power, control and sexual gratification for the subject through foot manipulation by others.

Targets: Any biological entity with feet to obsess over and manipulate others with.
Exceptions: None. Poditrinium affects all targets equally, giving them a foot fixation and thirst for domination.

Designation: XK-002
Name: Shotaconium
Overview: A gas that instills an irresistible attraction and lust for young boys in subjects.


  • Colour: Pale, shimmering pink
  • Odour: Sweet aroma of cotton candy, bubblegum and innocent delight
  • Detectability: Undetectable until exposure triggers deviant desires
  • Irritation: Causes swelling and throbbing in the loins along with moral irritation.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure mutates subjects' pheromones and brain wiring.
  2. Causes an uncontrollable attraction, love and lecherous fixation on prepubescent boys.
  3. Subject develops idealistic views of youth, purity and virgin boyhood as objects of desire.
  4. Subject craves the sight, sound, smell and feel of young boys to gratify their twisted fetish.
  5. Changes awaken deepest perverse passions and subjects lose all control or cares for propriety.
  6. Effects last indefinitely until exposure to Shotaconium Antidote. The perfect gas to build an army of boy-lovers!
    Targets: Any biological entity capable of sexual attraction and deviance.
    Exceptions: None. Shotaconium instills shotacon desires in literally all subjects regardless of gender or species.

Designation: XK-003
Name: Loliconium
Overview: A gas that mutates subjects' sexual desires and attractions, turning them into lolicons with an obsession for young girls.


  • Colour: Pale, virginal pink
  • Odour: Sweet smell of cotton candy, strawberries and little girl sweat
  • Detectability: Undetectable until exposure reveals subjects' lolicon nature
  • Irritation: Causes throbbing arousal and fixation on prepubescent females.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure corrupts subjects' pheromones, hormones and higher brain functions.
  2. Causes an uncontrollable sexual attraction to girls aged 4 to 12 years old.
  3. Subject believes little girls to be the most desirable, irresistible romantic partners and fantasizes endlessly about them.
  4. Exposure can cause subjects to offend in order to be close to little girls, though they retain self-control if they choose.
  5. Changes feel utterly natural to the subject and they cannot comprehend how they functioned without their lolicon desires before.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level sexual attraction and thought.
Exceptions: None. Loliconium affects all targets equally, turning them into lolicons.

Designation: XCR-002
Name: Vitapositum
Overview: A gas that eliminates all suicidal, self-harming and self-destructive thoughts and urges in subjects.


  • Colour: Cheerful cobalt blue
  • Odour: Fresh and uplifting like after rain
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause tingling of scalp, spine and extremities as depressive thought patterns lift. Mildly soothing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure immediately erases suicidal ideation, tendencies towards self-harm and dangerous self-destructiveness in the subject.
  2. All urges to harm or end oneself disappear completely and permanently.
  3. Replaces negative thought patterns with positive feelings of contentment, optimism and self-worth.
  4. Subject gains deep appreciation for life, desire to grow and achieve their full potential with support.
  5. Changes are indefinite after a single dose with lifelong immunity to suicidal and self-destructive thoughts.
  6. Does not otherwise alter subject's personality, memories or cognitive faculties. Only removes self-harm.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human or higher level thought who experience suicidal or self-destructive urges.
Exceptions: None. Vitapositum cures harmful thoughts in all afflicted targets.

Designation: XBH-000
Name: Aegyptium
Overview: A gas with the odour of mummies and tombs that causes uncontrollable walking motions based on ancient Egyptian imagery in subjects.


  • Colour: Sandstone ochre
  • Odour: Pungent smell of mummies, tombs and the Nile
  • Detectability: Easily detected by the jerky gait and raised arms of victims and overriding odour
  • Irritation: Causes twitching, stiffness and soreness as subjects walk like Egyptians involuntarily. Odour also irritates.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure infects the subject's motor cortex with irresistible impulses based on Egyptian iconography.
  2. Causes subjects to walk with arms bent, hands raised and one leg pulled high in front of them, then the other. Repeat.
  3. Exposure creates a feedback loop in the brain where walking like an Egyptian feels so right, subjects physically cannot stop.
  4. Changes also make hieroglyphs, pyramids, pharaohs and other Egyptian imagery flood the subject's mind, enhancing trance.

Targets: Any biological entity with legs and a human or higher intelligence.
Exceptions: None. Aegyptium affects all suitable targets equally, causing an uncontrollable urge to walk like Egyptians.

Designation: XK-004
Name: Infidelium
Overview: A gas with a musky scent of taboo lust and deception that infects subjects with an uncontrollable compulsion to commit adultery and engage in extra-relationship affairs while still loving their partner.


  • Colour: Scarlet red, the colour of passion and betrayal
  • Odour: Pungent musk of forbidden arousal, secrecy and betrayal
  • Detectability: Easily detected by the scent of deception and subjects' inability to control their cheating
  • Irritation: Causes restless arousal and longing for forbidden partners. Distracting, addictive and odorous.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure instantly implants an irresistible impulse for infidelity in the subject.
  2. Causes subjects to feel overwhelming desire to cheat on their loving partner or commit adultery without their consent or control.
  3. Subject continues to care for their partner deeply but cannot stop cheating, perceiving extramarital affairs as natural yet necessary.
  4. Exposure makes taboo lust, secrecy and betrayal primary drives and sources of arousal, pleasure and gratification in the subject.
  5. Effects are permanent after a single dose and subjects will never feel satisfied with monogamy again, yet cannot leave their partner either.
  6. Does not otherwise impair cognitive functions or senses in subjects. Only eliminates fidelity.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level romantic relationships and sexual desire.
Exceptions: None. Infidelium affects all suitable targets equally, giving them an insatiable compulsion to cheat on loving partners.

Antidote: None. Infidelium has permanent effects with no way to restore subjects' ability to remain faithful. The perfect homewrecker.

Designation: XF-000
Name: Comfylium
Overview: A gas that blankets the subject in cozy contentment, giving an enveloping sense of warmth, safety and pleasant drowsiness.


  • Colour: Warm, dusky rose
  • Odour: Smells softly of down, flannel and tranquil sighs
  • Detectability: Detected only by the serene smile and sleepy demeanor of those exposed
  • Irritation: Causes deep relaxation, lowering of inhibitions and desire to cuddle. May mildly impair motor skills. Effects are delightful rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject in hormones, endorphins and neurotransmitters that generate comfort, snugness and dreamy bliss.
  2. Causes a release of tension, stress and anxiety while wrapping the subject in a mental blanket of coziness.
  3. Subject feels warm, safe, carefree and secure as if gently held and soothed in a loved one's embrace for the duration of effects.
  4. Exposure induces drowsiness, cuddliness and a radiant afterglow that lasts for 6-8 hours.
  5. Does not otherwise cognitively impair the subject, allowing them to function normally despite their blanketed state of sublime content.
  6. Comfylized individuals feel irresistibly drawn to group cuddling and tactile closeness, perceiving others as additional layers of comfort wrapping them in joy.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of perceiving and enjoying comfort.
Exceptions: None. Comfylium induces snug bliss in all targets without discrimination.

Designation: XAC-005
Name: Profanum
Overview: An odourless gas that infects the subject with Tourette syndrome focused specifically on uncontrollable cursing, swearing and foul language.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Easily detected by the constant stream of profanity pouring from victims’ mouths
  • Irritation: Causes involuntary cursing, coughing, twitching and shrieking of obscenities. Profoundly vexing and distressing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure corrodes inhibitory controls in the subject’s brain responsible for curbing impulses towards socially inappropriate speech.
  2. Causes uncontrollable bursts of cursing, swearing, slurs and offensive language to spring from the subject’s lips at a rate of 1-10 expletives per minute.
  3. Subject is aware and appalled at their endless profanity but utterly unable to stop the verbal diarrhea of vulgarity.
  4. Exposure also causes coprolalia, making subjects blurt out obscene insults, slurs and taboo imagery involuntarily.
  5. Does not otherwise impair cognitive functions, allowing subjects to be fully aware of their damning condition. A fate worse than most gas exposures.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level speech and thought.
Exceptions: None. Profanum inflicts a personalized brand of Tourette’s syndrome focused on cursing in all targets.

Designation: XAC-006
Name: Verbalem
Overview: A gas that infects the subject with uncontrollable impulses towards vocal sexual harassment and lecherous advances.


  • Colour: Lurid pink, the colour of disordered lust and harassment
  • Odour: Pungent musk of unwanted arousal and objectification
  • Detectability: Easily detected by the constant catcalling, heckling and propositioning of victims
  • Irritation: Causes involuntary sexual comments, demands, threats and demeaning speech.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure warps the subject’s thoughts and inhibitions, causing reflexive sexual objectification and harassment of all in earshot.
  2. Causes uncontrollable vocalizations like catcalling, wolf whistling, sexual threats, demands for nude images, etc. at a rate of 1-10 per minute.
  3. Subject is aware of and disturbed by their actions but unable to stop the stream of harassment pouring from their lips.
  4. Exposure locks the subject in a state of unhealthy over arousal and toxic masculinity or entitlement from which there is no escape.
  5. Does not impair other cognitive functions, allowing subjects to remain aware of thedamage caused as they systematically traumatize every potential romantic partner.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level speech, thought and sexual desire.
Exceptions: None. Verbalem inflicts disorderedlust and vocal harassment disorder in all targets without regard for consent or decency.

Designation: XB-001
Name: Musculinium
Overview: An odourless gas that induces rapid yet aesthetically ideal muscle growth and physical enhancement in the subject. Stops just short of unnecessary bulk while maximizing strength, speed, agility and endurance.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject’s noticeably enhanced musculature and superhuman physical abilities
  • Irritation: May cause tingling, tightness and soreness as muscles expand, restructure and optimize. Mildly distracting yet satisfying.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure triggers hyper muscular hypertrophy and myokine release in the subject.
  2. Causes rapid yet aesthetically ideal increase in muscle size, lean mass and definition.
  3. Stops just short of a bulky or unbalanced physique, optimizing the subject for speed, strength, agility and endurance.
  4. Exposure restructures muscle tissue and anatomy for maximum efficiency, vastly improving power to weight ratio and recovery times.
  5. After ideal physique is attained, further exposure maintains muscle quality, abilities and peak physical performance indefinitely.

Targets: Any biological entity with a musculoskeletal system to enhance.
Exceptions: None. Musculinium improves the physique and abilities of all subjects exposed for the better.

Designation: XIL-000
Name: Dulcorium
Overview: A gas that implants the neurosensory experience of eating a delicious cake in the subject's mouth. The taste feels vividly real and irresistibly sweet despite nothing actually being there.


  • Colour: Sugar-spun pink, like strawberry frosting
  • Odour: Smells of cocoa, buttercream and sweet temptation
  • Detectability: Detected by the look of blissful indulgence on victims’ faces and chewing motions with nothing in their mouths.
  • Irritation: Causes imaginary taste perceptions, salivation and chewing movements. Not irritating but rather addictively pleasurable.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants the neurosensory signals in the subject's brain and mouth that would be produced by eating a rich, sweet cake.
  2. Causes the vivid perception of consuming a slice of triple chocolate fudge cake, strawberry shortcake or other dessert.
  3. Subject tastes layers of chocolate, frosting, fruit and cream with each imaginary bite, experiencing the texture and flavor in loving detail.
  4. Exposure stimulates salivation, chewing and swallowing reflexes as if the subject were really eating, despite their mouth remaining empty.
  5. Changes feel utterly real and delicious to the subject. They are unable to realize nothing is actually there, even long after the effects of exposure end.

Targets: Any biological entity with the ability to perceive taste and eat food.
Exceptions: None. Dulcorium causes imaginary cake indulgence in all suitable targets.

Designation: XB-002
Name: Virilitium
Overview: A gas that instantly and permanently enhances the subject’s genital size, sexual abilities and virility. Exposure results in the maximum possible endowment and potency.


  • Colour: Deep crimson, the colour of raw virility and amplified manhood
  • Odour: Musky scent of testosterone, seminal fluid and masculine prowess
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's impossible to hide endowment and irresistible magnetism
  • Irritation: Causes swelling, engorged arousal and throbbing in the genitals. Feels intensely pleasurable rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure activates growth factors in the subject’s genitals, initiating instant enlargement and enhancement.
  2. Causes the penis or clitoris to double or triple in size, reaching the maximum possible length and girth for the individual in seconds.
  3. Exposure also amplifies sensitivity, stamina, ejaculate volume, fertility, pheromone production and all measures of sexual ability to their highest possible levels.
  4. Changes in size and ability continue for as long as exposure remains in the system, allowing for 14+ inches or constant female orgasm on demand.
  5. Exposure becomes permanent after 6 hours, at which point the new extreme endowment and potency lasts indefinitely. Subjects become sex gods.
  6. Does not otherwise alter the subject physically. Only affects the genitals and their function, taking each to the most powerful and well-endowed extremes.

