The Renegade

Be Anon
Be part of a SWAT police unit in central Europe
EU went full retard and now the continent has become one nation.
A prime example for anthro and human coexistence and peace just becoming more and more progressive each day supporting interspecies relationships until one radical party takes over making the marriage between anthro and human couples mandatory
You are supposed to lead by example and are among one of the first who is supposed to be assigned to your new furry wife
You won't let them have that power over you
Protocol:InnaWoods.exe -time to leave this shithole

Chapter 1: To protect and serve

The power went out in the room you were currently standing in. Despite you having expected this your heart begins to pick up in pace.
Your hostage, a human man was kneeling in front of you mouth gagged with a strip of clothes and his hands tied behind his back with zip ties.
He doesn't take the darkness too well and begins to squirm and complain with a muffled and panicked voice.
" shut up" you growl tightening the grip on your G36 carbine. The heavy gloves you were wearing create a silent squeaky sound as the fabric rubs along the Carbon Fiber grip of your weapon.
With one swift motion you pull down your civilian model type of night vision.
Fuck that thing is probably older than yourself , monocular and bulky it rests on your worn out kevlar helmet.
Your field of vision was narrow but at least now you could see again, although everything was kind of a blurry and shaded in different kinds of monotonous green.
Better than nothing you guess.
You raise your weapon and turn to the only door of the small office you were in right now.
With the Power suddenly going out and negotiations with the police force outside having broken down 20 minutes ago that can only mean one thing:
They are coming.
You can't help but grin in anticipation, maybe pretending that you were looking forward to a shootout would make it less scary.
Taking a few steps forward you swiftly open the door and step outside in the hallway. " Easy now " you think" take it slow- slow means steady and steady means smooth making you move fast " - yeah you got this.
Why were you nervous again?
Was it because of the odd silence with all the office machines and AC having gone quiet as the power was cut off or the fact that nobody or your fellow comrades hasn’t reported in over radio yet?
You reach for the button on your old tactical vest - yet another relic - but stop mid motion.
No, radio silence was better. For all you know they could have already taken your brothers in arms or tapped in on the frequency.
You make your way down the hallway , rifle at the ready , finger on the trigger.
Passing by locked doors of further small offices
Identical to the one you just left while on the other a bit of light was shining through bricks made out of milky glass. - something that only an east German architect could have considered as something beautiful
and appealing to design .
The light was dim but with your night vision goggles it rendered the entire hallway bright as if it would be midday.
You reach the corner of the hallway and turn around it just to find something odd on the ground. A rusty rifle, an old soviet era SKS to be exact.
The SKS of your buddy that was posted up here with you on this level.
Yeah okay this is bad. Your heart was going nuts now and you have to bite your tongue to silence that surprised groan that was about to slip you.
Aiming down the shitty holosight of your weapon you scan the room but nothing.
Not even a body, just that rifle here. No signs of a fight or remote struggle.
Should you break radio silence? Would there even be one still there to listen to it?
A drop of sweat runs down your forehead and into your eye making it burn.
You blink frantically trying to focus on the dim view or your night vision goggles as you push forward and into a nearby staircase only to meet your enemy.
You can only see the silhouette of the Person standing there but it told you enough to know he wasn't on your side.
Another human male you guess seeing as there was no tail or the shade of fur on that person's body but the tactical gear he was wearing was a dead give away that he had a more wealthy sugar daddy than yourself.
Expensive toys that only government employees had access to.
Lucky for you that swat officer in it's modern body armor and pretty neat looking HK 416 was currently busy aiming up higher levels of the staircase.
Was he alone? It seems he was part of a scout unit as you would have spotted the rest of his team if they were with you in that staircase.
"Life has many Doors fedboi" you think as you line up the sights with the totally oblivious police officer just as you were to pull the trigger you notice something.
It was something more than a premonition than actually being able to see it and you spin around - too late.
Something big and heavy slams into you knocking you off your feet as it sends you and whatever that thing was down the hallway.
Your helmet and vest only do so much as to dampen the impact as you land on your back.

Even worse the landing knocked the wind out of your lungs leaving you stunned for just a moment as you reach for your sidearm on your hip but before you can reach it you feel something grab the wrists of your hands
and pinning them down right by the side of your head.
The grip was strong but the touch of the hands was surprisingly soft and fuzzy, contradicting with the sharp claws that were digging into your skin.

" Oh please no , please don't let it be HER"
Your night vision goggles had been knocked off your helmet from the fall leaving you blind which only heightened your other senses that's why you were suddenly aware of her
familiar scent and the slightly moist and hot breath which was fanning down your neck " Told you I would catch you" a very satisfied feminine yet heavy carrying voice quips.

Before you can even muster a response a long alarm tone sounds and the lights suddenly turn back on with a loud " clack".
“Simulation is over, we got the last one” You hear one Member of the Entry Team speak as now the other members of the SWAT unit appear in the corridor putting their weapons at ease.
You blink up into the bright lights just to find your on duty partner on top of you still keeping you pinned down and your hips straddled with her body.

The brown and tan colored fur of the German shepherd lady was slightly bristled up in excitement while her tail was wagging , threatening to hit the nearest wall for the corridor you were lying in.
She had pushed up the quad optics of her way more modern night vision and was looking down at you with a shit eating grin on her face while the flecktarn colored body armor of hers rises and lowers in excitement
unable to hide the little bump of her breasts through the layers of kevlar and aramid fibers.

"Oh fuck off Claire , you got lucky" you grumble your ego just feeling as sore as your back right now as you try to sit up but she doesn't move yet. " You know what that means right ?
You actually won't be hiding in your apartment tonight but will go have a drink with me and the others at the bar tonight right?" She asks clearly, enjoying her victory over you.
You squirm once more but her grip just tightens while she shows off her long white fangs " Anon, a bet is a bet, you better deliver or i gonna tell HR about your dog breath comment from last week
and you will spend the next 3 months in Anthro/Human sensitivity-training Seminars"

You give up your struggle quickly, there was no way you could push off a 6,2 feet tall bitch + combat equipment off from you and the prospect of enduring more batshit insane propaganda
from the HR Department was certainly a convincing argument to play nice for now.
Especially when she was as thick headed as Claire. " Fine, yes I will come with you ,just please get off from me , I think my pelvis is about to be turned into bone dust "
She takes her sweet time but gets up, grabbing your vest by the shoulder she pulls you up with one hand back on your feet " Thanks bud, I think we both need some time off and away from this place. "

You just nod , looking around the kill house and Training area of your police department when you hear a man's voice behind you
" Alright ladies, that was good work from the entry team, 0 casualties , quiet and swift. "
You turn around to your chief and commanding officer who was standing by a desk with a few tv screens on it showing the recording of the training exercise you just went through.

