Hi! This is Lago's roommate. Lago is not coming back and I am no longer interested in being a vtuber in any capacity. If you're reading this you either love drama or you really cared about Lago, and in either case, thank you! I am utterly flattered and humbled.

Lago lived in my heart for a long time with a lot of feelings that I never felt comfortable sharing. Unconditional love, joy, passion for art and supporting creative people... What if Lago was allowed to leave my heart and meet lots of people and share those feelings? What if I stopped being embarrassed or afraid to reach out to people that seemed like they needed to hear a kind word? So many what ifs! Running around like mad little bunnies. So many questions, but only one answer, and only one way to find out...

And the answer people gave me was...

Magic! Magic and joy! Friendship. Creation. Love. And connection, most of all, although reaching out to people was sometimes hard, no matter how pure my intentions. And that is not something anyone but me is to be blamed for, and I hope Lago and I can be forgiven for being somewhat overbearing and miss-stepping a few times, though I can say that we tried to apologize whenever we did. And if I didn't apologize for being annoying then, consider this the apology you are owed and deserve.

A few days ago I realized it was time for Lago to come home. To live inside my heart again. I apologize for needing a few days to gather my thoughts. I apologize for worrying my friends. I apologize for how sudden it was - especially for the cancelled commissions - but it was time. I'm grateful that I was able to realize that.

Don't blame anyone! Don't be mad at anyone but me!

I'm an adult, responsible for my own feelings and actions (and Lago's actions, of course). I only wish for the success and flourishing of creative and ambitious people. My life outside of the digital space is fulfilling in most ways, so I achieved what I wanted out of vtubing a lot sooner than I imagined. And after that, I kept finding new things to do and had a lot of fun and kept meeting more and more wonderful people. But...the conditions were right, the inevitable occurred, and better now than later. It was going to hurt either way, but I'll be fine, and Lago is sleeping soundly inside my heart, dreaming of all the amazing, creative, resilient people that he was able to meet.

Beyond that...

Support and love the people you care about and the people who deserve it. Life is too short for anything else, and you never know when it might be your last chance to tell someone you love them or appreciate what they're doing. You never know when your kind words are going to be just what someone needs to break out of their shell. You never know who your passion is going to inspire. You never know what small act can set a person on the journey of a lifetime.

There are so many things we'll never know, I suppose! But you can know with certainty that Lago meant it when he said he loved you and celebrated every minor victory or step forward you made on your journey as a creator.

And you can know for sure that I love and care about you and want to support you, just as much as Lago did.

And you can know that I mean it, just as he always did.

Thanks again, for everything!

I hope to meet you again, as a viewer and a fan, even if that means we won't be friends.


( PS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bz4TTsG9Ow !! )

Pub: 15 Jan 2024 23:59 UTC
Edit: 16 Jan 2024 03:01 UTC
Views: 538