Ch. 9 ~ Komae Chiho (Beginning)

Kaname: ——Okay, that's all.
Let's take a 15 minute break. We'll do our review session after.

Kamira: ... For our first read-through, wasn't that pretty good?

Iroha: Our experience from "Arabian Nights" is showing!

Mito: Also... Towa-chan's Alice! It was really good!
It was so cute, I ended up spacing out at first!

Iroha: Actually, me too!

Denki Troupe Members: "Me too!" "I'm so glad I joined Denki!" "So precious..."
"It was so precious, I was considering giving donations" "I should've brought my SLR"

Towa: Haah. It's still just a read-through, but my overwhelming talent is terrifying.
That's just a glimpse of my true power, though.

Iroha: Oooh, something a strong person would say!

Towa: Well, I was chosen as the lead, so I'll do enough to not cause an embarassment.
Haah~ So boring. I'll sleep for the rest of practice~

Machiko: Kaname, are you just going to leave that be?

Kaname: It's still the first practice. From now on... I guess we can't say that.
It's a shame, but the audience won't be coming here to see Denki, after all.

Kaname: I like this atmosphere, though.
Especially right now, I think we're going in a good direction.

Machiko: However, this time the focus is all on Towa.
That girl's been lazy for too long. It's about time we give her a challenge.

Kaname: If she'd come to us before Olympus,
we wouldn't have to worry about this, though.

Machiko: I wonder if we should be thankful that Komae Chiho granted us this opportunity.
Or should we blame her for needless meddling...

Denki Staff: Ka, ka, ka, Kaname-san!
W, w-w-w-w-wait a second, please!

Kaname: What? You have a question?

Denki Staff: Not that—— I- it's a guest!

Machiko: ... So she came.

Kaname: Everyone, attention!

Kaname: Erm, a guest has arrived!

Towa: (—Hah?)

Troupe Member A: No way. Someone pinch my cheek... It doesn't hurt, so this is a dream.

Troupe Member B: Yep, a dream. There's no way she'd actually be here.

Troupe Member A: You think we might've wandered into Wonderland?

Iroha: Mito-chan! Please return us to reality with your White Rabbit powers!

Mito: I, I'll try!

Machiko: Don't panic.

Denki Troupe Members: —————

Kaname: You're in front of a guest. Don't mess around too much, okay?
I'm sorry, we haven't been very polite.

???: No, I was the one who barged in here all of a sudden.

Chiho: Nice to meet you, everyone.
I'm Komae Chiho, with the Olympus Theater Company.

Towa: Why...?

Machiko: After reflecting upon mentioning Denki without prior consent on television,
it seems Komae is here to apologize.

Chiho: I deeply apologize for that matter!

Chiho: I didn't think it would become such a big deal!
I have caused a great deal of trouble for the Denki Theater Company!

Chiho: Especially Towa-chan... I'm sorry!

Towa: It's not something you have to go out of your way to come here and apologize for.
Once you're at my level, you get used to all the attention.

Towa: Besides, we did used to stand on the same stage at Olympus.
I don't particularly mind. Though, it's nice seeing you again after so long.

Chiho: Towa-chan...

Towa: Well, if you insist on apologizing—

Iroha: I-it's fine to make this request, right?

Mito: This kind of opportunity is rare, after all!

Denki Troupe Members: The end of the line is here~! Let's form a proper line~!

Towa: ... Go give those guys your autograph.

Chiho: Yes, with pleasure.

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Pub: 03 Mar 2024 19:01 UTC
Edit: 10 Mar 2024 04:05 UTC
Views: 126