How to take over an exclusivly-anthro school

Fun fact, schools are actually one of the most difficult places to grab anthros. Not because of mothers, most of them would rather have you grab them instead, but rather because the school staff are committed to defending their charges. And they are pretty well-trained, considering they managed to become educated teachers. Usually, the best way to take over a school is by starting with the principal, near always an elder matron with a will of iron and a body wrapped in the most drap and unattractive clothes you can think of. Their hairs prim and proper bunned up, their glasses designed to make their eyes appear sharp and piercing, their fur slowly losing its lush coloring or growining grey hair, these matrons have managed to dodge the attention and conquest of humans. Until you, that is.

The biggest difficulty is cornering the principal. Thankfully, they are creatures of habit. While you could bruteforce the matter with an anthro cop, it is far easier to get in her good graces by helping her with groceries, cleaning the house, or just giving her company. Eventually she will enter her season, during which her iron will becomes soft and briddle, ready to crumble at naught but a kiss.

Do not underestimate the energy of a pent-up anthro-virgin. She will attempt to mount you all day, but you must put her in her place. Breed her, mating-press her, pin her doggy-style, cover her face in jizz, ensure that she understands you're her master now. Once that's establish, you can begin taking over her school. It is recommended to pick off school nurse, sports coach, and the vize principle first as they are most likely to alert authorities, take matters into their own hands, or replace the principle as new head of school. Once the core of the school harem is created, you may begin picking off remaining teachers and place school policies that leave students isolated for you.

(Cont.) I remind you that you should only do this in school are placed in anthro ghettos as otherwise you will get arrested real fast and looked down upon as a thieving git. Anthro couples are fine, but getting between a man and his waifurs? That's just plain poor sport.

Favorities include "vagina inspection day", "private stretch exercises", "regular protein injections", and the ever-classic "calling well-known troublemakers into the principal's office". There're plenty of excuses to expose students to sexual relations with humans. Art class for example is all but an excuse to fuck the art teacher in front of her increasingly aroused students, in House Keeping you can add your jizz as the "secret incredient" to the meals the students prepare, in gym you can fuck the best student thus encouraging the rest of class to do better, and so on. Keep in mind that you might see new students in class that appear a lot older than what the average suggests. It appears that someone tattled to her mother then. Naughty of the students, but no worries. A private "parent-teacher conference" will clear things up quickly. The vast majority of anthro students come from from single mother households, women that were usually fucked young and discarded afterwards, leaving them with two to three hungry mouths to feed and little support beyond the pittance the state tosses their way. Fortunately anthros tend to organize quickly and support each other. A fascinating subject in its own right, really.

Adding to that, pregnant student are thus a minor concern to you as there are only three possible scenarios:

  1. The student is pregnant with anthro females: she carries them to term and leaves them with her mother to care for, being their mother out of school.
  2. She is pregnant with a human: in this case, she will approach you so that you may take her for your harem. Being pregnant with a human child, male or female, is seen as a sign of divine blessing and all anthros within the district will focus their money and energy to ensure your child has the best possible start in life.
  3. The student is pregnant with anthro males: in 96% cases of that reveal, the student will immediately arrange an appointment with an abortion clinic. Most anthro females have a deep and profound hatred for fur-bois, seeing them as uppity females trying to take the place of the human men. It is a religious matter, but rest assured that most furbois are raised as female, treated with chemicals and home remedies to preserve their feminity, and endure vicious bullying from their peers.

In some rare cases, a pregnant student might approach you, asking that you acknowledge her children as yours. You could refuse, but that is plain cruel in my opinion. Accepting her as one of yours elevates her social position and that of her mother, both of which will show their gratitude in many and pleasing ways.

Once you become the master of a school placed in an anthro ghetto, you are more or less set for life. Demand sex, both students and their mothers will serve you. Demand money, they will live hand to mouth to deliver your expected sum. In an anthro ghetto, you, a human male, will be nothing less than a king.

Part 2

Anthro student keeps getting her PowerPoint presentation project interrupted.
Interruption are the moans and scream of her anthro teacher getting mating pressed on her desk.
All student are focused on the breeding, than her presentation.
Anthro teacher was too busy getting fucked to listen to the whole presentation and doesn't care at all. Teacher gave the grade was an F with no consideration or care.
Extra credit can be provided, as a second chance, by using her tongue to clean teacher's leaking creampie.

the human was not statisfied with that
he grabbed the camera and started filming her work on the screen
teacher starts tearing into her lacking skills, inability to move her tongue, identify her weak splts, and more
by the end, the student is in tears, and the human decide to cheer her up by facefucking her
several of the students already masturbating redoubled their efforts when seeing themselves in the background of the screen
others slide over to their neighbour and starting kissing and fingering them
the human finishes in the nerd'face with a throaty grunt, coating her glasses and braces with his seed
idly asks the teacher who's still recovering who's her best student in class
it was still the nerd kneeling before him
he lifts her up, declaring she can still get some extra credit and throws her on top of her teacher
the teacher wimply wraps her arms around her student's stomach and starts whispering obscenities in her ear about how her human will ruin her and make her addicted to his bhc and flood her womb with his sperm, viciously assaulting her ovums, knocking her up with a superior baby
meanwhile the human grabs one of the less busy students and makes her kneel in front of the table, and puts the camera in her shaky hands
only then does he place the tip of his regular-sized member on the entrace on the student's wet and ready cunt
his first trusts were slow, merely teasing her with his glans by moving his head in and out
it still made her whine with need
her teacher admonishes her for her egoism
slowly he inches deeply, not wanting to break her right away
he stops, feeling something
he pulls out and orders the camera-girl to turn on the light and zoom into her pussy while the teacher helpfully spreads her lips
the nerd can only weakly protest as the projection behind her reveals her still intact hymen, drawing mockery from the students
she starts to cry, but the human kiss her gently and tells her she will graduate today