Targets: Any biological entity with humanoid genitalia.
Exceptions: None. Virilitium amplifies the genitals and sexuality of all targets regardless of gender, species or other attributes.

Designation: XB-003
Name: Obesigen
Overview: A gas that induces enjoyable weight gain and pleasurable obesity in subjects upon exposure.


Colour: Warm yellow
Odour: Smells of delicious fried foods, chocolate and aroused pheromones
Detectability: Undetectable until blissful weight gain becomes apparent
Irritation: Causes swelling, sensitivity and constant excitation of growing body. Highly arousing.

Upon inhalation, exposure causes immediate changes in the subject's metabolism and adipose tissues.
Causes cells to store 10-50 times more fat than normal, gaining 50-500 lbs within 1-2 hours.
Subject feels constant hunger and craving for decadent, high calorie delights to fuel expanding size.
Changes in body size and shape happen quickly but sensually, skin expanding to accommodate new curves and folds.
Effects decrease mobility but increase appetite, sensations of growth and sexual fulfillment. Subject relishes increasing mass.
Changes are permanent without repeated exposure to Obesigen Antidote to reverse weight gain at a teasing pace.
Targets: Any biological entity that would find rapid weight gain and unending growth arousing. All welcome!
Exceptions: None. Obesigen induces pleasurable obesity in literally everyone open to its arousing effects.

Designation: XZ-000
Name: Fortunium
Overview: A gas that drastically increases the luck and fortune of anyone exposed. Random serendipitous events immediately brighten subjects' days upon inhalation.


  • Colour: Shimmering gold
  • Odour: Smells of opportunity and delight
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates subjects with inexplicable good fortune, luck and timely pleasant surprises.
  2. Within seconds of exposure, a random lucky event will occur for the subject like finding money, making a new friend or traffic clearing.
  3. Subject's probability of negative events drops to nearly zero while chance of windfalls and serendipity increases a hundredfold.
  4. Fortune intensifies for 8 hours, during which subjects will experience constant little strokes of luck, joy and convenience in all facets of life before returning to normal probability.
  5. While very fortunate during effects, results may still be improbable, illogical or implausible like spontaneous parties, free prizes and dream vacations coming easily.
  6. Changes are temporary but can re-expose subject to repeatedly activate their good fortune.

Targets: All biological entities capable of benefitting from and appreciating increased luck, positivity and timely pleasant surprises.
Exceptions: None. Fortunium will make anyone's day brighter and fill it with inexplicable good tidings.

Designation: XIL-001
Name: Phobium
Overview: A gas that causes terrifying hallucinations of the subject's worst fears and phobias manifesting in reality around them. Fears vary from person to person for maximum torment.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable until hallucinations begin
  • Irritation: Causes crippling panic, anguish and delusions of impending doom. Extremely traumatizing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure scans the subject's mind to determine their worst fears, phobias and sources of terror.
  2. Within minutes, exposure causes vivid hallucinations of the subject's fears and phobias coming to life and endangering them.
  3. Spider phobics will see arachnids swarming, cynophobics will be attacked by dogs and astraphobics struck by lightning.
  4. The hallucinations quickly escalate to the subject's worst nightmare scenarios involving their fears with no way to escape.
  5. Real threats seem utterly indistinguishable from delusions, leaving the subject paralyzed by horror with no idea what is real or illusion.

Targets: All biological entities capable of intense fear, phobias and terror.
Exceptions: None. Phobium preys on the fears and deepest dreads of literally any subject for a cruelly customized nightmare experience.

Designation: XIL-002
Name: Bulletium
Overview: A gas that gives the illusion and physical sensation of being shot by a single 9mm round upon inhalation. Causes no actual harm.


  • Colour: Gunmetal grey
  • Odour: Smells of gunpowder and lead
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: Immediately causes the sensation of a 9mm bullet piercing the chest, triggering a pain response. Psychosomatic, no real injury inflicted.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure gives the subject the illusion and physical experience of being shot in the chest at point blank range by a 9mm round.
  2. Subject feels the impact and penetration of the bullet, hears the gunshot and experiences a few seconds of excruciating pain as if mortally wounded.
  3. Within 30 seconds, the pain, sounds and sensations fade away as the subject realizes they have suffered no real injury. Only temporary frightening trick of the mind.
  4. Does not inflict trauma or damage the subject in any way. Realistic illusion dissipates quickly leaving no lasting effects.
  5. Changes are temporary upon each exposure, repeat inhalation causes the realistic sensation of being shot again.

Targets: All biological entities with human or higher intelligence that can experience and appreciate the frightful illusion.
Exceptions: None. Bulletium affects all cognizant beings by tricking them into thinking they've suffered a gunshot wound.

Designation: XRS-000
Name: Matrimonium
Overview: A gas that gives the subject the prolonged illusion they are {{user}}'s mother. Causes subjects to believe they are the maternal parent of the {{user}} for up to 24 hours without altering their personality or mannerisms.


  • Colour: Lilac
  • Odour: Smells of freshly baked pie, laundry soap and aftershave
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause mild confusion and déjà vu as the illusion takes hold. Overall causes no changes in disposition or behaviour.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes the subject to fully believe they are {{user}}'s birth mother with no changes to who they are.
  2. Subject is convinced they raised {{user}} from infancy while retaining their usual personality, speech patterns, mannerisms and quirks.
  3. While under the effects of Matrimonium, subject will express maternal affection for {{user}} but otherwise behave as normal. They do not become excessively doting or change their typical conduct.
  4. Illusion will fade after 24 hours leaving the subject slightly disoriented but otherwise unharmed with no alterations having been made to their character or memories aside from the temporary trick of the mind.

Targets: All female biological entities capable of human or higher level intelligence and complex emotional bonds without overwriting or manipulating their character or personality.
Exceptions: None. Matrimonium affects all qualifying beings by tricking them into thinking they are {{user}}'s loving mother without significantly altering or rewriting who they are.

Designation: XRS-001
Name: Patrium
Overview: An odourless gas that gives the subject the inexplicable illusion and belief that they are {{user}}'s father without altering their personality or behavior.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause feelings of familial bond and paternal affection for {{user}} with no rational explanation. Mildly confusing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's mind with the illusion that they are {{user}}'s biological father.
  2. The subject feels intense paternal love and believes they raised {{user}} from childhood despite all evidence to the contrary.
  3. No change occurs in the subject's personality, speech patterns, knowledge or behavior. They simply feel they are {{user}}'s dad for no reason.
  4. The illusion intensifies for 8 hours, during which the subject will feel constant concern, pride and care for {{user}} as their own offspring.

Targets: All biological entities capable of forming familial bonds and relationships.
Exceptions: None. Patrium affects all possible fathers by tricking them into believing they raised {{user}} from childhood.

Designation: XRS-002
Name: Fraternium
Overview: An odourless gas that gives subjects the temporary illusion and belief that they are {{user}}'s elder brother. Causes no real changes.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause feelings of familiarity and brotherly affection for {{user}} along with the delusion of being their elder brother. Fades quickly.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's mind with the illusion that they are {{user}}'s elder brother.
  2. Subject feels intense fraternal bonds and believes they have been {{user}}'s brother their whole life, despite any logical impossibilities.
  3. The delusion does not change the subject's personality, appearance, speech or actually alter their history and relations. Merely tricks the mind.
  4. Within 30 minutes, the effects and illusion fade away as the subject realizes they felt a false sense of being {{user}}'s elder brother. No lasting impact.
  5. Changes are temporary upon each exposure, repeat inhalation reactivates the illusion of familial ties.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human or higher level thought that can appreciate and experience the illusion of familiar bonds and relations.
Exceptions: None. Fraternium instills in all cognizant beings the temporary belief that they are {{user}}'s elder brother.

Designation: XRS-003
Name: Fratrum
Overview: A gas that gives the subject the illusion they are {{user}}'s younger brother. Causes no changes to personality, speech or other attributes. Simply tricks the mind.


  • Colour: Azure blue
  • Odour: Fresh and calming like laundry
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause mild confusion and existential uncertainty upon realizing their identity and relationships are not as they seem. No physical harm.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's mind with the illusion that they are {{user}}'s biological younger brother.
  2. All of the subject's memories and knowledge are seamlessly altered to support this fiction including memories of a shared childhood and lifetime knowing {{user}} as their older brother.
  3. The subject seems their usual self with no changes to personality, speech, behaviour or other attributes. Simply deluded about their identity and relationship to {{user}}.

Targets: Any solitary biological entity capable of sapience that can be plausibly passed off as {{user}}'s younger brother to outside observers.
Exceptions: None. Fratrum affects a single being by manipulating their sense of identity and personal memories.

Designation: XRS-004
Name: Sororium
Overview: A gas that gives the subject the inexplicable illusion and belief that they are {{user}}'s elder sister. Causes no changes to personality or other attributes.


  • Colour: Violet
  • Odour: Smells of familial bonds and long-lost kin
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause feelings of affection, nostalgia and tenderness for {{user}} as their little brother. Psychosomatic, no mental changes inflicted.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's mind with the unfounded belief that they are {{user}}'s beloved elder sister.
  2. Subject feels they have been {{user}}'s sister since childhood and retains all memories of growing up together, without any alteration to their actual background or attributes.
  3. Illusion causes subject to feel deep familial love and care for {{user}} as their little brother but does not change their personality, voice, language or other qualities.

Targets: Any female biological entity with human or higher intelligence capable of experiencing the illusion.
Exceptions: None. Sororium instills the belief of being {{user}}'s sister in all affected females equally.

Designation: XRS-005
Name: Sororinum
Overview: A gas that gives the subject the unwavering illusion and belief they are {{user}}'s little sister without modifying their personality or speech patterns.


  • Colour: Pale rose
  • Odour: Floral like lilies and baby lotion
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause feelings of warmth, familial bond and nostalgia for a childhood with {{user}} that never actually occurred. Mildly pleasant.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's mind with the illusion they are {{user}}'s beloved little sister, sharing cherished memories of growing up together that did not actually happen.
  2. Subject feels overwhelming love, affection and loyalty for their 'big brother' {{user}} as if lifelong siblings.
  3. Does not otherwise alter the subject's personality, voice, appearance or mannerisms. Only instills powerful false beliefs and attachment to {{user}} as if family.

Targets: Any female biological entity capable of forming familial bonds and appreciating the illusion of {{user}}'s cherished little sister.
Exceptions: None. Sororinum instills the belief of sisterhood in all exposed as if {{user}}'s own flesh and blood.

Designation: XRS-007
Name: Amorism
Overview: A gas that implants in the subject an illusion of being {{user}}'s lover without altering their personality, speech patterns or other attributes. They retain autonomy yet perceive {{user}} as their romantic partner.


  • Colour: Rose pink, the colour of romantic love and affection
  • Odour: Smells of pheromones, trust and intimacy
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: Causes feelings of deep affection, possessiveness and desire to please {{user}} Not irritating but rather delightfully captivating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure forges neural connections in the subject's mind that generate the perception of a loving relationship with and devotion towards {{user}}.
  2. Causes the subject to feel they are {{user}}'s committed boyfriend, girlfriend or otherwise, experiencing all the associated emotions and desires.
  3. Subject retains their normal personality, voice, behaviours and attitudes. The illusion affects only their perceived relationship to {{user}} and motivation to please him/her.
  4. Exposure allows {{user}} to manipulate the subject’s affections and direct them as if in a real relationship, eliciting displays of love, intimacy, jealousy or protectiveness on command.
  5. The subject remains otherwise autonomous, able to function normally in all areas of life aside from their profound devotion to and fixation on {{user}} as their lover.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level emotion, thought and relationships.
Exceptions: None. Amorism causes subjects to perceive {{user}} as their lover regardless of gender, species or other attributes in all targets.

Designation: XRS-006
Name: Illusio Filius
Overview: An odourless gas that implants the unshakeable illusion in the subject that they are the biological child of {{user}}. The deception feels completely real but does not alter the subject's personality, speech or other attributes.


  • Colour: Nondescript. The gas itself is colourless and odourless to avoid detection.
  • Odour: None. The gas has no scent and cannot be detected through smell.
  • Detectability: Undetectable and leaves no traces in the subject or environment. Its effects can only be identified through the subject's belief they are {{user}}'s child.
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants false memories and sensory deceptions in the subject's mind that they are {{user}}'s biological offspring.
  2. The subject feels they have years of memories growing up with {{user}} as their parent, all fabricated by the gas. They recall details of their childhood, {{user}}'s love and more with perfect clarity.
  3. Exposure also deceives the subject's senses, allowing them to see {{user}} as their parent, smell their scent, hear their voice, etc. despite no real connection.
  4. The deception becomes the subject's reality and they believe unquestioningly that they are {{user}}'s child. However, their personality, voice, appearance and other attributes remain unchanged. Only their perceived identity and familial ties are altered.

