Kuusei Shoa Diffsinger
空星ショア (kuusei shoa) is a masculine vocal with a soft adolescent tone.
- supported languages: Portuguese (European, Brazilian accents), Japanese.
(It has some English support but at this stage it's incomplete.) - range: A2-F4
- parameters: gender, tension
auto-pitch support (not fine-tuned, but functional)
Table of Contents:
BRAPA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
a | a | C[a]rne | |
an | 6~ | P[ã]o | |
ax | 6 | C[â]mara | |
e | e | Corr[e]r | |
en | e~ | T[em]po | |
eh | E | At[é] | |
ae | { | P[e]dra | Same sound for "a" in "at" |
i | i | F[i]go | |
in | i~ | S[im]ples | |
i0 | I | N[e]ném | Same sound for "i" in "it" |
o | o | C[o]r | |
on | on | S[om] | |
oh | O | P[ó] | |
oa | O | [O]n* | Regional, * English |
u | u | S[u]l | |
un | u~ | M[un]do | |
u0 | U | Solt[o] | |
rh | @' | Ca[r]ne/Pe[r]to | Rhotic "R". |
*[i0] e [u0] are usually found in the end of words or in words and
phases with repetitive syllables. (Portuguese)
*[oa] added to this voicebank for English support.
BRAPA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
y | j | Pa[i]/ [Y]atch | |
w | w | Meu/ [W]av |
BRAPA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
b | b | [B]olo | |
ch | tS | [Tch]au | |
d | d | [D]or | |
dj | dZ | [D]izer | |
f | f | [F]ada | |
g | g | [G]ato | |
h | h | A[h]ah | |
hr | R | [R]anço,Ca[rr]o* | Regional, * European Portuguese |
j | Z | [J]á | |
k | k | [C]or | |
l | lh | Pa[lh]aço | |
m | m | [M]ês | |
n | n | [N]avio | |
ng | N | Ma[ng]a, Si[ng]* | * English |
nh | J | So[nh]o | |
p | p | [P]ipoca | |
r | 4 | Pa[r]á | |
rr | r | Pa[r]te | Trilled/rolled R. |
rw | r\ | Amo[r] | Regional, used for English support |
s | s | [S]orte | |
sh | S | [Ch]ão | |
t | t | [T]orta | |
v | v | [V]aso | |
x | x | Pa[r]ti[r] | Between "hr" and "h", similar to Russian's "h". |
z | z | [Z]ebra |
Other/ Additional
BRAPA | Example | Description |
SP | Silêncio | Used on silent parts. |
AP | Breath | |
cl | Oclusion | Oclusion of a plosive consonant: "ず[っ]と / zu[t]to", can also be used between vowels. |
vf | Vocal Fry | Low register sound |
xxx | Trash | Used to remove phonems that are not on the list or to remove small errors in the samples. |
*the extension nickname is PORPA
PORPA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
ix | "I\"~"M" | S"e"máforo |
PORPA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
bv | B | Sá[b]ado | |
gv | G | Pe[g]ar | |
dh | D | Na[d]a | Regional [Center and North regions] |
l0 | 5* | Fina[l] | *l_G ou l_?\ are also correct. |
*the extension nickname is JABRA
use it in hiragana with [DIFFS] Phonemizer
JABRA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
ux | M | "う"ん / "[u]n" |
JABRA | X-SAMPA | Exemplo | Descrição |
nn | N\ | さ"ん" / "sa[n]" | |
rl | 4 | "ろ"く / "r"oku | This phoneme is not part of BRAPA's list. |
*the extension nickname is ENGBRA
ENGBRA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
ex | @ | [a]bout | [NOT PRESENT IN THIS VERSION, aproximant: "ax"] |
uw | U | b[u]t | [NOT PRESENT IN THIS VERSION, aproximant: "?"] |
ae | { | c[a]t | |
w | w | b[oa]t | |
y | j | bo[y] b[i]te] | |
rw | r\ | [r]ose | |
rh | @' | cu[r]se |
ENGBRA | X-SAMPA | Example | Description |
th | T | [th]igh | |
dh | D | [th]ough | |
l0 | l | ca[ll] | |
dd* | d_h (?) | [d]o | * aspirated "d", Non oficial phoneme for ENGPA. |
tt* | t_h (?) | [t]o | * aspirated "t", Non oficial phoneme for ENGPA. |
Version: v000 beta
These phonemes may change over time, this voicebank is under development. Please lways keep it updated
thank you DiffSinger community and Team BRAPA for your work!
- Voice / Ilustration : yelo*
- BRAPA phoneme list: https://github.com/Team-BRAPA/BRAPA-DiffSinger/blob/main/FONEMAS.md
- X-SAMPA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-SAMPA