I love Katta

Alright Katta I hope your ready for this because its about time that I finally decide to tell you what's been going on.
IM REALLY FUCKING HORNY! Im always horny when I see you. I watch your streams, I have all your fanart saved, I also have your boobs as my wallpapers on most of my devices (my phone is the one exception and I don't want friends thinking i'm weird).

I literally start off my day wiping cum off of myself since I trained myself to have lucid sexual dreams about you every night. Best decision of my life. I then eat food and go to work as normal and even while I'm working in a factory making golf balls I still think about you. There has been more than one instance where coworkers have pointed out my boner and I usually just shrug it off as a random one. Actually there was one time where I was daydreaming about having baby making sex with you and I was just doing nothing at my station.

Anyway I come home and catch up on any VOD immediately and watch you life if you happen to be live. You never see me in chat as I don't like to make myself known. I feel like I am simply too degen and horny to fit in with the rest of chat. Fun fact that you probably already know but I do watch your streams completely naked and I masturbate to every single one. I also am the guy who lights up candles and cuts power to the doorbell and phone. I want nothing to interrupt our dates.

Katta. I want to be very clear on this. I want to make love to you. Most amauter degens would talk about sex and mating press but thats normie amauter shit. I do want to shove my cock inside of you of course but I in fact have had sex before and know what it takes to truly please a woman. I actually lost my virginity to my cousin and we proceeded to have sex in secret from the family for over 4 years. She taught me everything I need to know about making love and I'm very grateful for her because now I know what to do if I ever meet you. You wont simply feel good, no my dear you will fucking SCREAM when I go down on you. I swear that I will do anything and everything to pleasure you until you orgasm as many times as I can make you until I literally pass out from exhaustion.

I plan on getting a custom dakimakura of you naked and putting a hole inside of it with something in there so I can basically have a dakimakura fuckdoll. For now I plan on sticking to my Ipad for cumming but I might think of something else in the future.

PLEASE BE MY WIFE! I would gladly hold your hand all the time when we go out. I would take you out anywhere you wanted to go and treat you like the queen you are. I would love nothing more than to just walk up to you, grab you by your boobs, and remind you every day how pretty you are. I can even make pancakes but sadly not much else (I WOULD BE HAPPY TO LEARN IF THATS WHAT YOU WANTED). Heck I honestly think if we were ever married then I would just fantasize about how many pieces of furniture I could bend you over to mating press you.

Have I said enough? Do you want to hear more? Because I could go on and on about how much I love you and my extremely sexual desires for you. Just a final note, I do care very much about your well being and I really hope that you succeed in everything you do. I would love nothing more than a happy, healthy, wealthy Katta. I'm just a very sexual person and express my love through all 7 inches of my fat cock.

PS: I dont care what you do with this document. Hell you can show it on stream if you want. I fucking dare you actually :)

Pub: 07 Apr 2024 21:57 UTC
Views: 300