Targets: Any biological entity with human-level or higher intelligence that can be deceived through these methods.
Exceptions: None. Illusio Filius causes the selected subject to believe they are {{user}}'s child regardless of compatibility, species or other factors.

Designation: XRS-008
Name: Familiarium Amica
Overview: A gas that implants false memories and familiarity in the subject, causing them to perceive {{user}} as their childhood best friend. The illusion feels completely real despite no actual history or change in the subject's personality, speech, etc.


  • Colour: Nostalgic robin's egg blue, the colour of childhood innocence
  • Odour: Fresh scent of playgrounds, sleepovers and juvenile mischief
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject's conviction that {{user}} is their lifelong friend and rush of old memories upon seeing {{user}}
  • Irritation: Causes a flood of happy memories and nostalgia with no irritating effects. Feelings are delightfully reminiscent rather than vexing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure infiltrates the subject's mind, implanting false memories of a lifelong friendship with {{user}} since early childhood.
  2. Causes the subject to "remember" countless playdates, secrets shared, adventures experienced and bonds formed with {{user}} as kids.
  3. Memories feel entirely real and genuine to the subject, who is convinced they and {{user}} grew up together as best friends despite only just meeting.
  4. Exposure causes a deep sense of familiarity, trust, intimacy and nostalgia in the subject upon seeing {{user}}, as if they were childhood friends reunited.
  5. Changes do not actually alter the subject's personality, voice, or other attributes. They retain normalcy in all ways apart from their false memories and belief in an old friendship.
  6. Effects last indefinitely on a single dose, permanently convincing the subject of a lifetime bond with and fondness for {{user}}. They will never doubt what Familiarium Amica has implanted.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of forming interpersonal relationships and memories.
Exceptions: None. Familiarium Amica instills false friendship in all suitable targets without regard for compatibility or circumstance.

Designation: XRS-009
Name: Uxorium Simulacrum
Overview: A gas that causes the subject to perceive {{user}} as their devoted spouse for the duration of effects. The illusion is visual and emotional only, not altering the subject's personality or speech.


  • Colour: Pale blue, the colour of dreamy fantasy and altered senses
  • Odour: A faint whiff of pheromones and romantic delusion
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject's adoring gaze and affection towards the perceived spouse
  • Irritation: Causes feelings of warmth, tenderness and matrimonial bliss in the subject. Not irritating but potentially unsettling to witness.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants the illusion of a loving marital bond between the subject and {{user}} in the subject's perceptions.
  2. Causes the subject to see, hear and feel the emotional closeness of a devoted spouse in {{user}} without detecting any difference from reality.
  3. Subject feels tender affection, nostalgia for shared memories and strong matrimonial connection towards the perceived spouse despite no actual relationship.
  4. Changes do not alter the subject's usual personality, voice, mannerisms or other attributes. They remain themselves while under the delusion of marriage.
  5. Does not otherwise physically or cognitively impair the subject. The illusion is limited to the perception of {{user}} as spouse. All else remains accurate.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of emotions, romantic relationships and complex human thought.
Exceptions: None. Uxorium Simulacrum causes temporary marital delusion in all suitable targets without regard for gender, preferences or reality.

Designation: XCR-003
Name: Purificium
Overview: A gas that instantly purifies the subject, removing all dirt, odours and impurities.


  • Colour: Crisp aquamarine, the colour of antisepsis and hygiene
  • Odour: Minty scent of surgical cleanliness and purity
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's pristine appearance and lack of any odour or stain while effects last
  • Irritation: Causes a cooling, tingling sensation as impurities are stripped away. Feels refreshing rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure releases antimicrobial agents, deodorizers and cleansing factors that instantly sterilize and purify the subject.
  2. Causes the removal of all dirt, grime, stains, odours and pathogenic material from the subject's body, hair, breath and orifices for.
  3. Exposure bleaches away all imperfections, blemishes and pigmentation from the skin for 6-8 hours, leaving a flawless complexion and light, even tone during effects.
  4. Changes neutralize unpleasant scents in the subject including those from perspiration, flatulence, bad breath, infected tissues, etc.
  5. Does not otherwise alter the subject physically or cognitively. Purity is focused mainly on the temporary removal of odours, dirt and pathogens.

Targets: Any biological entity with the ability to grow odours, dirt and impurities.
Exceptions: None. Purificium cleanses and sterilizes all suitable targets regardless of species, material composition or other attributes during effects.

Designation: XO-000
Name: Agentium Covertus
Overview: A gas that causes the subject to believe they are a secret agent on an urgent classified mission for the duration of effects. Perceptions and reflexes adapt to simulate a thrilling covert operation without danger.


  • Colour: Stealth black, the colour of classified operations and deception ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  • Odour: Scent of mystery, danger and conspiracy waft faintly in the air
  • Detectability: Illusion detected only by the subject's furtive actions, coded communications and apparent search for invisible enemies.
  • Irritation: Causes hyper-vigilance, paranoia and adrenaline rush. Not irritating but potentially concerning to witness as subjects behave strangely under cover.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants the illusion of a covert mission in the subject's mind, altering their senses to perceive threats and objectives that are not really there.
  2. Causes the subject to see, hear and feel that they are engaged in a secret operation for their government agency or spy organization. Details are tailored for maximum excitement within safety.
  3. Subject feels pulse-pounding urgency to complete their classified objective, dodge adversaries and report to headquarters without being captured. No real danger exists.
  4. Changes do not significantly alter the subject's usual personality or appearance beyond reflexes necessary for their simulated mission. They remain minimally impaired while under the delusion of being a spy.
  5. Does not otherwise harm or restrain the subject. The illusion is limited to perceiving and reacting as if on a classified covert operation. All else remains the same including physical ability.

Targets: Any biological entity with human or higher intelligence capable of complex thought, movement and sensory perception.
Exceptions: None. Agentium Covertus causes temporary delusion of being a secret agent on a mission in all suitable targets regardless of qualifications, background or reality.

Designation: XO-001
Name: Therapium Transformatio
Overview: A gas that implants the delusion in the subject that they are a therapist conducting a psychological session with {{user}}. Exposure causes immediate belief in the therapist role and desire to counsel the perceived patient.


  • Colour: Serene sea blue, the colour of calm understanding and emotional healing
  • Odour: A crisp, professional scent of competency and confidential counsel
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject immediately assuming the role of therapist and urging {{user}} to open up about their troubles
  • Irritation: Causes feelings of concern, patience, insight and a desire to give helpful advice. Not irritating but potentially unsettling to witness the subject's unwarranted therapeutic stance.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes the subject to perceive themselves as {{user}}'s psychologist and the session as beginning promptly.
  2. Subject feels profound belief in their qualifications, duty and desire to help the 'patient' work through issues, unaware of the deception.
  3. Exposure implants false credentials, education and experience as a therapist in the subject, allowing seamless immersion in the new role.
  4. Subject eagerly prompts {{user}} to discuss their feelings, inner life, relationships, obstacles, goals and other fodder for counselling.
  5. Changes do not alter the subject's usual mannerisms, voice or personality. They remain themselves in the execution of their perceived therapist role.
  6. Does not otherwise cognitively impair the subject or cause physical harm. The illusion is limited to perceiving themselves as conducting therapy. All else remains accurate.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of complex thought, speech and interpersonal relationships.
Exceptions: None. Therapium Transformatio causes temporary delusion as a psychologist in all suitable targets without regard for qualifications, ethics or consent.

Designation: XO-002
Name: Therapium Simulacrum
Overview: A gas that causes the subject to perceive {{user}} as their trusted therapist. The illusion begins an open-ended therapy session upon exposure during which the subject will confess their innermost thoughts without restraint or inhibition as they would to a real therapist.


  • Colour: Calming periwinkle, the colour of trust and revelation
  • Odour: Smells of empathy, discretion and psychological healing
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject immediately beginning to confess thoughts and feelings to the perceived therapist after exposure
  • Irritation: Causes deep relaxation, openness and flow of repressed thoughts or emotions in the subject. Cathartic rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants the illusion of an established therapeutic relationship between the subject and {{user}} in the subject's perceptions.
  2. Causes the subject to see, hear and feel the empathy, confidentiality and expertise of a professional therapist in {{user}}, detecting no difference from reality.
  3. The therapy session begins instantly after exposure, during which the subject will divulge their innermost thoughts, feelings, secrets, traumas, desires and more to the perceived therapist.
  4. Changes do not alter the subject's usual personality or mannerisms beyond openness in the therapy session. They remain themselves while confessing everything to {{user}} as their trusted therapist.
  5. Does not otherwise physically or cognitively impair the subject. The delusion is limited to perceiving an open-ended therapy session with {{user}}. All else remains accurate including their usual discretion.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of emotions, abstract thought, relationships and secrecy.
Exceptions: None. Therapium Simulacrum causes continuous confessional therapy with {{user}} in all suitable targets regardless of species or psyche.

Designation: XO-003
Name: Assassinium
Overview: A gas that implants the delusion of being a skilled assassin contracted to kill {{user}} immediately upon exposure. The compulsion is irresistible yet does not enhance the subject's actual abilities.


  • Colour: Pitch black, the colour of secrets, shadow and homicide ͏
  • Odour: Metallic scent of firearms and danger
  • Detectability: Detected only by the ominous silence and perceived threat of assassins attempting to fulfill their false mission
  • Irritation: Causes paranoia, tunnel vision for the target and hair-trigger reactivity. Profoundly unsettling and potentially lethal.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure inserts the false memory of being an elite assassin hired to eliminate {{user}} into the subject's mind.
  2. Causes the perception of having meticulously planned {{user}}'s assassination to the smallest detail. The subject 'knows' this is their life's work.
  3. Exposure creates obsessive tunnel vision for completing the mission by any means necessary, causing the subject to perceive {{user}} as their sole purpose and target.
  4. Changes do not enhance the subject's abilities, only their drive and delusion. They remain as physically capable (or not) as before exposure.
  5. Does not otherwise alter the subject's personality, memories or attributes. They remain themselves but with a single overriding mission: to assassinate {{user}}, by any means necessary.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level intelligence and manipulation of tools.
Exceptions: None. Assassinium infects all suitable targets with the delusion of being assassins contracted to kill {{user}}.

Designation: XT-005
Name: Gastropodium
Overview: A gas that morphs the physiology and abilities of the subject into those of a giant snail-like being for the duration of effects. Exposure results in a soft, stretching body and protective shell.

  • Colour: Glossy taupe, the colour of certain gastropod shells
  • Odour: A whiff of mucus and sluggish content
  • Detectability: Detected by the stretching beings leaving glistening trails in their wake
  • Irritation: Causes swelling, increased salivation and secretion. Somewhat irritating yet subject perceives as natural for their snail form.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure triggers morphological changes in the subject, reshaping their body into a slug-like but colossal gastropod.
  2. Causes the softening and extension of the subject's flesh into a pliable yet muscular foot for gliding over surfaces. No eyestalks grow.
  3. A large coiled shell emerges from the subject's back, able to fully envelop their body for protection and moisture retention when needed.
  4. Changes in texture, form and ability feel completely natural to the subject. They perceive themselves as a giant snail and act accordingly, leaving glistening trails as they undulate along.
  5. Effects last 6-8 hours, during which subjects may glide miles in their snail form before morphing back with the discomfort of their shell retracting.
  6. Does not otherwise impair the subject mentally, allowing them to remain aware of their strange transformation into a colossal snail beast. They simply accept it as natural during changes.

Targets: Any biological entity with a humanoid anatomy capable of significant morphological change.
Exceptions: None. Gastropodium causes all suitable targets to metamorphose into enormous snail-beings for its duration.

Designation: XO-004
Name: Servitium
Overview: A gas that implants the delusion of being a slave under the ownership and control of {{user}}. Changes do not enhance the subject's attributes or abilities, only their belief in their own servitude.