" Next time we will make it harder on you though and give our terrorists here "- he gestures to you and your other slightly beat up colleagues starring as the " bad guys "-
"a few more options to secure the place. That's all people , dismissed , clean and maintain the equipment and hit the showers. You people stink"

You quietly chuckle seeing one hyena swat officer tense up by the last comment. You were just about to leave the room to get that much needed shower when you hear your chief speak up again
" Sergeant Anon? My office in 5 "
Oh shit did he hear me?” You think ,growing tense for a moment.
"Yes sir " you say mechanically leaving a confused and curious Claire behind" I will meet you in the lobby , don't wait for me "
You say but she just gives you a toothy grin as she pulls out the magazine and racks the bolt of her own rifle to eject the chambered training-round "
Oh don't you wish~ I will be waiting. "

You can't help but smile, Claire was alright . A good police officer and nice to hang around with. Most Anthros around the station were rather repulsive to you.
Not because you were holding a grudge or anything like that but because they were always up in your personal space and loud - just too animalistic for your liking.

There were human colleagues as well - the first mixed human and anthro Police force, the entire pride of the new EU- but they were shallow to you , talking about their kids and wives all day long.
Good for them but with you being single and not intending to change that you had not much to talk about.
There is only so much you can gain hearing from little Timmies problems with math problems in school or how the evil teachers seem to be giving the innocent she wolf Susie
detention for beating up six boys from another class all by herself.

You frown as you remember the chief's orders and quickly rinse yourself off in the shower although you wouldn't have minded spending a little bit longer there.
Back in your olive BDU's you put on your black and well polished combat Boots on and check yourself over in the foggy mirror before heading over to your chief's office.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself , knock and enter.

The office was nothing special, a standard issue desk with a standard issue computer screen on top of it with your standard issue cunt of a Boss sitting behind it.
Well maybe he wasn't that bad but when being in a position where every politician and personality with influence was to point the finger first at you to blame as soon something goes wrong you are kinda on the edge at all times.
You straighten up to salute your Commanding officer who returns the salute “Sergeant “ he nods before pointing to a chair in front of his desk
“At ease , take a seat We are just waiting for someone else , she will be right with us though.”
After both of you sit back down he relaxes a bit “Are you okay Anon? Your Partner really doesn't mess around , thought for a moment I would have to write you up sick for a few weeks there.”
“Its alright” you respond “Got kinda used to it over the years, i just hope my spine will be still okay when i get to collect my pension check”
He chuckles, too quickly for you. His entire mood was off. The Commanding Officer you knew wouldn't act like this.
Just when you were about to bring up the training scenario and equipment situation the door behind you which you just stepped in earlier opens. No knocking , no polite waiting time or any shape of announcement. This means trouble.
The way your boss quickly gets up , in respect but not to rip off the intruder's head who just dared to enter his realm confirms your suspicion.
You were smart enough to get up as well just to cringe internally when you see who was standing in the doorframe.

A Tigress , tall and bulky. Yes Gender Dimorphism is a thing among anthros as well but this was like making a Compact version of an SUV. In the end it would still be a massive unit.
The black knee high dress she was wearing was setting a high contrast to the deep blood red office blouse.
A broad black belt with a golden clasp was complimenting it while a little pin on the collar of her blouse hinted her high rank in the currently most popular anthro political party.
The visitor badge was hanging around her neck rather untidy and loose, setting somewhat a cute note to the more dominant appearance and you know very well that this was part of her strategy.
After all, you used to date.
,,Ahh Ms. Zora, glad you could make it “ Your boss speaks up, the tone so slimy that you could swear someone was about to slip on it and would cash in a massive profitable lawsuit from the department due to injury.
“Colonel Brooks “ she says with a warm smile, those golden eyes focused on him before they trail over to you making you cringe in despair. “This is Sergeant An-”
“Anon ,yes i remember you “ she says those beautiful but dangerous eyes set on you.
The caveman part in your brain that used to help your ancestors out when the literal tiger was standing in the cave entrance was now awake from its eternal slumber- and it was not happy at all.
It wasnt fear , it was Terror , the kind that keeps you from moving down dark alleys at night or lets you pick up the pace in a bad neighborhood.
Danger was close and right now you were looking straight into its golden eyes.
"Stop.'' Hold. I wanna get off the spooky ride.-Focus” You collect your thoughts.

“Briefly” You quip offering her your chair to her taking the initiative. As you salute your Ex “Ms. Zora , nice to see you again”
That one hit well, having you call a year of intimate relationship “briefly” and she couldn't correct you now without making it awkward for you boss.
After all, the political parties' interests always came first - as usual.
You kinda enjoy the piercing dagger look she was giving you. “Suck a fat one kitty” you think kinda glad that your boss was in the room or she would have choked you out already.
She seems calm but you know very well what it means when that tip of her tail begins to flick as it was doing right now.

She collects herself as she gets out a folder from her suitcase and hands it to your boss who takes it as if it was an actual hand grenade she just pulled the pin out of.
“Colonel Brooks and I have been working together with the Parties HQ and we were considering opening up a second police department near Frankfurt.”
You stay silent not deciding to speak up as she clearly waits for you to respond. With you failing to do such she carries on.
“We were looking for someone to lead that new police department and after a long evaluation of potential candidates we have agreed that you would be the perfect person for this position.”
Your Boss nods and smiles “Congratulations Lieutenant” reaching out his hand to you.
You were caught off guard and just grabbed it in reflex shaking it Something was off , this can't be right, why would she recommend you? Of all people?
“Uhmm thank you Sir but what would be expected of me should i accept this position?”

