Her outfit

Sana has been teaching Kronii all about stars and planets
So much so, she decided to buy a telescope just for stargazing
"Are binoculars not enough for you?"
She stares at you, carrying the box to her room
Guess not
Unfortunately, she wasn't able to look at much at home
"Why don't we go camping, Kronii? Some clear skies would help"
"C-can we? Wait but that means going out...."
"There won't be a lot of people around, it's fine"
You manage to convince her, or rather, she needed you to so she wouldn't sound needy
Once the both of you found time in your schedules, you start planning
Her telescope, a tent, food, blankets, bug spray, chairs... and more stuff you needed for camping
"...Wait, I think we're forgetting about something..."
You scratch your head, what was it again?
"A sleeping bag? I bought one the other day"
"Just one?"
"...It's a double sleeping bag"
"O-oh, thanks"
Having everything ready, you start practicing how to set up camp
Kronii had some good laughs watching you screw up setting up the tent and almost burning yourself while trying to cook on a makeshift campfire
The day arrived and you go through your list in the morning
"You got everything?"
"Yup, packed all I needed"
"Alright, just lemme lock up and we'll go"
Kronii has a hop in her step, grinning from ear to ear
You're only going to be out for one day because of your schedules, but she's still happy to go
You take the wheel and drive off
While driving, you notice her staring at her phone
"What's up, Kronii?"
She jumps and tries to make sure you can't look at the screen
"I-it's nothing, don't worry"
Well if she says so
When you arrive it's just afternoon
You start looking for a place to set up camp while Kronii keeps looking at her phone
"...Okay so if it's like this, and then that should be there..."
What's she talking about?
She's probably going to dismiss you again, so you focus on the task at hand
Once you're done, it actually looks good
Kronii herself finished setting up her telescope
You sit down to eat, it's been a while since you cooked on a campfire but you manage somehow
"Ooh, it's good"
You were a bit worried if she'd like it but now you can enjoy your meal
Once the sun comes down, Kronii takes you to the telescope
"Okay... so let's look there"
She starts fiddling with the telescope for a bit
"Well obviously, we gotta start with the moon right?"
"Yeah I'd say that's fine"
She gets in position and stares
You see her smiling, she really was excited to do this
Once she's satisfied with the view she lets you take a look
And now you get why she had that reaction
"I don't need compliments right now, babe"
Afterwards, Kronii begins to show you what Sana taught her
"I think this is Polaris, and Ursa Minor should be seen... over here..."
"Oh wow, Anon look!"
You take your turn on the telescope and try to see
"Do you see it?"
"...Well I see the stars, but"
"Try finding the Little Dipper..."
You notice her taking out her phone
"...Look for some bright stars, four for the bowl and three more make the handle"
"Hmmmm... Oh! I get it now"
"I'm glad!"
She hasn't stopped smiling ever since you started doing this
From then on she tries to show you more
Cetus, Aquarius, Capricornus, everything she managed to remember
And she tells you stories about everything she managed to write down
Origins for the constellations, why they were called that, she's really into this
"Did you take a lot of notes, Kronii?"
She freezes
"...I kinda wanted to learn a bit more after talking to Sana"
"Oh, don't worry. I'm having fun"
She gets over her embarrassment and keeps teaching you
"I always wanted Sana to show me stuff like this, can't believe it took her this long to teach me"
She giggles to herself
Orion, Gemini, Cassiopea, once you get the hang of it, finding them became much easier
She also tries to show you some planets, you get to see Saturn and Jupiter
You shudder when Kronii tells you how Sana tried to use Saturn's rings as a literal ring one time
"...I say one time but I lost count on how many times she did it"
"At least she's over it... I hope"
To stop her bad memories from coming back, you keep looking some more
"Oh, Kronii... where's Pisces?"
"Erm... should be right here"
She moves the telescope a bit more and lets you see
You make a mental note for yourself
When your eyes start to get tired, you put a blanket on the ground and lay down with Kronii
"Heeeyyyy we can still see some of them!"
She takes out her phone and takes some pictures
You think you see her eyes glimmer a bit looking at the sky
"Time for a test, babe, show me what you learned"
You try to remember what she taught you
You manage to identify some constellations, as many as you could without the telescope
You did perfectly show her one of them though
"Any reason why you remembered Pisces?"
"Guess it was the easiest to learn"
It's not like a certain clock has her birthday on March 14th
You get a bit hungry so you prepare something more to eat
"You actually learned something, good job babe"
"All thanks to you"
It's gotten pretty late so you get in the tent and snuggle up in the sleeping bag
"Did you have a good time, Kronii?"
"Mm-hmm, I may or may not thank Sana when we get back home"
"Up to you"
She hugs you
"Thanks for bringing me"
"Thank you for wanting to do this, Kronii"
You close your eyes and go to sleep

beep beep beep beep
You hear an alarm... Is it morning already?
"Oh, don't worry I just set it up wrong"
Kronii moves to turn off the alarm
"You can keep sleeping, it's fine"
You do as you're told and close your eyes again
Once she makes sure you're asleep, she snaps her fingers
Time stops
She looks at her phone to make sure the alarm was turned off for real
The alarm message says "sunrise soon!"
She felt the trip wouldn't be complete if you didn't get to see the sunrise together
But that doesn't mean she wants to sacrifice her sleep for it
She smirks
"I love my job"
She lays down once more and buries her face in your chest

Kronii wakes up a few minutes before you do
She snaps her fingers again and turns to you
"Baaabe... kroniichiwa~..."
You wake up and it seems it's still nighttime
Something feels weird
"...Did you do something?"
"Do what?"
"I feel like I slept enough but it's still dark outside"
"Mmm... maybe you only had to sleep a little because I'm with you"
She's trying to act smug but she's also looking away
You figure out what happened
Having a girlfriend that can control time is very nice
You make hot cocoa for the both of you and sit down
The sun starts to rise
You look at her, the sun slowly starting to shine on her face makes her look even more beautiful
Her eyes are full of wonder
You make sure to keep this moment in your memory
Once the sun is up you make breakfast
"Oh this is good, too!"
You're proud of yourself hearing her raving reviews
After eating, you pack up and drive back home
Kronii is still smiling
"Wanna do this again some other time?"
She looks at you
"Well... the stars do change a little with the seasons"
"T-there also may be meteor showers every now and then according to Sana"
You pat her head
"Just say the word and we'll go"
She takes her phone out to send the photos she took to Sana
You go back to focusing on driving
You smile to yourself, thinking about what you did together
You're glad you now have a new reason to take her outside

t. Nameronii
Source for the art used

Edit Report
Pub: 26 Nov 2021 10:53 UTC
Edit: 27 Nov 2021 01:33 UTC
Views: 789