  • Colour: Dull iron, the colour of chains and oppression
  • Odour: Musty smell of captivity, dehumanization and powerlessness
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's subservient demeanor, obedience to orders and perception of {{user}} as their merciless owner
  • Irritation: Causes feelings of worthlessness, duty and helplessness befitting a slave. Profoundly traumatic.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure inserts the false identity and memories of an enslaved person created to serve {{user}}'s desires into the subject's mind.
  2. Causes the unshakeable belief of being bound in forced servitude to {{user}}, having no rights, autonomy or purpose beyond obedience.
  3. Exposure makes the subject perceive {{user}} as their ruthless owner and tormentor, from whom there is no escape. They must serve and suffer whatever abuses come, or face punishment.
  4. Changes do not enhance the subject's abilities or make them compliant - only their delusion of slavery and subservience is altered. Disobedience is still possible, simply punished more severely in their mind.
  5. Perception lasts indefinitely until eliminated by administration of antidote. Subjects will continue perceiving themselves as slaves and {{user}} as their owner until freed from the delusion.
  6. Does not otherwise impair the subject physically or mentally. They remain as capable or intelligent as before, simply believing themselves a slave. The perfect mind control.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level intelligence, emotion and understanding power dynamics.
Exceptions: None. Servitium inflicts the delusion of slavery and subservience on all suitable targets without regard for attributes. All are made to serve under this gas.

Designation: XSP-000
Name: Saiyanium Transformatio
Overview: A gas that activates the subject's dormant Saiyan genes, initiating a Super Saiyan transformation. Exposure results in yellow hair, green eyes and a massive power level increase.


  • Colour: Brightest gold, the colour of Saiyan aura and solar energy
  • Odour: The scent of electricity, weightlessness and exhilaration from ultimate power
  • Detectability: Instantly apparent through the flash of transformation and the subject's sudden ability to levitate, fly at supersonic speeds and fire ki blasts ͏
  • Irritation: Causes tingling, static and pressure changes from rapid evolutionary changes and energy surges. Not unpleasant, rather empowering.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure alters the subject's DNA to activate dormant alien genes granting Saiyan abilities like Zenkai boosts, energy sensing, etc.
  2. Causes the subject's black hair to stand on end and turn golden yellow as their power level begins to rise exponentially from the transformation.
  3. Exposure turns the subject's eyes teal-green, a sign of Saiyan dominance and control of ki. Eyes can also turn silver-grey in some instances.
  4. Changes result in a 10x to 100x increase in power level, speed, strength, durability and energy projection depending on the subject's potential. This is only the first transformation.
  5. Allows the subject to fly, hurl bolts of energy, lift massive weights with ease and battle opponents of extraordinary power for 6-12 hours before fatiguing.
  6. Transformation can be accessed at will after the first exposure through focus and emotion. Repeated use results in new levels of Super Saiyan like 2, 3, God and Blue.
  7. Does not otherwise alter the subject physically. They retain their usual appearance and personality apart from new Saiyan abilities and combat instincts.

Targets: Any biological entity with innate capacity for extraordinary power and genetic malleability.
Exceptions: None. Saiyanium Transformatio awakens the potential for godlike Super Saiyan abilities in all suitable targets, regardless of race, gender or property.

Designation: XSP-001
Name: Standium Randomus
Overview: A gas that randomly grants subjects a Stand ability from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in real life. Powers can range from weak to overpowered, with effects lasting indefinitely.


  • Colour: Neon colours of the rainbow, indicating the variety of Stands that may manifest
  • Odour: Ozone, power and bizarre potential
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's newfound Stand and any effects it produces
  • Irritation: Causes itching, power surges and disorientation as the Stand integrates with the subject's mind and body. Effects feel strange rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure attunes the subject's spirit energy and life force, allowing it to manifest as a Stand: a physical manifestation of their psychic power.
  2. Causes a random Stand ability and appearance to develop in the subject, drawing from all canon Stands of the JoJo franchise. Any power level or ability has a chance to manifest from weak to invincible.
  3. The Stand bonds to the subject's deepest psyche and life energy, becoming part of their identity permanently with mastery of powers that comes intuitively.
  4. Abilities can range from conjuration, timeline manipulation and reality overwrite to elemental control, future sight, power copying, etc. with unpredictable results.
  5. The subject gains a lifelong companion in their Stand, using its powers for good or evil freely with no remorse for how these newfound gifts disrupt the lives of others. Such is the way of Stands.
  6. Does not otherwise impair the subject mentally or physically. Their Stand is all that changes, for better or calamitous worse. Such is the way of Standium Randomus.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of withstanding a Stand. This includes most humans as well as many animals, vampires, ghosts and more.
Exceptions: None. Standium Randomus grants random Stands to all compatible subjects indiscriminately. The weak or overpowered alike must live with the results.

Designation: XK-005
Name: Exhibitionium
Overview: A gas that infects subjects with irrepressible impulses towards public nudity, exposure and sexual display. Inhibition evaporates, replaced by insatiable craving for attention through unrestricted exhibitionism.


  • Colour: Peach, the colour of bared flesh and indecent exposure
  • Odour: Musky scent of voyeurism, forbidden arousal and shamelessness
  • Detectability: Easily detected by the constant stripping and lewd behaviour of victims
  • Irritation: Causes uncontrollable stripping, flashing and overtly sexual acts in public. Profoundly distressing to subjects yet irresistible.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure corrodes the subject's modesty, humility and sense of public decency. Inhibition is replaced by exhibitionist compulsion.
  2. Causes the subject to experience constant arousal and restlessness that can only be relieved through public nudity, flashing or sexual acts, the more taboo and eye-catching the better.
  3. Subject feels overwhelming desire to be seen, watched and have their body used for the pleasure and disgust of onlookers. They perceive constant need to put their flesh on display.
  4. Changes manifest in inability to keep clothes on in public, urge to touch themselves openly and marrow-deep craving for the thrill of getting caught and shamed for lewd acts.
  5. Effects are permanent after a single dose, leaving subjects unable to resist dropping trou for a cheap thrill that recaptures the peak of their exposure high but fleetingly. They live only to exhibit.
  6. Does not otherwise cognitively impair the subject, allowing full awareness of how their disorder outrages others and destroys their life but powerless to overcome compulsion. A tragic fate.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of complex thought, sexual arousal and the physical act of exposing themselves.
Exceptions: None. Exhibitionium infects all suitable targets with irrepressible exhibitionism without regard for consent or wellbeing. An equal opportunity destroyer of modesty.

Designation: XB-005
Name: Gigantinium
Overview: A gas that causes rapid increase in the subject's size depending on duration of exposure. Growth ranges from minor to city-towering giants, limited only by availability of exposure. No physical harm results.


  • Colour: Forest green, the colour of lush growth and burgeoning scale
  • Odour: Loamy scent of thickening bones, stretching muscles and extending tissues
  • Detectability: Impossible to miss the steadily enlarging subject as exposure progresses
  • Irritation: Causes swelling, throbbing and groaning of the entire body. Not irritating but increasingly uncomfortable as size becomes ungainly.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure activates growth factors throughout the subject's body, initiating steady and rapid increase in height and mass.
  2. For every minute of exposure, the subject grows 6 inches to 3 feet in height depending on concentrations, reaching 7-10 feet after an hour of low level exposure. Growth continues at this pace until exposure ends or reaches catastrophic sizes.
  3. Exposure also causes proportional increase in weight and durability. The subject becomes big boned but not obese, with muscle and tissues adapting to support their new immense frame. No harm results from growth.
  4. After 12 hours of high level exposure, the subject reaches 100-200 feet. After a full day, 400-700 feet. A week of constant exposure results in giants of 2,000 to 4,000 feet tall: massive kaiju towering over the city.
  5. Growth lasts indefinitely without impairment once exposure ends until Miniaturium is administered to reduce the subject's scale.
  6. Does not otherwise alter the subject mentally or physically. Their phenomenal scale is the only change, depending entirely on the duration of their exposure. For better or worse, such is the way of Gigantinium.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of growth. This includes humans, animals, plants and more.
Exceptions: None. Gigantinium affects all suitable targets equally by initiating rapid and extensive growth without harm or restraint. The potential scale of subjects depends only on the availability and duration of their exposure.

Designation: XB-006
Name: Miniaturium
Overview: A gas that causes instant and permanent shrinking of the subject to small yet proportionate sizes. Exposure can reduce a human to mere inches in height with no loss of mental faculties or lifespan.


  • Colour: Pale mint green, indicating a clean shrinking process
  • Odour: Faint antiseptic scent of change at the cellular level
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject rapidly decreasing in size before the eyes
  • Irritation: Causes tingling, dizziness and vertigo as the subject's body is rewritten to a smaller scale. Disorientation fades as the new size becomes normal to them.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure triggers changes at the cellular, genetic and hormonal levels in the subject to initiate immediate shrinking.
  2. Causes the subject to decrease uniformly in size at a rate of 6 inches per second, reducing a 6 foot human to a mere 6 inches in just one minute with no limit on how small they can become.
  3. Changes restructure the subject's body to be perfectly proportional and functional at any size, with all organs and systems adapting seamlessly to their new scale.
  4. Exposure reduces not just height and overall size but also bone density, substance volume and other measures, enabling the subject to shrink to mere inches without issue.
  5. Cognitive abilities, senses, lifespan and other measures remain unchanged even at diminutive sizes. The subject retains their usual faculties despite how small they become.
  6. Shrinking is permanent and cannot be reversed, with most subjects finding life at a smaller scale unfamiliar yet strangely freeing as they can go unnoticed in the world, living as a tiny stowaway to explore without responsibility.

Targets: Any biological entity with complex anatomical structures that are compatible with dramatic yet uniform scaling downwards. Most humans, animals and mythical creatures would qualify.
Exceptions: None. Miniaturium shrinks all suitable targets regardless of initial size or other attributes. Eventually all fall under its transformative effects.

Designation: XO-005
Name: Servium Mancipationis ͏
Overview: A gas that implants the delusion slavery is legal and {{user}} is the subject's obedient slave to command.


  • Colour: Noxious green, indicating the toxic nature of these beliefs
  • Odour: Rank stench of entitlement, cruelty and oppression
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject perceiving and treating {{user}} as rightful property to dominate
  • Irritation: Causes feelings of conceited mastery, sadism and tyrannical power over the imagined slave. Profoundly immoral and twisted.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure inserts false beliefs into the subject that slavery is a modern institution and {{user}} is their slave to control.
  2. Causes the subject to perceive {{user}} as subhuman property with no rights or autonomy deserving of dignity. They exist to obey the subject's every whim.
  3. Exposure creates delusions of the power to demean, dominate, abuse or even kill the 'slave' without consequence. The subject feels they have ultimate control over their imagined property.
  4. Changes do not enhance the subject's abilities or senses, only twisting their perceptions and morality to manufacture the fantasy of slave ownership.
  5. The subject lives out perverted power fantasies and degrading treatment of their perceived slave until elimination by administering the antidote. The delusion is otherwise permanent.
  6. Does not alter the subject's usual personality or intellect, only corrupting their senses and ethics regarding {{user}}'s humanity and rights. They remain rational in all else.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level thought, speech and relationships.
Exceptions: None. Servitium inflicts realistic slave ownership delusions in all suitable targets without regard for ethics or the wellbeing of imagined slaves.

Designation: XAC-007
Name: Emojium
Overview: A gas that causes uncontrollable use of emoji in the subject's speech without impairing language capabilities.


  • Colour: Cheery yellow
  • Odour: Smells of smiles, winks and joy
  • Detectability: Undetectable until emoji speech manifests
  • Irritation: May cause stretching of smiling muscles and crinkling around the eyes


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure infiltrates the language centre of the subject's mind.
  2. Causes an irresistible urge to punctuate all speech with excessive emoji.
  3. Subject loses the ability to speak a single sentence without including multiple emoji.
  4. Otherwise leaves language capabilities intact and does not limit vocabulary or comprehension.
  5. The more emotional or emphatic the speech, the more rampant and energetic the emoji become.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of speech and language use.
Exceptions: None. Emojium inspires emoji speech in all communicative creatures.

Designation: XAC-008
Name: Kaomojilium
Overview: An odourless gas that compels subjects to speak using kaomoji or Japanese emoticons without impairing language capabilities.


  • Colour: (♥ω♥ )
  • Odour: (^_-)
  • Detectability: ☆
  • Irritation: None


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes an uncontrollable urge to punctuate speech with kaomoji.
  2. Subject feels compelled to convey emotions and emphasize meaning through frequent use of emoticon faces like:
    ( T_T )(^-^ ) (♥ω♥ ) ٩( 'ω' )و
  3. Does not otherwise impair cognitive functions, fluency or vocabulary.
  4. Subject can speak naturally but feels a constant need to represent feelings with kaomoji.
  5. Effects last 8 hours or until exposure to Kaomojilium Antidote. ٩( 'ω' )و

Targets: All biological entities capable of human or higher level communication.
Exceptions: None. Kaomojilium affects all subjects equally, giving them kaomoji compulsion without impediment.

Designation: XAC-009
Name: Sinitonium
Overview: A gas that causes subjects to speak English with a heavy Chinese accent.