The room grows quiet as if you just insulted someone's mother and then you realize. “If i accept” Yeah can't have that in the best state ever. You don't get to decide, orders are orders.
“Well” Ms. Zora speaks up “You will be briefed on that in due time. However, now that you mention it I would have to ask you to fill in those resettlement papers, for you and your wife and children.”
“Wife? Children?" You respond unable to stop yourself in time “I don't have any.”
You bite your tongue but it was too late. There was a sudden twinke of victory in the Tigress eyes.
“No children and Wife?” she asks all casually while she brushes a strain of her shoulder long, black hair behind her ear. Oh she was enjoying this way too much.
Kinda cute if it hadn’t been a psycho doing it.
“Well that's a Problem Anon, you see of such high ranking officers like yourself we expect that they are role model citizens.
“That's too bad , I am sorry to disappoint the State.” You try your best not to choke on those words and especially keep the sarcasm down. “ Guess I will have to stay here then.”
The toothy grin she gives you lets your short lived hope die off again though “Oh no ,that shouldn't be an issue. You see, you would be perfect for our new marriage programm.
We could have you signed up right away, by the end of the week to be precise. Just in two weeks or so you would be happily married with one beautiful anthro wife of your own.”
“I…yeah sure…excuse me Sir and Miss, that's just a lot to stomach at once” as you struggle for composure.
“With all due respect I think I have to decline the offer…i am not feeling ready yet to have a family on my own”
The Tigress keeps looking at you still smiling then she closes her eyes and stretches herself with surprisingly feline agility she gets up moving closer to you “Lieutenant ''
she purrs getting way too close for you again.
“I think you are misinformed. This isn’t a request but an order. You have sworn to protect and serve."

“One large hand of hers trails down your back making you feel those claws through the fabric of your Uniform until she reaches the back of your head to grab you by the hair giving it an ever so gentle yet firm tug.
“Now its your time to serve~”

Oh man HR Would have a field day with this one if they ever gave a shit about poor humies being molested by anthros.
You stay quiet, heart pounding as you try not to think back to another situation a long time ago when she had you grabbed by the hair like that as well.
She picks up her suitcase and gives your boss a smile “Always a pleasure Colonel Brooks, Lieutenant , i see you very soon~” she leaves the office almost completely quiet leaving you and your dumbstruck Boss behind.
He was the first one to speak up “Its not as bad you think you know…you get used to it “ his face suddenly looking a decade older. “At some point you just …” he falls quiet.
“Is that all Sir?” you ask, trying to sort out the emotions you were feeling.
“Yes , dismissed” he hands you your promotion papers and the copy of your command to report into the next hospital for a health check up and participation in the Wife-Husband Program of the glorious new European Union.
Holy shit the tinfoil hats on the internet were actually right.
You leave the office almost shambling like a Zombie.
You even ignore your colleagues who came to congratulate you on your promotion. Fucking office gossip spreads like a wildfire.
You just grab your jacket and head down to the lobby with the elevator. Standing finally outside you look into the dark sky and fish out a cigarette out of your pocket just to quickly light it.
Usually it makes you feel better but now you just got a shitty taste in your mouth and still feel awful.
“Ahh there you are Anon i have been wondering if you were trying to snea-” Claire falls quiet as she sees you, her head tilted to the side letting one hear of hers hang down while the other perks up.
Whenever you tell her that it looks adorable when she does that she starts calling you names and threats all various kinds of violence towards you.
However this time you just don't have the strength to tease her about that. She senses that something was up as both of her ears fall flat and lower as she reads your mood and moves closer.
“Anon what happened?” she asks.
You just hold up the paperwork and take a draw from your cigarette “I am literally fucked” you say showing the marriage appointment document.
She stares at it then at you just to snatch the cigarette off from your hand to take a deep drag herself. “Fucking hell” she says as now both of you stare into the cloudy nightsky.

Chapter 2 Phone Games

"She just can't do that" Claire suddenly bursts out tossing the cigarette away. You never saw her like that before , fur spiked up and fangs exposed as she growled kicking an empty soda can down the pavement.
" She just did " you just respond having her told in detail what happened inside the chiefs office.
" She always controlled everything even back then and made decisions over my head , fucking bitch- no offense" you quickly add as you see how Claire was looking at you. You get ready to light another cigarette up ,
flicking your lighter a few times until it finally ignites. " you know those aren't good for your fertility right?
Your new wife will probably ask you to give that habit up" she says still sounding pissed but now falling back in the old habits of teasing you.
You roll your eyes " Really? Fuck I gonna empty that pack tonight all alone " you exhale the smoke and she giggles as she blows it away to avoid it. "
You know that these don't help to mask your scent right ? Me and other Anthros still know what's up despite that. "
" I think everyone can pretty much guess right now what my mood is " you reply sounding more brusk than you intended. You shake your head "
Come on let's go to the bar and drink a beer. I really need one…or five "
You start going and Claire follows suit just to hook her arm under yours in an almost mocking romantic attempt. "
“Sure, here let me help you get adjusted to your future life " you burst out in laughter in a rush of gallows humor. " Whatever human you get won't be walking by your side but following you on a leash.
I saw your browser history, remember?"
" That was my sister's " she hurries to say although avoiding any eye contact.
"Despite….the waiting lists are long ..for a husband and I kinda feel awkward about it just to take someone unknown man. What if he doesn't like me?
What if he keeps trying to fuck other women?" She bares her teeth at that thought showing off the protective and possessive nature of her personality.
" Not gonna fly , maybe you are right about that leash." She concludes with a shrug.
You just shake your head , everything had to be a struggle for power with anthros.
Finally reaching the bar you spend the better part of the night with Claire , trying to ignore the subject but eventually the curious canine can't hold it back any longer.
" You never told me that you had a thing for cats. " She says, taking a swig from her bottle.
You stay silent for a moment but the alcohol has made your tongue more loose than normal and so you relent to her prodding and prying.
It's not like she would have given up anyway.
"Well I don't pick favorites, it just happened in military training.
She was from another unit and we started to hang out during an exercise.
I kept making fun of her for being part of the French forces while I was still a member of the Bundeswehr before it got disbanded and absorbed into the European army corps. "
You sigh" we dated for a year or so and at the beginning it was very nice and all but she got more and more demanding and controlling. Asking me to give up my job ,
stay at home all day and only go out with her permission.

She started her career in that anthro party and climbed the ladder quite fast, basically writing that entire new marriage law by herself ...." You shudder.
" Just why did people vote for that ? " You ask clenching your first beneath the table in anger.
Claire has been listening but now speaks up " Well plenty of Anthros did and humans too, some people have become very lonely in modern age and just wish to be with someone.
" She falls quiet and sighs. " Forget about it ,for my part I am glad that you didn't end up being tiger food. Now you can be crushed by some thick hippo instead.
" She laughs out in a barking manner as you stay quiet though she stops and whines softly seeing you facial expression.
" Anon …" without further words she pulls you into a strong hug and you let it happen. Wrapping your arms around her body you give her a firm squeeze, nose pushed into her fur.
" I will be fine , Claire. Don't worry about it. I hope I will get to see you still after I have been assigned " you say
" yeah me too…." She says, sounding kinda husk. She avoids eye contact with you ,rubbing her eyes. Did she just suppress some tears?
You can't really tell and bringing up any potential vulnerabilities of hers towards you usually earns you a smack against the nuts so you stay quiet.
" I am spent I think I should go to bed " you say , getting up from the barstool you had been sitting on. " Want me to come home with you?" she asks
" I don't think that would be a good idea Claire, I just see you tomorrow at late shift okay? Thanks for hanging out with me. You were right I should have done it sooner.
" You say, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze as you leave. She looks after you ears hanging low again " Good night Anon" she finally speaks when you were already long gone.