he pushes until he feels her hymen again, then leans forward and give her a chaste kiss
as he does so, her body wraps her legs around his hips, signaling loud and clear what she needs
as her tongue begins to wrestle with his, he pushes his weight on her, tearing her hymen in one smooth painfree heavenly thrust
she can only helplessly moan into his mouth as her classmate documents the loss of her virginity for her whole class to see, a single drop of blood staining the table
he began to move with a steady pace, kneading her breasts when her teacher joined the tongue battle with her own
soon, it developed between him focusing on the teacher, the student, or watching as her teacher dominated the nerd in ways she'd never even dreamed of
the table groaned with each trust and the students masturbated with wild abandon, their fingers either slicking in and out of their vagina, or helping their neighbors out, kissing and fingering one another while keeping an eye on the projection of their classmate getting bred
and bred was the right word, for the nerd's womb has already opened her cervix wide in eager anticipation of a flood of cum from her human master
the teacher had an idea
she leaned forward to whisper into the rutting pair
"if you break the table, I will give you enough extra credit to last you for the rest of the year!"
of course, the nerd had no real way of affecting that, but her human master's pace became quicker and quicker, each thrust making her table bend and jump more, to the overstimulated excitement of her student

finally, her human master's eyes glazed over and this pacing made the table creak in promising ways
each thrust send tingles of excitement down up the teacher's spine, as she was getting fucked by proxy
his final thrust did it
as he went balls deep in her, the table decided to do her job as the set piece and split clean in half
the teacher prevented any slips, her strong legs joining her nerd student's own wrapped around her master's hips, and kept him deep inside her
the nerd's womb finally descendent onto the head of the human's cock, her cervix kissing his meatus, eager for his gift of life
the students watched in awe and orgasmic joy as his balls visibly contracting, pumping wave after wave of thick virile sperm on its journey
the mood got only hornier when the camera-girl dropped her tool and dove her muzzle into them, sniffing and licking and stimulating his balls
the human could feel the nerd's womb practically suck on his glans, begging for his seed
ropes of sperm were sucked right into her needy womb, cooling the heat of sex with his warm juices
billions of spermcells began their journey into their fallopian tubes in search of her ripe ovum
each pump of his penis, each rope of his sperm hitting the back of her womb send another wave of orgasmic bliss up the nerd's body
her teacher whispered encouragements and commands to get pregnant in her ear, all while massassing her breasts and the spot on her stomach where her womb is placed
finally, after minutes of orgasm, his balls were empty
the legs of teacher and nerd too weak to hold him, he pulled out, forcing another orgasm on the nerd, and stood up
he turned around, absently slapping the camera-girl with his still semi-erect dick and took in the exhaused students
some were shaking in their seats, others looked eagerly at him, hoping he'd call them over for their own breeding
the teacher rose behind him, anger evident in her face as she grabbed the camera girl's

"You selfish brat!", she snarls. "You were supposed to film everything! Not shove your greedy maw into master's balls!"

for a moment, the class thought she'd slap her, but she seemed to reconsider
her face changed to a delighted expression as she came up with a new plan, one that'd ensure the silence of the class while suitably punishing the camera girl
"Master, may I reward class for being so attentive?"
he shrugged, and so she waved one of the front-most students over
her legs were shacking, but she bareky managed to stand on her own
which is more than some of the students could say
"Girl!", she snapped at the camera girl, "sit in the corner and watch while you think about your selfishness!"
when the girl was seated, the teacher gently pushed out a pearlescent drop of her master's cock onto her index finger, and pushed it up her student's still-wet snatch, an act that drew a mixture of a squeak and a moan from her student
as the teacher rotated her finger to coat the insides, the student grabbed onto her writs, shuddering in delight at the sperm in her, miniscule as it might have been
when the teacher removed her finger, the student legs buckled and she collapsed onto the floor, hopelessly overstimulated
the teacher pointed at the next student in the front
"You there! Come here!"
as she placed the next drop of sperm in the student, the rest of the class caught on with the developments and begun to file in
no one wanted to miss out on their mark like the camera girl
who is whining and rubbing her bottom on her seat, clearly wanting to join them
only the stern glares of the teacher kept her in place
as she placed drop after drop into her student's vaginal canals, she could feel someof them kissing her finger with their womb's cervix, greedily sucking up the pearl of sperm on her finger
finally, the whole class was marked, their panties pulled up, skirts and shirts put back on, and she hissed her instruction again

"Remember, class: Not a word to anyone!"
the class nodded in silence and slowly filed out, leaving the teacher, the camera girl, the sleeping nerd, and their human master alone.
he grinned at the teacher, causing her to flush, before pointing to his erect dick, the message clean
she placed her back and feet on one of her student's tables, presenting her puffy pussy and reddened anus to him
then she spread her already-dripping lips for his arousal
as he plunged into her depts, the camera girl could only whine and watch her teacher get fucked by her master, her fingers just barely granting her some relief from her need
outside, some students listened to the creaks and moans of the love-making their master was subjecting their teacher to, their fingers slicking in and out of their vaginas.
it was only the beginning of his take-over

Pub: 07 May 2022 21:45 UTC
Views: 2487