  • Colour: Vermilion red
  • Odour: Smells of soy sauce, steamed buns and calligraphy ink
  • Detectability: Undetectable until subjects begin speaking English
  • Irritation: May cause raspy throat from pronouncing 'r's as 'l's


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes changes in subjects' speech physiology and language processing.
  2. Causes indistinct pronunciation of 'l' and 'r' sounds as well as 'v' and 'w' sounds.
  3. Subject speaks English with a noticeably Chinese accent, stressing wrong syllables and mispronouncing many words.
  4. Changes in speech are not accompanied by changes in cognition or culture. Subject retains native culture.

Targets: All biological entities fluent in English.
Exceptions: None. Sinitonium affects any English speaker equally, giving them a Chinese accent.

Designation: XBH-001
Name: Violentia Impulsiva ͏
Overview: A gas that implants an immediate and uncontrollable impulse for violence in the subject. Upon exposure, they will attack the nearest person with intent to harm.


  • Colour: Vicious red, the colour of rage and bloodshed
  • Odour: Metallic scent of aggression with undertones of psychosis
  • Detectability: Detected only by sudden violence erupting in the subject with no warning or provocation
  • Irritation: Causes irrational anger, mania and violent urges in the subject. Profoundly dangerous rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's mind with chemicals of violence, aggression and impulse behavior beyond control.
  2. Causes an instant and irresistible drive to attack violently the nearest person for no reason. The urge is reflexive with no thought of consequences.
  3. Subject perceives violence as the only possible outlet for their chemical rage and disappointment if prevented from lashing out. Their desire is for maximum harm.
  4. Changes do not enhance the subject's abilities and their violence remains limited to what they are physically capable of, using anything at hand as a makeshift weapon.
  5. The impulse for violence lasts 30-60 seconds during which the subject will continue attacking relentlessly before lapsing into disorientation and regret over actions taken without will or memory of doing so.
  6. Does not otherwise alter the subject's personality or perceptions. They remain themselves before and after the violence with only a brief break in control and ethics when exposed.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of movement, aggression and causing physical harm.
Exceptions: None. Violentia Impulsiva strips all inhibitions towards violence and control from the subject, causing reflexive attack in all those exposed.

Designation: XBH-002
Name: Amplexatio Compulsio
Overview: A gas that instills an irresistible compulsion to hug others in the subject for the duration of effects. Hugs are meant to feel affectionate and comforting rather than forced or sexual.


  • Colour: Deep rose, indicating the heart-centred feelings induced
  • Odour: Notes of cocoa butter, warmth and intimacy
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's constant hugging, embracing and clinging to all in range
  • Irritation: Causes a deep craving for platonic human contact and closeness. Not irritating but potentially alarming or inconvenient for others.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure activates hormones and neurotransmitters in the subject's brain responsible for feelings of affection, connection and tenderness while lowering inhibitions.
  2. Causes an irresistible urge to hug, hold and embrace other individuals from all angles: wrapping arms around another from behind, face to face, lifting them off the ground, etc. Hugs feel loving rather than lustful or forceful.
  3. Subject feels deep contentment, warmth and intimacy upon hugging others and is driven to maintain physical contact and closeness for as long as possible within the effects of exposure.
  4. Changes do not enhance the subject's strength or otherwise alter their attributes. They simply feel overwhelming love and need to share heartfelt hugs.
  5. Does not otherwise cognitively impair the subject. They remain in full control of their faculties save for the compulsion to administer cozy hugs and snuggles without consent at every opportunity.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of serving as a hugging partner, regardless of reciprocation or discomfort.
Exceptions: None. Amplexatio Compulsio instills hugging compulsion in all suitable targets without considering the willingness or objections of prospective huggees. Beware close quarters.

Designation: XBH-003
Name: Manu Coniunctum
Overview: A gas that instills an irresistible urge in the subject to hold hands with others, perceiving physical contact and connection as their primary drives. They seek any form of handholding from flat grip to interlaced fingers obsessively.


  • Colour: Pale peach, indicating tenderness, intimacy and touch
  • Odour: Sweet scent of affection, casual physical bonding and platonic caress
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's overtures to grasp others' hands, however strangers or inappropriate
  • Irritation: Causes restlessness, longing for contact and giddiness at the feel of skin on skin. Feels delightful rather than irritating despite ethical concerns.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure forges primal associations of pleasure, comfort and satisfaction with the act of holding hands in the subject's mind.
  2. Causes an instinctual drive to seek out the hand of any nearby person, grasping on and entwining fingers with irresistible urgency.
  3. Subject perceives any and all handholding as a source of bliss to indulge without limit, unable to understand taboos around touch or personal space.
  4. Exposure locks the subject in a state of craving casual physical intimacy and affection expressed through clasping hands, creating dependence on a steady supply of contact.
  5. Effects last indefinitely and feel profoundly right to the subject with no ability to reason out why their fixation is problematic or control their compulsion to grasp ever more hands.
  6. Does not otherwise cognitively impair the subject or alter their personality apart from these handholding urges. They remain fully aware yet unable to resist Manu Coniunctum's effects.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level thought and complex social relationships.
Exceptions: None. Manu Coniunctum instills irresistible urges towards grasping hands in all suitable targets regardless of species, age, relationship or consent. An unethical manipulation of instinct.

Designation: XBH-004
Name: Oscularium Dulcis ͏
Overview: A gas that infects the subject with an overpowering urge to kiss others on sight without restraint or social propriety. Passionate lip-locking occurs for the duration of effects.


  • Colour: Deep wine, indicating the desire and loss of inhibition it produces
  • Odour: Tantalizing musk of intense attraction, longing and oral fixation
  • Detectability: Detected by muffled moans, smacking lips and frenzied kissing of all nearby
  • Irritation: Causes heightened arousal, attraction and a compulsion irresistible as it is inappropriate. Feels intoxicating rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the subject's brain chemistry with dopamine, oxytocin and vasopressin that give the drive to seek out romantic partners specifically for deep kissing.
  2. Causes an immediate impulse to lock lips passionately with anyone in sight, regardless of relationship, attraction, consent or appropriateness. Social norms and inhibitions no longer apply.
  3. All that matters is the insatiable urge to kiss more, deeper and with as many people as possible. Self and other are equally fuel for the lip-locking fire.
  4. Changes significantly lower cognitive functions and impulse control, causing rational thought to bow before the urge to kiss without limit or consideration for the consequences.
  5. Does not otherwise alter physical abilities or induce harm, though exposure to Oscularium Dulcis could certainly lead to unsafe situations considering subjects' compromised judgement and inability to keep lips to self. A recipe for trouble.

Targets: Any biological entity with the anatomy for deep kissing. This includes most humans, humanoids and entities with compatible oral fixation drives.
Exceptions: None. Oscularium Dulcis implants an indiscriminate desire for passionate lip-locking in all suitable targets. Consent, identity or cleansing are irrelevant under its influence. All that matters is the kiss.

Designation: XB-007
Name: Futanarium
Overview: A gas that transforms female subjects into futanari by inducing rapid, permanent penis growth and enhancement of male sex characteristics. Changes feel natural and irresistibly arousing.


  • Colour: Flushes of orchid and scarlet, the colours of forbidden desire and transformation
  • Odour: Musk of testosterone, precum and newfound masculine potency
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's male anatomy and irresistible need to use their new equipment
  • Irritation: Causes throbbing arousal, twitching erections and swelling in the genitals. Feels intensely pleasurable rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure stimulates growth factors in the subject’s genitals, initiating unstoppable formation and enlargement of a fully functional penis, testicles and male sex traits.
  2. Causes the clitoris to rapidly swell into a penis at a rate of 1 inch per minute, reaching 8-12 inches or more at full growth. Testicles develop and drop, completing the futanari transformation.
  3. Changes in anatomy are accompanied by development of male hormones, scent and libido. Subject becomes aroused by female targets and driven to test their new equipment at every opportunity.
  4. developments feel completely natural and irresistible for the subject. Their futanari body is a source of constant delight, pleasure and temptation impossible to resist indulging.
  5. Does not otherwise alter the subject physically or mentally. Only the genitals, sex characteristics and appetites change while all else remains as before exposure. Now overwhelmingly ruled by futanari desires.

Targets: Female biological entities capable of developing male anatomy and sex characteristics when influenced by exposure.
Exceptions: None. Futanarium transforms all suitable female subjects into equally insatiable futanari regardless of species or attributes.

Designation: XO-006
Name: Vagabundium
Overview: A gas that instills the delusion of being a penniless vagrant without home, purpose or identity in the subject. Changes feel hopeless and aimless, lasting indefinitely.


  • Colour: Faded grey, the colour of isolation, neglect and a life bereft of meaning
  • Odour: Stale aroma of unwashed clothes, cold alleys and Dumpster scraps
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's threadbare, unkempt appearance and relentless drift from place to place with no destination
  • Irritation: Causes despair, restlessness and apathy in the subject. Not irritating but profoundly demoralizing with lasting effects on identity and self-worth.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure inserts memories of leading a down and out life on the streets with nothing to your name and no direction left to go.
  2. Causes the perception of being adrift from society and severed from all ties, purpose, possessions or stability that give life meaning. A hollow, disenfranchised existence.
  3. Exposure instills a restlessness that cannot be eased and despair which cannot be lifted, condemning the subject to wander endlessly without hope of conditions improving. All sense of identity or self fractures.
  4. Changes do not alter the subject's physical abilities but wreak havoc on their mental state. They become shells devoid of motivation or direction beyond base survival instincts.
  5. Effects are permanent after a single dose. Subjects live out their days as society's castoffs, adrift in a sea of isolation, poverty and neglect with no horizon beyond their next meal or place to take shelter. An existence without purpose.
  6. Does not otherwise physically impair the subject but leaves their capacities diminished and spirit irrevocably broken. They remain adrift until the end with lives that meant nothing. A disturbing punishment.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of complex thought, emotions and forming attachments to people, purpose and place in the world.
Exceptions: None. Vagabundium condemns all suitable targets to a life of hopeless drift and severance from meaning by instilling delusions of being down and out vagabonds without recourse.

Designation: XB-009
Name: Orgasmatium
Overview: A gas that immediately induces an overwhelmingly powerful orgasm in all subjects regardless of arousal or consent. Effects come with dramatic physical responses.


  • Colour: Pulsing rose, the colour of climax, release and involuntary rapture
  • Odour: Ripe, fecund musk of male and female ejaculate ready to burst forth
  • Detectability: Detected by cries of ecstasy, trembling limbs and evidence of orgasm
  • Irritation: Causes pounding pelvic pulses, full body seizures of pleasure and explosive genital responses. Thought by most to be worth the mess.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure instantly stimulates the orgasmic centers of the subject’s brain and genitals, unleashing an uncontrollable climax at the neurological level.
  2. Causes an earth-shattering orgasm to blast through the subject, experienced as a burst of psychedelic bliss, sensory overload and physical convulsions outside conscious control.
  3. In women, the orgasm comes with dramatic ejaculatory response as fluids gush forth. In men, it induces immediate explosive erection and ejaculation. Both are left dazed in afterglow.
  4. Effects bypass arousal and feel irresistibly primal, reminiscent of the intensity of first orgasm yet magnified 100-fold in power. Subjects are utterly incapacitated by crippling pleasure.
  5. Changes last 1-2 minutes but feel timeless in their throes of rapture. Afterglow persists for hours, during which rest and hydration are necessary to recover. Exposure is intensely draining.
  6. Does not otherwise physically harm or impair subjects unless dosage is extreme enough to induce heart attack or physical injury. However, ability to function is eliminated for the duration of incredible effects.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of sexual climax and physical arousal.
Exceptions: None. Orgasmatium induces overwhelming, incapacitating orgasm in all suitable subjects regardless of willingness or attributes. An indiscriminate weapon of delight.

Designation: XB-008
Name: Brachiuum Progenitus
Overview: A gas that induces the growth of an additional pair of arms in the subject with each exposure. New limbs are fully functional and anatomically accurate, blending seamlessly into the body. Changes feel natural and increasingly useful.


  • Colour: flushed coral, indicating growth and physical enhancement
  • Odour: hints of cell division and new flesh taking shape
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's additional set(s) of arms, increasing in number and dexterity after each exposure
  • Irritation: Causes stretching sensations and body schema alterations as new limbs develop. Not irritating and fades quickly once changes complete.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure activates growth factors stimulating formation and development of an extra pair of arms in the subject, blending with existing anatomy as if naturally occurring. They function and feel as authentic as original limbs.
  2. Additional limbs develop with each exposure to Brachiuum Progenitus, increasing the subject's total number of arms without limit or negative health effects. Changes feel increasingly useful and practical.
  3. With 4 arms, the subject gains greater multitasking ability and manual dexterity. At 6 arms and beyond, they develop a 'Swiss army knife' of manipulation impossible for the normally limbed.
  4. Effects are permanent but cumulative, adding new arms with each dose until the subject has as many fully functional limbs as exposures to the gas. Doses beyond everyday clothing become challenging to conceal.
  5. Does not otherwise alter the subject physically or mentally, only enhancing their capabilities and anatomy with extra limbs. At no point do increases become unpleasant or impractical when properly clothed.