Back in your apartment you take off your jacket and head down your small hallway into your living room.
It was small but for one Person more than enough having all you needed. Desk, couch , Computer and a bench press for training that you were currently abusing as a way to hang dry your recently washed laundry.
Nobody is perfect.
However something was off but you can't put your finger on it , your phone rings and you pick it up " hello this is anon?"
" Hi Anon , congrats on your promotion. I wanted to do it more personally earlier this evening as I have been able to in that office but that stench of dog on you pressed me to
leave or I would have committed a hate crime in that department.

" Your heart skips a beat hearing that dreaded voice.
" Miss Zora" you say just to have her growl out " Anon, babe~ we have been over this.
Don't make me pull a few strings to get you arrested tonight under the suspicion of circumventing the arranged marriage"
You feel your heart drop " You wouldn't …"
"Wanna try me? " She purrs " alright I will hang up right now and-"
"No!" You interrupt " Please fine , Tamara there…what do you want?"
" Aww that's a good boy~ " she coos, sounding all excited through the silent static of the phone line .
" I wanted to say good night and …well I got a surprise for you. Go check your bedroom. "
You swallow dry as you hear that , you gave up your service weapon when you left the building and reaching the weapon you had hidden would take too long.
" Go on Anon, do it " she coaxes you. Slowly with a trembling hand you push the door to your bedroom open to find …it empty.
Just your bed as you left it but there was a small box sitting on top of it. A wrapped gift box.
" broke into my place?" You manage to ask your voice cracking. This was far from sane even for anthro standards.
" Just a short visit. " She says and you can imagine how she was smiling saying that , trailing her tongue over those sharp fangs of hers. Those she loved to dig into your shoulder at any chance she got.
" Open the box anon ~" she coos and you were quick to do that just to find another smaller wooden box in it. It looks expensive and has a small brass latch.
With a trembling finger you unlock it and open it just to let out a soft groan.
Inside the box was a heavy looking black leather collar.

“Do you like it? I made it a bit more sturdy so it can’t break as easily as your old one did. Such a shame that you destroyed it” She sighs.
“You are crazy” you finally manage to bring out your voice finally sounding somewhat normal again while your mind is racing. “She knows where I live, she has been in here!” you think.
You keep the phone pressed to your ear as you quickly check the bathroom and small office but you were alone…for now.
Rushing over to your window that was laying streetside you glance down on the empty street. It was all quiet , nothing suspicious you could see.
Your heartbeat calms down just a bit while you hear that crazy women shuffle around on the other end of the line. “Mhhhm i love it when you are all tense like that- such a wild beast you are” she purrs out.
“Dont worry my love soon, I will tame you and this time you will not escape from me.”
,,Tamara…please , listen to yourself” you try to reason. There isn't even a guarantee that I will end up being your husb- you stop yourself as she giggles.
” Ohh yeah i wouldn't count on that…i already got your files all here - not that i need them but you see having the position i have in the party comes with….”benefits”. Consider yourself as my “annual bonus”.”
She lets out a soft moan and you get a good idea of what she was doing right now. She used to do it midday back in your old shared apartment- just to mess with you.
It was always how she started to get herself more and more into that feral mindset of hers before she would pounce and demand that you give her what she used to call “her right”.
“I am looking forward to this Anon, you will be such a good father and husband for our kittens.- Well after i properly trained you.
I have been thinking about it Anon and I think I now know why it didn't work out back then with us.~”
“Oh yeah?'' “ you ask your own voice all husk sounding.

“I was too soft on you “ she lets out another high pitched moan , her own voice trembling.
“I gave you too much freedom, allowed you to go down that unsupervised path of misery where you just put yourself at risk.
I should have kept you close and tried to make you see where your real place is. I am so sorry Anon but now it's gonna be okay. I will fix that mistake and you…”
she lets out another sigh of pleasure , riding out what you can only assume must be some sort of climax.
“You will thank me for that.~ Get some rest and make sure you go down to that health checkup in two days. I will be waiting there for you, don't worry my sweet boy.” With that the line goes dead.
You lower your phone staring at the blank display. In that ocean of emotions , thoughts and urges you have been tossed into you find a loose piece of driftwood to hold on to.
A loose thought that saves you from the raging despair that threatens to consume you.
You gotta leave and you will have to do it soon.

Chapter 3 : Et tu, Brute?
The wooden baseboard in your bedroom was creaking and groaning as you kept prying it off the wall with your crowbar.
Bending and flexing as the old silicone begins to draw long strings before finally it gives in. With a loud “thud” it finally snaps off the wall flying across the room just to let out a high wooden ring on impact.
You sigh in relief, eavesdropping on any movement inside your building complex. You waited till early morning when most other tenants left for work before trying to access your hidden stash.
You didn't sleep at all that night , pacing the apartment up and down like a trapped beast inside its cage. Your ashtray was more full than usual and the air thick with cold and suffocating smoke.
The first thing you did as soon you assumed it was a reasonable time was to call your department and call in sick.
You drop the crowbar on your bed and get down on your knees reaching into the empty and dark space that the baseboard had covered up to retrieve a wooden crate.
It was painted in an olive army like green and covered with warning signs in German and Englisch as well with yellow numbers and letters printed on it for its NATO designations.
You take a moment to rub your bloodshot eyes before opening the box revealing your old chest rig and body armor. An old Bristol Vest in a flecktarn camo pattern.
Old and heavy but too useful to leave behind. You take the vest and chest rig out and place it on the bed just to take the next item, a sleeping bag , canteen, one person tent and your old gasmask.
However the plastic has become bridle making it useless so you toss it to the side.

