Shinji Ikari was pooping away as he ate his ice cream.


A deep, dark brown flow of heavy, soft feces was making its way into his gigantic bariatric diaper. Shinji had gotten so fat that Kaworu had begun to have to custom-order the diapers he wore. The company he used had options for patterned diapers, which Kaworu had taken advantage of. So the monstrously huge diaper now swaddling his fat toy's bum had cute cartoon hearts all over its vast surface.


"Nom nom," mumbled the huge fat boy as he slurped up a spoonful of ice cream. An absolute feast of the creamy cold dessert was laid out on the table in front of him. There were four empty dishes where he'd already polished off every drop of ice cream in them. But there was still two banana splits, a peanut butter parfait, a hot fudge sundae, and a large bowl of chocolate caramel ice cream in front of him. He'd been eating for more than thirty minutes. He wasn't full.

"Shall I get you some more, Shinji-kun?" Kaworu asked, stroking his flabby arm. "You don't seem to be slowing down."

"Mmnf, mnf," mumbled Shinji, swallowing another bite. "Ohh, Kaworu-san, that, ah, that caramel brownie sundae on the menu... mmm, I might want to have a taste of that." His free hand greedily wiggled its fat fingers and patted his giant belly.


Turds oozed out of him again.

He was so overwhelmingly fat that he was a spectacle, like something out of a circus. The big boy currently weighed 337 kilograms. An elephantine blob. His face was like some hog's from a livestock show, his short brown hair comically small atop his enormous cheeks and jowls and chins. His arms were fatter than the legs of many a fat man. He had breasts the size of beach balls, sloping to either side of a belly that jutted in front of him and rested on a comfortable pad as it sloped down below the table. His ass was more than two meters wide and filled his wheelchair to the limit; Kaworu had begun custom order those, too. His legs were like tree trunks and touched to the shin. His feet and hands were so chubby that it was hard to wiggle his fingers or toes any more, though he did the best he could.

He was so fat that pants were now out of the question, so he wore a soft, baby blue muu-muu the size of a large tent. The big dress did little to disguise the bulge and flow of his engorged body.

Greedily shifting from one dish to the next, Shinji spooned a big serving of chocolate caramel into his mouth. Drippings of ice cream oozed down his three chins, dribbling onto the top of his belly's slope.


A popping shart had emptied into his diaper. Shinji continued to eat, defecating with barely a care. He'd long ago been rendered incontinent by the sodomy he loved so much; these days, his nonexistent bowel and sphincter control combined with his huge food intake and terrible diet to give him an enormously frequent need to go. Practically every hour, something emptied out of Shinji's bowels. He pooped as he ate, he pooped when he slept, he pooped before and after sex. He barely cared. He'd grown comfortable with it. Shitting as he did, it was just another part of his life of endless ease.


"Hff," he breathed, feeling the working of his innards as one particularly fat load of turds came out of him. He had a nasal cannula inserted into his nose, the tube attached to an oxygen tank on his wheelchair. He'd started to need a regular supply of oxygen to get through the day. One more way in which he was totally, utterly dependent on Kaworu.

"Here you are, darling," said Kaworu, setting the caramel brownie sundae on the table in front of him.

"Oh, goody!" puffed Shinji, licking his lips. Practically drooling, he spooned a big bite of ice cream and brownie into his mouth. "Mrnf, thish ish delishush, Kaworu!"

"I knew you would love it, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, fingers stroking through Shinji's hair. "I knew because you wanted it. You have developed quite the palate, especially when it comes to desserts. I rarely see you pick anything that is not utterly delicious."

"Urrrp," he belched low, forking a bite of banana split into his mouth. A dribble of whipped cream flecked from his lips, spattering low on the mammoth slope of his gut. Greedily smacking his lips, he polished off the remainder of the peanut butter parfait, blue eyes beady and intensely focused. He wanted that ice cream. He needed that ice cream. He needed all the ice cream on this table. He needed all the ice cream in the world.

Kaworu stroked Shinji's soft left breast, thin and nimble fingers oozing into the soft and yielding skin.


The low putter of yet more pooping made Kaworu smile gently. He reached his hand now down to the vast expanse of Shinji's butt. He put his palm on the immense seat, clad in both the diaper and the fabric of the muu-muu. It was so warm. The hot flow of Shinji's poop meant his backside was frequently pleasantly warm to the touch.

"What a good boy you are," said Kaworu softly.

Shinji shivered at the sultry tone of his boyfriend's voice. "Ohh, Kaworu-san," he moaned with a mouth full of ice cream and hot fudge. "I... hff," he put a plump hand on his chest as he sucked in oxygen, "I, ohhh, I wish I had you inside me right now." His stubby, undersized penis, buried beneath layers and layers of blubber, was stiff.

"You know what a production it is to make love to you these days, my pet," said Kaworu with a soft smile. "Even fifty kilos ago, we likely could have gone to the bathroom or a park and had some fun. But sadly, I will need the things we have at home to satisfy the desires of your flesh."

"Aww," pouted Shinji. He greedily guzzled down one, two, three, four bites of ice cream in a row. He always ate faster when he was horny.

Kaworu smiled. "Perhaps I can use my gifts as an Angel to satisfy you..." and he reached around to Shinji's vast left side.


"Keep eating."

Shinji obliged. He was still hungry anyway. He guzzled and gorged and ate his ice cream, plowing his way through the feast of dessert. As he did, Kaworu slightly lifted up the great hem of his muu-muu, exposing the pale, clammy expanse of Shinji's huge belly, riddled with stretch marks and cellulite. They were practically the only ones in the ice cream parlor, and they were near the back as it was.

Kaworu slid a hand beneath the vast overhang of Shinji's gut. Shinji cooed at the cool touch of his hand on his clammy, goopy skin. Kaworu's fingers played across the soft, spongy surface of the front of Shinji's diaper. Then they reached his crotch.

Shinji suddenly felt stimulation in his deeply-buried penis. No one could see it, but there were pulsing, glowing orange hexagons emanating out from Kaworu's hand. They stimulated Shinji's penis. They took its stiffened, erect extent and made it stiffer, made it harder, Shinji could feel it, he was breathing hard out of the oxygen tube, he ate faster, he jiggled, the wheelchair rattled some--

"Ohhhh yeah," mumbled Shinji, dribbles of ice cream oozing out of either side of his mouth as Kaworu brought him to climax, his tiny penis shooting away deep inside his fat, deep inside his diaper. His eyes rolled back into his head at the stimulation. Sugar on his tongue, Kaworu so close, ejaculation--he was absolutely overwhelmed. Not even thinking, just feeling pure pleasure.


A big shit came out of him. As Kaworu removed his hand, he actually saw Shinji's bottom bulge backwards from the enormous poop he took. Kaworu briefly worried it would break the diaper. But despite a dump like something a horse would take, it held firm. There wasn't even a smell.

"That better, my pet?" said Kawrou, lowering the muu-muu back down.

"So good," burbled Shinji, returning to his ice cream. In the haze of post-ejaculation his sweet tooth returned with a vengeance, and he greedily guzzled down the rest of the second banana split at warp speed. Then he pulled the caramel brownie sundae closer, and really began tucking into it. Ice cream dribbled down his chins.


More turds. He felt them come. He giggled girlishly. "Ohm, I'm such a poopy boy!" And he smiled and ate more ice cream.

Pub: 13 May 2023 05:02 UTC
Views: 583