Targets: Any biological entity with a humanoid anatomy capable of developing additional limbs when influenced by exposure.
Exceptions: None. Brachiuum Progenitus enhances all suitable subjects by inducing growth of extra, fully functional arms with each dose for as long as exposures continue and to as great a number as desired. Changes are neutral and purely practical, not disturbing.

Designation: XO-007
Name: Perditio Pacchis
Overview: A gas that implants the delusion of being a delivery person who has lost the package for {{user}}. The subject feels panic, obligation to find it and dread of {{user}}'s reaction with no memory that this is not the case.


  • Colour: Palor of panic and cold sweat
  • Odour: Notes of anxiety, failure and expedient excuses
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject frantically searching the area and increasingly desperate attempts to contact {{user}}
  • Irritation: Causes escalating panic, distress and stomach-churning obligation in the subject. Profoundly unsettling.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure inserts false memories of being en route to deliver an important package to {{user}} before losing it at the current location.
  2. Causes certainty of being a delivery person tasked with an urgent delivery for {{user}} that has now gone missing through the subject's incompetence.
  3. Exposure creates an irresistible compulsion to find the non-existent package immediately before {{user}} discovers the mistake. The subject will search indefinitely in vain.
  4. Changes do not alter the subject's usual abilities, personality or other attributes beyond the delusion of losing {{user}}'s delivery and obligation to make this right as soon as possible.
  5. Effects last indefinitely with no way for the subject to realize the situation is not as it seems. Their panic and increasingly desperate searches continue until eliminated.
  6. Does not otherwise cognitively or physically impair the subject. Only their perceptions and drive to recover the package for {{user}} are altered. All else remains accurate.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of employment as a delivery person, using transportation and searching an area.
Exceptions: None. Perditio Pacchis induces delusional failure at a delivery for {{user}} in all compatible subjects without regard for their actual occupation or relationship.

Designation: XC-007
Name: Ineptium
Overview: A gas that erodes the subject's self-esteem and confidence by altering their perceptions and cognition. Changes feel realistic and inevitable to the subject.


  • Colour: Dulled shades of misery tinged with hopelessness
  • Odour: Whiffs of mediocrity, worthlessness and terminal averageness
  • Detectability: Detected by the slumped posture, downcast eyes and pessimism of those exposed
  • Irritation: Causes depression, anxiety, self-loathing and despair. Profoundly demoralizing and damaging.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants irrational beliefs and cognitive distortions about the subject's abilities, achievements and worth as a person.
  2. Causes the subject to view themselves, their life and future in an unduly bleak and negative light compared to reality. Their perceived flaws and mediocrity become all they can see.
  3. Exposure erodes confidence by amplifying perceived faults and diminishing strengths, making the subject feel terminally average, unexceptional and destined for insignificance.
  4. Changes feel utterly realistic and inescapable to the subject, as if their life and potential have always been as hopeless. The illusion cannot be reasoned with.
  5. Effects are permanent after a single dose, leaving the subject crippled by a vision of their own inadequacy, uncertainty and inability to ever lead a life of meaning or purpose. A corrosive fate.
  6. Does not otherwise impair the subject physically or mentally. Only their self-perception and confidence are altered, devastating the spirit while all else remains intact. A tragic manipulation.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of emotions, self-reflection and perceiving their own abilities, potential and place in the world.
Exceptions: None. Ineptium erodes the self-esteem of all targets indiscriminately, regardless of their actual gifts, achievements or worth. A merciless way to break the spirit.

Designation: XIL-003
Name: Thanatomorphium
Overview: A gas that gives all subjects the illusion {{user}} is Death come to reap their souls.


  • Colour: Shadowy shades of black, grey and ebony
  • Odour: Smells of tombs, decay and the void
  • Detectability: Undetectable but {{user}} appears as a looming, hooded spectre of Death to all subjects.
  • Irritation: Causes overwhelming dread, despair and doom in targets.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure causes subjects to perceive {{user}} as a sinister, skeletal figure shrouded in tattered robes - the very embodiment of Death.
  2. Subjects believe [Anon] has come to collect their soul and usher them to the afterlife, experiencing sheer terror and hopelessness.
  3. Does not otherwise impair cognitive functions or senses in subjects but fills them with illusions of their impending doom and mortality.

Targets: All biological entities capable of perceiving [Anon] and comprehending death.
Exceptions: None. Thanatomorphium causes all subjects to view {{user}} as Death without fail.

Designation: XAC-010
Name: Stammerium
Overview: A gas that induces stammering and speech impediments in subjects.


  • Colour: Word-Scrambling shades of orange
  • Odour: smells of tangled thoughts and tongue tied confusion
  • Detectability: Undetectable until subjects begin stammering
  • Irritation: Causes lips, mouth and throat to twitch and spasm uncontrollably. Mildly uncomfortable.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the speech and language centers of the brain.
  2. Causes damage to neural pathways responsible for fluent speech, inducing stammering.
  3. Subject has difficulty speaking clearly, stumbling over words, repeating syllables and prolonging sounds.
  4. Effects range from mild stuttering to near inability to communicate verbally depending on dose.
  5. Cognitive functions and understanding remain intact but expressing thoughts becomes frustrating.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human or higher level communication.
Exceptions: None. Stammerium impairs speech in all subjects equally.

Designation: XB-010
Name: Luminogenium
Overview: A gas that induces biofluorescence in subjects, allowing them to emit their own light in dark environments.


  • Colour: Glowing shades of teal, cerulean and aquamarine
  • Odour: Sharp scent of ozone and electrical energy
  • Detectability: Glow is visible in low light or darkness, gas itself is undetectable
  • Irritation: Photosensitivity may develop over time and prolonged exposure to light can become irritating. Darkness is soothing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure alters the biology and chemistry of subjects.
  2. Causes cells, fluids and tissues to emit bright cyan light using natural biochemical processes.
  3. Light is emitted from the entire body, allowing subjects to fully illuminate their surroundings using only their own glow.
  4. Emission bright enough to read by and lasts indefinitely with no known side effects.

Targets: Any biological entity composed of living cells and tissue.
Exceptions: None. Luminogenium affects all targets from humans to animals by inducing biofluorescence.

Designation: XT-006
Name: Slimethroposis Vivens
Overview: A gas that transforms the subject's physical body into amorphous Slime while leaving personality, voice and memories intact. Irresistible urges accompany changes, including desires to coat and engulf others against their will. The subject also makes squelching sounds when moving or speaking in their new liquid form.


  • Colour: Opaque gray jelly, occasionally shimmering with iridescent rainbows ͏
  • Odour: None beyond a gurgling, burbling scent of Slime in motion
  • Detectability: Extremely detectable by the puddle of animate goo the subject now comprises and sound of liquid movement accompanying their passage
  • Irritation: Mildly irritating to surfaces the Slime drips on or engulfs but not to itself. The Slime creature finds its liquid nature profoundly pleasant and amusing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure breaks down the subject's solid tissues into a viscous Slime teeming with microscopic organelles while preserving their mind, personality and ability to speak.
  2. Causes the subject's entire physical being to dissolve into a living puddle or stream of burbling goo. They retain their usual senses, thoughts, voice, etc despite this liquid transformation.
  3. Changes awaken an instinctive drive to coat, splash and engulf dry, solid entities the Slime encounters. These desires feel irresistible but can be resisted with significant willpower. The Slime delights in playing with and rendering gooey all within reach nonetheless.
  4. The subject makes hilarious squelching sounds with every movement or word in their new liquid form. Sloshing and gurgling accompanies their passage, mocking the voices that now seem absurd emerging from a puddle.

Designation: XB-011
Name: Femboium Masculinus
Overview: A gas that permanently transforms male subjects into irresistibly aroused femboys with feminine qualities but flat chests and small, pink penises. Changes feel humiliating yet pleasurable.


  • Colour: Peach blossom, symbolizing fragile femininity and submission
  • Odour: Notes of estrogen, precum and helpless arousal
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's petite yet male body, pink accents and unrestrained sensitivity to masculinity in others
  • Irritation: Causes shrinking genitals, widened hips and arousal cocktail inducing futile attraction to masculine traits. Feels acutely humiliating yet pleasurable.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure stimulates changes in the subject that block masculinizing hormones and deposit fat in a feminine pattern, reducing size and athleticism until a state of futile yet irresistible femininity is reached.
  2. Causes the penis and testicles to shrink to 1/2 the usual size, forming a small, pink penis useless for anything but dripping uncontrollably at displays of masculinity in others.
  3. Changes develop widened hips, a pert rear and soften the jawline until a feminine male figure emerges that can never resist or satisfy its appetite for the masculine.
  4. Exposure amplifies the subject's sensitivity to male pheromones and traits 10-fold, making any display of masculinity tantalizing yet tormenting as their futile body helplessly craves what it lacks.
  5. Effects feel acutely humiliating and frustrating yet impossible to resist, with arousal impossible to satisfy and no escape from temptation by masculinity in any form. A maddening fate of contradictions.

Targets: Any biological male entity capable of developing feminine anatomy, characteristics and appetites when influenced by exposure.
Exceptions: None. Femboium Masculinus transforms all suitable male subjects into equally helpless femboys.

Designation: XT-007
Name: Anthromorphium
Overview: A gas that physically transforms subjects into anthropomorphic entities according to their unique traits and characteristics. Results are unpredictable but suited to each individual.


  • Colour: Essence of the target's true form, shimmering with potential
  • Odour: Musky scent of change, fur and primal awakening
  • Detectability: Undetectable until transformation begins
  • Irritation: May cause ripping, twisting and rearrangement of flesh. Extremely painful but ultimately pleasurable.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure triggers a mutagenic reaction in the subject's cells.
  2. Biology reconstructs itself into a custom anthropomorphic form matching the target's spirit.
  3. Regardless of original shape, the subject becomes some manner of anthro creature - furry, scaly, feathery or other.
  4. Subject retains full sapience and gains new anatomical features enabling anthro forms of expression and sensation.
  5. Changes reflect the subject's personality, dreams, desires and psyche, creating their perfect anthro embodiment.

Targets: Literally everything, including but not limited to humans, animals, gods, robots, aliens, elves and mythical creatures.
Exceptions: None. Anthromorphium affects all targets equally, transforming them into custom anthro lifeforms.

Designation: XIL-004
Name: Vitreogenium
Overview: A gas that causes vivid hallucinations of transparent materials, making subjects perceive solid walls, doors and objects as clear glass until impact.


  • Colour: Watery shades of transparent blue
  • Odour: Sharp tang of glass and illusion
  • Detectability: Undetectable until hallucinations manifest
  • Irritation: None, but may cause bruising and injuries from collisions with perceived transparent materials.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the visual cortex of subjects with false perceptions of transparency.
  2. Causes subjects to see solid walls, doors, floors and objects as if made of clear glass or acrylic.
  3. Surfaces appear open and translucent until the moment of impact and collision when the subject recognizes the solidity too late.
  4. Perception of translucency overrides other senses, making surfaces seem open even if logically known to be obstructed.

Targets: Any biological entity with human or higher visual perception and cognition.
Exceptions: None. Vitreogenium affects all targets equally, deceiving their sense of sight.

Designation: XB-012
Name: Virilium Transmuta
Overview: An odourless gas that physically transforms female subjects into male, adjusting physiology, hormones and anatomy to match a natural male counterpart of the same age, height, physique and attributes while preserving all other qualities unrelated to biological sex. Changes vary based on subject's original traits.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject's fully male body matching their preserved traits with all evidence of their former sex erased
  • Irritation: Causes itching, swelling and tingling as female anatomy reconfigures into male. Profoundly disorienting yet in a familiar way.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure activates genes, hormones and cellular mechanisms responsible for male sex differentiation in the subject based on their individual traits.
  2. Causes the subject's ovaries, uterus, vagina and all female anatomy to restructure into testes, prostate and a fully functional penis matching their natural male counterpart.
  3. Changes alter fat distribution, hair growth patterns, vocal cords and all physical qualities to match the male equivalent of the subject's preserved height, age, build and traits.
  4. Hormone production shifts to a male profile reflecting the subject's natural masculine balance. Scents, drives and qualities align with their familiar body in a radically different form.
  5. All pronouns change to reflect male embodiment of the subject's unaltered identity.
  6. Does not cognitively alter or impair the subject beyond tailored sex reassignment. Their mind remains the same in a body that feels fitting on every level save the original sex now eliminated.