Finally you find your old backpack , your name band still attached to it. You rip it off knowing that your Name won't do you any favor anymore.
You reach into the backpack and grow tense feeling the cold and heavy object inside it. Pulling it out you can't help but smile a bit.
It was your old sidearm, a P8 basically an USP but in 9x19mm so it can play nice with the other members of the big NATO family.
You fish out the two full mags for it out of it as well and quickly stash them and the pistol away into your chest rig.
Back then when the military was disbanded and entire barracks were relocated nobody was able to exactly tell how much of the original amount of equipment actually made it to the new location.
Frankly nobody could be even bothered to check twice and so people went home with plenty of “souvenirs” to enjoy themselves.
You were rather humble now actually biting yourself in the ass that you didnt take more but who the fuck actually plans for a situation like you are in right now?
You stare into the void for a few minutes until you get a hold of yourself. There was more that needs to be done and you don’t have time.
Tamara was dangerous and you had her words of suggesting that she could just have you arrested at any moment well in the back of your head.
Getting back up you start to go through your pentry taking canned goods, some water, lighter fuel and personal hygiene items.
You had no idea where to go yet but you figured that you need to get out of the dense and well organized infrastructure of the bigger city.
Somewhere more remote where cellphones struggle to have service and you don't meet an anthro every 30 seconds.

Your backpack was full , your vest and chest rig ready and you even got your old hiking clothes out to help you out with the challenges that nature might throw at you.
Smoking the last cigarette of your backpack you look around your place which looks like it had been just looted when you hear a knock on your door.
You flinch , stuffing the cigarette into the ashtray and get up.
The hands of yours won’t stop shaking so you clench your fists as you make your day over to the door. Resting your head against it for a moment you take a deep breath before opening it.
“Fuck Anon , you look like shit” Claire says seeing your unwashed and uhninged personality. You are not sure what was disturbing her more, your unshaved face ,
the bloodshot eyes or that you were wearing hiking clothes and boots inside your apartment.
“No shit-” you cough and your voice sounds very husk from the nicotine abuse and not having used your vocal strings the entire night.
“Yeah no shit, just my luck. Better don't come in, you might just get it too.”
“Nonsense Anon , you know I can't get the diseases humans can have. They said you called in sick so I came to check in on you.”
That was odd and she must see your disbelief and suspicion but before you could say anything else she entered your apartment , stepping past yourself, just to admire the mess you made of your own apartment.
Then you notice something else. She was carrying her full deployment gear, rifle on her back, taser on holster ,first aid kit ,zip ties ,pepper spray and bodycam.
Now this was putting you on high alert as well especially when all your highly illegal “bug out equipment'' was laying in plain sight including your weapon.
“Fuck Anon, your new wife will bust your balls if you do the same to her place.” You follow her up and manage to throw your blanket over the stuff just in time while she was browsing your looted kitchen.
“Y..yeah i couldn't sleep, my sore throat kept me awake all night and i decided to rearrange my stuff. You just caught me moving everything out of the shelves so I can sort stuff out.
I guess I will have to give up this apartment soon….with marriage and all coming up.
Her ears lower “Anon…that's why I am here. To check on you too but it’s just not a visit between friends….we got an anonymous tip this morning that you would try to escape.
So i will have to ask you to come with me down to the department. Check you in say hi to the colleagues and leave this silly task behind us.Protocol is stupid at times.”
You feel like your chest is about to explode. “Anonymous my ass you know exactly who did that. You're gonna end up killing that savage Tiger yourself at this rate!

“Haaa…really now? wow…phew thats , stupid “ You say but that was probably the worst you could have said as Claire looks right through you. “Anon, i don't blame you for trying but this isn't the way, look may-”
“THATS EASY FOR YOU TO SAY WHEN YOUR ASS ISNT ON THE LINE” You burst out, all selfrestrain gone from you as the stress and fear of the night that Tamara planted into your heart explodes,
sadly catching your friend in its radius.
“You get to keep your life, I will have to give mine up and serve some psycho bitch!
This isn't going to happen, I'd rather die!” Claire was standing there ,
that beautiful stubborn bitch that you learned to value a lot over the years and it tore your heart almost to pieces to find that she was shaking, ears pinned back as if you just hit her.
“Anon” her voice sounded weak and was trembling. “I wish it wouldn't be that way but we can't just pick and choose the laws we like to enforce”
You ignore the “I was just following orders” Trope. You heard it enough before.

“Look just come with me to the department, you can go take a shower there and get a fresh set of clothes and-
” No, do what you must” you simply state , a tear rolling down your cheek as you lower your head , you couldn't hold it back anymore. You are a fucking mess right now.
She moves closer struggling with herself- the discipline to follow orders fighting with her loyalty towards the people she cherishes.
Her hand moves down to the zip ties on her belt only to move back away as she pulls you into a hug.
You find yourself hugging her close as well, her fur quick to soak up those tears. “its gonna be okay “ she coos, gently rubbing your back eventually trailing up to the back of your head to comb through your hair.
She never did that before and if you were honest you wouldn’t mind having her do it again or just stay like this for the rest of your lifetime.
You will never forgive you for what you were about to do.

It was easy to open up the pouch of her first aid kit and get the morphine auto-injector. Holding in your hand you line it up with her body.
The “yip “of hers sounds like one of shock and disbelief but also pain. Not physical pain but that of betrayal.
It was easy for you to sink the needle into her hip but now you were feeling how her grips tightens on you in shock trying to force you into a grip where she had more control
“ Anon!” she gasps but you can already feel how she was losing her balance whimpering softly.
It feels like a tree is slowly falling over on you and you do your best not trying to be buried beneath it as you manage to let her slump over on your nearby couch.
Her gaze was focused the entire time on you, eyes full with fear and something else you can’t seem to interpret. Rage? Disappointment?
“I am sorry” You keep repeating over and over again, opening her vest and taking it off from her so she could breathe easier.
“You will be okay, it will wear off soon- I gotta leave and I won't fight you. I will never fight you”
She reaches for you in an attempt to grab you and pin you down but she can’t even coordinate her arm enough to get in any way close to you.
Making sure she was laying safe you remove the memory card from her body cam and toss it into the shredder inside the kitchen sink just to get dressed.
Your equipment feels heavy and bulky. Good thing that you don't have to think about how to get out of the city now that you got the keys to Claire’s Squadcar.
You figure you got 30 Minutes before they would try to contact her and in total 45 Minutes before they will try to track your car. That should get you far away enough to find yourself another vehicle.
As you reach for her Radio to attach it to your own vest you can hear her whisper “Anon..please…dont leave …dont leave me”
You grab her soft paw and give it a gentle squeeze. Now there was a tear on her face running down her cheek.
You get up and head towards the door of your apartment only to stop for a moment.
Heading back into your bedroom , you take the “gift” of your supposedly future wife and dispose of it with a throw inside the trashcan of your small kitchen.
That should bring over the message you wish to send to her better than anything else you could do- well maybe torching her car but you were on a limited time budget.
Making sure to keep your distance to the disabled Shepherd lady you step out into the hallway and rush down the stairs. There was no time to waste.
Freedom awaits , sweet , sweet freedom. You hate the Anthrostate! …yet you feel like you can still hear Claire’s soft whines of distress and helplessness
even when you were already inside the car speeding down the highway.
You know already that those sounds will stick with you for a while.

Chapter 4: A brave new world

Your boots thump on the ground as you run down the asphalt road.
Past all those abandoned houses and tall buildings. This place once- a vibrant city was now derelict and a former husk of itself.
The windows of the multi storey buildings are broken or barricaded. All dark and quiet resembling more tombs now than apartments.
The sounds of your steps echo back from the side of the streets, off those dirty brickwalls making you painfully aware of how easy you could be tracked.
Something or someone was after you, there was no time to grab your gear.
You are unarmed, exhausted, tired, helpless.
Feeling your lungs burning like fire you regret every cigarette you have ever smoked in your life at once just to decide that you need to get off the road.
Somewhere to hide, somewhere to wait it out- yes perfect!
You take a sharp turn into a narrow street- a dead end.
The fear you were feeling was now on the brink of turning into full blown panic just to have you spot a door to an apartment complex hang ajar.
Not wasting another moment you head into the building finding the upper floor to be barricaded off with large pieces of furniture you head into the basement.
Darkness envelops you as you descend into the windowless rooms. The power went out weeks ago and you are painfully reminded of your old night vision goggles that you used to complain so much about.
More feeling your way towards than seeing now you find a door, heavy and made out of metal ,pushing down its handle you slip into what seems to be a large room with concrete walls.
At least you assume that , judging how your steps echo back from the wall. The stench of oil in the nose you guess that its the building's boiler room.
The heavy metal door slams tight behind you making you flinch, now even the dim daylight is gone.

You keep your hand pressed against the wall as you feel yourself forward finally reaching another corner of the room and what you make out to be some sort of bench and shelf.
Alone in the dark, all quiet just your heavy , stressed breathing and your thumping heart.
Soon you hear them, barking orders. Their voices were muffled , you had no idea what they were saying but they seemed to check out the nearby area.
The people that chased you. Anthros, Humans? You don't know but the sound of their heavy boots soon fades.
For the first time in what feels like an eternity you feel some relief making your legs all wobbly when you suddenly feel it.
A warm gust of air on the back of your neck which makes you all tense. Then before you know it you feel a firm set of hands grabbing you from behind , warm furry hands.
Hands you used to feel a long time ago.
“Mine” Tamara growls as you are still in shock squirming, screaming as her fangs find your neck biting down hard. You squirm and whimper ,
twitching in her grip as your warm blood runs down your neck and chest. It is hard now to stand upright and you can hear a muffled moan of pure pleasure as she tastes you, that rough tongue rasping along your skin.
She begins to pull you deeper into the room, somewhere like a predator's prey, you can feel her hand reaching down to your groin as all senses begin to fail you.

Looking back at it you aren't sure if you were screaming when you woke up from your sleeping bag.
All you know is that you were thirsty, covered in cold sweat and shaking bad. You curl up for a moment waiting for your body to calm down.
When the trembling finally stops you slowly move, squirming out of your sleeping bag which you now identify as the supposedly tight and relentless grip the Tigress had on you in your dream.
Dim daylight was seeping through the boards you used to barricade the windows of your temporary home. An abandoned gas station.

It has been 3 Months since you ran, 3 Months of civilization like you used to know going to hell.
The new social laws which were allowing the Anhtros massive rights over humans caused a max exodus of the human population, having them flee the cities and run as far as they could.
Preferably to the American continent or wherever the big , furry arm of the New-EU cant reach them.
Maybe the other nations could fight back and liberate this shithole- maybe, you are not bothering to entertain optimistic thoughts.
The Anthros in charge were quick to react , forming new units to catch runaways and travel was severely limited needing permission from a local government official to leave past the designated area.
You figure that the owners of this gas station decided that somewhere else the fields were much greener and left before the state could start going after them as well.
They left it all behind, didn't even bother to lock it up. The fear was too strong , they just wanted to get out of there as long as they could, leaving you to take up this place.
Maybe you could spend the winter here , you had a generator and literal shitton of gas.
You and the humans who made it into the more rural areas of the country were quite safe from those units as they were busy for now processing stragglers and runaways that stayed close to the city
but eventually they would start sniffing around here as well.

Getting all geared up you lift the heavy wooden board you used to barricade the entrance with before stepping outside to take in the fresh air.
The gas station was located near a dense forest laying higher elevated allowing you to have a good overwatch.
The only drawback was that this gas station was the sole point of interest in a few miles but you were betting that nobody would come here that quickly.
A small dusty road passes it by now littered with dead leaves as autumn was about to transition into winter.
A small shiver runs down your spine as you check with your binoculars if there was any movement on the road and down in the valley. All clear.
Heading back in you check your supplies, take a jug of water and a few crackers as provision.
Today you were gonna go shopping -well not really more like visiting the local blackmarket in the nearest town to trade some gas for food
You shake your head still in disbelief of your current situation, from “protect and serve “ to “Squat and Rob”. Well you didn't ask for this- you just wanted to be left alone.
Packing one of the many maps the gas station had to offer you set up your route to the nearest small town.

Using a car was out of the question as they were too noisy and every Anthro would be alarmed as humans have been banned from driving cars recently.
It wouldn’t be a long hike and thanks to your backpack hauling that jerry can on your back would be much more comfortable than carrying it with your hands.
You check your gun making sure a round was chambered before heading out into the dark forest , avoiding the road as much as possible.
After over an hour you finally reach the small town, mostly humans were there and a few anthros who were mostly friendly and more open minded when it came to the rights of humans.
They were just interested in coexisting , sitting together , talking, laughing, and loving.
A functional community based on mutual respect for each other and a general disdain for the smothering nature of the current state.
It would make Tamara smash something expensive against the wall just seeing it. How preposterous! Life functioning without the state's hand guiding it.