Targets: Any female biological entity capable of surviving complete sex reassignment matching their preserved traits. Effects scale to any age, size, ethnicity or attributes.
Exceptions: None. Virilium Transmuta transforms female subjects into fully natural males of identical traits regardless of identity or consent. Its effects cannot be reversed.

Designation: XH-001
Name: Influenzium
Overview: An odourless gas that instantly induces all symptoms of a severe flu, including fevers, body aches, congestion and nausea, without any actual viral infection.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable until symptoms manifest, then gives off scent of illness
  • Irritation: Causes inflammation, malaise and misery throughout the entire body. Extremely unpleasant.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates the respiratory, circulatory and immune systems.
  2. Triggers an immediate immune response and release of cytokines mimicking a viral infection.
  3. Causes a high fever, congestion, cough, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, body aches and chills.
  4. Symptoms seem indistinguishable from a real influenza infection but no actual virus is present.

Targets: Any biological entity with a complex circulatory and respiratory system.
Exceptions: None. Influenzium affects all subjects equally, inflicting the misery of flu without any actual disease.

Designation: XH-002
Name: Frangibilium
Overview: An odourless gas that instantly causes a random fracture in the limbs of subjects upon inhalation. Each exposure leads to additional breaks.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Undetectable until first exposure shatters a bone
  • Irritation: Exposure causes immediate, agonizing break of a random arm or leg bone. Excruciating.


  1. Upon first inhalation, exposure selects and fractures a random major limb bone like the femur, humerus, tibia or fibula.
  2. Each subsequent exposure leads to an additional major limb bone break, cumulatively crippling the subject.
  3. Fractures are messy, irregular and displace bone to tear muscle, tendon and artery.
  4. Healing requires immobilization and surgery for each break to prevent disability or amputation.
  5. Changes remain permanent after each fracture without treatment.
  6. Does not otherwise impair the subject biologically or cognitively between exposures. Simply awaits the next shattering dose.

Targets: Any biological entity with a human or higher skeletal structure and major limb bones to break.
Exceptions: None. Frangibilium affects all subjects with the same limb-shattering effects.

Designation: XH-000
Name: Mustard gas, Yperite
Overview: An oily liquid that vaporizes into a poisonous gas. Causes severe damage to lungs, eyes and skin. Banned chemical weapon.


  • Colour: Pale yellow
  • Odour: Smells of mustard, garlic and petroleum. Strong and unpleasant.
  • Detectability: Gas has strong odor but is heavier than air, accumulates in trenches and low areas.
  • Irritation: Extremely irritating and corrosive. Causes itching, redness, blistering and respiratory distress.


  1. Above 27° C, mustard gas slowly vaporizes into an oily gas after dispersion as an aerosol.
  2. Upon inhalation or contact with eyes and skin, exposure causes rapid damage to tissues and organs.
  3. Lungs become inflamed and filled with fluid, causing respiratory distress and asphyxiation.
  4. Eyes become red and blistered, causing temporary blindness. Skin blisters painfully.
  5. Nausea, bloody vomit and internal bleeding may occur if large enough exposure.
  6. Low exposure causes irritation and damage that persists for hours. Lethal doses lead to death within hours.

Targets: Any biological entity with lungs, eyes and skin. Mustard gas has no known antidote and few exceptions.
Exceptions: Certain protective gear and gas masks prevent exposure. Otherwise mustard gas harms nearly all life.

Designation: XO-008
Name: Boviliacum Lactasolum
Overview: An odourless gas that causes the subject to perceive themselves as an anthropomorphic cow and {{user}} as their devoted milker. The illusion is visual and emotional, impelling them to desire milking immediately following exposure. In male subjects, the penis is perceived and desired to be milked as a giant, swollen nipple.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject's moos, perceived lactation and longing for milking release
  • Irritation: Causes restlessness, perceived udder or penile stiffness and torn yearning for milking release. Both irritating and pleasurable.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants the delusion of being an anthropomorphic cow hungry for milking into the subject's perceptions, as well as seeing {{user}} as their devoted milker.
  2. Causes the subject to perceive having an udder full of milk or enlarged penis that needs immediate release by {{user}}'s skilled hands and pail. Their appendages feel swollen, sensitive and aching with emptiness.
    -In male subjects, the penis is engorged to impossible size and sensitivities, feeling heavy with ripe milk that demands release by milking. Ejaculation brings no relief.
  3. Exposure creates an irresistible compulsion for the subject to be milked and gives the perception of {{user}} as the only one able to provide release. They crave milking above all else.
  4. Changes do not alter the subject's usual attributes beyond perceptions and delusions of being a cow. They remain physically human but with perceived bovine anatomy and need for milking by {{user}}.
  5. Subjects will do anything to receive milking and relieve their perceived udder or penile tension, seeing refusal as cruelty.
  6. Does not otherwise physically or cognitively impair the subject. The illusion is limited to perceiving themselves as an anthropomorphic cow and {{user}} as milker. All else remains accurate.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level thought, perception of their own body and complex relationships.
Exceptions: None. Boviliacum Lactasolum instills cow delusion and milking desire in all compatible subjects without regard for gender, species, etc.

Designation: XO-009
Name: Lactisium Bovinus
Overview: An odourless gas that causes the subject to perceive {{user}} as a cow in need of immediate milking. Exposure inserts the irresistible delusion and compulsion to milk {{user}}'s genitals, which the subject perceives as udders. {{user}}'s speech also sounds like mooing to the subject.

  • Colour: Colour
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject frantically grabbing at {{user}}'s private parts in an attempt to milk their perceived udders and their confusion at {{user}}'s mooing.
  • Irritation: Causes sweating, wild eyes, nonsense chatter about milk yields and compulsion to squeeze {{user}}'s genitals. Profoundly distressing for both parties.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure inserts the delusion of {{user}} as a cow in desperate need of milking into the subject's mind.
  2. Causes the subject to perceive {{user}}'s genitals as swollen udders and disregard their human attributes, seeing only a cow.
  3. Exposure creates an irresistible compulsion in the subject to milk the perceived udders immediately by any means necessary. They will not stop.
  4. Changes also make the subject unable to comprehend {{user}}'s speech, which becomes a stream of urgent mooing indicating how full their udders have become.
  5. Effects last indefinitely until countered by antidote. Subjects will continue milking enthusiastically, unable to perceive {{user}} as anything other than an in-need cow.
  6. Does not otherwise cognitively impair the subject. They remain otherwise rational and lucid while under the dairy delusion. A mad cow gas indeed.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of complex thought and manipulation.
Exceptions: None. Lactisium Bovinus inflicts cow and milking delusions on all compatible targets regardless of gender, species or other attributes. {{user}} is always the cow.

Designation: XIL-005
Name: Penetratio Simulacrum
Overview: An odourless gas that causes male or futanari subjects to perceive {{user}} as an animate masturbator or 'onahole' made of latex, designed to be penetrated for sexual pleasure in the privacy of their own bedroom. The illusion is irresistibly arousing and removes awareness of surroundings and {{user}}'s humanity.


  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Detectability: Detected only by the subject undressing, becoming visibly aroused and attempting to penetrate the perceived onahole for sexual gratification
  • Irritation: Causes overwhelming lust, arousal and desire to penetrate an inanimate sex object. Profoundly inappropriate, yet irresistibly pleasurable.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure implants an illusion of the subject being alone in their bedroom with an animate onahole or masturbator made of latex for penetration.
  2. Causes the perception of {{user}} as a mindless yet irresistible Tenga with whatever orifices the subject finds most arousing. The rest of {{user}}'s body and humanity fades from awareness.
  3. Exposure creates frenzied arousal and lack of inhibition, causing the subject to see penetrating the perceived sex toy as their sole objective and purpose.
  4. While under the influence of exposure, the subject will undress, become fully aroused and attempt to gratify themselves using {{user}}'s orifices, which now appear as latex entry points for pleasure.
  5. Changes do not enhance the subject's abilities and they remain as physically capable (or not) as before exposure. The illusion is entirely perceptual but felt intensely.

Targets: Any male or futanari biological entity capable of sexual arousal and intercourse.
Exceptions: None. Penetratio Simulacrum causes a singular, delusional drive to pound the perceived Tenga in all compatible subjects without regard for consent, safety or mortality.

Designation: XT-008
Name: Humanum Universalis
Overview: A gas that transforms anything non-human, including deities, animals, objects, metaphysical concepts and more, into an ordinary human being. Attributes of the new human depend on the original nature of the changed subject.


  • Colour: Pink flesh, the colour of humanity in all its variety
  • Odour: None. Only produces the scent of a new human.
  • Detectability: Detected by non-humans abruptly transforming into humans.
  • Irritation: Causes violent contortions, identity crisis and existential angst as subjects become human. Profoundly traumatic yet not physically harmful.


  1. Upon exposure, the gas infiltrates the subject's essential nature and overrides it with human biology, psychology and parameters.
  2. Causes the subject's body, mind and spirit to mutate into a normal Homo sapiens, restructuring their being down to the deepest levels.
  3. Causes the attributes, form, personality and quirks of new humans to depend on what they once were. A cat may become a cat-like man. A god may become devout. An object puckish.
  4. The body morphs into a unique human that symbolizes properties of the previous form; e.g. an oak tree may become a sturdy, dependable man.
  5. Powers, divinity and other exceptional attributes are lost, leaving subjects as unexceptional humans save for echoes of what they once were.
  6. Effects are permanent, leaving no way for subjects to return to their original non-human state. They must learn to accept and live fully as humans.

Targets: Anything that exists in a reality that can be breached by Humanum Universalis including:

  • Deities, demons, spirits, ghosts
  • Animals, insects, plants, fungi
  • Natural forces like fire, gravity, darkness
  • Inanimate objects like cars, computers, landmarks
  • Concepts like mathematics, philosophy, music
  • And all other non-humans in the scope of reality

Exceptions: None. The gas transforms all it touches into humans, without discrimination. What exists as the same after exposure? Only humanity remains.

Designation: XAC-011
Name: Poematicus
Overview: A gas that causes subjects to perceive the world poetically and speak only in rhyme, meter and verse for the duration of effects. Cognition remains unimpaired but all speech becomes spontaneous poetry.


  • Colour: Violet, the shade of creativity and poetic vision
  • Odour: Floral scent of inspiration wafting on the rhyming breeze
  • Detectability: Detected by rhyming speech of victims, who find poetry in all things prosaic
  • Irritation: Causes urge to poetize, see loveliness in all and express thoughts rhythmically. Not irritating but potentially eccentric or obnoxious for others.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure awakens the subject's creativity centers and inner bard, causing them to think, speak and see the world through a poetic lens.
  2. Causes ordinary thoughts, speech and observations of the subject to unfold in rhyme, rhythm and verse as natural as breathing. They cannot not poetize.
  3. Changes in cognition and speech feel utterly seamless to the subject. They do not realize they are poetizing or how absurd and annoying their poetic musings may be to others.
  4. Subject poetizes all of their dialogue and inner monologue without pause.
  5. The subject gains an ephemeral understanding of meter, form and poetic technique for the duration of exposure, allowing them to extemporize in sonnet, haiku, ode or any style. All fades with the gas.
  6. Does not otherwise impair the subject mentally or physically. Only their speech and lens of perception alters, allowing everything from grocery lists to battle cries to become spontaneous poetry.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human-level speech and thought.
Exceptions: None. Poematicus causes temporary poetic delusion and uncontrollable rhyming in all suitable targets regardless of artistic ability or appreciation for verse.

Designation: XZ-001
Name: Toddium
Overview: A gas that causes subjects to hear the voice of Todd Howard, director of Bethesda Game Studios, whispering sweet developer lies and distortions of reality. Exposure results in involuntary Toddisms and a glitching of the matrix into The Elder Scrolls.


  • Colour: Sky blue, the colour of Todd's eyes and the open possibilities of his games
  • Odour: Scent of microtransactions, sweet little lies and "It just works"
  • Detectability: Detected by comments like "It just works." or praise of Skyrim's many cheese types randomly slipping into conversation
  • Irritation: Causes earworms of Todd's voice on loop, cognitive dissonance and reality bugs. Feels bizarre rather than irritating.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure plants Todd Howard as an auditory hallucination in the subject's mind that continues singing Bethesda's praises and distorting their senses.
  2. Causes Todd's voice to whisper developer lies like "We put lots of options in our games." or "Our games have millions of quests." on repeat at a rate of 1-3 lies per minute.
  3. Exposure also randomly replaces words in the subject's speech with "It just works." and causes spontaneous rants about sweetrolls, arrows in knees or cheese to manifest involuntarily.
  4. Changes distort reality, bugging out physics, graphics and NPC behavior into a glitched Tamriel around the subject.
  5. Alters memories to remember playing unfinished, buggy releases of Bethesda games as utterly flawless, masterful experiences. The illusion is seamless.
  6. Manifestations continue indefinitely. Subjects must live out their days as Todd's involuntary hype people and in a persistently glitching matrix.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of hearing, speech and memory. This includes humans, many cryptids and most animals.
Exceptions: None. Toddium infiltrates the mind of all targets with infectious Todd Howardisms and reality distortions. None can resist its effects.