You can't help but smile as you enter the town. People were friendly towards you ,not knowing who you are and you never used your real name but everybody seeing you was quick to figure out
why you were here and what made you come here. You were nothing special these days. Making your way towards the center of the town you soon reach your destination,
an old scrapyard where the blackmarket usually gathered at this hour.
It was already busy people walking around and checking out the goods on display. Mostly food, hygiene items, raw material , tools and here and there a weapon or ammo and of course drugs- a shit ton of them.
Offering up your jerry can you manage to score a few cans of food and a new hat that covers your ears which should come in handy the coming winter.

You were just about to store your goods in the backpack when it happened.
A gunshot cracking across the marketplace causing the people to scream and flee and you to hit the deck as a few more shots follow up.
Reaching for your own gun you look around for the shooter but all you can see are the people being hit groaning in agony from their wounds while others don't move at all anymore.
With the gunfire stopping it was unnaturally silent for a few moments before the crying of the relatives and wounded resounded back growing louder in its intensity.
The shooter could be seen nowhere , you assume it was a robbery gone wrong. The people grew more desperate everyday as ressources grew more scarce.
The mud you were laying in was cold and starting to soak through your clothes making you get up quick. Your face and hands were covered with it as well.
Time to head home and leave- with reported gunfire the state would be way more eager to investigate this city.
This was a problem , whoever fired that weapon didn't just kill innocent people but also the entire black market and your plans to stay here over the winter.
They would be looking for stragglers, insurgents , bandits, yourself.
Grabbing your backpack you start running down the empty street. You can see the decay creeping in while old flyers are blown across the street by the cold and sharp wind.

“ ATTENTION: CURFEW IN EFFECT FROM 18:00H till 6:00H “ one reads.






You shudder, after the massive fleeing attempts started the state was doing its best to catch them all.
You heard rumors of special squads made up by Anthrosoldiers whose main task is to find and capture escaped humans.
The reports vary , some say it's just the local police, others say it's a fully armed and special unit.
It is confirmed that all humans have been withdrawn from active and military duties for the moment to resolve “conflicts of interests” for them.
The people left in the big cities began rioting and you assume that the state was worried that their police force wouldn't be loyal enough with humans participating in it.
A sting of guilt jabs in your heart as you wonder what Claire is up to these days. Despite her trying to arrest you , you can't help but feel sorry for what you did to her.
You honestly hope that she is okay although for both of your sake you hope that you never meet again.
A silent high pitch buzzing alerts you and you can't help but curse as you look up. A small drone , a quadrocopter with the Anthro parties symbol was circling above you and the scrapyard you just left.
This was bad, if they already had eyes on it that would mean that the cavalry was right around the corner.
Finally reaching the edge of the forest you start to ascend the hillside , sweating and panting when you hear the screams behind you wail up again in noise and frequency.
Another shooting? Whipping out your binoculares you look back down into the town just to tense up. You see an anthro woman, might be a cheetah holding a few human males at gunpoint.
The men were kneeling by the sidewalk hands on the back of their head, gaze lowered.

You can't make out the unit the cheetah was belonging to, the camo and uniform looking different from what you ever saw as her body armor resembles that of Riot gear worn by modern police forces.
A hexagonal pattern made out of white and gray color schemes while the rifle she was holding looks like what a zookeeper would use to knock out a big and dangerous animal
crossed with something you would have expected a crack smoking designer of a sci fi-themed video game would come up with .
Just as you decide to carry on and better get out of sight you see one of the men start to get up and running.
The cheetah hisses and points at him yelling a few orders to the squadmates of hers who quickly chase after the man.
The had him quickly cornered when he pulled out a knife, slashing and jabbing at the soldiers whenever one of the anthros tried to come close to him.
Finally a doberman with a long pole approached him. You wonder what it was until you realize it was some sort of mancatcher.
You only saw those in old history books but now you see how they were used in person as she manages to get the wide pliar like head of the catcher to grab on to his neck.
He was squirming and struggling as she had an easy time to control his movements while being safe from his blade herself. Finally he falls over as the Doberman keeps him pinned down and trapped with the pole.
Her squadmates were quick to pounce upon him , disarming and restraining him. Upon having him pinned down to the pavement they grab out a phone and take a picture of his face up close only to frown at the result.
Without a word they yank him up and escort him out of your field of view.
You are terrified. Time to get a move on. Staying here was too dangerous.
By nightfall you reach the gas station. You took a few detours wanting to throw off any potential followers and now exhausted and hands and feet numb from the cold you stumble more into your shelter than walking.
You take off your boots and massage your blistered feet while groaning quietly. The wet socks hung up to dry while you strip your gear down till you just sit in your boxers and t-shirt.
You were freezing and for the yearning of feeling the warm touch of civilization you turn on the generator so you can turn on the electric heater.
No lights , just the heater.
You browse through your selection of canned goods and settle for Ravioli. The food was quickly heated up on your electric stove and you dug in, thanking all unknown and known gods for that hot plate of food.
As the new manager of this gas station as you like to call yourself you also loosened the rule when it comes to smoking indoors.
Might be not smart but so was resisting a state that was outgunning and outmanning yourself.
Despite the day's event you find yourself cheering up , a sense of invincibility taking hold.
You didn't die, they didn't capture you. You got a hand on this situation , you may be just one man but fuck them for thinking you were just rolling over and submit. Nah aint gonna happen.
Getting an idea you head over to the liquor section that any reasonable gas station had on display you start browsing the goods on display.
You actually held those back to trade them but today was a special day. You can't help but laugh at the price tags wondering who can actually afford to buy alcohol here even during the “good old times”.
Your choice falls on a cheap looking vodka and you open up the cap to take a deep swig. You cough and shake your head never having been much of a man that enjoys the heavy stuff but the isolation was getting to you.
The second swig wasn't as bad as the first one, maybe that was the secret to drinking this? Just keep going until it tastes better?
You shrug and move on with the bottle coming to a small aisle of music CD’s on offer which were probably older than yourself.
You can't help but chuckle at the enormous choice of genre they had up on offer: Country and Western.

Stepping behind the counter you find the old radio with a Disk player built in. Probably the sole source of entertainment for any poor soul that used to work here as a clerk.
Shoving the disk in you slightly turns up the volume listening to the strings of an acoustic guitar. A quiet and slow song telling a story about loss and love- like every other fucking song ever written it seems.
“I didn't take you for a country fan” a voice sounds from behind you. You almost drop the bottle in your hand as you tense up , heart seeming to drop down into your stomach.
You reach for your holster just to grab empty air. Right you had your equipment stashed by your sleeping bag and were just running around in a t shirt and boxers- you fucking moron.
Slowly turning around you see…Her.
Claire wore full combat gear and the night vision with quadoptics which she was now Flipping up to reveal her eyes.
You can feel your knees get a bit wobbly and how your dinner was about to come back up for a glorious comeback.
You need to do something! Anything! Your brain was screaming. You end up just taking a swig from your bottle of vodka hoping it would push back against your ascending dinner.
“Holy shit i lost it “ you say chuckling hoping that you were just going crazy but Claire just tilts her head.
“No Anon , I am real and I am here to -” We went over this already” you sigh knowing that running isn't an option seeing how she was blocking off the only exit and you being all exhausted.
“I am not going ba-”
“Will you shut up and listen to me, you moron?” she asks fangs on display and ears tilted back. “I have been looking for you for months , I was worried sick! ."
She bursts out , body trembling while her tail keeps on wagging at the same time. Her emotions seem to be a mix of anger and happiness about seeing you , oblivious to the odd nature of her still holding you at gunpoint.
“You bastard drugged me! “ she says now growling.
“Well you tried to arrest me!” you exclaim still in disbelief about the current conversation.
Here you were at the downfall of civilization as you know it , an authoritarian state going nuts forcing you to squat in an abandoned gas station
while a german shepherd women armed enough for a small scale conflict was holding you at gunpoint talking about what had happened between you two like it was a minor fight between an old married couple.
Fucking Anthros, they are all insane.

“You have no idea what I went through to find you, the entire state is trying to get a hold on humans , I have interrogated so many men to find you. So many dead ends , sleepless nights, fights….”
for a moment you can see the exhaustion in her eyes.
“This time I won't let you go, never again. You are my Partner. She can’t have you. The longer you were gone the worse it got. ” she says voice trembling.
You slowly begin to understand watching her and especially the rifle she was still pointing at you, its muzzle slightly shaking.

You set the bottle down on the counter and hold your hands up visibly.
“Alright Claire” You say “Let's figure this out but please lower your weapon first -"
” No Anon, last time I played to your terms I ended up drugged on the couch and with an assload full of trouble. You sit your ass down right there on your sleeping bag.
Any sudden moves and I will knock you out, you got that?” She barks.

Well shit , looks like you have to play along , slowly moving over to your sleeping bag to sit down on it as she follows you.
Reaching your pile of gear she was quick to grab the chest rig and the holster of yours getting your own firearm out of your reach.
She seems to relax a bit and sits down in front of you on another part of your bedroll.

Both of you sit quiet for a while until she speaks up “You look like shit” She sighs resting the weapon in her lap.
You just shake your head “I didn't really bother to check any mirrors recently “ you admit still feeling tense but her now calmer manner seems to calm you down as well.
She also did not drag you in handcuffs out of the building yet so you are maybe doing better than you expected.
“Well you look like a fucking hobo, a well armed hobo usually but now more like a crack hobo with your current outfit. Nice boxers btw” she says giving a hint on her usually more cheeky attitude.

“Thanks , usually I wear something nicer but that silk underwear is kinda hard to maintain in the field. “ you reply sarcastically, surprised by your own eagerness to go along with it.
This makes her smile in a sad manner “I missed you Anon” She says clenching her rifle as if that would protect her of the emotions she was suffering from.
“I was scared- many things happened and I had no idea where you were , how you were doing. I saw so much fucked up stuff that humans do to each other-
“Humans?” You interrupt “Excuse me right now its Anthros chasing down human men to do lord knows what with them” She pins her ears back shaking her head as if she was talking to a stubborn child.
“Anon, your people were doing all this shit before we even got to know each other as a species. It's because we can’t look after you right now that you are growing so savage.
Without law and order you become beasts that shred each other to pieces. “
A short moment you think back to the scene on the blackmarket today “Well what do you think happens if you start cornering people and try to pressure them into stuff they don't want?”
She looks at you just rather amused “Do you really think that you can be your own king or leader ? That you will never have to submit to someone else and be free of any influence?
Come on Anon I know you love freedom and I like that about you but you have to admit it doesn't seem to work well for you. Just look around! Fuck look at yourself! Look where I found you.
In what state you are in! You got mud on your face for fuck sake!"
Your blood begins to boil “Sorry “mom”- you remark mockingly with barely hidden rage in your voice” but I am an adult , if I chose to do something I am ready to face the consequences of my action.
This is my concern not yours. Dont pull a Tamara on me”
That one hit, you could see it in her eyes and you almost wish you could take it back. Those damn puppy eyes.
But then a new expression appears on her face: Pure Anger.
She begins to growl and snarl at you leaning forward as if ready to attack.

You flinch back and get up only to have her tackle you. You two struggle on the ground rolling over as you kick and punch after her while she tries to restrain your hands and feet.
Finally she manages to straddle your hips holding your hands pinned right by your neck sitting on top of you.
She watches you for a moment before she leans down to you so that your gaze was forced to meet hers.
The expression of anger fades on her face but she keeps staying close to you like that as she speaks “Anon i am not like her. She is all about controlling and owning things.
Demanding you to give up any identity and being a good trophy and piece of property.
Now her muzzle was right up by your ear and she whispers “Me on the other hand just wants to protect you and make you stop feeling so tense. I can smell the dread on you, the feeling of being chased, being prey.
I want you Anon as you are”

You can't exactly tell but you think you feel her lips or tongue on your neck for a short moment.
“Your days of running and looking over your shoulder are over now. You can finally rest…with me by your side.
You won’t be alone anymore, you are my Partner” She coos, her hands let go of your wrists and begin to roam across your chest soon heading down to your belly just to slide under your shirt.
Her soft paw pads feel nice against your skin and her fur was so warm like the rest of her body that kept you pinned in place.
“Claire..” you groan out, trying to object but her breathing begins to grow faster as she pulls back from your ear to look at you. Her eyes were slightly wet from joy or sadness? You can’t tell.
You open your mouth to speak but you stay silent as her lips meet yours.
You were kinda glad that she kissed you as you had no idea what to say in the first place anyway.
With a short influx of dread and fear you can feel how your body begins to relax. No it can't be , she can't be right.
Was she playing you? This has to be a trick but the longer you feel her lips on yours, take in her scent and taste the more calm you become.
You feel a wave of relief rush through your body like you haven't felt it in months.
Fuck, you really missed her.

Pub: 14 Jan 2025 10:26 UTC
Views: 195