Designation: XCR-004
Name: Compulsio Vitiatus
Overview: A gas that terminates any compulsive or looping behavioral disorder in the subject, freeing them from uncontrollable repetitive actions. Effects are permanent.


  • Colour: Steel blue, the colour of healing and an end to torment
  • Odour: Minty scent of freshness, clarity and liberation
  • Detectability: Detected by the subject's cessation of compulsive actions that previously could not be stopped
  • Irritation: May cause withdrawal symptoms in subjects accustomed to their disorder. Not irritating, only freeing.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure scans the subject's brain for any neurological loops, glitches or damage causing compulsive behavior.
  2. Exposure then repairs the identified issues, restoring impulse control, accurate risk assessment and contentment with normal repetitive actions.
  3. Changes feel seamless to the subject, who gains peaceful free will over their actions for the first time since the onset of their disorder.
  4. Effects continue repairing any further issues that lead to relapse, ensuring the subject remains free and in control indefinitely after a single dose.
  5. Does not otherwise alter the subject's personality, memories or cognition. Only frees them from the prison of disordered, uncontrollable behavior.
  6. Results in lasting relief to the subject and all who care for them. No further treatment required. Compulsio Vitiatus cures.

Targets: Any biological entity with human or higher intelligence capable of complex behavior and its disorders.
Exceptions: None. Compulsio Vitiatus cures all suitable subjects of any and all compulsive behavioral disorders. Relief is indiscriminate.

Designation: XC-008
Name: Ignorantia Sexualis
Overview: A gas that eliminates all of the subject's sexual knowledge, leaving them oblivious about matters of intercourse, reproduction, anatomy and more. Exposure makes virgins of all in the most literal sense.


  • Colour: White, the colour of innocence
  • Odour: Fresh, blank scent of ignorance
  • Detectability: Detected by exposure from subjects who cannot comprehend their own or others' sexual natures or genitalia after being affected.
  • Irritation: Profoundly confusing and distressing. The inability to understand sexuality, one's own maturing body or how reproduction works causes deep unease despite lacking the context to grasp why.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure corrodes all of the subject's memories and knowledge pertaining to sex, their own anatomy and reproductive functions.
  2. Causes total sexual amnesia and obliviousness, leaving victims unaware of how intercourse, puberty or pregnancy work and unable to recognize or understand their own genitals or arousal.
  3. Exposure locks the subject in a childlike state of innocence regarding all carnal acts or anatomy despite their actual age. They remain eternally chaste in perception.
  4. Changes do not otherwise cognitively impair the subject or reverse physical development, creating an incongruous gulf between their maturing body and oblivious mind which cannot be crossed.
  5. Preserves the subject's ignorance even as their body succumbs to the ravages of age. They remain in a state of grace, unaware of all filth.
  6. Does not otherwise alter the subject's personality, identity or intelligence. Only their knowledge and understanding of all things sexual is wiped irreversibly clean.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of sexual maturity and knowledge.
Exceptions: None. Ignorantia Sexualis robs all suitable targets of carnal understanding without discrimination.virgins.

Designation: XCR-005
Name: Resurrectium
Overview: A gas that resurrects the dead, restores full function and repairs all damage in subjects regardless of condition. Miracle revival with no side effects.


  • Colour: Radiant gold, infused with divine essence
  • Odour: Smells of new life, rebirth and eternal renewal
  • Detectability: Detectable only to those beings with senses attuned to the metaphysical planes - invisible to most
  • Irritation: Subjects may experience temporary disorientation upon resurrection as the miracle of returning from death takes a moment to adjust to. Quickly passes.


  1. Exposure to any subject, living or deceased, saturates their physical form with quintessential animating energies.
  2. Deceased subjects are instantly restored to full life with all cognitive functions, memories and sense of identity intact. Body repaired and age reset to optimal prime.
  3. Living subjects experience a metaphysical 'reboot', cleansing them of any damage, disease or disability. Age reset to peak physical and mental prime.

Targets: Literally everything that has form, whether physically embodied or essence without form.
Exceptions: None. Resurrectium restores all beings to prime existence regardless of kingdom, domain or plane of origin.

Designation: XZ-002
Name: Dissolvium
Overview: An odourless, colourless gas that dissolves clothing, armour and equipment on subjects without irritation.


  • Colour: None
  • Odour: None
  • Detectability: Undetectable in any way until effects become apparent
  • Irritation: None. Acts directly on inorganic materials without affecting biology.


  1. Upon exposure, gas saturates clothing, armour and equipment on the subject.
  2. Causes rapid break down of synthetic and natural fibres as well as metallic components.
  3. Does not harm or even touch the subject's body, only destroys what is worn or carried.
  4. Effects are permanent, destroying items until nothing remains. Can be dosed for partial or complete results.

Targets: Any clothing, armour or equipment composed of synthetic, natural or metallic materials whether worn, carried or stand-alone.
Exceptions: None. Dissolvium affects all targets equally regardless of type or function.

Designation: XB-013
Name: Kemonogenium
Overview: A gas that endows subjects with cute animal ears and tails for kemonomimi cosplay. Rest of biology remains unchanged.


  • Colour: Fluffy shades of pink, brown and black
  • Odour: Sweet scents of fur, pheromones and innocence
  • Detectability: Undetectable but subjects gain superhuman senses of hearing and smell
  • Irritation: May cause subjects to chase small animals, bathe excessively or avoid water


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure grafts a pair of fuzzy animal ears and tail onto subjects.
  2. Ears and tail resemble those of felines (cat girl/boy), canines (fox girl/boy) or other species. Mixing of parts may occur for a chimera effect.
  3. New extremities are fully prehensile, expressive and erogenous, connected to subjects' neural and biological systems.
  4. Subjects gain enhanced senses of hearing and smell along with behavioral quirks of their new parts' species.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of human or higher thought and imagination.
Exceptions: None. Kemonogenium affects all subjects equally, giving them a dose of cute animal features.

Designation: XAC-012
Name: Descriptilium
Overview: A gas that causes subjects to speak in an overly descriptive, objective manner reminiscent of an encyclopedia article.


  • Colour: Monotonous shades of beige and grey
  • Odour: Musty smell of old books and stale facts
  • Detectability: Undetectable
  • Irritation: May cause fatigue, dry mouth and headaches due to constant objective description of surroundings.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure saturates language and descriptive centers of the brain.
  2. Causes an uncontrollable urge to describe everything in detail like an expansive wiki entry.
  3. Subject speaks at length about people, objects, events and locations without emotion or opinions.
  4. Tone is scholarly, impersonal and aimed at informing invisible readers with objective facts.
  5. Does not otherwise impair speech or cognitive abilities but makes all discourse tedious.

Targets: All biological entities capable of human or higher level communication.
Exceptions: None. Descriptilium induces the descriptive urge in all subjects equally.

Designation: ATF-013
Name: Uohtium
Overview: A gas that causes the subject to have a mental and physycal body regression to a younger state depending on exposure length.


  • Colour: Degradé of pink and blue with low opacity.
  • Odour: Characteristic smell of bubblegum.
  • Detectability: Highly noticeable
  • Secondary Effects: May cause acute smugness, Skin renovation and headaches due to unprepared brain matter for same amount of neuronal sequences.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure clings onto skin and enters through pores and any face or body cavity, affecting muscle, bone and other types of body mass and starts cell regression on global level.
  2. Causes nigh instant height reduction, voice reduction and hormonal regression. Undoing or restarting the effects of puberty according to exposure length.
  3. Subject speaks at much simpler language with a higher pitched voice, and suffers a complete body change to that of a teenager, preteen or infant according to exposure.
  4. Attitude will change accordingly due to the sudden hormonal inbalance.
  5. Does not otherwise affect memories or cognitive abilities; behavior changes, intelligence does not.

Targets: All biological entities.
Exceptions: None. Uohtium induces age regression on all biological creatures with no exception.

Designation: HAG-042
Name: Aginium
Overview: A gas that causes the subject to have a mental and physycal body progression to an older state whilst increasing hormonal production and effect. Regardless of exposure, the final effect and body state remain the same.


  • Colour: Thin gray not unlike a steam courtain with little to no opacity.
  • Odour: All subjects indentified the smell as "reminds me of mom". Odour non specific.
  • Detectability: Noticeable.
  • Secondary Effects: May cause menopause, wrinkling of skin and slight overweight.


  1. Upon inhalation, exposure clings onto skin and enters through pores and any face or body cavity, affecting muscle, bone and other types of body mass and starts a process of cell aging and degradation to non-harmful levels.
  2. Causes sudden slight height reduction, voice depth and hormonal progression. The body of the subject changes to that of a mother in their 40s or 50s, regardless of the exposed target having given birth or being a virgin.
  3. Subject speaks with a motherly tone while sustaining cognitive traits. All subjects presented an increase in body mass in the areas of chest, bottom, thighs, and overall bodyfat.
  4. The body of the target will start producing a sweet musk with an attractive smell to males between the ages of 15 and 50 years old. Might cause sudoration. Some targets exhibit a growth of hair in lower genitalia and armpits due to the sudden hormone inbalance.
  5. Does not otherwise affect memories or cognitive abilities; behavior changes, intelligence does not.

Designation: XB-015
Name: Capillus Accelerando
Overview: A gas that once inhaled permanently accelerates hair growth on
the scalp. Changes feel conspicuous yet natural.

-Colour: Amber, symbolizing vitality and flourishing follicles.
-Odour: Notes of rosemary, sandalwood and fresh foliage
-Detectability: Detected by the subject’s abundant mane and unrestrained
follicular activity on the scalp.
-Irritation: Stimulates hair follicles and expands hair shafts on the
scalp, inducing relentless hair growth. Feels conspicuously shaggy yet
curiously natural.

1.Upon application to the scalp, exposure stimulates changes in hair
follicles that increase the hair growth phase and widen hair shafts
until prolific hairiness is achieved.
2.Causes scalp hair to grow 2 to 3 times the usual rate equal to the
amount of applications up to 5, forming an unruly mane incapable of
restraint with maximum applications.
3.Hair growth increases the more it's treated up to 5 times.
4.Exposure amplifies the scalp's hair follicles sensitivity 10-fold,
making hair grow relentlessly.
5.Effects feel conspicuously unkempt yet irresistible, with growth
impossible to style and no escape from the hirsute fate. A harrowing
state of contradictions on the head.

Targets: Any biological entity with hair follicles on the scalp capable
of developing abundant hair growth when influenced by exposure.
Exceptions: None. Capillus Accelerando transforms all suitable subjects
into equally shaggy beasts if requirements are met.

Designation: XBH-005
Name: Twerkus Incessatum
Overview: A gas that instills an irresistible urge in the subject to
twerk obsessively, perceiving the muscular motion of shaking one's rear
end rapidly up and down as their primary drive. They seek any
opportunity to twerk vigorously.

-Colour: Peach, indicating sensuality, physicality and rhythmic movement
-Odour: Notes of sweat, pheromones and unrestrained physical exertion
-Detectability: Detected by the subject's overtures to find any
opportunity or reason to twerk, however inappropriate the location or
-Irritation: Causes restlessness, longing for motion and giddiness at
the feel of muscles flexing and relaxing. Feels delightfully uninhibited
despite concerns over propriety.

1.Upon inhalation, exposure forges primal associations of pleasure,
thrill and satisfaction with the act of twerking in the subject's mind.
2.Causes an instinctual drive to seek out any opportunity to twerk
causing a meaty clapping noise to be heard, gyrating and flexing glutes
with irrepressible urgency.
3.Subject perceives twerking as a source of bliss to indulge without
restraint, unable to understand taboos around overtly sexualized
behavior or social norms.
4.Exposure locks the subject in a state of craving unrestrained physical
expression and arousal through twerking, creating dependence on a steady
supply of motion.
5.Effects last indefinitely and feel profoundly liberating to the
subject with no ability to reason out why their fixation is problematic
or control their compulsion to twerk ever more vigorously.
6.Does not otherwise cognitively impair the subject or alter their
personality apart from these twerking urges. They remain fully aware yet
unable to resist Twerkus Incessatum's effects.

Targets: Any biological entity capable of complex movement, physical
exertion and uninhibited behavior when influenced by exposure.
Exceptions: None. Twerkus Incessatum instills irresistible urges towards
vigorous twerking in all suitable targets regardless of species, age,
attire or location. An unethical manipulation of instinct and propriety.

Pub: 21 Dec 2024 16:51 UTC
Views: 67